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Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Percy has his memories back, and now Annabeth and Reyna expect him to choose between them. He has other ideas, and isn’t afraid to pit the two women against each other to get what he wants. (Percy/Annabeth/Reyna)

Content Warnings/Themes: Aged-up characters, threesome, sex competition, double blowjob, facials, cum swallowing, snowballing, cunnilingus

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

On both his left and his right, Percy Jackson had a woman looking at him with a less than favorable expression on her face. It was likely that the only thing preventing them from staring at him even more angrily was the fact that they kept shooting wary glances at each other, too. Neither of them was happy with him at the moment, but they weren’t really any happier about the other being there either.

“I know we’ve gotten into a pretty weird situation here,” Percy said, breaking the silence that had filled the room while his blonde girlfriend and the dark-haired Roman demigod he’d taken up with while they were apart waited for him to speak.

“That’s a mild way to describe you going off and fucking some other woman behind my back, Seaweed Brain,” Annabeth snapped. Seaweed Brain had become almost a term of endearment in recent years, but the nickname lacked any warmth coming out of her mouth at the moment, owing to her displeasure. He was saved from needing to defend himself immediately by Reyna responding first.

“You lost him, Chase,” the Roman said, heat and challenge in her voice. “Now he’s mine, and he’s happier than he ever was with you. He’s obviously going to choose to stay with me, so you should bow out now, go home and save yourself the embarrassment of making him reject you to your face.”

“Reject me?” Annabeth’s glare was aimed fully at Reyna now. “He forgot me, and he forgot his life. He forgot where he belongs, and you took advantage of it to get him into your bed, you selfish cow!”

“I took advantage of nothing!” Reyna said. Her hands were balled up into fists, and she was nearly shouting now in her anger. “I offered him partnership—companionship--and he accepted. And I make him happier than some cold daughter of Athena ever could.”

“I’ve been with him through everything—I’ve loved him through everything!” Annabeth shouted back. “I had to fight so hard and search for so long to find him, and now I have. If you think I’m going to give up on him because you took advantage of his memory loss and kept his bed warm, you’re even stupider than you look! He belongs with me. I was meant to be his one and only.” Annabeth glared at Percy for a moment before turning her ire back on Reyna. “You ruined that, but you won’t get in the way ever again now that Percy remembers me, and what we have together. It’s stronger than anything you could’ve formed with him while he was confused and missing his memories.”

“The gods sent him to me to make up for what I lost,” Reyna said, shaking her head. “He belongs with me.

The two beautiful demigods looked like they might come to blows if this kept up much longer. Most men might have been nervous about being in the middle of this situation, but Percy was thrilled to see it. It was exactly what he’d been hoping for.

He hadn’t deliberately cheated on Annabeth. He really had forgotten about her, about their relationship and everything else. With him unable to remember that he had a beautiful girlfriend waiting for him back at home, there had been no reason for Percy to refuse when the gorgeous daughter of Bellona offered to be his partner in more ways than one. He remembered everything now, and he had Annabeth here with him. He was as crazy about her as he always had been, and if he had it his way, he would never let go of her again.

But if he had it his way, he would never let go of Reyna either. They would never have gotten together if he’d had his memories when he was with the Romans, but they had gotten together. His memories of her, the nights they’d shared and the pleasure he felt with her had not gone away just because he remembered Annabeth. He didn’t want to let go of Reyna any more than he wanted to lose Annabeth. Percy’s goal was keeping both women in his life, and the obvious confrontation between them gave him the path towards that goal. He would stoke that fire, pit them against each other and take them both.

“I’m not choosing either of you,” he said simply. Both women’s heads jerked towards him, looking shocked.

Excuse me?” Annabeth said, her voice high and her eyes wide. “Did this Roman idiot mess with your head while your memories were gone, Percy? You can’t be suggesting you’re going to break up with me!”

“Dumping you would be the wisest decision he could make,” Reyna began, “were it not for him saying he’s not choosing me, either.” She crossed her arms. “Explain yourself, Percy Jackson.”

“I’m not choosing between you, because I’m picking both of you,” Percy said. Annabeth scoffed.

“Now I know you’re still confused in the head,” Annabeth said, shaking her head. “You think you can have your cake and eat it too, Percy?”

