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Summary: At first, Harry isn’t sure why Daphne Nott née Greengrass would apply to be his secretary when she’s so overqualified. But even as the gorgeous blonde excels at her job, her short skirts, suggestive words and not-so-accidental physical contact with him makes it clear that she’s got ulterior motives for working for him. (Harry/Daphne)

Content Warnings/Themes: Cheating, office sex, loss of virginity

"I'm surprised that you even applied for this job, to be honest," Harry said, placing the forms back on his desk and peering at the applicant he was in the middle of interviewing. With his promotion to Head Auror due to kick in at the start of the next month, Harry needed to hire a secretary that would be in place and ready to assist him as soon as he formally replaced Phillip Proudfoot as the head of the department. Most of the applicants had finished at Hogwarts within the last few years and were likely hoping to gain some experience and make some connections as his secretary before moving on to something bigger. The one very notable exception who stood out from all the others was the stunning blonde witch sitting on the other side of Harry's desk for her interview right now.

"Oh?" Daphne Nott née Greengrass asked, cocking her head and smiling pleasantly. "Do I not have the right qualifications?"

Harry snorted. "If anything, you're greatly overqualified for an entry-level position like this," he said honestly. Daphne had been one of the brightest students in his year at Hogwarts; she and Padma Patil were really the only ones who'd even come relatively close to Hermione's overall marks.

"Then there shouldn't be a problem, should there?" the wife of Theodore Nott said easily.

"You could have applied for a much more prominent job, here at the Ministry or elsewhere, straight out of Hogwarts, or at any point in the last nine years," Harry pointed out. "Even now, nine years after taking your NEWTS and not having held any job since, you'd be able to land a larger and much more lucrative position elsewhere based solely on your own merits."

"I didn't apply for the position out of any urgent need for gold," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "My husband stands to inherit a great deal of it from his father, and as you may be aware, the Greengrass family has done very well for itself over the last several generations as well."

"Okay, you're not here because you have to be," Harry said, scratching his chin as he looked at Daphne and tried to piece this puzzle together. The Notts were allies of the Malfoys who shared their views, and while the Greengrasses hadn't openly been involved in either of Voldemort's wars, all of Harry's limited dealings with them had indicated that they at the very least were traditionalist purebloods. Purebloods of that ilk viewed the wife's primary responsibility to be giving birth to and raising children who would carry on the family name. Despite her smarts, Daphne had never gotten a job after her schooling was finished, so it was natural to assume that she shared those views and would focus on raising the children she had with Theodore, putting all of her intelligence into molding them rather than getting a job herself.

"Why are you here, then?" he asked her plainly. "Why did you choose to apply for this position?"

He believed her when she said that she didn't need the gold, else why would she have chosen this job? He knew that she and Theodore hadn't had children yet, but that wasn't all that uncommon at this age even for pureblood traditionalist marriages like theirs. Why would she choose now of all times to try and find work? And why this job of all the jobs she could have gotten even if she didn't have her family connections and had to apply solely on her own merits? He couldn't work it out. She was as great a mystery to him now as she had been when they were at Hogwarts together. He felt an even greater desire to understand her now than he had when the blonde with the deep blue eyes, large breasts and smashing arse passed him in the corridors on the way to and from class, ignoring his presence the same way she ignored most everyone's, even most of those from her own house.

"Let's just say that I believe I'll find the fulfillment I've been missing here in this office, working for you," she said, giving him a smile that did funny things to his insides. There was playfulness in that smile, and something else too; something he'd never seen on her face before. The enigma that was Daphne Nott née Greengrass continued to fascinate him. Harry felt a familiar stubborn curiosity forming inside of him. When there was a mystery right in front of him that caught his interest, nothing could get in his way.

"Well, I promised myself that I would hire the best candidate for the position, and you are the most qualified applicant by a very large margin," Harry said, not mentioning his burning curiosity towards her, or the fact that the red-blooded heterosexual male in him wouldn't mind having a woman as gorgeous as her working as his secretary. Even if there was virtually no chance of anything untoward happening between him and a married pureblood wife like her, having a woman like Daphne around to glance at could be a very welcome distraction from the large increase in paperwork that he knew he would have to deal with as Head Auror.

