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Summary: Harry and his Delacour lovers visit the veela enclave, where he is rewarded for his heroism in the war with a fortnight of breeding. (Harry/Veela Queen, Harry/Apolline, Harry/Fleur, Harry/Gabrielle)

Content Warnings/Themes: Open relationships, breeding, loss of virginity, aged-up characters

Harry, Fleur and Gabrielle are all aged up by several years here.

“Today is a very special day for the veela race,” the queen of the veela said from the center of the raised dais, breaking the utter silence that had descended upon the three dozen or so adult veela who had assembled in what served as a sort of town hall at the heart of the veela enclave. Rather than muttering to themselves when Harry had walked in, flanked by his lovers Fleur, Apolline and Gabrielle Delacour, they had gone completely silent and stared at him. Harry had never been examined so intensely by so many at the same time, and it had been a bit unnerving.

It had also been rather thrilling, because he knew what those stares represented. They weren’t staring at him with awe because he was the Boy-Who-Lived, or with loathing because…well, those people loathed him for the same reason, come to think of it. No, the veela who had been staring at him since he’d arrived in the protected enclave in Bulgaria were staring at him with undisguised lust in their eyes. They were sizing him up like a snack, and over the next fortnight, all of them would have a chance to sate their hunger. Most of them would get several chances, actually.

“Today, and for the next fortnight, we show our gratitude to the one who saved us,” the queen said. She was a gorgeous woman, with pure silver hair and a natural air of leadership about her. Harry didn’t know her name and wouldn’t learn it. When a veela became the leader of the enclave, she gave up her individual name and became known simply as ‘queen.’ Any who had lived long enough to remember her name, such as Apolline, would never utter it.

The queen turned her head towards Harry, standing in a position of honor to her left on the dais. She smiled at him, and Harry let out a quiet groan as his arousal spiked out of nowhere. It was easy to see why this woman had become the queen of the veela if she exuded this much allure without even trying.

“Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord known as Voldemort, saving our enclave from his Death Eaters and the unspeakable things that they would have done to us,” she said, looking back at the crowd below. “The veela race would have been enslaved and annihilated if not for his heroic efforts, and that is a debt that can never be repaid. But that does not mean we shan’t do our best to show him our gratitude nevertheless!”

The crowd still remained quiet and attentive, but Harry saw his lovers smiling at him out of the corner of his eye. The three Delacour women were standing a step below him, above the crowd but below him and the queen. They weren’t the ones being honored here, but as his lovers, they had still been given a position of respect for this opening ceremony.

“Fortunately, thanks to our friends from France, the Delacours, we have a unique opportunity to repay him,” the queen said. “It was quarter-veela Fleur Delacour who took Harry Potter’s virginity and taught him how to make love, in addition to introducing him to our heritage and teaching him that we are far more than the ugly caricatures some make us out to be. Her mother, half-veela Apolline Delacour, subsequently took him into her bed and taught him that, rather than being territorial and possessive, we veela are happy to share a quality mate when that rare man who might be capable of loving more than one of us emerges. And Gabrielle Delacour, Fleur’s younger sister, who gave her heart to him when he pulled her out of the Black Lake of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, will give him her body for the first time tonight in what will be a fitting end to his first night as our guest.

“Tonight is reserved for Harry Potter’s lovers, and of course I your queen will begin the breeding fortnight as is custom,” she said. “But starting tomorrow, all of you will be able to take part and claim time with him as well. For the next fortnight, our hero will be our honored guest. And just as he saved us from annihilation, he will help us rebuild our population. The veela are to become more prosperous than ever before, and with Harry Potter’s help, it begins now!”

The queen raised both hands into the air, and now, at last, there were cheers.


“Have Apolline or Fleur ever mentioned that having a man on top of us runs against the very nature of what it is to be veela?”

“Not in those exact words,” Harry said. “But I think I’ve heard the gist of it, yeah. My first few times with both of them, they were on top. It took time before they were comfortable enough for anything else.”

He was grateful for having something to focus on other than how much he wanted to fuck this woman. Thanks to the wonderful sex life he had with Fleur and Apolline, he knew how critical it was to have other things to think about aside from just the pleasure when he was having sex with a veela. He’d actually never been with anyone who didn’t have veela blood, but he had it on good authority that the way their insides morphed to squeeze his cock and bring him the most pleasurable imaginable was a trait he would not find in any other women. It took concentration and willpower not to cum inside right away, and every minute he managed to keep going had to be fought for.

The queen nodded. “Yes, I would imagine so,” she said. “I would also imagine that you will be staring up at many veela over this next fortnight, as my people do what comes naturally to them.” She got down on her back in the middle of her large, soft bed and spread her legs. “But I am going to break from tradition. In all my life, I have never allowed any man on top of me. I have never been with any who had earned the right. You, however, are a rare man, Harry Potter. Show me what you can do.”

