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Summary: Gryffindor wins, which means Cho’s body belongs to Harry for the night. But when Harry pulls Katie along to join them for a wild night in the Room of Requirement, there are no losers. (Harry/Cho/Katie)

Content Warnings/Themes: Aged-up characters, threesome, breeding, rough sex

Cho, to her credit, reacted quickly once Harry spotted the snitch and made his move. But she wasn’t on a Firebolt, and she wasn’t as good as he was even without the Firebolt. Before she could even get around her own beater who happened to be blocking what would have been her quickest path to the snitch (not that it would have helped), Harry’s fingertips were already stretching out to catch the tiny golden ball that spelled certain victory.

There was a roar from the Gryffindors as Harry raised his fist in the air and showed off the golden snitch, and groans from all three of the other houses as the result meant that Gryffindor had won not just the match, but the quidditch cup itself. Thanks to the crushing defeat they’d suffered against Hufflepuff after that idiot Cormac knocked Harry out, it hadn’t been enough for Gryffindor just to defeat Ravenclaw today. They’d also needed to win by at least 300 points to capture the cup as well, which meant Harry had been required to hold back from catching the snitch and basically devote himself to preventing Cho from seeing it or reaching it until his chasers had scored enough goals to hit the necessary point margin. He’d succeeded, and if Cho hadn’t already been aware that she’d lost both the match and the cup, the roars from the Gryffindors and the calm announcement from Luna Lovegood would have let her know.

Harry accepted hugs and back pats from his teammates after his broom touched down on the pitch, but he kept one eye on Cho the whole time. If she attempted to sneak away without acknowledging the other consequences of his victory, he would have been there to stop her. But she broke away from her team after a few moments and walked over towards him despite her obvious disappointment.

“Good match, Cho,” he said, grinning at her when she reached him. Her shoulders were slumped, but she managed a wry smile as she looked up into his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “It wasn’t even close, and you know it.”

“You really only have yourself to blame, you know,” Harry said, making her cock her head. “I’ve never been as motivated to catch the snitch as I was today.” Cho’s pale cheeks broke into a blush as she took his meaning. “I’m not going to have to call on you to honor our bet, am I?”

She blushed even brighter, but she shook her head. “No,” she said quietly. “I made the bet, and I lost. If I’d beaten you, or at least kept you from winning the cup for Gryffindor, I wouldn’t have stopped pestering you until you gave me your Firebolt.”

“And I would’ve given it to you,” he said honestly. Giving her the broom that had been a gift from Sirius would have been rough for him, but he was sure that his godfather would have agreed that it was worth the risk considering what Cho had risked against it. “But since the cup is mine, that means you’re mine for the night, too.”

His relationship with Cho Chang had died before it ever really got started the previous year, but he’d never stopped thinking she was sexy as hell. Hooking up with Ginny over the summer and continuing to casually shag her throughout the year had given Harry the confidence to propose the bold bet to Cho leading in to her final quidditch match as a Hogwarts student. That bet was going to pay off splendidly for him.

“What’s got Chang blushing?” Harry’s teammate Katie Bell asked, nudging his side slightly with her elbow. The whole team knew about the bet, and it was no surprise to him that Katie would want to get a quip in right after the match. She’d never been able to resist a chance to tease someone. “You tell her about the time you buggered Ginny so hard that she waddled around the common room the whole next day?”

“Didn’t get around to mentioning that, no,” Harry said, smirking at the wide-eyed look on Cho’s face. “Why spoil any of the surprise, yeah?”

“Smart thinking, Harry,” Katie said, nodding sagely. “I’ve heard Ginny screaming her head off two floors down. You’re in for one hell of a night, Chang. Makes me wish I could watch it.”

Harry stared at Katie, remembering all of the times she’d said something about wishing she could watch or join in when he shagged Ginny (or Parvati.) Now that he thought about it, while she was playful, she didn’t get nearly that suggestive with anyone else that he saw. He’d always taken it as playful banter, but maybe he should push her and see how she reacted.

