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Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Annabeth has waited years to strike back at Hera. Helping Percy remake the Goddess of Marriage into his new fucktoy is just the chance she’s been waiting for. (Percy/Hera/Annabeth)

Content Warnings/Themes: Post-canon, threesome, facefuck, cheating, rimming, breeding

There was no love lost between Annabeth and Hera, Goddess of Women, Marriage, Childbirth and Familial Love. Hera had not taken Annabeth’s disrespect lightly, and after years of Hera’s sacred animals bothering Annabeth whenever possible and ruining many days that would otherwise have been pleasant, the dislike was absolutely mutual. For years, Annabeth had tolerated Hera’s petty revenge while wishing there was some way for her to strike back. And now, that opportunity had finally arrived, all thank to Annabeth’s boyfriend Percy Jackson.

“Is that really the best you can do, Hera?” Annabeth said, smirking as she watched the goddess attempt to take more of Percy’s cock into her mouth. She’d gotten well over half of it down, and Annabeth knew from experience that this was already quite impressive for the first time Hera had ever sucked him off. It had probably taken Annabeth about half a dozen tries before she finally managed to deepthroat Percy’s cock, and it had been a moment of triumph for her when she’d finally accomplished it. He was definitely longer than average, but it was how fucking thick Percy’s dick was that made deepthroating it such an ordeal. That thickness was causing even a goddess to close her eyes and back off well before she’d approached deepthroating him as she’d been instructed. If this had been a goddess that Annabeth was on friendlier terms with, like Hestia for example, she probably would have encouraged her and praised her for managing even this much. But since it was Hera, no kindness was going to be shown.

“I’d have thought that a slut like you would be capable of so much more than this,” she said. Her hands brushed the goddess’ hair, currently a dark chocolate color, out of her face and patted her cheeks patronizingly. She saw Hera’s face redden in embarrassment and indignation, but the cock plugging her mouth did not allow her to tell Annabeth off.

“Hey, now, that’s not fair, Annabeth,” Percy said. She glanced up at him and saw the cocky smirk she’d come to love so much. “She’s not a slut at all. This is the first time she’s cheated on Zeus. It’s going to take some time for her to get good at this.” Annabeth smiled back at him, loving her cocky boyfriend a little bit more for making this happen.

That smirk and the arrogance that came with it had become quite a weapon for him in adulthood. This was far from the first time that he’d seduced his way into the pants of another woman. Annabeth, who had already been completely smitten with her confident boyfriend by the first time this had happened, had been more than happy to accept his offer to join in and help him play with his conquests. She always had fun playing with the girls he seduced into their bed, but he’d truly outdone himself this time. Coming home to find that he had talked Hera, the Queen of Olympus herself, into cheating on her husband had been a surprise even for Annabeth. But it was the best kind of surprise. Finally, she could put this bitch of a goddess in her place!

“You’re right, Percy,” she said, nodding. “It wasn’t fair of me to expect you to do this flawlessly right away, Hera. I should have kept in mind that this is the first time you’ve sucked any cock other than your husband’s. I’m sorry for being unreasonable, Hera.” Hera let out a sort of groan around Percy’s cock, and she looked frustrated by the situation. She was frustrated to have Annabeth throw her infidelity in her face—her, Hera, who had never had any demigod children because she had always remained faithful to Zeus. But now she was going against her nature and betraying her husband, and having her hypocrisy rubbed in had to be just as humiliating for her as Annabeth patronizing and insulting her about her inability to swallow his cock. Her pride and her self-respect were both taking major hits. Unfortunately for her, Annabeth was just getting started.

“I have lots more experience handling a real man like Percy, so there’s so much I can teach you,” Annabeth said. Her hands went to the sides of Hera’s head. “Here, let’s start. Deepthroating on your own is probably beyond you right now, so we should probably just go with a facefuck for now. Do you think you can help demonstrate, Percy?”

“Yeah, I’d be happy to do my part,” he said, sharing a smile with Annabeth. This would not be the first time that Annabeth had helped him fuck another woman’s face, but she had a feeling this was going to be the most satisfying yet.

“There’s really not much for you to do here, Hera,” Annabeth explained. “That’s why it’s a good way to start you off. All you’re going to do is stay here on your knees while Percy puts your mouth and throat to work. And I’ll make sure to hold your head nice and still for you, so you don’t need to worry about a thing. We’re going to break you in properly.”

