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But first...

I'm going to try using Patreon to post my stuff since other social media sites do their best to keep anything that's not a paid advertisement  from people who follow you. So that means I'll be doing a lot more free posts here for public consumption. You can click on the follow button and you'll get to see all the freebie stuff. If you decide you'd like to become a patron at any point then you'll get access to whatever behind the scenes stuff I've got for you. So come and join the fun or just watch, it's all good!

And the update...

I stuck my head down, mostly, and got all the pages lettered over the weekend. I took breaks to try and work out some cool cover but nothing felt right for the story - they were all to action comicy. 

I thought I'd look for something placeholder to use until I worked out the art (since the first version I had is now the back cover). Then I realized I could use the above art which is perfect. It says a lot more about things than an couple of figures in an action pose with some dramatic floating heads (there's plenty of time for one of those covers later :D )

I'm keen to get this to a printer so I can hold a copy in my hands. After that I'm going to start on the next chapter which is " La douzaine de boulanger" and will be a game project. It will be fun to share progress on that with my patrons here as I stumble around trying to work out what I actually want to do :)




Are you going for "A dozen bakers"? Not that French is my first tongue, but I think it should be more like "Une douzaine de boulangers" (or boulangères, if they're female). Or perhaps I simply missed the point...

Space Captain Steve

"A baker's dozen" refers to 13 of something. It probably doesn't translate as a saying very well so I might just stick with the English version.


Oh I see... totally didn't think of that. "Douzaine de boulanger" seems to be a literal translation from English, never heard someone use that in French before.