"I'll send you an owl when I've made my final decision in a few days, but I think I can safely say that you should plan on starting with me at the beginning of the month," he said. Daphne's smile turned into a smug-looking smirk, and she nodded her head as if she'd known this would be the case all along.

"That's wonderful news, Harry," she said. "Or should I start calling you boss?"

Harry nearly groaned at the way she emphasized the word boss, which he was sure had been deliberately playful and teasing. What had he gotten himself into here?


"I'll get that for you, boss."

Harry bit his lip and clenched his hand into a fist on top of his desk as he watched Daphne bend over in front of him and reach across his desk to retrieve his quill. There was zero logic behind her getting the quill for him. He could have gotten it himself just by stretching his arm out, while she was standing to the other side of him and had to stretch all the way over the desk to touch his quill with her fingertips. It was completely impractical, and she was far too intelligent not to see it. This was hardly the first time she'd done something like this in the little over a month that she'd been working as his secretary, though, so he wasn't at all surprised.

Daphne was excellent at her job. Within her first week, she had come in and completely overhauled the old, antiquated system that Proudfoot and his secretary had in place, replacing it with a system that was much better organized, allowed for quick and easy communication between Harry and any of his aurors that he needed to converse with at any given time, cut down on paperwork and greatly reduced the amount of time Harry had to spend dealing with the minutiae that Phillip had warned him would be the worst part of becoming Head Auror. As a secretary, Daphne was deserving of the highest praise he could give her.

She also seemed to be on a mission to get Harry's dick hard at least once a day, if not several times. He'd been surprised when she showed up for her first day of work not in the work robes that nearly all pureblood Ministry employees favored, but a blouse and skirt combination much more in line with what muggle office workers would wear. Ministry dress code had been changed quite a bit since the end of the second Voldemort war, as part of Kingsley's sweeping initiative to make sure that muggleborn wizards and witches felt accepted and would be more comfortable remaining in the magical world after Hogwarts going forward. Some non-purebloods had taken advantage of the change around the office, Harry included, but seeing a woman like Daphne walk in wearing a blouse, skirt and heels had been a surprise.

He'd been suspicious of her explanation that she wanted to embrace the changing times and show that she was going to be a model employee and coworker towards everyone regardless of their blood status. It was an admirable sentiment, and she'd delivered it convincingly enough, but the smile on her face as she said it caused him to suspect that she had an ulterior motive behind shucking the traditional work robes.

His suspicions had been proven right over the last month. Repeatedly, on a daily basis, she proved him right. Every day when he came into work, he knew that he could count on there being at least two or three instances in which Daphne would find some excuse to brush her big breasts against his arm, stick her round arse in his face or flash him a glimpse of her smooth legs and the black stockings they were encased in. Any time that his secretary came into the Head Auror's office, there would be alluring views, fleeting physical contact and comments so suggestive that they were just barely subtle enough to be considered double entendres rather than outright dirty talk. Yes, Daphne was an amazing secretary who made Harry's job infinitely easier. But she was also an irrepressible cocktease who at times got him so worked up that even the simplest of tasks became difficult for him to complete, and he didn't know what to do about her.

The first week or so, he'd been halfway convinced that it was all in his head, and that he was seeing flirtation from the gorgeous blonde that wasn't actually there. But she'd gotten more forward as time went on. He was all but certain now that her blouse was getting a little bit tighter and her skirt a bit shorter at the beginning of each new week, but that wasn't all. Her tits pressed against his body for longer periods of time these days, her skirt rose higher when she bent over, and her comments got even closer to the edge of what she would be able to try and pretend was anything other than her flirting with him. There had probably been at least a dozen times this week that he could have called her out on her blatantly suggestive behavior--and it was only Wednesday.

