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Fandom: Star Wars

Summary: Shaak Ti accidentally walks in on Anakin and Padme getting intimate, but she doesn’t wish to stop them. The Togruta jedi master instead wishes to experience togetherness with them both. (Anakin/Padme/Shaak Ti)

Content Warnings/Themes: Threesome, human/Togruta sex, double blowjob, ball sucking, come swallowing, cowgirl sex, face-sitting, cunnilingus

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Anakin did his best to keep both himself and Padme quiet as they made love, though that was more easily said than done. She felt so perfect around him with every thrust, and he was blessed enough to already be familiar with how much she enjoyed making love with him too. Listening to Padme moan into his ear as he rocked back and forth inside of her was usually the sweetest sound in the galaxy to him, but this was a rare occasion in which he knew it wasn’t safe for him to let her do so. Him hearing her moans was one thing. Master Shaak Ti hearing them was something else entirely.

He’d gone to the jedi master for guidance, but not in the traditional sense. She had much to teach anyone about the force, but he had sought her out this time so she could teach him about Togruta. Now that he had a padawan who was Togruta, he wanted to know more about the species, and he held such respect for Master Shaak Ti that she was an obvious choice to turn to. As expected, her teachings had been invaluable. Anakin felt that he knew so much more about her species now, and it would inform how he approached certain subjects with Ahsoka.

He was very glad for her guidance, but he dreaded to think of the consequences should Master Shaak Ti catch him in bed with Padme. They hadn’t been able to control their passion long enough to get off planet, so the best he could do was kiss Padme hard as he thrust into her and squeezed her breasts. By pressing his lips against hers, he could muffle her moans and his groans alike. He also simply loved kissing Padme and would have been doing plenty of it regardless. The need to avoid being caught just gave him even more incentive to press his lips against hers and never pull them back, much like he never allowed his cock to go all the way out of her before he thrust back into her tight, wet sex. With any luck, they would be able to keep the noise down and enjoy their passionate embrace to completion without anyone being the wiser.

“Ah, so that would explain the squeaking and muffled breathing.” Anakin froze at hearing a voice intrude on his private moment with Padme. One of Padme’s hands squeezed Anakin’s arm, showing her panic at the situation. Did she recognize the voice, as he did?

Anakin was fearful as well, but he did not rush to pull out of Padme when he heard Master Shaak Ti’s voice. He knew that trying to pretend this was anything other than what it was would be an insult to the wise jedi master. The only option was to be honest and direct, and hope that she would not punish him too harshly for it. He broke the kiss and took a deep breath to collect himself as he slowly pulled out of his lover, Before he turned to face the jedi master, he grabbed one of the pillows off of the bed and cradled it in his arms so it would cover his crotch. This would be a difficult enough conversation for him to have without his erection pointing in Master Shaak Ti’s direction.

“Master Shaak Ti,” he said, inclining his head in her direction respectfully. “I apologize.” He said nothing more than that. Trying to offer up some sort of excuse would have been pointless. He was going to let her dictate the direction this conversation went and respond accordingly.

“There is nothing to apologize for,” she said, smiling slightly. “Unless you and Senator Amidala are married, that is.”

“We are not.” That quiet confirmation came from Padme, who had pulled the sheet up above her breasts. It was true, though not for any lack of willingness on Anakin’s part. Though Padme worried about the consequences of marriage, she had become his lover.

“Then you have done nothing for me to speak against,” the Togruta master said. “Marriage is forbidden by the Jedi Code, but sexual intimacy and romantic feelings are not. So long as you do not give in to personal attachment, you have not broken any rules. In fact, if anyone owes an apology, it is me. You were simply enjoying a private night together, but I unknowingly interrupted. Please forgive my intrusion.”

“You would be forgiven, if there was anything to forgive,” Padme said. It was good that she spoke up, because Anakin’s voice felt lost in his throat. This seemed to be going better than he had expected, and all with him having said next to nothing. Perhaps it was best for him to keep his mouth shut.

