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Spent the last few nights working on a painted background in a style I feel comfortable with. It's not really what I'd like but honestly I'm not really at the skill level as an environment painter. All I can do is practice and try and improve. I know it's one of my weakest skills but you don't get better if you don't work on it. Right?

Anyway I think I've got a workable variation of the Crime Club style that will look nice on screen. 

As for the game. Do after talking to people and telling them all the things I wanted to do I sat down and worked out what I REALLY, REALLY wanted to do. And what I could actually finish on my own (I've been around long enough to have many too-big projects just fizzle out but smaller ones - those you can finish). So I'm taking a story and breaking it down into chapters to be told as a sort of visual novel with extras. Which, yes, I've said I want to do many times before but that's why I'm going to start with this. 

Things may change, that happens but for now I have a direction to work towards. 

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.




This looks very promising! So, judging from your previous posts, you're aiming for a platformer with the storytelling done in VN format?