It seemed to him that Daphne was waiting for him to call her out. He'd caught her looking at him expectantly several times, practically daring him to react to what she was doing so they would be forced to confront it. She had been playing a game with him all month, and Harry knew that it was all going to change once he finally took the bait. He just didn't know what that change was going to look like. He'd persisted in playing along until now, hoping that she would drop the act and reveal her true intentions. But every time she upped the ante, he came closer to snapping and giving her the reaction she was clearly after.

Even with the awkward full body bend she had to do to get her fingers around his quill, Daphne still remained bent over far longer than she needed to be. She also leaned her body in towards his, and Harry grunted as her breast squished against the side of his face. Was she fucking serious? How was he supposed to ignore this?

"Got it!" she said at last. She stood up straight again, but as she did, the quill 'accidentally' slipped out of her fingers and landed in Harry's lap, right next to his cock. "Oops! That was so clumsy of me! Here, let me get it, boss!"

Before he could react, her hand shot down into his lap to pick his quill up. Harry hissed as her fingers accidentally brushed against his cock, which was quickly growing hard in his trousers. Naturally, her fingers brushed back and forth across his erection several times while the actually sure-handed Daphne pretended to fumble for his quill.

This was getting absurd now. She'd brushed her arse against his groin a couple of times this week, but it had been subtle enough that he could almost have believed it was accidental were it not for everything else she had been doing and saying for the last month. But this? This was a step too far. She was practically jerking him off through his trousers right now.

"Enough," he grunted. He picked up his wand and cast privacy charms at his office door, ensuring that everything that happened in this office from here on would not be overheard or interrupted.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" she asked. "I'm just trying to retrieve your quill for you, boss." Her facial expression looked innocent enough from the side profile view he had, but he knew she was smirking on the inside.

"Enough," he repeated, firmer this time. "It's time to drop the shite and admit that you're trying to seduce me."

"Am I?" she said immediately, like she'd been waiting for it. "If that happened to be true, would you say that it's working?"

Harry grabbed her wrist and pressed her hand against his erection harder. "I know you can feel the answer to that," he grumbled.

Daphne giggled. "I didn't want to say anything, but yes, I did happen to notice your--"

"Enough!" he said for the third time. He pulled her hand off of his lap and scooted forward in his chair, trapping her body between him and his desk. "Tell me what you're after, Daphne. Why are you trying to get me to make a move on you? Is there some kind of plot here? Did Theodore put you up to this?"

"Please," she scoffed. Her lower lip curled the way he'd seen it curl at Hogwarts when a brave or perhaps stupid boy would try to pick her up and ask her out even after being pointedly ignored up to that point. "He was angry enough merely when I told him I was going to come and work for you. He would be furious if he knew what was going on in this office. But then, that is rather the point. Or one of the points, at least."

"Explain," he demanded.

"I don't see why I should have to answer to--"

"Explain what you're hoping to get out of this, or I'll fire you," he threatened. Daphne's blue eyes met his in challenge, and for a moment he thought she might call his bluff. But then she sighed and shook her head.

"Oh, very well," she said. "I was hoping you'd just throw me down on top of your desk and shag me rotten, like most men would've done in your position. But then, you're not most men, are you, Potter? If you were, I wouldn't have chosen you." He just stared at her in silent expectation, waiting for her to explain.

"I want you to fuck me, Potter," she said bluntly, bringing an end to her game and plainly telling him what she was after. "For over six years now, I've been married to Theodore. And would you care to guess how many times he's fucked me?" It was clearly a rhetorical question, because she answered it before Harry could even start on the math. "Zero. Never. He's never consummated our marriage, and I've long since accepted that he has no intention of ever doing so."

"Never?" Harry blurted out in shock.

"Never," she repeated, shaking her head. "He much prefers the companionship of Blaise Zabini. I assume he plans on performing blood options of children he can pass off as his own and keeping me out of the public eye during my pregnancies." She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "But I'm not going to let my so-called husband enjoy himself with his lover while I suffer through the rest of my life as a sexually frustrated virgin just so he can keep his secrets. If he's not going to do his duty as my husband, I'm determined to get out of our marriage and find a new husband, one who will actually do his duty and fuck me." Harry's eyes widened as he wondered just how far Daphne expected to go with this, and seeing his reaction, she laughed and shook her head.