“Do you remember what I’ve taught you about Togruta, Anakin?” Shaak Ti asked, looking at him. “About how we are a social species, and we possess a strong sense of unity and togetherness?”

“Yes, of course,” Anakin said, nodding. He had no clue why she was bringing this up now, of all times, but he had paid close attention to her lessons.

“Togetherness has many meanings,” the jedi master said. “It can mean family and friendship, but it can also refer to more intimate forms of feeling connected to others. I am no different from any of my species, though I of course have always adhered to the code and avoided forming any attachments. That doesn’t mean I don’t desire physical intimacy, though it has sadly been longer than I would like since I was last able to satisfy those desires.”

Anakin just stared, struggling to follow this train of thought or understand why she was taking the time to say all of this. In fairness to him, he was rather preoccupied trying to keep his dick covered by the pillow, so he couldn’t devote all of his focus to working out why this master jedi was talking about her need for physical satisfaction. Luckily for him, Padme was doing the thinking for them.

“You’re welcome to join us for the night, if you’re interested,” Padme said. “We’d love to feel closer with you.” Anakin’s head turned towards her, dumbfounded, and she gave him a nod. “Wouldn’t we, Anakin?”


Anakin had sought out Master Shaak Ti for her knowledge and guidance. He knew her to be one of the wisest members of the Jedi Order, and there really hadn’t been any need for him to consider who he would turn to for help when he wanted to learn more about the species that his new padawan belonged to. Master Shaak Ti had been the obvious choice, and the knowledge that she’d shared with him had been invaluable in learning about the Togruta.

Learning about the sexual preferences of the Togruta jedi master had been the last thing on Anakin’s mind when he sought her out, but that was exactly what was happening now that his night with Padme had taken such an unexpected twist. He was incredibly lucky that he had Padme here to do the thinking for them both, because Anakin might very well have messed this all up and let the unforeseen chance to get closer to Master Shaak Ti than he’d ever imagined slip right through his fingers.

He did have Padme with him though, and it was thanks to her that he got to learn how talented Shaak Ti was with her mouth. Receiving oral sex from Padme had always been lovely, even the first couple of times they’d done it when they were both inexperienced and still figuring things out. But it was quickly made obvious to him that Shaak Ti needed no such time to work out what she needed to do. He didn’t know if she’d ever taken a human man to bed before and wasn’t about to ask for details, but whether she had or not, she quickly worked out what he liked. Anakin hadn’t needed to say a word to point her in the right direction, because she had suckled his cockhead, batted him with her smooth tongue and stroked his shaft in her hand with just the right amount of pressure and speed all on her own.

Shaak Ti released his tip from between her lips with a popping sound that Anakin would not soon forget. She smiled up at him as if she could read his thoughts, but it was likelier that she could just look up at his face and see how much he was enjoying having her between his legs. Her head turned towards Padme, who was sitting beside him with her legs tucked underneath her and watching with open interest.

“Would you care to join me in sucking him, Senator Amidala?” Shaak Ti asked. Anakin let out an excited groan, and the Togruta smiled.

“Are you sure?” Padme asked. “I thought you might want some time on your own. You did say that you haven’t had the chance to get close to anyone like this recently.”

“It would be rude of me to keep him to myself after you were kind enough to invite me to join you,” Shaak Ti said. “Besides, I have always been curious what it would be like to fellate a man side by side with another woman. Also, I think Anakin would enjoy having us both servicing him at the same time.” Anakin groaned again, and Padme grinned.

“I don’t doubt that,” his lover said. She turned her grin on Anakin before nodding. “Very well.” She crawled around and got into position on her knees beside Shaak Ti. “How should we start? I’ve never tried this with another woman.”

“Let us learn together, and do whatever feels natural,” Shaak Ti suggested. Padme nodded in agreement, and Anakin held his breath as both women leaned in and brought their mouths to his cock.

