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There'll be a trickle of Kinktober stuff coming in throughout September along with other ongoing series! I'm trying to work ahead a bit to make it a little less painful this year, lol. 


“Can you just taste a little bit?” Chul cajoled.

“I swear to god, if you ask me again, I’ll eat you instead,” Smriti growled in reply.

Chul rolled his eyes, her threat sending a flutter through his stomach. “You know I have to come up with four new flavors by the end of the week.”

“So why don’t you play taste tester for your own food for once? I barely fit into the biggest size uniform the company has! Do your own fucking work. I’ve been carrying your ass for months, and look where it’s gotten me: zero recognition and a fat fucking gut.”

Chul sighed heavily, looking put out. Internally, though, he relished every bit of her intensity. He knew Smriti wasn’t wrong - he’d been relying on her skill quite a bit since he was promoted from a mere baker to a Head Baker at the donut shop they both worked at, even though she was only a cashier.

But he couldn’t help himself! She had a sense for what flavors would go together, right down to exactly what kind of chili pepper flakes would compliment a mango-and-pomelo custard-filled donut. She was creative and willing to think outside the box, and quick to critique when she tasted something off. She had a knack for coming up with flavors that would keep customers flowing in. And, if he was truly honest, she was more than half the reason why he came to work every day.

It hadn’t escaped Chul’s notice that Smriti’s waistline had expanded steadily since his promotion. She’d been a little pudgy before – some extra chub was sort of inescapable when you worked somewhere with free day-old pastries available, and where there were always new flavors to try. Chul had often wondered how she might look with a few extra pounds. His over-reliance on her perfect palate had at first been entirely due to her talented tastebuds. But as those extra pounds crept on… well. He wasn’t one to complain about a better view.

Now, after months of being wrangled into being Chul’s chief taste-tester, Smriti was all belly. She hadn’t exaggerated about her uniform, either – she’d had to sew some extra strips of fabric to her own apron strings just so she could tie them into a little bow behind her, and even then they dug into her rolls of back fat.

Her belly was so wide it was kind of a wonder she even bothered with the apron. There was so much extra belly that wasn’t covered by the apron that it seemed a bit superfluous. But then, with the way her shirt kept riding up and the fact that her pants were so tight they could clearly stay on without being buttoned, Chul realized it might just be for some semblance of modesty.

Smriti crossed her plump arms. She was sitting on the stool behind the register – placed there specifically for her by management now that expecting her to stand during an entire shift was pretty much out of the question – with one eyebrow raised, daring Chul to ask again. The way she was sitting, how round she looked with her belly in her lap and her thighs spreading beneath her, was mouth-watering to him.

He couldn’t resist trying one more time. “You’re really telling me you don’t want to try a blue raspberry-filled donut?” He quirked his head to the side. He could see her wavering even after that little nudge, her brows knitting together like she was having a hard time deciding. Chul decided to add a little incentive to the pot. “If you just try this one last flavor, I’ll talk to corporate about a baking position for you. That way you can actually take credit for all the best new flavors.”

Smriti’s resolve crumbled then. Her eyes went wide. “Seriously?” Her hand was already reaching out. “Fuck it, it’s not like another bite’s gonna make me any bigger.” But as soon as she bit into it, chewing curiously, she took a second bite, and then a third. “Needs something…” she murmured before finishing off the rest of the pastry. “You got another one? I know something about the recipe needs to be adjusted, I just can’t put my – ”

Chul produced a tray of them. “Take your time,” he said. “I’ve got a few other things I need to work on. Let me know when you’ve got this puzzle figured out.”

“You’re the devil,” Smriti called after him as he walked into the kitchen, already reaching for another as a customer walked in.


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