Hera shifted nervously on her knees, but Percy’s hips shot forward to slide his cock deeper into her mouth. Already, he was going deeper than she had gone on her own. Annabeth could feel Hera struggling with just this much, but it was only going to get harder to bear with from here. A facefuck from Percy could make even Annabeth, who had been fucking and getting fucked by her man regularly for several years by now, struggle to hang on. For someone like Hera, who had never been with any man but Zeus in all her very long life, a facefuck from Percy’s thick cock was going to leave her struggling mightily.

The moment that Percy’s cock worked its way all the way down Hera’s throat, Annabeth became convinced that the goddess had never felt anything like it before. Zeus either didn’t have a cock thick enough to leave this large an impression on her, or his fear of her anger had prevented him from thinking to use her so roughly. Maybe it was a combination of both. But either way, Percy faced no such difficulties. He had a cock thick enough to make Hera gag around it as he fed it all down her throat, and he also had the confidence to treat this goddess like little more than a slut to be tamed and a throat to be fucked.

One other thing that Percy had was a girlfriend kinky enough to not only let him get away with seducing other women, but excited to join in on the fun. And Annabeth had never been more excited about her role in all of this than she was right now. She kept a firm grip on Hera’s head and savored every delicious second of her well-hung boyfriend putting the goddess through the greatest sexual challenge of her life.

Hera’s pride would probably never allow her to admit that Percy was bigger and better than her husband, but it was blatantly obvious to Annabeth regardless. Sure, Annabeth might gag a bit even now when Percy really went all-out in fucking her face. But she had never gagged on his cock as much as Hera did now. Every time that he pushed it back down her throat, the goddess’ shoulders flinched and tensed. Annabeth knew that Hera’s head would instinctively try to pull away from that thrusting cock if it could, but her grip on the goddess’ head was like iron. She wasn’t letting Hera go anywhere. If anyone had earned a facefuck to put her in her place, it was Hera. It was Annabeth’s pleasure to keep her head still and see to it that she remained in place for Percy to use her mouth and throat until he was satisfied.

His balls were smacking against Hera’s chin when he thrust forward, and Annabeth couldn’t decide what she enjoyed listening to more between that lewd slapping sound or Hera gagging as she endured her first facefuck. She couldn’t see Hera’s face too well since she was more behind and to the side of her, but she imagined that she looked anything but composed and regal right now. With her gagging this frequently, her face had to be a mess at this point. Annabeth could picture Hera’s face dripping in her own saliva, and the image made her smile. All the years of Hera’s sacred animals hounding her and making her life hell at any opportunity felt worth it to Annabeth now that she was getting to participate in the goddess’ debasement and adultery.

Never again would Hera get to look down on her. If she even tried to do so, all Annabeth would need to do was think back to holding her head in place while Percy’s cock claimed her throat, and Hera’s arrogance would lose all its power. But Annabeth wouldn’t be surprised if Hera didn’t even try to act that way around her anymore. She’d seen firsthand how the women who Percy seduced were changed by the experience. Every single one of them had come back to their bed multiple times after that, and probably would have dropped whatever they were doing and come running right back into it if Percy or Annabeth invited them. Any one of those women probably would have stuck around and embraced a more permanent role as Percy’s plaything if he’d offered. Maybe they should keep Hera around as Percy’s glorified goddess fucktoy. Annabeth couldn’t pretend that the idea didn’t bring a smile to her face.

Another thing that brought a smile to her face was how deeply Hera gasped and heaved once Percy pulled his cock out of her mouth. Her throat didn’t have a thick cock plugging it up at last, and her body did its best to recover from the roughest oral sex of her life. But Annabeth didn’t let go of her head. Hera might think that she was being shown mercy and given a chance to recover, but Annabeth knew better. Percy wasn’t giving her a break. He’d just decided that he didn’t want to finish down her throat, but he was not done with her by any means.

He looked into Annabeth’s eyes, and nothing needed to be said. She knew exactly what he wanted, and she was delighted to help him have it. She tilted Hera’s head up, forcing her to present her face as an offering for Percy as he stroked his cock quickly in front of her. The goddess groaned and whined as he began to cum directly onto her face, but Annabeth held her head still so Percy could select his targets at his leisure. He started with a few shots straight onto her lips and chin, with some of it getting on her tongue as well when she had her mouth open to try and breathe. But it got even more interesting from there, because his cum started shooting out in huge spurts that she wasn’t prepared for. One big blast went from her forehead along to her left eyebrow, and another started underneath her right eye and ran down her cheek towards her ear. Still another big glob of cum went mainly on and around her nose, and Annabeth thought that some of it might have even made it inside of her nostril itself.

