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This was a commission from a patron! I had a ton of fun working on it. Writing a female character who is unabashedly interested in fattening up guys who probably would've been thin their whole lives if they never crossed her path was perfect to sink my teeth into. There are 9 parts total, switching from Nico's perspective to Luke's, and I'll post them here every two weeks.



Nico couldn’t help but be amused by how quickly Luke went from keeping her at arm’s length to acting like a particularly needy lapdog. He’d clearly been sexually pent up for so long that now that the floodgates had opened, all he could think about was fucking. That made him adorably malleable. Especially since she refused to fuck him again until he started to meet her standards.

He’d thought she was joking at first. He stayed late at the center again just so he could proposition her. He was so clumsy about it. He still couldn’t bring himself to curse, so he used terms like “make love.” That was so cute it almost made her lose her resolve. But then she thought about how hot it would be to watch him blow up into the fat boy of her dreams and steeled herself. “Oh, sweet thing,” she’d said, pressing up against him so he could feel every pound of what he was missing. “I told you, I only really like fucking fat guys.”

“But didn’t you have a good time?” he asked, looking like she’d just gut-punched him. Poor baby. She took solace knowing that his pain would only be temporary.

“Of course I did. But you’re just too slim for me.” She hooked a finger into the waistband of his jeans and he gulped loudly. God, he was fun. “That’s easy enough to change, though, isn’t it?”

He cleared his throat. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

She could feel him getting hard against her soft gut through his jeans. “If you start to fatten up, I’ll gladly invite you back into my bed.” She leaned closer, their lips only inches apart. He was still pressed into her, and she had to admit she enjoyed how diminutive he felt compared to her. “I’ll even take you out to eat if it’ll help your progress.”

He shivered, considering her offer. “How… how big would I need to get?”

She pulled back and rested her hand on his flat stomach. “As big as I tell you.”

“Lord save me,” he whispered, mostly to himself. But he agreed.

Luke took to purposeful gaining like a fish to water. At the tutoring center, he took full advantage of all the snacks on hand, even while he was helping students. The giant water bottle he’d always carried around was replaced by liter bottles of soda or Gatorade or enormous sugary smoothies from the smoothie station in the campus cafeteria. He looked packed to the gills whenever he walked in for a tutoring shift.

At least once a week, she’d take him out for an absolute blowout of a meal. He’d never been to a buffet before, so of course the first place she took him was the beloved Chinese buffet in town. She told him to stay sitting while she loaded up their plates. When she brought them back, his eyes had blown wide looking at what she’d served him. “Think you can keep up with me?” she’d asked, egging him on.

“I’ll sure try,” he said, so genuine Nico had to bite her lip.

That night, Nico managed four plates. She wasn’t in the mood to really stuff herself, preferring all her attention and coaching be focused on Luke. She told him to stay sitting, and that she’d take care of refilling his plate that night. She picked the most fattening options on the menu, everything deep-fried and slathered with sugary sauce. He was struggling hard by the third plate, poor little belly puffed up like he’d swallowed a melon. Still, he managed a fourth heaping helping, and two servings of dessert. She rested her hand on his belly the whole way home, massaging it gently. He kept letting out burps that sounded like he was having a hard time keeping it all down. She’d really done a number on him. She murmured encouragement to him all the way home, telling him what a good boy he was, how much closer every bite was getting him to the goal.

He put on weight more quickly than she’d expected. She asked him for progress photos, and every day she was treated to at least a half-dozen pictures of him progressively swelling throughout the day. It would always start with an empty belly pic first thing when he woke up, and she relished watching his muscle definition swallowed more each day by a swaddling of pudge. Photos would then follow after breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any notable binges in between. Without her even asking, he started sending her videos each night before he went to sleep showcasing the distended stretch of his stomach.

Right before winter break, he’d definitely gotten softer. It would be some time before he was fat, but he was finally at the point where she could pinch an inch everywhere on him. He’d hit a bit of a wall and was having trouble gaining any more. On top of that, he was panicking about going home for the holidays, not only because he’d put on weight (even though it was barely ten pounds), but also because he had no idea what to say to anyone anymore. He walked her to her car one evening after they finished cleaning up the center, practically begging for direction. “You know you can just not go home, right?”

The thought had apparently never occurred to him. He was still a dutiful son, however much he’d changed. “I don’t know if that’s really an option. I need to… There’s things I need to take care of in person.”

“You mean break up with your betrothed?” she said, teasing.

He looked ashamed.

“Hon, you know you don’t actually have to do that in person, right? I know you were planning to get married and whatever, but you could just call her. Hell, you could even just text her. It’s going to suck getting broken up with on Christmas anyway. Better for you not to be around for it.”

She could see that he liked this option, an easy way out he hadn’t let himself consider before. Still, he had his reservations. “I don’t have anywhere to stay over the break. The dorms are closed, and I don’t have anyone to stay with.”

An unspoken “unless” hung in the air. “Is that you asking if you can shack up with me during the break?” she asked, delighted by the prospect.

He blushed hard. “Yes…”

“Look at you, being all forward! Of course you can stay. Just make sure to bring your appetite.”

And bring it he did.


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