"I'm not expecting a betrothal from you, Potter," she said, putting her index finger over his lips. "I wouldn't be opposed if things did go that way eventually, but all I want from you today is a shag." Her other hand reached out to grab his cock through his trousers, and Harry groaned as her fingers slowly slid up and down his clothed erection.

"I want you to show me everything I've been missing out on and fuck me for being such a shameless tease since I started working for you," she went on while stroking him. "Even though he'll never touch me himself, Theodore wouldn't be able to live with the shame of having a wife who'd been fucked by another man--especially when that man is you. He'll give me my divorce, and I'll be free to move on with my life." She smiled and licked her lips as she looked into Harry's eyes. "Maybe that'll include staying here as your secretary for a bit, and enjoying all of the fun we can have in this office now that there are no more secrets. But that's only if you're willing to throw your slutty secretary down and fuck her brains out, boss."

For a change, it was Daphne who was surprised when Harry picked her up by the waist. She gasped as he lifted her up and set her down on top of his desk so she was sitting with her arse on the edge and her legs hanging over. He scooted his chair into the position he wanted it, getting close enough so his wrists were up against the edge of the desk as he hiked her short skirt higher up her legs. Daphne was already breathing quickly as his hands skimmed over her bare legs above her stockings, grabbed onto her lacy black knickers and yanked them down her legs.

“Yes!” Daphne groaned as he pulled her underwear down over her heels and flung them onto the floor. “Fuck, I’ve been waiting for this! I’ve been waiting for you to give in and fuck me hard, Harry!”

She wasn’t kidding. He traced his pointer finger along her labia, and he could feel the slickness that marked her arousal. There were no devious plots at work here. She really was just a sexually frustrated woman who was ready to get fucked and expected Harry to give her everything her husband had neglected to for all these years.

He was going to, of course, but not just yet. He didn’t pounce to pin her on the desk as soon as he’d gotten her underwear off so he could pull his cock out and start fucking her. That was probably what she was expecting, but he had another idea in mind. He could see her striking eyes narrowing in frustration and impatience when he didn’t get up out of his chair and move to fuck her right away, but her look changed to one of confusion when he put his hands on her inner thighs, spread her legs wider and bent over in his chair to put his head between her legs.

“What’re you doing?” she asked. Harry could have lamented the fact that she had been so neglected that she didn’t seem able to recognize what he was going in for. He chose to instead feel smug in the knowledge that he was about to become the first person in the world to taste Daphne Nott née Greengrass’ cunt.

“Oh!” Daphne gasped in shock as she felt his tongue touch her outer pussy lips for the first time. She tasted delicious, and Harry happily ran his tongue up and down her labia. “Merlin, w-what is this….ohhhhh!”

Harry loved how responsive Daphne was, and how easily he had been able to make her gasp and writhe on his desk. He was proud of his ability to make a woman moan his name, buck her hips and pull on his hair. Even if eating his partner out and making her scream didn’t practically guarantee that she was going to be horny and ready for more, he would’ve enjoyed licking a woman solely for the act itself. There was something incredibly erotic to him about burying his head between a woman’s thighs and devouring her until she hit her peak. He liked to give his lover head whenever possible, and his girlfriends had all been very eager to receive it. He and Parvati were on good enough terms as friends now that they could laugh over her admission that she’d stayed with him for an extra three months after knowing their relationship was doomed to fail solely because she loved the sex, and in particular the cunnilingus, so much.

No one, not even Parvati, had ever responded with such enthusiasm this quickly before. Obviously, all of the years Daphne had been waiting for a man to show her this kind of attention had something to do with that, as did the shock of what he was doing. She’d spent the last month seducing him imagining taking his cock inside of her, but he was giving her something she hadn’t been prepared for. Daphne’s arse rocked and wiggled on the desk as he introduced the unprepared and defenseless virgin to the pleasures of oral sex.