“Right,” Harry said, nodding and licking his lips while staring at her smooth sex. He was drawn to her like a moth to flame and found his legs moving towards the bed without conscious thought on his part. “Right.”

The next thing he was aware of was his cock pressing against her pussy. When had that happened? He couldn’t remember taking his clothes off or climbing onto the bed. Yet there he was, naked and pushing his cock inside of the veela queen. What was happening?

Feeling her tightness as he slid halfway inside of her with one mindless thrust helped shock Harry back into some semblance of alertness, and he shook his head a bit, feeling like his head was fuzzy from the onslaught of sensations flooding his system. He didn’t feel entirely in control of himself, but he clung to his pride. He was alert enough to realize that if he surrendered to the voice in his head demanding that he mate with his partner, that he pump her full of virile seed and mate with her, he would not be fulfilling a vow he’d taken long ago. From his first time having sex with Fleur, he’d sworn to himself that he would always make sure his partner had an orgasm before he gave in to his body’s urges. There was no hope of doing that if he gave in to that voice in his head demanding that he cum.

Wow,” the queen said, staring up at him with surprise clearly evident on her face. “No man has ever held on for more than two or three seconds when I’ve hit them with a blast like that. But that was a good thirty seconds, and you’re still going. You are an exceptional man, aren’t you, Harry Potter?”

“I try,” he managed to say, despite his voice coming out low and weak. She laughed, and he felt something change. That incessant pressure left his head, but it was replaced by a confident, aggressive feeling that demanded he fuck this mate as hard as he possibly could.

“Then show me,” she purred, licking her lips. “Show me your strength, Harry Potter!”

Harry growled, and he began to fuck her like a beast. He pushed her legs up into the air and planted his knees on the bed, pressing his legs up against her thighs as he started slamming his cock balls-deep inside of her on every thrust. He would normally never have fucked at a pace anywhere close to this, but anything he’d ever learned about how to take his mind off of his baser urges and restrain himself so he could last long enough to show his partner a good time was tossed aside now. The desire burning deep in his gut left room for nothing other than fucking the veela queen hard enough to drive the breath from her lungs and make the large, soft bed shake beneath them. This was fucking at its most primal; this was senseless and raw.

This was what it felt like to mate with a full-blooded veela, and the veela queen at that. He’d gotten tastes of veela traits from half-veela Apolline and her quarter-veela daughter, but he understood now that a full-blooded veela was something else altogether. Harry growled and grunted like a beast and followed his baser instincts. The slapping of skin on skin and the gasps and moans of the veela queen rang in Harry’s ears, but he didn’t acknowledge them. He cared only about heeding the call to fuck her into the mattress.

He was sparing no thought towards his staying power, and his determination to make sure his lover got to cum before he worried about himself was forgotten. Ironically, in letting go and not thinking about his partner’s pleasure at all, he gave her what she needed and took care of her after all. His deep, frantic thrusts culminated in her pussy clamping down on his cock and her letting out an orgasmic trilling scream that was distinctly inhuman.

Harry’s growl didn’t sound very human itself, but that seemed fitting. He felt like a little more than a mindless rutting beast as he pinned the veela queen to the bed, hilted his cock inside of her again and flooded her womb with his cum. He’d come here to breed this powerful full-blooded veela queen, and he was now fulfilling that purpose. It was a very satisfying feeling.

The haze left him not long after the flow of semen finally ceased, and Harry felt very fatigued all of a sudden. He all but collapsed on top of the veela queen, who welcomed him literally with open arms. She held him to her, letting his head rest between her perfect breasts while her hands rubbed soothing circles in his back.

“You are every bit as special as I’d hoped, Harry Potter,” she said softly. “This is going to be a very special fortnight.” She laughed lightly. “I just may try to convince your lovers to stay here with us and move into the enclave permanently!”


Harry would never forget his first time having sex with Apolline.

He and Fleur had been dating since the night of the Yule Ball, when they ditched their respective failed dance partners and had a much better time together. He’d met her mother when she and Gabrielle had come to Hogwarts before the Second Task, and he’d already known that Fleur’s father had been dead for many years. He’d gotten along well with Apolline during her stay at Hogwarts, but it wasn’t until the following summer when he’d visited the Delacours in Francethat everything changed.

Fleur had prepared him a bit beforehand, explaining how veela felt no jealousy in sharing their lovers with other veela, particularly if there was a close bond between them. By the end of the summer, Harry had been shagging Apolline for weeks, with Fleur’s full approval and encouragement. True to her word, Fleur hadn’t been jealous or upset about any of it. She’d been happy to share him, and happy to see her mother happy again after years of being alone.