That breath left him in a moan as he felt two tongues begin to lick at either side of his cock. Padme’s soft tongue was familiar to him by now, and he’d had a chance to sample Shaak Ti’s moments earlier. Now he got to feel them both at the same time though, and better understood their differences. Padme’s tongue was definitely longer than Shaak Ti’s, but the Togruta’s tongue was more flexible. She was capable of twisting her tongue around in ways that he was sure no human would quite be able to match, and she seemed to focus on that aspect while she and Padme licked up and down both sides of his cock from the tip down to the base.

Between Padme’s longer tongue and Shaak Ti’s tongue with its superior flexibility, Anakin couldn’t definitively say that he preferred one over the other. But the great thing about this was that he didn’t need to choose, because right now he got to feel both of them working their way up and down his dick at the same time. Licking was usually just a prelude to better things when it came to sex, and this was already enough to have him clutching the sheets tightly between his fingers. He couldn’t decide whether it was a relief or a disappointment when Shaak Ti abruptly stopped licking him and pulled her head back slightly.

But then she turned her head to the side and started kissing even lower, going all the way down to his balls. Anakin groaned; this was one place that Padme had never put her mouth. She’d rubbed or tickled his balls sometimes while she was sucking him, but she’d never tried actually using her mouth down there. That made Anakin groan in surprise as well as appreciation as the Togruta’s flexible tongue ran all over his balls. She gave his left testicle a thorough tongue bath before moving over and licking the right ball with that same level of skill and enthusiasm. It was incredible, to say the least.

“Fascinating,” Padme murmured against his shaft as she glanced down at Shaak Ti’s work. “I’ll have to remember that.” Before Anakin could fully appreciate the promise of future ball-licking pleasure from his lover, Padme pressed her lips directly against his tip and gave him a tender smooch that distracted him.

Both girls licking all over his shaft had felt great, but Anakin’s pleasure only continued to swell now that they’d taken different paths. With Padme kissing all over his cockhead and Shaak Ti introducing him to the wonders of having his balls licked, Anakin had to close his eyes for a moment and focus his breathing to keep himself calm, lest he finish before he was ready.

“There’s no need for you to try to hold on with such desperation, Anakin,” Shaak Ti said, seemingly sensing his struggle. “Sex is meant to be enjoyable. And I sense that you won’t have any difficulty getting erect more than once, yes?”

“He has never had trouble with that,” Padme said, answering for him.

“Then there’s no sense in struggling so.” Shaak Ti brought her mouth back to his balls, only this time she kissed them. “Enjoy yourself, Anakin. Enjoy our unity.” She surprised him once again by taking both of his balls into her mouth at the same time and sucking on them.

Had he been of a mind to continue on with his struggle regardless of Shaak Ti’s encouragement, having his balls sucked would have seriously challenged him. When Padme responded to the Togruta’s actions by taking his tip into her mouth and beginning to bob her head on him, any possibility of resistance from him was defeated. Anakin resolved himself to enjoying this for as long as it lasted, embracing the unexpected pleasure of having two beautiful women servicing him at the same time, and accepting that no man could withstand such stimulation for very long.

Without thinking about it, Anakin’s hands lifted from the bed and reached out for something to grab onto. His left hand rested atop Padme’s head, while his right came into contact with one of the long, blue striped lekku that ran down from her head. Anakin knew not to tug Padme’s hair, but he experienced a moment of indecision when his fingers closed around Shaak Ti’s lekku. Were they too sensitive to touch, much less gently squeeze? Shaak Ti had taught him much about her species, but the sensitivity of their lekku and whether or not it was acceptable to touch them during sex had not been a topic they’d gone over.

She responded to the touch by letting out a sound that, even with his balls filling her mouth, sounded very much like a moan to Anakin’s ears. Deciding to chance it, he gave the lekku a light squeeze and was rewarded by her moaning and sucking hard on his balls. Anakin groaned, teetering right on the edge thanks to the Togruta’s firm ball-sucking. And then Padme struck the decisive blow that pushed him straight over. She bobbed down so far on his cock that there was very little separation between her lips and Shaak Ti’s, and then she hummed. That vibration, plus Shaak Ti’s continued slurping on his testicles, was too much for Anakin. He did his best not to pull on Padme’s hair or squeeze Shaak Ti’s lekku too hard as he came inside of his lover’s mouth with a satisfied grunt.