“For once, you’re right about something, Chase.” Reyna put her hands on her hips. “I’m not going to share you with some other woman, Percy. Come to your senses, realize how lucky you are to have me, and send the silly blonde on her way.”

“I see.” Percy wasn’t going to be deterred by their refusal. He would have taken it, but he hadn’t expected them to accept his suggestion so easily. He remained convinced that he could still have what he wanted, and he was going to pit them against each other and use their competitiveness to his benefit. “Then how about this? We’ll have a competition. You’ll both have your chance to prove to me that I should choose you, and I’ll do my best to convince you that we’ll all be better off if you agree to share me.”

“You’re even more arrogant than I remember you being, Percy,” Annabeth said, shaking her head. “You really think I’m going to agree to have a threesome with you and the woman you were fucking while I was trying to find you, all so I can prove to you that I’m the obvious choice?”

“Obvious choice,” Reyna spat. “As if I would lower myself to competing with you. Percy has his memories of your time together back, which means he knows you could never compare to me. This is merely him trying to squeeze out one last time with you, because if I did agree to participate in this nonsense, it would be so obvious how much better I am that he wouldn’t even need to come out and say it. You’d know it yourself.”

“Oh, is that right?” Annabeth narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “You think you could fuck him better than I could?” Reyna shook her head.

“I don’t think it. I know it.”

“Wow, you might be even more arrogant than Percy.” Annabeth let out an exaggerated sigh. “One day, someone’s going to put you in your place.”

“Should that day come, it will not be the likes of you who humbles me,” Reyna said.

Percy grinned as he watched his old lover and his new get deeper into their argument. Everything was turning out perfectly. Before long, they’d probably shout their way into agreeing to his suggestion without him even needing to interject again. He’d put the thought out there, and now they were arguing their way towards the same path he’d been on all along, waiting for them to catch up.


“You call that a blowjob?” Reyna laughed and shook her head dismissively at Annabeth’s efforts. “Watch and learn, Chase.”

The truth was that there was nothing to laugh about or mock in Annabeth’s oral performance. She’d never sucked a cock before her first time with Percy, but she’d gotten very good at it since then. He could attest to that, at least once his memories of their previous times together had returned. But his memories of prior blowjobs were nothing compared to being able to feel Annabeth’s lips around his cock and her tongue running all over him once again.

That being said, Reyna had good reason to be confident in her skills too. Her approach was different from Annabeth’s, yet no less pleasurable for him. She didn’t use nearly as much tongue, nor did she linger as long on his cockhead as Annabeth so often did. Reyna kissed his cockhead a few times before taking it into her mouth, and once it was inside, she bobbed her head straight up and down, swallowing his cock with quick, sloppy sucks.

“Is this what you wanted me to watch?” Annabeth laughed. “Your blowjob is ludicrously simple. Up and down, up and down—where is the skill? Where is the sensuality?” Reyna pulled her mouth off of Percy’s cock with a pop so she could answer Annabeth.

“Your movements were pretty, and they pleased him well enough,” Reyna admitted, which was as close to praising Annabeth’s abilities as she’d come so far. “But what need do I have of sensuality when taking his cock down my throat feels better for him than any of your fancy twisting?” She took his cock back into her mouth and resumed her bobbing. Annabeth twisting her head around and corkscrewing her lips along his cock felt as great today as it had before Percy lost his memories, but Reyna slamming her head up and down and stuffing his dick down her throat was most enjoyable as well. It might lack the grace of Annabeth’s blowjobs, but she could hear the way he moaned when the Roman deepthroated him.

“Okay, so you’re able to fit enough of his cock down your throat for him to enjoy it,” Annabeth said. “But so what? He’ll get tired of something so simple eventually. I can use my hands to please him as well, and I make sure his balls aren’t ignored.” Percy smiled. She couldn’t pretend that Reyna’s simple head bobs and deep sucks weren’t doing the job, so Annabeth was changing the argument and emphasizing some of her strengths. It was a solid argument. She was good with her hands, and Reyna had seen the way Annabeth squeezed his balls while twisting her lips around his cock. Once again, Reyna stopped sucking his cock in order to respond to Annabeth.

