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I have my appointment tomorrow morning to see how my hand is going. Hopefully also getting the stitches out. Then I have a better idea of how much longer I'll be out of action. The Orthopedic surgeons did warn me that it could be three months of getting the finger working properly again, though that was if there was any damage to the tendons, which there doesn't seem to have been.

I'm sick of this claw and how frustrated and depressed I'm feeling because of how hard it is to do anything. Add to that I don't even have Mickey here at home with me to keep me company makes it worse. He's doing fine, staying down with my parents until I can look after him again. I get to see him nearly every day when I have dinner with them.

Cross your fingers for it to all be good tomorrow. 



Fingers crossed :)


Writing and typing with only your weaker hand is hard enough. I can't imagine how terrible it must be for an artist...

Space Captain Steve

The irony is that I did hurt my weaker hand, it's just that I'm ambidextrous so I'm used to using both hands. For example I type a lot of messages with my left hand and it's also my shortcut keys hand. That said it's a lot better now. I'm at the stage where I have to exercise it to get all the movement back in it.