Harry had been happy to fill that role in Apolline’s life, once he knew that it really wasn’t going to put any strain on his relationship with Fleur, and he’d felt beyond lucky to have them both as his lovers for the past several years. The one area where he hadn’t stepped into the shoes of the late Sebastian Delacour was in breeding Apolline. He’d known early on that Fleur wanted to wait for a bit before trying for kids, but until recently, he’d assumed that Apolline was content with Fleur and Gabrielle and wasn’t interested in having any more kids.

It turned out that she’d just been waiting for him to be free of Voldemort’s influence on his life, and now that the war was over and he was free to do as he pleased, she was very much in favor of having a child with him. She’d suggested that she might be open to more than one, even, but he was going to take it one step at a time and focus only on what was immediately in front of him.

What was immediately in front of him right now was the thickest arse he’d ever had the pleasure of touching, and Harry was not shy about running his hands all over it as he settled in and started fucking Apolline from behind. He was going slow, at least for now. They weren’t in any rush.

“You’ll never get tired of playing with my arse, will you?” she asked, giggling.

“You know I won’t,” he replied, groping both cheeks. “You chose this position for a reason.”

She laughed harder. “You caught me,” she said. She had apparently noticed his interest in her big arse while they were at Hogwarts, and she’d taken full advantage of it ever since. In their earliest days of shagging, she’d most often climbed on top of him in reverse cowgirl position, letting him watch her big arse bounce and jiggle while she rode him. That was still one of their favorite positions, but they ran through a greater variety these days. Most of them tended to give him the opportunity to either grope her arse or stare at it while they fucked, and this was no exception.

Fucking her while she was down on all fours for him gave him the power to control everything. He could dictate how her arse jiggled and shook, and he could grope it as much as he wanted to. He could even spank it if he felt like it, and he regularly did feel like it. Rarely did he feel as powerful as he felt when he was fucking Apolline on her hands and knees and doing as he pleased to her arse. She knew that and had clearly chosen this position because of it.

He never fell into the madness that had taken him over while he was with the veela queen. Even now, well after the fact, that entire encounter was hazy in his mind. But he knew he would remember every second of this. Obviously, he’d been with Apolline many times in the last few years, but this time was special, and not just because they were here in the veela enclave. With each thrust he gave her, he knew that he was moving closer to trying to breed her for the first time. He hadn’t even given much thought to the idea of trying to get Apolline pregnant until very recently, but now that he knew she wanted it, he could think of little else. Even without the all-consuming lust that the veela queen had hit him with, there was definitely a little extra emphasis behind each thrust, each grope and each spank as he fucked Apolline this time.

She felt it too. He knew that not just because she was moaning right along with him, but because she was pushing her hips back to meet his thrusts, causing an even stronger collision each time their bodies met. He could feel her big arse smack against him, and it drove him forward. He grabbed her by the hips and sped up, putting even more force behind his fucking.

He didn’t need to worry about whether or not she was ready for it. He’d already been inside of her for at least three times as long as he’d been with the veela queen, and whatever this was lacking in animalistic intensity was more than made up for by his knowledge of her body and his easy repetition. Even the slower pace he’d used at the beginning had seen his cock moving back and forth inside of her, bringing her pleasure and ensuring that she would be ready when he picked things up. Now that his hips were slapping against her and his hands were getting more forceful with their squeezes and spanks, Apolline was right there with him, as ready to embrace the end as he was.

It was actually her who got there first, moaning his name with the same warmth that had been there the first time Fleur had introduced them. Harry, having gotten her where he wanted her, was free to stop resisting the call to breed. He squeezed her arse cheeks together as he came, remaining as deep inside of her as he could reach until he was sure he’d given her everything. It wasn’t the first time he’d cum inside of the Delacour matriarch, but it was the first time that he was attempting to impregnate her in the process. It was even more exciting than he’d expected it to be.

Harry pulled out of her once he was done, but not before giving the arse he so adored one final cheek-jiggling spank.


There were a variety of options for how things might have gone when he got into bed with Fleur. She liked making love and fucking in equal measure, and they’d done plenty of both. She was very comfortable leading the way, as she had the night after the Second Task, where she’d thanked him for pulling Gabrielle out of the lake by climbing on top of him for a slow, sensual and erotic ride that had been as great a first time as any wizard could ever ask for. But she was equally comfortable putting herself in his hands, literally, and letting him shag her rotten. His fifth year at Hogwarts would have been infinitely more frustrating if he hadn’t known that Fleur was right there in Hogsmeade, ready to receive all of his pent-up aggression any time he could make it to her.

