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Hey, I'm back on YouTube! After years of silence, I want to make creative videos again and most importantly, I want to speak. Please do not be afraid, I will speak in Russian. I am Russian and this is my native language. I hate the Russian government for many years and therefore always avoided talking about my nationality. But now I am faced with total persecution at the social, state and global level simply because of the country in which I was born. And it had a big impact on my self-image. I still hate the Russian government and condemn their actions, but now I accept that I am Russian. And my origin does not define me as a person, but is an integral part of me. Hope for your support!


Привет спустя 10 лет


Lost and Wandering

It’s our actions, not the place or circumstances of our birth, that really matter. Russia is not a (true) democracy and we can’t blame you for what’s happening in the world. I appreciate your openness and honesty.