Padme was working hard and doing her best to swallow all of his semen, but as this was one of the hardest orgasms Anakin could ever remember having, she was struggling. Or at least she was, until Shaak Ti tapped her head and gestured that she would be happy to take over for her. Padme released him from her mouth, and Shaak Ti was right there to take her place. Anakin spent the last of his load inside of the Togruta’s mouth, staring down into the jedi master’s dark eyes set in white as she swallowed the remainder of his cum without hesitation.

She continued suckling him even after he’d finished cumming, and Anakin was surprised at how good it felt when he would have expected to feel overly sensitive fresh off of his orgasm. At this rate, it almost felt like she was intent on sucking him until he got hard again as soon as possible.


Shaak Ti hadn’t actually kept his cock in her mouth until he got aroused again, but it certainly didn’t take him long to get there regardless. It had never taken him long when he was with Padme, and having a beautiful naked Togruta in bed with him as well did nothing to slow down his excitement. She really was gorgeous, and he had been happy to stare at her while they relaxed during their brief break. Aside from the blue striped lekku and the white surrounding her eyes, the rest of her body was the same lovely dark red both while she was wearing clothes and when he got to see the parts of her that were normally covered from his view.

He couldn’t really look at her at all anymore, but that was hard for him to get too upset about, given what he was doing and what was obscuring his vision. Once he was hard again, Padme had left what came next in Shaak Ti’s hands, a decision that Anakin was happy to support. Per the Togruta’s request, he had gotten down on his back and left it to her to straddle his hips and drop down onto his cock. For the first couple of minutes after she’d taken him inside of her, Anakin had been given the privilege of watching Shaak Ti ride him. He’d watched her breasts bounce, he’d studied the way that her lekku moved as she rocked her hips back and forth, and he’d felt great pride in the pleasure he had been able to see in her dark eyes. She was the one actually moving, but it was still his dick that was making her feel so good.

Anakin couldn’t see any of that any longer, but that was only because Padme was sitting on his face, at Shaak Ti’s suggestion and with his complete approval. He could have happily watched Shaak Ti’s beautiful body in motion while she bounced on his cock, but he was more than happy to have Padme’s pussy block his view of the Togruta. She deserved better than to be left out of the fun and reduced to the role of observer, especially since she was the one who had understood what Shaak Ti wanted and invited her to join them when he was too dumbfounded and confused to catch on.

And it wasn’t as if he didn’t enjoy using his mouth on her any time she wished to be licked, anyway. Anakin had always been just as eager to give Padme oral sex as he was to receive it from her. He loved making her moan his name with pleasure as he went down on her, and it was his pleasure to hear those moans again now. Luckily, he didn’t need to try to figure out what she wanted, because he already knew Padme’s preferences well. This wasn’t the first time they’d done it from this position, even, though obviously there hadn’t been another woman riding his cock at the same time until now.

He was glad he had Padme’s pleasure to focus on, because it was a welcome task to distract him from the immense pleasure that he felt every time that Shaak Ti dropped down onto his cock. She was as comfortable riding him as she had been with using her mouth on him. It hadn’t taken him long to deduce that the slower grinding she’d done at the start had been mostly about taking it slower and not doing too much before she got Padme involved in the fun. This had been made pretty clear by the fact that she had started riding him significantly harder once Padme was settled in on his face and moaning with pleasure as his tongue followed a familiar path between her legs.

Shaak Ti continued to bounce even harder and faster in direct parallel to Padme’s moans of enjoyment. Even with this being the first time she had ever been around Padme while she was being licked, she seemed to be able to gauge just how much the human was enjoying it with the same accuracy that experience had taught Anakin. He knew to start off with longer, slower licks before increasing both the speed and the pressure of his tongue as he went along. He knew that her lowering her hips to increase the pressure meant that she was really getting into it, so he of course responded in kind, reaching around to grab her ass with both hands while he licked her.