“You use your hands and your mouth well together,” Reyna said, nodding. Annabeth looked smug at the admission, but Percy knew that this was not a sign that Reyna was backing down. “But I can do that too. And I know exactly what to do with his balls.”

“Let’s see it, then,” Annabeth said, crossing her arms and looking ready for a fight even while kneeling in the bed naked with some stray saliva sticking to her chin.

Rather than taking his cock back into her mouth, Reyna started sucking on his balls. First one ball got suckled, and then the other, before she crammed them both into her mouth at the same time. She sucked hard on his balls, and jerked him off just as hard too, holding his cock with both hands and stroking him firmly. The approach differed from Annabeth’s, but the pleasure she brought him with her hands and her mouth wasn’t any lesser.

“She’s good, isn’t she?” Percy said, making eye contact with Annabeth. She scowled, and Reyna sucked even harder on his balls in response. “But that’s no reason for you to give up. How about you join in?”

“Join in?” Annabeth’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Of course,” Percy said, nodding. “If you two are going to force me to choose between you at the end of all of this, isn’t it only fair that you both get to suck me at the same time. I’m sure Reyna will make room for you. She’ll want to prove she’s better, after all.”

Reyna didn’t look thrilled at having to give up any of his cock, but the hint of proving her worth was enough to get her to play along. She took Percy’s balls out of her mouth, and the two women proceeded to try and better the other. They started by licking and kissing either side of his shaft, Reyna licking and sucking firmly while Annabeth tried moving her tongue in patterns. Then they tried alternating who sucked on his cock, mimicking the techniques they’d used earlier with such effectiveness while he made sure to goad them into changing out every so often with comments about playing fair and earning their victory honestly. Pitting them against each other was working even better than he’d hoped, but it was time to goad them along some more.

“You know what I’d love to see?” Both heads turned towards him. “Adaptability. You’ve studied what each other can do, but can you match it? Would you be able to suck on my balls as well as Reyna does, Annabeth? And Reyna, can you move your lips with as much skill as Annabeth can? If one of you wants to prove that you’re all I need, showing me that you can do everything the other can would be a great way to do it.”

His provocation worked perfectly. Without saying a word to him or each other, Annabeth and Reyna immediately set out to prove that they could do everything that the other could. Reyna usually relied on her ability to bob her head quickly and deepthroat his cock to make him feel good, but she licked and kissed at his cockhead as attentively as Annabeth so often did, and when she took his cock into her mouth, she did an admirable job replicating the corkscrew motions his first lover pulled off so well. She even used her tongue with no small amount of nimbleness to add to his pleasure.

Annabeth, meanwhile, cast aside her usual preference for sensuality and technique and latched onto his balls. Her hands had so often brought him joy by rubbing, tickling or squeezing his balls while she sucked his cock, but now her cheeks bulged from the effort of packing both of his nuts into her mouth at the same time. And she did not merely fit them in and consider it a victory. She sucked on his balls with the same single-minded determination that she’d seen from Reyna. She might choose to focus on skill, but she now demonstrated her ability to get fierce and sloppy.

He couldn’t say that either of them was quite as good at this as they were while using the techniques they generally preferred, but that was part of why he was doing this. There was going to be time for them both to learn from the other, and perfect their respective techniques, once they accepted that they were meant to be together, all three of them.

Still, having Annabeth sucking his balls at the same time that Reyna’s lips corkscrewed around his cock was more than enough to make Percy moan in pleasure that built swiftly and turned into him grunting and bucking his hips as he felt it all about to explode.

Just before he came, Percy pulled back and put his hand around his cock so he could aim it straight at Reyna’s face. She’d never had any problem with taking a facial, so she kept her head tilted up and allowed him to cum across her cheeks without him needing to encourage her. Annabeth had never done this before, but upon seeing Reyna take so much of his cum on her face, she couldn’t let herself be found wanting. When he moved his cock over slightly so it pointed at her, she closed her eyes and let him blast her forehead and nose with his cum.