It didn’t even seem to matter what technique in particular he used, because she responded enthusiastically to all of them. When he ran his tongue up and down her lips with slow, flat licks, she moaned and writhed on the desk. When he rubbed her with a pair of fingers for a bit and breathed light kisses along her inner thighs, she got nearly as loud as Amélie, Fleur’s friend from France that he’d had a very fun summer fling with a few years back, used to when he sucked on her clit. He didn’t even have to try very hard to make Daphne moan loudly, because this horny married virgin loved everything that he tried with his mouth or fingers.

That didn’t stop him from exploring, though. If she sounded like this when he was doing what would have been mere introductory acts for other girls, he wanted to see how loud she could get once he found the technique that worked best on her. After cycling through a few and seeing how she reacted, he found what he was looking for.

He slid his tongue inside of her pussy and wiggled it around, smearing her arousal across his face as he pressed in close and pushed it a little deeper. His fingers moved to her clit at the same time, rubbing her sensitive button gently while he showed her all the different ways he could move his tongue around. He would have more commonly been inverting this, using his fingers to penetrate his partner while he used his mouth on her clit, but given the way that Daphne humped his face, tugged on his hair and tested the potency of his privacy charms with her screams, this altered approach was definitely the way to go with her.

“Harry!” she screamed. “Oh, Harry, so good! So good; it’s so…I…ohhh, fuck!”

Hearing Daphne Greengrass curse, feeling her pull on his hair and squeeze her legs together around his head as he tongued and fingered her to an orgasm was not something he’d ever expected to experience, at least not until she’d started as his secretary and began her seduction. But it was here now, and making Daphne scream and squirt all over his face was every bit as gratifying as the last month had built it up to be in his head. He’d tasted her at last, and she tasted as good as anything and anyone else ever had on his tongue.

She finally let go of his hair as her orgasm passed, and her screams trailed off into pants and groans as she fell flat onto her back on top of his desk. Harry gave her a few moments to catch her breath and come to terms with what she’d just felt, and then he kissed his way up her inner thighs over her stockings and pulled his head back. Before he could even ask if she was ready to continue, he saw her staring straight up at him.

“Fuck me, Harry,” she said. She was still panting, but he saw and felt the need within her. He’d licked her to an orgasm that she hadn’t expected at all, but it hadn’t quelled her lust in the least. That was good, because Harry felt he needed this nearly as badly as she did. It had been almost three months since his last relationship came to an end, and one-night stands were generally not a great idea for someone with his level of celebrity, so he hadn’t gotten laid at all since then.

He got up from his chair and hurried to get his trousers and underwear off so he could give her what they both needed. Daphne moaned, and he saw her wiggling on his desk while she stared at his erect cock. He realized then that his might have been the first she’d ever seen, but even if she’d had more of a frame of reference to compare him to, he had it on good authority that his dick measured up well.

Harry picked her legs up and threw them over his shoulders, with her heels behind his ears. He lined his cock up at her entrance, and he saw only eager desperation in her eyes as he prepared to become the first man to ever penetrate her. He pushed his hips forward, and the tip of his cock slid inside of her. Daphne gasped again as she felt him penetrate her, and their eyes met as he soon met an obstruction. She just nodded again, showing him that she knew what was coming and was prepared for it. Harry nodded back, gave another push and pierced through the hymen of Theodore Nott’s wife of over six years. She hissed, and her eyes squeezed shut.

He paused here, giving her time to get over the pain and get used to having his cock inside of her. She wasn’t the first girl he’d ever deflowered, so he was familiar with the process. He was actually prepared to wait much longer before he got back to fucking her, but Daphne s eyes soon opened back up and focused on him.

“I’m fine, Harry,” she said, giving him a little nod. “Start moving me. Fuck me, boss.”

That was all Harry needed to hear. He pulled his hips back before thrusting into her again, sliding his dick deeper into her formerly virgin pussy this time. Daphne showed no signs of great discomfort, so he gave her another thrust, this one a little deeper and faster. He couldn’t thrust too quickly, and not just because he wanted to make sure he didn’t overwhelm her during her first time.