Percy showed his casual disregard for Hera after he was done, smacking his cock down across her face and using her dark hair to wipe himself off. Annabeth crawled around to get a better view of Hera’s face, and broke into a fit of laughter as she saw how thoroughly her boyfriend had coated the goddess in his cum. She didn’t look like a goddess now; she looked like a cheap slut fresh out of shooting a hardcore gangbang.

“That’s a good look for you, Hera,” she said, nodding in approval.

“Definitely,” Percy agreed. “But I guess we should probably wash her face up before we do anything else. Our bed’s going to be messy enough as it is after I get done fucking her for real.”

“I’ll get the washcloth,” Annabeth said, hopping up to her feet and racing off to the bathroom in her eagerness to get Hera clean, only for Percy to make her dirty all over again.


“You look like you can’t wait for him to put it in,” Annabeth said. Hera looked up at her and narrowed her eyes but said nothing. The throatfuck and facial seemed to have left too much of an impact on her for her to be able to fire back a retort, but she did have enough pride left to narrow her eyes at Annabeth even with the tip of Percy’s cock brushing up against her thigh. Annabeth recognized the look of desire in Hera’s eyes well; she’d made that look herself too many times to count. Despite her obvious lust, the same lust that had brought her here into Percy and Annabeth’s bed to begin with, she still had enough of her old haughtiness left to give Annabeth a look like that. That didn’t upset Annabeth, though. She viewed it as a challenge. She was going to break through that last bit of defiance, with Percy’s help, of course.

“I don’t think she’s being very appreciative, Percy,” Annabeth said. “She went to all this trouble to be with us here today. She’s even cheating on her husband for the very first time! That’s how much she wants this! Personally, I feel like expecting her to show some manners isn’t such a big thing to ask for.”

“Can’t argue with that, Annabeth.” Percy held his cock in his hand and moved it so the tip was brushing against Hera’s pussy lips. Annabeth watched the goddess bite her lower lip and stare up at him in anticipation, but Percy still didn’t penetrate her. “What do you say, Hera? Can you be a good little cheating goddess and tell me how happy you are to be here?” Hera released her lip from between her teeth and heaved a sigh, but she didn’t give Percy what he wanted. But Percy didn’t give her what she wanted either, and Annabeth could see her growing frustration at having his cock so close to entering her. There was not a doubt in Annabeth’s mind about which side was going to win this little power struggle.

“C’mon, Hera,” Percy said sweetly. “I’m not asking for much here. Just a little please is all I need.” He slapped his cock against her pussy, and Hera whimpered. “Can you say please, Hera?” Hera closed her eyes and mumbled something indistinct.

“You’ll have to speak up,” Annabeth said from her spot on her knees next to Hera’s head. “I want to be able to hear you mind your manners. I think I deserve that much. After all, I’m sharing my boyfriend with you.”

“Please,” Hera muttered, raising her voice enough that Annabeth could hear what she’d said, even if only just. Annabeth might have been willing to let it slide, trusting that Percy was going to have her screaming before long regardless. But Percy had other plans.

“Ask for it clearly,” he said. His cock rubbed against Hera’s entrance, and the needy goddess actually whimpered. “Ask me to put it in.”

“Put it in!” Hera snapped, finally too horny to hold onto her pride. “Put it in me, Percy Jackso—ohh!”

Annabeth laughed hard at the look on Hera’s face as Percy thrust his cock inside of her in the middle of her plea. He’d gotten what he wanted, and now Annabeth got what she wanted. Hera’s eyes bulged as Percy’s cock pushed in deep. If Annabeth hadn’t already known that Hera had never had any cock save for Zeus’ inside of her, this would have sealed it in her mind. That was the look of a woman who was crossing boundaries she’d never before dared to cross. More than that, it was the look of a woman who had never had anything this big inside of her.

She wasn’t granted any time to get used to this new feeling either, because Percy quickly got to thrusting and fucking her properly. He’d waited until she’d swallowed her pride and asked for it, but now that she’d given in, he was fucking her without delay. His hands went to her shoulders, keeping her upper body pinned down on the bed while he slid his dick back and forth in the cunt of the goddess. Holding her shoulders down was merely a show of power, though, because Annabeth knew that Hera had no desire to be anywhere but here. It had taken so very long for her to betray her vows of marriage, but now that she’d given in and crossed that line, there would be no turning back.