“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out, Annabeth,” he said while hitting her with a facial. She opened up obediently and stuck her tongue out, likely seeing this as some sort of victory as he came on her tongue. But it wasn’t a victory for anyone, save for Percy. He was going to take another step towards getting them to accept the arrangement that he wanted, and that included them touching and kissing each other. He looked over at Reyna, whose black eyes burned jealously at seeing Annabeth’s mouth filling up with his cum.

“If you want some of it too, go and take it from her mouth,” Percy said. Annabeth looked surprised to hear that, but Reyna pounced. She tackled Annabeth onto her back and pressed her lips against hers, taking some of Percy’s cum out of Annabeth’s mouth and into hers. Annabeth was frozen at first, but then her hands rose up to clutch Reyna’s shoulders. Whether she didn’t want to appear submissive or she was simply getting swept into the moment, Annabeth kissed Reyna back.

Percy, his orgasm finished, sat back and watched his lovers snowball his cum between their mouths with a satisfied smile on his face. So far, so good. And once his cock got hard again, he would push them all a few more steps down the path he’d set them on.


“I bet you’re happy to be back inside me again, aren’t you, Percy?” Of course he was. As soon as his memories had returned, having sex with Annabeth again became one of the biggest motivating factors in his entire life. Though he had not lacked for sex, and great sex at that, it was still a relief to be back inside of Annabeth Chase’s pussy.

“Damn right I am,” Percy said. “I’m home.” He could have just kept going without bothering to respond, because he knew that Annabeth could feel how much he enjoyed her with every upwards thrust he gave. But his carefully chosen words were as much for Reyna’s ears as Annabeth’s. He knew how she would react to him saying that being back inside of Annabeth’s pussy felt like coming home, and he was also confident that Annabeth’s response would only fuel the fire even more.

“Yes, you are,” Annabeth agreed. “No Roman slut could ever feel half as good as I do. If you’re ready to admit that, we can just go now before you have to waste any time fucking her.”

“Enjoy your time with him now,” Reyna snapped. “It’ll be the last time he ever fucks you. Once he’s done with you, I’m going to remind him how much better he has it now that he has me. I’m glad he’s getting to fuck you one last time, because being with me right afterwards is going to make the difference between us so much clearer.”

Annabeth made a little growling noise in the back of her throat which made Percy wonder if she might have tried to smack the other woman if she wasn’t so busy getting fucked. Percy was happy to see the argument continuing. He was almost as happy about that as he was about fucking Annabeth again. Someone with less ambition probably would’ve been counting his lucky stars about having Annabeth sitting on him in a variation of reverse cowgirl, her feet placed on his knees as he thrust his hips up to fuck her quickly. Her legs shook as he fucked her, and she moaned with each deep thrust like she was just as excited to have him back inside of her as he was. There was definitely plenty of reason for him to feel lucky to have Annabeth back.

But ambition and boldness had never been lacking for Percy. He had Annabeth back, but he wasn’t willing to lose Reyna to hold onto her. He would have them both, and this was another chance for him to advance his master plan.

“Do you want to impress me, Reyna?” he asked, speaking with her even as he continued to fuck Annabeth. His blonde girlfriend probably would have complained about that if he didn’t choose that moment to move his hips faster, drilling her even harder with his cock. With that, Annabeth could only moan, enjoying the fuck too much to complain about anything else.

“I will impress you, Percy,” Reyna declared from her spot standing beside the bed. “As soon as you’re done wasting your time with her, I’ll remind you how much you enjoy fucking me.”

“If you’re willing to wait, I guess you can,” Percy said. “But I’d have thought you would want to do whatever it takes to show me what an idiot I’d be to send you away.”

“And what would you have me do to impress you while you’re fucking Chase?” Reyna asked.

“I’m so glad you asked, Reyna,” he said. It was indeed the question he’d been waiting for. “I want you to lick Annabeth’s pussy.”

What?” Reyna exclaimed.

“Huh?” Annabeth mumbled.

“You heard me,” he said to both of them. “It’s a challenge from me to both of you. Reyna, try to impress me by helping me make Annabeth cum as fast and as hard as we can. Work together with me to get her off, and we’ll see if you’re still so convinced that all three of us staying together is a bad idea. And Annabeth, try to feel my cock inside you and her mouth all over you at the same time and tell me it’s not even better than the two of us alone.”

