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Fandom: Spider-Man

Summary: Halloween was amazing, but Felicia and MJ make sure that Peter has a great Christmas morning too. (Peter/Felicia/MJ)

Content Warnings/Themes: Threesome

Merry Christmas, everyone! This is a follow-up to Trick or Treat, Spider. 

Peter Parker had always loved Christmas morning. Uncle Ben and Aunt May had always tried to make the holiday special for him, and his aunt had kept the traditions alive after his passing. Even as an adult, he looked forward to visiting his aunt for a nice Christmas dinner together. But he wouldn’t deny that he missed that childlike feeling of getting up on Christmas morning and racing down the stairs to see what was waiting under the Christmas tree for him. All that was usually waiting for him when he woke up in his apartment were bills to be paid and trash to be taken out.

This Christmas was different, though. The three of them were paying for a condo that he and Felicia lived in, and MJ was back in town to join them for the holiday as well. That Halloween treat had led into a strange but wonderful relationship, with Peter and Felicia living together and MJ flying back in from California to spend time with them whenever she had the chance. The last couple of months had been like a whirlwind which Peter had enjoyed almost every second of. Was it built to last between all three of them? He had no clue. But it was the most fun he’d ever had, and he was going to have fun on this ride for as long as it lasted.

The girls knew how much he loved Christmas, and they’d promised him a special present on Christmas morning. Felicia’s teasing tone and the look on MJ’s face made him strongly suspect that the present was sexual in nature. It was just a question of how they were going to make their already incredible sex life even more fun. Peter couldn’t wait to find out. He walked out of the bedroom with that same sort of giddy anticipation he’d had as a kid racing down the stairs to see what was under the tree.

Peter came to a stop when he saw what was waiting under, or at least in front of, the three this year. His aunt and uncle had always worked hard to make the holiday special for him, but he’d never gotten a Christmas present quite like this.

“Merry Christmas, Spider,” Felicia said, grinning back over her shoulder at him. She was down on her hands and knees in front of the tree, completely naked except for the green Santa hat on her head. The hat wasn’t the end of the festive decorations Felicia had chosen though. She’d wrapped strands of Christmas lights around her body, and with the curtains shut over all the windows and the lights in the condo turned off, the bright green lights wrapped around her body stood out all the more. He noticed that the bottom of the lights were spread out to perfectly frame her pussy and ass, which she happily wiggled for him. Peter stared and licked his lips.

“Hope you’re ready to skip breakfast for now and start playing with your presents right away, Peter,” MJ added. She was also down on all fours in front of the tree next to Felicia, looking every bit as sexy as her cat burglar counterpart in her red Santa hat. She had strands of lights wrapped around her gorgeous body as well, only they were red rather than green. If her wet sex and full ass was the present waiting for him, Peter couldn’t have cared less about breakfast.

He’d only worn boxers to bed, and they hit the floor just before he came over to join them in front of the tree at a near-run. He had to remind himself not to drop down onto his knees so quickly that he banged them on the floor, but he showed no such caution when he grabbed Felicia’s hips and lined his cock up to push inside of her pussy.

“I think he likes it, MJ!” Felicia said, laughing as he quickly started to thrust back and forth. Then she gasped as one of his hands gave her ass a slap,

“I’m shocked,” MJ deadpanned. “Just remember that you’ve got two presents here to play with, Peter. But if the last two months have taught me anything, it’s that you’re perfectly capable of playing with two toys at the same time.”

Peter certainly did his best to take care of both of his lovers whenever MJ was back in town, and he wasn’t about to fail to do so on Christmas of all days. Once he’d gotten into a solid rhythm with Felicia, he left his left hand on her hip and moved his right over in between MJ’s legs. He was only one man with one dick, but he could keep MJ’s fire burning with his fingers until it was her turn to get fucked. She let out a contented sigh when he started rubbing her pussy lips, and it wasn’t long before he had her moaning. With his cock pumping back and forth inside of Felicia and his fingers curling to stroke MJ’s g-spot, Peter had both girls moaning on Christmas morning.

He kept those sounds of pleasure going when he pulled out of Felicia and shuffled over slightly to slide his cock inside of MJ’s pussy instead. He thrust ever so slightly slower with MJ, focusing less on depth and speed and more on hitting the right angle inside of her. His left hand went between Felicia’s legs, and while he did put a finger inside of her pussy, he paid more attention to teasing her clit. The moans continued, and Peter took pride in them. Just having them both here was a gift, Christmas lights or no Christmas lights. The least he could do is make them both feel good.

Felicia came first, not long after he’d switched over again and put his cock back inside of her. He remained inside of her and kept thrusting through the end of her orgasm, and then he moved over to fuck MJ. He put both hands on her ass and put all of his focus on fucking MJ exclusively with Felicia cooling off after her orgasm, and it took only another couple of minutes of his dick hitting just right inside of the redhead for her to moan his name and cum on his cock.

“Okay, let’s get these off,” Felicia said, pulling the lights off of her body after Peter pulled out to let MJ recover.

“Yeah, they’ve served their purpose,” MJ said. She removed her lights as well, and then Peter had two girls wearing nothing but Santa hats pushing him into a seated position with his legs stretched out as they sucked his cock together.

Peter had received many wonderful gifts while sitting in front of the Christmas tree over the years, but none could truly compete with Felicia bobbing her head on his cock and MJ sucking his balls. The Black Cat didn’t complain about the gift he shot into her mouth after a few minutes of that. She was even unselfish enough to share it with MJ, who stopped sucking on his balls so she could kiss Felicia on the lips.

Was emerging from the bedroom to see the two girls wearing only Christmas lights the sexiest thing he’d seen on Christmas this year, or was it watching them snowball his cum between them while they knelt in front of the tree? Peter couldn’t decide between them. But his life from Halloween through Christmas had shown him that sometimes, not having to choose was way better.


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