Maybe she would have had a chance if it had been some other man she’d fooled around with, but Percy was going to fuck her so well that she would never be able to look at her husband or her commitment to the sanctity of marriage the same way once he was through with her. Each thrust pushed Hera further and further away from being any true Goddess of Marriage, and Annabeth could see the changes coming to her face. She could see the humiliation that had stilled Hera’s tongue for so long fading, and the pleasure of her first fuck as a cheating wife taking root inside of her. She was starting to make these little sighs each time that Percy drove his cock back deep inside of her, and Annabeth expected those to become full-blown moans before long.

“Damn, that’s an amazing sound,” Annabeth said after Percy had been fucking Hera on their bed for several minutes.

“Which one?” Percy asked. “There are plenty to pick from.”

He had a point. She’d been thinking mainly about Hera’s moans when she said it, but there was so much more to appreciate too. There was the sound of the bed creaking beneath them, and the headboard slamming against the wall. They had bought a very large, comfortable and durable bed, knowing how wise an investment it was for them given their very active sex life. It wasn’t the first time their bed had been put to such intense use; not by a long stretch. But the sound of those springs creaking and that headboard hitting the wall had never been this satisfying for Annabeth, at least when it wasn’t her pussy that he was pounding hard enough to cause it.

She also had a great appreciation for the sound of flesh hitting flesh each time that Percy slammed back into Hera, and the low grunts he was making that showed just how much effort he was putting into fucking the wife of Zeus.

“All of them,” she decided after thinking it over. All of this was great! And it wasn’t just the sound either, of course. Watching a woman take Percy’s dick for the first time was always exciting to watch, but watching him fuck some humility into Hera definitely brought Annabeth a little extra excitement. The years of bad blood between her and the goddess brought a bit of vengeful pleasure to Annabeth’s smile as she watched Hera’s big breasts bounce from the fucking Percy was giving her. Those sighs Hera had been making had turned into moans now. They were quiet moans, but still unmistakable proof that her excitement was growing with each thrust from Percy.

“I can’t wait to hear her scream your name,” Annabeth added, smirking down at Hera. Hera met her eyes, but there wasn’t even a hint of the goddess that had carried such a grudge against Annabeth for years now. This wasn’t the Goddess of Marriage. This was just a cheating slut who couldn’t get enough of this thick cock that most certainly didn’t belong to the man she’d married.

“I kind of thought you’d want to cover her mouth up before it got to that point,” Percy said, drawing Annabeth’s attention back to him.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You know,” Percy said. His hands had come up to play with her bouncing boobs not long ago, but he pulled one of them off now and brought it to his mouth. He made a v shape with his fingers and wiggled his tongue around between them. She giggled at his exaggerated gesture. “She’ll need to earn your approval going forward, so you have all the power here. You don’t want to teach her another important lesson that she’ll need to learn if she wants to get fucked like this again?”

“I like the way you think, Percy,” she said. Sitting on Hera’s face and putting her mouth to work did sound like fun, and like a fantastic way to flaunt her authority over the goddess in this new dynamic. “But I think I’m going to change it up a little bit.” She swung her leg over Hera’s head and squatted above her face, but it wasn’t her pussy that she brought to the mouth of the goddess. “If you want to come back again, you’re going to have to eat my ass, Hera.”

“What?!” The goddess gasped, shocked. “I’ll do no such thing! That’s disgusting and depraved!” Even though she was struggling to get the words out through her moans, she still found the very idea of eating ass so vile and degrading that she spoke up through the pleasure.

“You will if you ever want me to fuck you again,” Percy said. “You and I both know that there’s already no turning back from this for you. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life never being satisfied again? If you do, you can refuse, and after I’m done with you, I’m done with you, for good. Or you can be a good cheating slut and lick my girlfriend’s ass. If you do that for her, you can come back as often as you want.” Hera looked away, but Annabeth could see the temptation threatening to spill out of her.

“If you do this, you can stay for good,” Annabeth said. “You can be Percy’s full-time fucktoy. You can get bred by him, and he’ll fuck your brains out every fucking day.” Hera whined quietly. “What’s it going to be, Hera? Back to Zeus, ad the boring sex he’s obviously been giving you, when he’s not too busy having affairs with mortal women? Or throw away your commitment to Zeus, turn your back on your godly domain of marriage and begin a new life as Percy’s fucktoy? It’s up to you.”

Annabeth and Percy looked at each other while they waited for Hera to make her decision. He continued to thrust into her, giving her a constant reminder of what she would be stepping away from if she refused. Hera made another little whine, and then it turned into a moan as Percy’s dick left its mark on her. Annabeth smiled when she felt Hera’s hands come up to grab her asscheeks, and laughed as the goddess’ tongue touched her anus seconds later.

