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What's Yours is Mine: Chapter 8 poll

  • Fleur introduces Hermione to cuckqueaning 144
  • Harry and Fleur take a long bath together 28
  • Fleur spends an entire day with Harry 49
  • Quick hits of some of Fleur’s regular visits for Harry’s dick 76
  • 2023-07-24
  • —2023-07-27
  • 297 votes
{'title': "What's Yours is Mine: Chapter 8 poll", 'choices': [{'text': 'Fleur introduces Hermione to cuckqueaning', 'votes': 144}, {'text': 'Harry and Fleur take a long bath together', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Fleur spends an entire day with Harry', 'votes': 49}, {'text': 'Quick hits of some of Fleur’s regular visits for Harry’s dick', 'votes': 76}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 27, 10, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 24, 11, 20, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 297}


What's Yours is Mine--Chapter 8 poll:

What kind of fun does Fleur get up to as she makes the most of Hermione’s invitation to visit whenever she likes?

Fleur introduces Hermione to cuckqueaning

Fleur decides to make Hermione into a cuckquean while she fucks Harry. Hermione is forced to watch as Fleur snags Harry’s attention with sluttier outfits time after time: (tight old uniforms, skimpy bikinis, slutty maid outfits). Turns out Hermione doesn’t mind watching or doing whatever Fleur tells her to do to Harry after she’s done using him. She doesn’t mind being Fleur’s bitch at all. (Haggar’s Note: I pasted the patron suggestion verbatim, but I’m not sure exactly what form this prompt will take in the chapter should it win. The general idea of Fleur cuckqueaning Hermione will be there for sure if this one wins, though I would endeavor to show that it’s roleplaying they embrace while not affecting their overall relationship dynamics.)

Harry and Fleur take a long bath together

Fleur visits as often as she can, but for the purposes of this chapter, we look in detail at one particular encounter in which she drops by to take a bath with Harry. Harry helps her disrobe, they kiss and grope each other while the tub fills up, and they settle in for plenty of sucking and fucking in the bath. Thankfully for them, Harry’s magic bath tub will keep the water at the perfect temperature indefinitely, so they can spend all evening enjoying some sudsy bath sex if they choose to.

Fleur spends an entire day with Harry

With Bill gone on business and Hermione visiting her parents, Fleur has Harry all to herself for an entire day. She makes the most of it, showing up naked and remaining that way all day as she commands his attention morning, noon and night.

Quick hits of some of Fleur’s regular visits for Harry’s dick

Now that she has easier access to Harry’s dick, Fleur manages to come over and get it more often than ever. Rather than focusing on any one encounter, we take shorter looks at several different instances of Harry fucking the insatiable veela from one end of his home to the other—whether Hermione happens to be home or not.


Pen Jr. Jr.

Do the bath scene anyway. It's too wholesome to pass up


Honestly, it probably could be incorporated into either of the last two options if one of them wins, just as part of the chapter instead of the main focus.


Another one in the books for the Veela enthusiasts ;). Tbh it feels like the last option can cover all the others lol. Just short scenes of Fleur being a degenerate for Harry to fuck her over time would be great. Though ngl, wondering if Harry will also takes Fleur permanently away from Bill lol. At this rate, Fleur gona want to have a Potter bun instead of Weasley yeet.


I mean, it makes sense to play into the whole ‘Veela prettiest evar and normal witch Hermione can’t compare’ for the cuckquean roleplay. And good idea to stress the ‘it’s just a roleplay’ thing, since it would be really weird to have the whole ‘Harry stealing Hermione away from Ron and realizing their feelings for each other’ thing…just to have Fleur steal Harry in the same way. 😂


Not sure this is weirder then the concept being "Harry sleeps with the Weasley Wives" and have Hermione divorce Ron immediately? Though A) we're debating what really comes down to preferences in porn. and B) two wrongs don't make a right.


I like the first and the fourth option but also really want Harry to take Fleur permanently. Bill is just an absentee husband who cares more about his job than anything else, there’s no way Fleur would want to have a child with someone who isn’t there for her and it just seems that her and Harry have the best chemistry outside of Hermione and Harry. You could incorporate 1 into part of 4 and maybe even include flashes of Harry and Fleur growing closer as well. You always write that pairing so well it would be interesting to implement it into this story. Cheers!