Or make that pull her, literally. He took Katie by the hand and started pulling her along with him while draping his other arm over Cho’s shoulder and guiding her along.

“Who says you only have to watch?”


Katie had let herself be pulled along willingly, and Cho was being a very good sport about honoring her bet and letting him use her body for the night. Cho might have made her bet honestly hoping that she would be able to beat Harry to the snitch, or at least force him to catch it before his teammates had built up enough of a lead to win them the cup, which would still have earned her his Firebolt even in defeat. But she'd come into this clearly not only prepared to honor her side of the wager of she'd lost, but even excited at the idea.

Things had been awkward between them ever since their disastrous attempt at a relationship blew up in their faces a year earlier, but he now had no doubt that he wasn't the only one who'd spent some time wondering what it would've been like if things had turned out differently. There hadn't been any reluctance in her when he pulled her and Katie into the Room of Requirement for their private celebration, and she'd dropped to her knees to suck his cock before he'd even finished telling her what he wanted from her. The excitement had been visible in her eyes when she got her first look at him, and that excitement was carrying over into how she used her lips and tongue on him.

Katie was no less excited to be on her knees for him. She hadn't made any bets that required her to spend the night with him, so her presence in the Room of Requirement said all that needed to be said about her interest in fucking him. The flirtatious banter that he'd gotten progressively more comfortable with throughout the year after he'd started fucking first Ginny and then Parvati had been more than just banter to her. She'd meant every word of it, and she proved it when her knees hit the floor a half a second before Cho's did and her fingers touched his cock just before the Ravenclaw's could.

The two girls from different houses were not in competition while down on their knees though, to Harry's pleasure. They understood that working together was going to make him happiest, and that was what they did. At first, they'd been taking turns licking and kissing the head of his cock, and now they were working in tandem, each of them taking one side of his cock and sliding her mouth up and down his length slowly. Cho and Katie matched their movements together, keeping up a lewd rhythm that saw their tongues meeting and brushing across the other's lips frequently. For Harry, it would have been enough to make him cum if they merely maintained it for a few minutes more.

His teammate had other ideas though. He groaned when Katie's mouth pulled back from the side of his cock, but she just grinned up at him before tapping Cho's cheek. "You can suck his cock, Cho," she said cheerfully.

Cho looked surprised as she pulled her mouth off of her side of his shaft. "Are you sure?" she asked. Obviously, she had expected more of an argument there. But Katie just nodded.

"Yep!" the Gryffindor chaser said. "You're welcome to it. I've got something else in mind that I know is going to make Harry go wild!"

Harry was as clueless as to what she had in mind as Cho was, but he trusted Katie to come through. In the meantime, Cho gave him plenty to enjoy. The Ravenclaw loser proved that she was a good sport as well as a talented cocksucker by taking the tip of his dick into her mouth and settling into a blowjob straight out of his dreams. She had been the first girl he'd ever fancied, and hers had been the first face he'd ever imagined staring up at him with a mouthful of cock.

This was no masturbation fantasy of a horny young virgin, though. This was real. It really was Cho's pretty face stretched around his cock, and as she bobbed her head and stared up at him, her dark eyes revealed that she was as excited to be on her knees for him as he was to have her there. Cho was happy to suck his cock, and she was good at it too. She didn't slam her head down with the aggressive bobs Ginny liked to use, but she didn't concentrate all of her attention on his cockhead like Parvati usually did either. Cho bobbed her head on his cock slowly, and her tongue was very active in swirling around him every step of the way. She also gripped the base of his dick between her fingers, and her soft hand stroked him slowly to complement her sucking. A Cho Chang blowjob was slow, sensual and skilled, and Harry groaned and patted the top of her head in appreciation.

