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If you check the page you'll notice I've added a new reward tier (mostly to get rid of some copies I have left of the Dirty Angels collection.)

Anyone interested in a higher tier? Maybe something like a commission? They're not things I usually do but it might be fun to do one now and then.

Also is anyone interested in a Tier where you get access to layered PSD files?

Also, also you'll notice that I've upped the goals for the Blade Kitten pages. It's been hard to have any interest in doing them when things hit the goal at the start of the month and then drop off just before the payments are supposed to go through. So I figured raise the goal and see how things go. That doesn't mean you won't get more Blade Kitten stuff. The Dirty Angels 2: Visual Novel is ticking along nicely but I totally understand if people want to change or drop their pledges. Though I'll still be posting most of the same stuff that I have so far so not much difference.

Except for the next few weeks I'm putting together a proposal for the "new Project" which I want to ship off to a publisher. So there won't be any new Mech Skin pages for a little while. You will get to see things as they progress here and I'll loop everyone here in with some PDFs of the docs and test pages.

TL;DR. Stuff is happening.



If I can get one more commission I'll definitely do the 50 dollar one, at least for a month. Ideally I'd do that EVERY month, simply because I like supporting you, but it will be a while before that's possible, because being a starving artist sucks. I don't want to go any lower than ten because honestly I know how difficult money is to come by, but beyond that, if I feel like I can up my pledge for a month here or there (until I can go steady) I will. I wouldn't ever drop my pledge lower unless I was in serious, deep financial shit. As for this new project, please keep us updated! I'm really interested to see what it is. :D If I can hit the 50 pledge before the end of the month, I definitely intend to. Ironically I had 50 earlier today but we needed food, so... T.T Now I'm just rambling. Sorry.


I am genuinely interested in the new tier, and even a PSD one in the future. Once I get another job I'll raise my pledge for sure!