“Fucking hell, you’re tight,” he groaned. She really was. Daphne’s pussy was so tight that it was a struggle for him to move too quickly inside of her. It was a good thing she was so wet, because he needed all the help he could get.

“That’s because my husband didn’t do his job,” she responded quickly. “He left me untouched for all these years. But that’s all going to change now. You and your big cock are going to make my poor pussy learn what it’s like to get fucked, aren’t you?”

“Damn right,” he said, chuckling roughly. Harry was grateful to Nott for neglecting his wife in favor of enjoying the company of Zabini. It meant that he got to take his neglected wife and fuck all of the years of loneliness right out of her, and it all started now, with Daphne’s skirt hiked up her legs, her heels draped over his shoulders and her bare arse against the wood as he fucked his slutty secretary on his desk.

He quickly picked up speed as his dick made itself at home inside of Daphne’s pussy. Since she just kept moaning no matter how much force he put behind his thrusts, he was able to comfortably progress and build momentum until he was well and truly giving her a hard fuck by anyone’s standards, let alone that of a woman who had been a virgin until a few minutes ago. He was thrusting his hips forward hard enough that his pelvis was smacking against Daphne’s round arse, making her cheeks jiggle from the impact. His legs banged against the edge of his sturdy desk, which rattled and shook under the weight and force being put behind each thrust.

Harry didn’t give a fuck about the state of his desk, or any bruises that might be left on his legs as they knocked against it. Fucking Daphne was all he was concerned with, and he put his all into it. He couldn’t get enough of her, and he wanted her to have a first fuck that was hopefully worth all the years she’d waited and all the effort she’d gone through to work with him and seduce him over the last month. He’d unraveled the mystery of Daphne Nott née Greengrass, or maybe it was really that she’d unraveled it on her own and revealed her true self to him. The aloof, unapproachable blonde Slytherin who’d caught the interest of Harry and many others all those years back was a woman with needs like any other, and she’d chosen Harry as the man to meet those needs and give her the satisfaction she’d waited years for.

He heard her grunts and saw the excitement on her face as he rocked her body on the desk with his thrusts, but speaking of that body, he wanted to see more of it as he fucked her. His hands reached for her blouse, and he simply grabbed and pulled, tearing it apart and sending the buttons flying all over the office. Daphne gasped at the inpatient display, and then giggled. She lifted her back off of the desk a bit and reached underneath her body to undo her bra before he could tear at it, and she shrugged her shoulders and let it fall from her chest.

Harry had admired Daphne’s tits even back at Hogwarts, and he’d gotten a great appreciation for them over the last month as she strode around his office in blouses that grew progressively tighter and occasionally had an extra button undone. But he took a good, long look at those big round tits now unencumbered by a bra for the first time. He’d fucked some girls with big boobs before, but he could confidently say that Daphne’s tits were the biggest he’d ever seen. Now he got to see those huge tits bouncing as he worked his cock in and out of her tight depths again and again. Her breasts were everything the boys at Hogwarts used to dream about, and more.

Rather than simply staring at them as they jiggled, he reached down, took them into his hands and squeezed them firmly while he continued to fuck her. There was no need for him to content himself with staring at Daphne and imagining what her sexy body would look like naked anymore, or what it would feel like to shag her. He now knew just what it felt like to have Daphne’s big tits jiggling in his hands, and just how she squeaked when he rubbed her nipples. He knew how fucking tight her pussy was, and how much she liked having him slam his cock to the hilt inside of her despite this being her first fuck.

Harry was the only man to ever grope her tits, taste her pussy or have her squirt all over his face. No cock but his had ever been inside of her and no man but him had ever heard her scream in climax. And now, as he grunted and snapped his hips forward like a man whose only purpose in life was to fuck this sexy married blonde’s brains out, he had the pleasure of hearing that scream for a second time.

Harry!” Daphne howled. “Oh, fuck, fuck! Never knew it would be so, ohh, s-so good! Yes, yes, yes!”