His fingers held onto her hair tightly in surprise when he felt a pair of lips press against his balls. Under the circumstances, it wasn't difficult for him to work out who those lips belonged to. Katie was kissing his balls, and she wasn't being at all hesitant about it. Her lips were all over him, planting kiss after kiss on one of his nuts and then moving over to smooch the other as well. Her tongue joined in for some licks too, and finally she took his left nut between her lips and started to suck. Harry had felt a mouth on his balls before, but it had always been a temporary thing before the blowjob resumed. He'd never had a girl's mouth pay this much attention to his nuts, but he very much appreciated Katie's oral worship.

Both Cho's soft slurps and smooth tongue work and Katie's lewd, firm ball sucking would have made Harry feel great individually. Feeling both of them at the same time was enough for him to have him groaning and tensing under the weight of a big orgasm faster than he had since the night he'd lost his virginity. He didn't mind it, though. The wager had been for the whole night, and he knew he wasn't going to have any trouble getting hard again regardless of how huge this orgasm was going to be.

"I'm gonna cum," he groaned. "Stop sucking me so I can shoot it all over your face, Cho." Cho obediently pulled her mouth off of his cock and turned her head up for a facial. "You can do what you want since you didn't lose to me, Katie. But if you're as big a slut as you seem to be, I'm pretty sure I know what you're going to do."

Katie did not disappoint him. She released his balls from her mouth, brought her head up and leaned in so close to Cho that their cheeks were touching. With both girls so close together and their heads turned up towards him, Harry had no difficulty hitting them both with his orgasm when it broke free after around a half a dozen pumps in his hand. He kept his eyes open as the pleasure hit, making sure that his cock remained pointed at his targets at all times.

The first couple of spurts caught Cho on the cheek and up around her eye, forcing her to close them quickly. Not able to see what was coming, she flinched slightly as she felt successive shots of sperm land in a trail across her nose and to her other cheek. Katie's eyes were wide open when it was her turn to get a facial, and she stuck her tongue out in invitation. Harry took aim at that target, cumming above and around Katie's mouth as well as onto her tongue. The cum flowed too freely for it to be contained, and a sizeable amount of it spilled out of her mouth and dripped all over her face and chin.

Harry gave both girls a couple of parting spurts before he tapped his cock against Cho's cheek and used her hair to wipe it off, casually displaying that her body was his to use for the night, and he would use it however he wished.

"That was a good start," he said, already mentally running through the various possibilities on how he could fuck the pair of sexy quidditch players once he was hard again.


Having sex with Harry Potter was nothing like Cho had imagined it would be.

She'd known she would enjoy it far more than she had with Roger, who had been mediocre at best and outright dreadful at worst, and she was right about that. But she'd imagined Harry being much like Cedric had been as a lover. Making love with Cedric had been soft, sweet and tender. In her head, Harry would have been just as gentle a lover as her first.

Instead, she was down on her knees and elbows, and the force of Harry’s deep thrusts from behind rocked her body and made the bed shake beneath her. His cock, easily larger than all of the others she’d taken, was pounding into her ruthlessly and claiming ownership over her body like it had never been claimed before. She could feel his hip smacking against her arse every time he thrust forward, and the smacking sound of their bodies hitting was something she had never heard until today. His right hand had a hold of the back of her neck, and while he wasn’t squeezing down hard, his grip was just firm enough to show her that her body belonged to him for the rest of the night.

During their failed relationship, and even when she agreed to this wager before the match, she’d pictured Harry making love to her, but that wasn’t what was happening. For the first time in her life, Cho was getting fucked. And she loved it. She loved it more than she’d ever known she could love sex. The rush that she felt each time that Harry’s cock drove back deep inside of her pussy made her increasingly certain that she had been ruined for traditional lovemaking. How could soft, sweet, tender sex ever satisfy her again when she knew what this felt like?

“This slutty raven is having the time of her life, I can tell,” Katie Bell said, laughing. Cho would have agreed, but Katie’s legs were spread in front of her, and Harry’s hand on her neck pushed Cho’s face directly into the Gryffindor chaser’s pussy. Anything she might have said wouldn’t have come out clearly, so she just moaned into Katie’s pussy and moved her tongue around. Katie laughed and ran her hands through Cho’s hair.