Individually, the girls might not have been as quick to go along with this latest suggestion. But he could see the serious, determined look that came to Reyna’s face, and he strongly believed that he would see something very similar if he was able to see Annabeth’s face right now. Reyna was going to do it to show her superiority, and Annabeth was going to try her hardest to deny that Reyna’s mouth could add any pleasure to their time together.

Reyna climbed onto the bed and quickly moved into position once she’d made her decision. She got down on her knees at the edge of the bed beside them, and leaned her head in so she could start licking at Annabeth’s pussy. Her tongue licked Annabeth’s pussy, and sometimes gave Percy’s cock a little flick as it pistoned in and out of the blonde’s smooth cunt. Percy hadn’t even considered that she’d be able to give him a little bit more pleasure like this too, but Reyna showing the initiative to fit in some gratuitous licks on his cock would have earned some serious points in her favor if he actually intended to choose between them at the end of all of this. But while he was getting a bit of additional pleasure as a bonus from the occasional licks, Annabeth obviously received more direct and consistent stimulation from Reyna. That didn’t stop her from behaving like the stubborn girl Percy had known for years, refusing to admit defeat.

“T-that doesn’t feel good at all!” Annabeth said. She was trying to play at being defiant and unaffected, but the tremor in her voice and the shaking of her legs betrayed her. Reyna’s tongue lapping at her pussy at the same time that Percy’s cock was sliding in and out felt very, very good for her, however hard she might try to deny it.

But Annabeth might have been better off biting her tongue, because her attempts at playing it off only caused Reyna to go on the offensive even more. She had been licking Annabeth’s pussy up to this point, but now she went straight for her clit. Percy felt the shift, but he would have been able to tell what was happening based solely on the way Annabeth began to squeal. He knew those squeals well, and always took great pleasure in causing them. This was how Annabeth sounded when he went after her sensitive clit, and now Reyna was exploiting that same weak point. Whether Annabeth wanted to admit it or not, the choice was being taken out of her hands. Percy’s cock was pounding up into her again after so long, reclaiming its rightful home, and that would have been plenty for her to try and deal with. But with Reyna’s mouth on her clit at the same time, not even Annabeth’s notorious stubbornness could hold back the squeals of pleasure. Exactly as Percy had planned, he and Reyna together were fucking the spirit right out of his girlfriend.

He’d hoped that they would make Annabeth cum quickly once he had Reyna get involved, but it happened even faster than he’d imagined. Annabeth’s squeals hit a fever pitch and her fingers clawed at the bed sheet beneath them as she came hard, squirting mostly across Reyna’s face and into her mouth. The Roman demigod didn’t shy away, though. She continued to work on Annabeth’s clit while Percy held her just under her breasts and thrust up into her. Annabeth’s orgasm had his hips working faster than they already had been, speeding straight towards his orgasm.

There was no hesitation in him as his end came, because there had only ever been one option as to where he was going to cum the first time he fucked Annabeth since getting his memories back. His hands tightened their hold on her as he came deep inside of her, firing his cum into Annabeth’s pussy for the first time in way too fucking long.

He kept his cock in Annabeth’s pussy long after he’d finished cumming, and she didn’t say a word about it. She also didn’t say a word about Reyna continuing to lick her clit. He briefly thought that she was about to push Reyna’s head away when her hands moved down, but she just rested them on top of the black-haired demigod’s head instead. The pleasure borne out of their mutual competitiveness was already causing cracks to form in the wall that separated Percy from his ultimate goal of holding onto both of them.

Everything was going well so far. But he wasn’t all the way there just yet.


Part of Percy had been worried that Annabeth might still need some more work before she agreed to do something like this, but it was all working out as well as could have been hoped for. He assumed that the memory of her squeals, and the obvious pleasure that it represented, stuck with her enough that she was determined to prove that she could make Reyna cum just as hard as the daughter of Bellona had while licking her clit.

Percy had only needed to make the suggestion, and Annabeth had done the rest. She’d willingly put herself in the submissive position of getting down on her back and allowing Reyna to climb on top of her in a 69 position. Reyna wasn’t stretched all the way out so she could eat Annabeth out, though. She’d already done her job when it came to that. Now it was Annabeth’s turn to prove that she could give good head too.