Holding onto Padme’s ass and concentrating on her pleasure became a lifeline for Anakin. It was the only thing preventing him from being swept up in the ecstasy that Shaak Ti’s ride was bringing him. The Togruta’s pussy did not feel quite as tight around his cock as Padme’s did, but it provided him a different form of pleasure. There was something about the slickness and the warmth of Shaak Ti that felt uniquely wonderful. It must have been the differences between their species at work, and if so, Anakin loved those differences. Much like when he’d been lucky enough to have both women sucking him at the same time, he couldn’t say whether he preferred one sensation over the other. He just knew that sex with Padme was amazing, and the pleasures of Shaak Ti’s ride were uniquely hers.

Anakin was sure that the strength of her bouncing was all Shaak Ti, rather than being some Togruta trait. She was strong as well as wise, and he felt her strength in every bounce. The longer this went on and the more enthusiastic Padme got, the harder Shaak Ti drove her pussy down onto his cock. It was at the point now that her ass was slapping against his legs with enough force that the sound was easily audible to him even over Padme’s moans, and she showed no signs of slowing down or backing off. The jedi master had said that it had been longer than she would have liked since she had been able to enjoy the physical satisfaction of getting together with another (or a couple of them, in this case), but she was making up for that wait by dropping down onto his cock with more raw strength than Anakin had ever felt. Sex with Padme was always a delight for him, but it had never been this active or aggressive.

Padme had been good about keeping her hips still and letting Anakin lick her, but she eventually started to rock her hips back and forth, dragging her pussy across his tongue and mouth. The change was not unexpected for Anakin; in fact, he had been waiting for it. Padme forgetting herself and rocking like this had happened every previous time she’d sat on his face, and it had always been the sign that her end was near.

Shaak Ti must have seen it and identified its meaning, because she started bouncing even harder on Anakin’s cock. He legitimately would not have thought she could possibly go any faster than she already had been, but she proved him wrong and defied his expectations. Her hands pressed down on his abs, keeping him still and using him for support as she moved her lower body with such force that Anakin wondered if a man lacking his training would have physically been able to stand it. Maybe this had something to do with why it had been so long since she’d been with anyone. Maybe it took a special kind of man to be able to endure Shaak Ti riding his cock as hard as she wished to. If so, Anakin was proud to be the man who had finally met her expectations.

Though he couldn’t see her, he could hear Shaak Ti’s moans rising, and of course he felt how hard she was fucking herself on his cock. It was no surprise to him when her climax came, seemingly in perfect unison with Padme’s. This must have been what she was after all along, and why she’d increased the power she put into her drops only when she could sense Padme’s pleasure growing.

It wasn’t just the two women who came together, though. Shaak Ti’s pussy had not felt quite as tight as Padme’s during her powerful ride, but that only intensified the sensation when it squeezed around him during her climax. Anakin had already been on the cusp of his second orgasm as it was, and the feeling of the Togruta’s pussy suddenly clamping around his cock took care of the rest. He moaned into Padme’s pussy, enjoying the bliss of joining both of his lovers in orgasmic unison.

All of it happening at the same time made it almost dizzying to try and sort out everything that he was feeling and hearing. He could hear the moans and cries of both women mingling together as they experienced their shared climaxes. He could feel Padme’s legs squeezing his head and Shaak Ti’s pussy squeezing around his cock. He could feel Padme’s hands in his hair, and Shaak Ti’s hands holding onto his abs. And then there was the feeling of Padme’s bare ass in his hands, and of course, his cock erupting inside of Shaak Ti’s pussy, filling the Togruta with his cum. Could humans and Togruta breed with each other? Anakin seemed to remember hearing that this was a possibility. If his memory was not failing him there, hopefully wise Shaak Ti remembered it too.

Cumming inside of Shaak Ti probably wasn’t the wisest decision, but if she’d wanted to experience togetherness with him and Padme, he couldn’t think of a better way to end the night.



Can't believe my suggestion won, lol!

Ryan Glotzbach (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-18 08:33:46 Good for you man
2024-02-18 08:33:46 Good for you man
2024-02-14 00:32:29 Good for you man

Good for you man