This was Cho’s first threesome, and her first time doing anything even mildly sexual with another girl. She didn’t really know what she was doing, and the pace and the force with which Harry was shagging her didn’t leave her much chance to figure out her technique. She just moved her mouth around and did her best, and it seemed to make Katie happy enough.

“Maybe she knew she never had a chance at the Firebolt,” Harry grunted. “Maybe she knew she was going to lose all along, and she was just looking for an excuse to let me fuck her.” He gave her arse a meaty slap in between thrusts, and Cho grunted.

He wasn’t right, but he wasn’t entirely wrong either. Cho really had hoped to catch the snitch in her final Hogwarts match and collect Harry’s broomstick in the process. But when she’d agreed to the stakes, she’d definitely felt a little tingle run through her body as her mind wandered and started imagining what it might feel like if she lost.

That tingle had grown into a full-body tremor now, because with each thrust, Harry changed her expectations, showed her what it was her body truly craved and set a new standard for sex in her mind. She now knew that being fucked felt infinitely better than making love did, at least when it was Harry doing the fucking. This was what she wanted, and this was the man she wanted to give it to her. She’d tried her best during the match, but losing wasn’t so bad when this was the outcome.

“I should’ve done this last year,” Harry said, giving the back of her neck another little squeeze while fucking her. “I should have thrown you down and fucked your brains out back then.” Cho moaned into Katie’s pussy and closed her eyes, imagining what it would have been like if he’d done exactly that. She never would’ve had to waste her time on that loser Roger! “But you’re mine now, Cho. And I don’t know if I’m going to let you go at the end of the night. Maybe I’ll just slam my cock back inside of you, breed you and make you mine.”

Cho didn’t know if Harry actually meant it, or if he was just talking dirty to her. What she did know was that his declaration thrilled her even more than his toe-curling, arse-thumping thrusts thrilled her. Until this very moment, Cho had no clue that she had a breeding fetish. But as soon as Harry put the idea in her head, she knew that it was never going to go away. She’d already agreed to give her body to him for the night, but now that it was out there, she wanted it to last well beyond this night.

Maybe Harry deliberately loosened his hold on her neck to allow her to respond, or maybe he was focusing so much on the snap of his hips that he didn’t pay as much attention to what the rest of his body was doing. Either way, Cho capitalized on being able to move her neck, pulled her head back away from Katie’s pussy just far enough that she would actually be able to be heard, and then made her plea.

“Do it, Harry!” she said breathlessly. Her voice was shaky, and the sheer thrill of what he had proposed was just as responsible for that as the vigorous fuck he had been putting her through. “My body’s yours! Take it! Breed it! Enjoy your prize!”

Harry growled, and his hand went to the back of her head and pushed her face back into Katie’s pussy. His hips moved even harder now somehow, fucking her with such overwhelming determination that Cho felt the air being driven from her lungs. She couldn’t even think about what she might be able to do to make Katie feel good, because enduring Harry’s rough pounding took everything she had. As much as he’d been enjoying using her up to this point, Harry had hit an entirely new level now. Cho knew that it was in response to what she’d said, too. Just as him throwing the idea out there had captivated her, the answer she’d given during her brief moment of not having her face buried in Katie’s pussy had set him off.

“You want it, Cho?” Harry said roughly, not letting up on his vicious thrusts. “You want me to knock you up, huh? You want me to make you mine?” Every question, every word, was accompanied with an aggressive thrust. Whether he’d been serious about breeding her or not when he’d first said it, he was definitely serious about it now. Cho had created a monster, and that monster was going to do its best to breed her for real.

Harry pushed her head so low that she could feel her neck stretching uncomfortably, but Cho couldn’t have cared less. That huge cock claiming her was all that mattered to her. Normally it took loads of foreplay and tender lovemaking for Cho to get off, but this balls-deep breeding shag from the Boy-Who-Lived forced a mind-breaking climax out of her. And whatever shreds of sanity were still left in her head were blown away in the middle of that orgasm, because that was when she felt Harry shove his cock in as deep as it would go one last time, leave it there and begin to cum inside of her.