“Looks like we’ve got our answer, Percy,” she said. “Hera’s ready to be your filthy, cheating fucktoy.” She sat down fully, taking Hera’s face as her throne while the goddess licked her ass.

“She’s going to be our cheating fucktoy,” Percy replied. “You’ve got her tongue in your ass, so I think you can take at least partial ownership here.”

“I won’t say no to that,” she said, laughing. “You did do most of the work in getting us here, though.”

“And now the work is over, and it’s time to take our prize,” Percy said.

“Right you are,” Annabeth said. She wiggled her hips around a bit against Hera’s face. “I appreciate the effort, slutty cheating goddess. But try to get your tongue in deeper, please.” Hera listened, and did her best to obey. The goddess spread Annabeth’s cheeks and slid her tongue deeper into her ass, and slowly wiggled it around inside of her. It was not the best anilingus Annabeth had ever gotten. It wasn’t even close, really. But getting rimmed had never really been about the physical pleasure for her anyway. It was really about the satisfaction that the feeling of power brought, and reaching this point with the very goddess who she loathed so much was uniquely satisfying. After years of petty acts against her, Hera was now eating Annabeth’s ass because she wanted her boyfriend to keep on fucking her. It was a lovely position to be in, and Annabeth enjoyed every second of that admittedly awkward rimming that Hera gave her.

Hera did deserve some credit for even keeping up the effort of rimming her, because getting fucked by Percy’s dick was plenty for any woman to take. Especially with this being Hera’s first time with him, Annabeth was surprised that she was able to keep her head clear enough to keep the rimjob going throughout it all.

“I’m impressed with your diligence, Hera,” Annabeth said. She reached back behind her to pat the goddess’ hair. “I think you’re going to make a fine cheating, slutty fucktoy.”

“That makes two of us,” Percy said, continuing to hammer away. “She’s still pretty damn tight. Guess Zeus didn’t fuck her well enough.”

“Don’t worry,” Annabeth laughed. “Percy will take care of that. We’re going to mold you into the perfect toy, Hera.” The goddess groaned into Annabeth’s ass. Since her tongue pushed deeper and wiggled around with renewed energy, the dirty talk must have appealed to her. They were breaking her in already.

Hera had been doing an admirable job of keeping her licking up, but it fell off when Percy finally fucked her to a climax. Annabeth couldn’t blame her for that. Even now, it became hard for her to keep her head straight when Percy made her cum. She didn’t berate the goddess as she trembled and moaned into Annabeth’s ass throughout her climax, though she did wiggle her hips around a bit just to amuse herself.

Annabeth was all set to remind Hera of her duties once she was finished cumming, but the goddess’ tongue began to move again before she needed to speak. Annabeth laughed and grabbed a fistful of hair, nodding in approval.

“She’s getting it already, Percy,” she said. But Percy wasn’t listening to her. He was too far gone now; too consumed by his own pleasure. His eyes were closed, and he was holding onto Hera’s hips with both hands as he kept his hips snapping forward as fast as he could. Annabeth recognized this look and that pace very well. She’d seen it and felt it many times, and she knew what came next.

“Hope you’re ready, Hera,” she said. “My boyfriend’s about to breed you.” Hera’s hands squeezed Annabeth’s asscheeks harder than ever, and her tongue pushed in deep. That seemed like as clear a show of excitement as the goddess was capable of making at the moment.

It was good that she was ready, because it only took a few more frenzied thrusts from Percy before he groaned deeply and began to cum inside of her. Annabeth licked her lips as she watched him erupt while buried to the hilt in the pussy of the Queen of Olympus. He’d cum inside of her, and many of he other women they’d fucked, quite often. But there had always been precautions taken, because Annabeth wasn’t ready to get pregnant yet, and none of the other girls had been either. Percy was taking his best shot at breeding Hera though, and Annabeth couldn’t wait to see how long it took for his seed to do what it was meant to do. She didn’t expect it to take long. If her boyfriend’s semen was as strong as the rest of him, Hera would be giving birth to her very first affair child in the not too distant future.

If it was anyone else, Annabeth would probably be terrified about the wrath of Zeus. But even Zeus feared Hera, and Percy had tamed and claimed the queen quite capably. If anyone was prepared to deal with the king of Olympus’ wrath after causing his wife to break her commitment, it was her daring, reckless, cocky, determined Seaweed Brain.


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