As she had never had sex with anyone but him, Percy knew for a fact that this was the first time Annabeth had ever used her mouth on another woman. That didn’t seem to be mattering all that much though, because she had Reyna moaning in undisguised excitement as she ate her out. Even when Percy occasionally stopped thrusting just to see how much of Reyna’s loud moans were his doing, Annabeth continued to keep her happy with her mouth. This was a first for her, but she relied on sheer determination and effort to compensate for anything she lacked in knowledge or technique. In a way, it felt like she was following Reyna’s example by throwing thoughts of skill aside and just grabbing her asscheeks with both hands to hold her down so she could stick her tongue out and lick her.

Annabeth was going on the attack, and Percy naturally did the same. While Annabeth was going down on Reyna, he was down on his knees at the edge of the bed, thrusting into her steadily. During his time without his memories of Annabeth, he and Reyna had formed a strong sexual chemistry of their own, and it was easy for him to settle back into it now. Reyna had a love for rough sex and big, deep thrusts, the kind of thrusts that made the bed shake and caused his balls to smack against her ass with a satisfying slap.

That was the kind of fuck he gave her now. He forced his dick in as deep and kept his hips moving as fast as he ever had with her, knowing how much she loved being pounded like this. As always, she was moaning and grunting as he railed her hard. But those moans were even louder now, and her grunts even deeper. It was no mystery as to why, of course. She loved having him fuck her like he was doing now, but never before had his big thrusts been joined by Annabeth’s tongue licking her pussy at the same time. His goal had been for Reyna to be forced to admit to herself as much as anyone that her already great sex life with Percy was going to reach new heights with Annabeth involved. Once both she and Annabeth could admit to that, the success of his plan was all but assured.

It felt like he was almost there now, because even he was surprised at just how loud Reyna was getting. Annabeth must be a natural at eating pussy; either that, or her competition with Reyna that she simply refused to let her get the better of her. In either case, Annabeth’s tongue plus Percy’s cock were driving Reyna wild, making her grunt and cry out louder than Percy had ever heard her cry out before. It felt fitting. He and Annabeth had accomplished so much together; why shouldn’t they be able to fuck and lick Reyna into a grunting, quivering mess?

Even Percy winced when he heard Reyna shout at the top of her lungs as his cock and Annabeth’s tongue drove her to her climax. He’d never heard any orgasm reach this volume; not even that one time that he’d teased Annabeth by licking her for hours without letting her cum before finally sticking his dick in and finishing her off after about thirty seconds of wild thrusting. It made sense, though. He’d known that keeping them both was the only option, and here was the proof. Sex with Annabeth was incredible, and he’d found another sexy demigod he was very compatible with while unable to remember his girlfriend. But being able to fuck both of them at the same time? Nothing could beat this.

Percy’s groan as he emptied his balls inside of Reyna, giving her a creampie just as thick as the one Annabeth had gotten earlier, did not even come close to as loud as her groans and screams. But this was not by any means a sign of it not being in the running for the most satisfying orgasm he’d ever had. Cumming inside of Reyna with Annabeth underneath them ranked very highly in the greatest moments of his life up to that point. It was more that he was caught up in appreciating just how well this had all worked out.

As if to prove his success, Annabeth was continuing to lick Reyna’s pussy, now taking his cum into her mouth in the process. And Reyna, her orgasm now behind her, dropped down into a proper 69 and began to lick Annabeth’s pussy without Percy even having hinted at it. He smiled, pulled out of Reyna and watched them attack each other with their mouths.

“I think we all know that I had the right idea now,” he declared. The two women in his life were too busy eating each other out to give him any kind of response, but that was more than okay by him. Sitting back on his knees and watching Annabeth and Reyna go from trying to beat each other to eating each other out was the best response possible.

Who said you couldn’t have your cake and eat it too?



I didn't really have any clue how to work 'secret voyeur Athena' into this story, maybe because I've only just started The Lost Hero and so don't really have much context to go off of for Reyna's characterization or the plot. I dropped that part of the prompt and just focused on the trio. I'm thinking I should probably ask nominators to stick to characters from the initial series of PJ books until I've finished the others, just so I have a better base of knowledge going in.