“Here you go, you slut!” he snapped. His left hand pushed down on her back, just above her arse. “Is this what you wanted? You wanted me to breed you? Well, here you go! Take it all, Cho! Take it all!”

This was nothing like Cho had imagined sex with Harry Potter would be. No, it was so much better. Her last coherent thought, before her vision went white and her body gave out on her, was that she had never been so happy to be a loser.


Watching Harry shag Cho Chang rotten right in front of her had been the hottest thing Katie had ever seen, and that was before he’d gone and tried to breed her. She wasn’t sure if he’d been serious when he first brought it up; she was half sure that not even he knew if he’d meant it or not. But Cho begging for it had sealed her fate, and it had been incredible to watch. Feeling Cho tremble her way through her orgasm as Harry pounded her like a damned beast had put Katie in a state where she would have been liable to mount the semi-conscious Ravenclaw witch’s head and drag her clit across her until she squirted all over her face, had she not known that it would be her turn to get fucked by Harry soon enough.

She was getting that turn now, and it had been worth the wait. She’d waited a whole hell of a lot longer than the duration of Cho’s fuck to have Harry Potter’s cock inside of her, of course. Even when she’d been just a second year, and Harry had been an adorable ickle firstie, she’d had a thing for him. It hadn’t even been because he was the Boy-Who-Lived. It was Harry she fell for; Harry, the shy, cute, heroic little guy who’d clearly never touched a girl in his life. She’d known he was nowhere near ready to deal with her back then, so she’d kept her amorous thoughts to herself.

They’d come a long way since then, though. Hers was no longer the innocent crush it had been back then, but that was good, because Harry was no shy boy anymore. He was all man now. She had been jealous when Ginny and later Parvati had gotten to him first, but she couldn’t bring herself to be jealous about it now. They’d helped him get over his shyness and made him more receptive to Katie’s flirtatious side, and now they’d opened his mind up to everything he was capable of.

If this was what she’d had to wait over five years for, it had been worth it. Cho was passed out on the bed with her face down and her arse up, so the two of them had moved off of the bed and were fucking on their feet. Harry was standing behind her, and his arms were pinning hers back. Her hands dangled uselessly, and Katie could only groan as Harry’s cock nailed her. He only pulled it halfway out at the most before his hips shot back to bury it all the way inside of her once again, and Katie loved it. His cock never left her, and she didn’t want it to. After so many years of nursing a crush on her cute teammate and hoping that he would notice her interest and have the confidence to act on it, she would happily spend the rest of her final term at Hogwarts with his cock inside of her cunt at all times if she could get away with it.

Even with him not pulling all the way out of her, he was still able to put enough behind his thrusts to make her arse jiggle and her tits bounce from the impact. It didn’t feel like he was trying anywhere near as hard with her as he had with Cho, but he still casually controlled her body like it was made for him and had been waiting for him to take it and fuck it for all these years. That was fitting, because while Katie had fucked other guys, to her it felt like it had all just been preparing her for this, for him.

“I’m gonna cum soon, Katie,” Harry announced, still thrusting, and still holding her arms back.

“Okay,” she said simply, holding back her moans for long enough to answer him. It wasn’t like she could do a thing about that physically with him holding her arms back like this. He was in complete control, and she liked it that way.

“If you were Cho, I’d do whatever I wanted to with you,” he said. She liked the sound of that but liked it a lot less when he freed her arms. “But you’re no loser. In fact, you’re a big winner. We wouldn’t have won the cup today without your sexy arse scoring so many goals before I caught the snitch.”

“Glad you noticed,” Katie said, letting out a half-moan, half-giggle and wiggling her bum against him as much as she could from this position.

