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So this idea is still early going but I've got some of the big brush strokes worked out and I'm really excited by them. 

The important things to know are.

It involves Narrowboats and canals.

It's a super chill game experience.

There is ZERO combat.

But there's heaps of character interaction of various sorts.

I decided to build it up out of the world I started up for Dragonstone Princess because I wanted low tech fantasy stuff and I really wanted to use more of what I had created for it. 

Here's a dump of the ideas I've been smooshing about the last few weeks.

Greeley from earliest Dragonstone concept though to Gunwale versions. Still not final but close to what I think I'm aiming for.

Greeley with a groat. I want lots of near Earth made-up animals in Gunwale.

First mockup screen with Siggy as a taking character. 

A thumbnail rough for layout sizing.

Mockup with the tree bits from below.

Latest mockup with another talking character that's based on one of the earliest Blade Kitten NPCs (nothing good ever goes to waste here).

Getting outside my comfort zone by learning to paint my own style of trees and environmental stuff. First attempt at a willow tree (used to have one in the front yard of the first house I remember living at when I was 4-5, though it was never this thick.)

More tree - there's going to be heaps of these in the next few months.

Working out an interior layout for your boat. My initial plan is to make everything modular-ish. Hopefully my idea will work out but who knows?

So there you go.



Now I'm curious what the main game mechanic (besides visual novel style storytelling) will be. Something in the direction of FTL maybe?

Space Captain Steve

Basically make the boat your own space, travel around and live chill in a fantasy world full of my usual weirdos.