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Gunwale progress is happening slowly because I have no need to rush it. It's nice to just be able to think on it as much as I need as opposed to getting it all our perfectly formed as I come up with stuff. This last week I had a cool idea for how to make the map screen and spent 10 mins in Construct making it happen. Now I need to work out the actual map :) I'm also working on other ideas for the boat levels and testing out how they can work in the system. I've got one cool one in mid experimentation now.

That said I've also been playing around with the idea of taking another look at a BK platformer. Obviously it wouldn't be the same as the previous game as I just don't have the resources to pull that off on my own. But I can probably make something simpler and fun on  my own. At least I'll give it a try. It'd be Episode 3 as well as finishing off the comic story... but in game form :)

Anyway just ideas that may or may not go anywhere. You've all been around here long enough to know what I'm like :)



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