“And since you’re such a winner, I’ll let you decide how and where I finish,” he said after pulling his cock out of her and turning her around to face him. Without a word, Katie threw herself at him. Harry’s eyes widened, but he adjusted with his customary quick reflexes. He caught her around the waist and adjusted her in his grip as she moved her legs over his hips.

“I knew I’d be in good hands,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at him playfully. He rolled his eyes with a smirk, and a moment later they groaned together as his cock slid back inside of her cunt. Harry moved his arms around her body in a loose hug and bounced her up and down on his cock while moving his hips at the same time. He probably could have fucked her harder and more efficiently from a different position, but Katie didn’t care.

Spontaneity had always served her well, and this felt right. Besides, she was pretty close to being done as it was, and Harry’s warning would strongly suggest that he was right there with her. Harry’s cock was good enough to make her sing at whatever pace and any position they might wind up in, so Katie didn’t worry about a thing. She just put her arms around his shoulders, let him bounce her and enjoyed feeling her breasts rubbing against his chest and her pussy sliding up and down the length of his cock.

“I wasn’t kidding,” he said, staring into her eyes as he held her and bounced her. “If you wanna make a different choice, now’s the time.”

Katie hadn’t jumped into his arms with any particular thought in mind as to how he was going to finish, or where. But when he brought up his orgasm for a second time, and she accepted that it was time for her to make a final decision, she did what she always did. She did what felt right to her in that moment, and in this case, that meant holding onto his shoulders a little tighter with her arms and crossing her legs together behind his back. She could have asked him to put her down and pull out of her. She could have had him finish in her mouth, on her tits, across her arse or anywhere else she felt like. Instead, she held onto him, kept him inside of her and silently demanded that he finish right where he was.

She didn’t say anything, and she didn’t need to. Harry understood exactly what she wanted once she held him tighter, and he gave it to her. He tightened his grip on her in turn, picking up the pace a bit and staring intently into her eyes as he held her down on his cock and came inside of her. She’d watched him fill Cho with so much cum that she’d felt like there was a strong chance he really would succeed in breeding her, and the amount he gave her now sure didn’t feel any smaller.

Katie hadn’t followed Harry to the Room of Requirement planning on risking impregnation. But she had wanted to shag him for years, and if her spontaneous decision did lead to such far-reaching consequences, Katie would take this wild broomstick ride wherever it led her.


Not even Harry had known how wild this night was actually going to get. Claiming Cho’s body as his to fuck for the night had been on his mind all throughout the match, serving as an even more powerful motivation than winning the cup ever had. Bringing Katie along had been one of his better ideas, and settling in for a threesome with his first crush and his cute teammate in the Room of Requirement would have been the best post-match celebration there had ever been, even before he’d cum inside of them both.

The fun hadn’t stopped with either Cho’s pleas to be bred or Katie’s surprising decision to leap into his arms and hold him tighter when he came. They did have the entire night, after all. Cho had agreed to those terms, and he wasn’t going to let her renege on them now.

“I’m glad your little Ravenclaw slut came around enough to remember how to use her tongue,” Katie said, smirking at him. “I’m depending on her to clean up after my mistake.” There would have been far more effective ways for Katie to try and prevent any consequences from her decision to have him cum inside of her, but that obviously wasn’t the point. She was sitting on Cho’s face and having her lick his cum out of her pussy for pleasure, not cleanliness or efficiency.

And Cho was playing along, because of course she was. Whether she’d believed she had a chance at beating him on the pitch or not, she’d fit right into her role as his fucktoy for the night, and she was doing whatever was demanded of her by either of the victorious Gryffindors. If that meant licking his cum out of Katie’s pussy, that was what she would do. And if that meant that Harry was going to spread her legs, slide his cock into her bum and give her what she had said was the first buggering of her life, as he was doing now, Cho would let him do as he wished. Her body was his for the night, and she had accepted that long before his cock became the first to ever penetrate her anus.

He had a feeling tonight would not be the last night that he would be able to do whatever he wanted to Cho’s body, regardless of whether he’d succeeded in breeding her or not.