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I was looking for the folder of my art that this was stored in for over an hour last night. In the end I gave up and went to bed which is of course the point where my brain goes "Maybe it's over there?" and found it.

This is technically pre Space Captain Steve era - that didn't appear until the early 90s. These were a couple of secondary characters from I comic I did at the time. A real comic mind you, a 3 issue mini series called "The Starlight Agency" published by Antarctic Press. This happened just as the comics industry was imploding so I moved on to making video games. 

This is pen and ink, I think I used a crowquill nib and Windsor and Newton drawing ink. The tone is old school Letraset stick down sheets that were trimmed with a scalpel. 

Oh yeah back to the reason I'm posting this ancient nearly 30 year old image. I wanted to reference it for an Arky pic for Mars 2161. But looking back at the designs in the rest of the folder I think I'm going to mine them for some real 80s sci fi goodness. Kid Steve would be beside himself to have s pro artist working on his stuff... even it it's me, I mean, him? :)



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