Daphne tugging on his hair and squirting on his face had been exciting, but feeling her tight pussy clench around his cock as she came was enough to make even Harry close his eyes and groan against the staggering need to explode inside of her. His legs shook and his hands twitched against her breasts as he fought with everything he had not to let this slip through his fingers. He needed to keep going. He needed to…

Cum, Harry!” Daphne suddenly exclaimed. His eyes snapped open when he heard that. “Cum inside of me, or all over me, or wherever the fuck you want to! Just do it; I don’t care where! Use your slutty secretary to get off! Use me, boss!

There was no fighting it now; he was going to cum. It was just a matter of deciding where. He almost stayed right where he was and came inside of her but decided against it at the last minute. He wanted to make absolutely certain that she was protected before he took that risk, and now wasn’t the time to ask her. Besides, filling her pussy with his cum was something he could look forward to doing the next time he fucked his secretary. There would be a next time, without a doubt.

This time, though, Harry decided to exercise his authority over her in a different way. He pulled his cock out of her, removed her legs from his shoulders and pulled her up off of his desk.

“Get down on your knees,” he ordered, pointing at the floor. Daphne’s shaky legs hit the ground immediately, and she stared up at him from her knees. “Perfect. Keep your head just like that.”

Harry stroked his cock a few times, and then aimed it at her face as he began to blow. He fired his thick cum all over her beautiful face, the face that had once seemed unapproachable for him or anyone else. The aloof Slytherin’s gorgeous features were stained with rope after rope of Harry’s semen, and she obediently kept her head turned up and took all of it.

He dropped back down into his chair after he was done, and he admired his handiwork while catching his breath. Daphne’s eyes were closed, and with good reason. He hadn’t even realized just how much he’d cum until he looked at her now. There was lots of cum up on her forehead, across her nose and around her eyes, and some of it had even gotten in her long blonde hair. He’d aimed lower towards the end, so his cum was also dripping down her cheeks, and there were long lines of it both above and beneath her lips. He had never painted any woman’s face as white as he had Daphne’s, but she deserved it as far as he was concerned. She’d had this coming after the last month of teasing.

“I don’t think you’re going to be able to set foot outside of my office without everyone in the department knowing what happened to you,” he said smugly. Daphne’s eyes opened up to look at him, and she smiled, uncaring about the sticky mess all over her face. Or perhaps she was proud of it.

“I suppose I’ll just have to use your private floo directly from this office, then,” she said. “Though I certainly wouldn’t dare to go home looking like this, either. I want to enter with a position of strength when I confront Theodore and demand a divorce. Somehow, I think this would ruin it.”

“Not from where I’m sitting,” he said, laughing. “But what’re you going to do, then?” They both knew that cleaning charms were a sensible option for the cum, and magic could repair her torn blouse easily enough as well. But this was hardly about common sense. This was another game, and Harry was pretty sure he knew where it was leading.

“Could I trouble you to let me floo home with you, boss?” she asked, batting her eyelashes. It was a ridiculous gesture when those eyelashes had cum in them, but that only made it more effective in his view. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

Harry made a show of sighing. “I suppose I could do that for you,” he said. “I have some things to do in my bedroom that I could use some help with anyway. And you’ve proven to be very qualified to work right underneath me.”



God I love this. Hope to see more


Loved it, hope this gets a continuation

John McCormick

Very good smutty secretary.

Scott Jackson

Great chapter. More please

SaintMichael95 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-14 07:03:24 very nice, but I could swear I've read som3thing very sjmilar to this.
2023-09-14 02:46:37 very nice, but I could swear I've read something very similar to this.

very nice, but I could swear I've read something very similar to this.


'Boss nails his secretary on his desk' obviously isn't a new concept, but I don't know what else this is supposed to mean.


Actually I think I remember now. I think I read a story with a very similar concept where Daphne and I think one other girl got married against their wishes so they used memory charms to make their husbands think they consumated their marriage but really didn't, and then used the reality that they didn't actually do the deed to get divorces.


Oh, I'm pretty sure you're describing one of my commissioned stories. I guess your mind kind of lumped the two together since they both involve Daphne as a married virgin scheming to get out of it, and obviously the writing style is the same.