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I started laying out pages for a Crime Club comic. Going to start with a comic because I know I get get it all done on my own and it's a good way to explore ideas for the universe quickly. I really want to do something bigger with it but I figure better to get something small complete first to see if I want to actually invest that  much more time in it.

Anyway the first story is called "Rogue Renard Rouge" and is an bit of an introduction to the series (well duh).




Can't wait to see the final comic. :)


Maybe it's not a "duh" that it's an introduction to the series. It could be what they did with Star Wars and just start in the middle of the story. :P

Space Captain Steve

An introduction isn't the same as starting from the beginning :) I mean it's more of a - here is this character doing what they do and then here is this character doing their thing and this is how they fit together. But your point about Star Wars is correct you can start in the middle of a story - it's usually way more interesting for a viewer if you do.