That wasn’t what they settled in for this time though. As soon as Fleur had pulled him into a soft, slow kiss, he’d known that he wouldn’t be getting the least bit aggressive with her today. The passion he felt in her lips carried over when they climbed into bed, and she pulled him into the position she wanted. Fleur got onto her side and pulled him in behind her, encouraging him to spoon with her.

“Brings back memories, non?” she whispered.

“Yes,” Harry replied quietly while taking his cock in hand and moving it into position. He let her feel the tip brush against her vulva. “Reminds me of the first time you dragged me out of an emotional pit.”

“Oui,” Fleur said. It was both agreement with what he’d said and approval at feeling the tip of his cock enter her.

They both remembered that night well. It was the night after the Third Task—after Cedric was killed. That had been the worst night of Harry’s life to that point, at least as far as nights he could remember. But when he’d been feeling at his lowest, his girlfriend had reminded him of how beautiful life could be when you shared it with the right person. They’d had sex at least half a dozen times by then, but that was the first time they’d truly made love. It would always remain a very special night in Harry’s life.

He’d spooned with her almost exactly like this, so those same emotions returned to him now as he gradually slid deeper inside of Fleur’s pussy, which gripped him as snugly as always. The first time he’d been inside of her, or inside of anyone, his eyes had bulged and he’d nearly lost his mind just from penetrating her. He was used to the otherworldly pleasures that came from having sex with a veela now, so there was no surprise in that respect. But making love to Fleur was as amazing now as it had been the first time he’d ever done it, and he remained as grateful as ever that she’d chosen to approach him halfway through the Yule Ball and change his life forever.

Everything that had led up to the incredible circumstances that he now found himself in had all started with her. But as lucky as he felt to also have Apolline as a lover, as much as he was looking forward to taking Gabrielle’s virginity and accepting her love, and as fun/exhausting as this next fortnight of breeding with every adult veela in the enclave who was interested was sure to be, he would forever be just as grateful to hold Fleur Delacour in his arms and listen to her moan as he had been the first time. Even if he were to wake up one day and find out that everything else but her had been some hormone-fuelled dream, having Fleur’s love would be enough for him to feel like the luckiest man in the world.

He forgot about everything and everyone else as he slowly moved back and forth, letting both him and Fleur savor every thrust while he was inside of her. He was not in any rush here, because his world right now consisted only of the beautiful Beauxbatons champion who had shown him what it was to love and be loved in return. He kissed the side of her face and the back of her neck, and sometimes she would turn her head towards him so they could kiss. He ran one hand through her silvery blonde hair, which felt as impossibly smooth as ever, and the other arm was draped across the back of her upraised thigh so his hand rested on her pale belly, just below her breast. His thumb actually brushed against the side of her breast, but he didn’t grope it or squeeze it, nor did he move his hand up to cup it more fully. Fleur’s breasts were as perfect as the rest of her, but this wasn’t the time for that.

Harry was content just to hold her, to kiss her and to feel her body against his while he made love to her. Everything else that had come along since was an incredible bonus, because he’d already had everything he could ever want once Fleur gave him her love. And now she was going to give him even more. They’d first discussed children during his 5th year, and he’d known that she was interested in starting a family with him eventually. But part of him had been afraid to get his hopes up, at least until Voldemort was gone.

Now it was really happening, though. The war was over, he was the victor, and Fleur was ready to have children with him. She was far from the only veela he would seek to impregnate over the next fortnight, but just the thought of his dream of starting a family with the girl he’d fallen in love with close to four years ago was enough to make his heart pound. He didn’t get so distracted in those thoughts that he sped up or came prematurely, though. If he was going to get Fleur pregnant today, he wanted it to happen at the end of a wonderful lovemaking session that she could look back on for the rest of her life, just as he would. He would keep his lust at bay and maintain this relaxed pace until Fleur hit her peak.

It took quite some time. He couldn’t have guessed at exactly how long he spent making love with Fleur, but felt it safe to assume that his encounters with Apolline and the veela queen put together hadn’t lasted half as long as his time with Fleur. The pleasure slowly built, like a trickle that grew into a wave. He could hear Fleur’s breathing get heavy, and he felt her smooth belly tense up against his hand. He’d had the pleasure of being with her often enough to know what that meant.

“Let go, love,” he whispered against her ear. “Let’s do it together.”

Fleur moaned, and her pussy walls squeezed his cock as the wave washed over her. Being inside of her as she orgasmed and the quarter-veela part of her literally demanded his seed was always a difficult call to resist, and Harry didn’t attempt to. He didn’t want to. He wanted to share this moment with Fleur, and that’s what he did. He moaned and kissed the side of her neck as he followed her into bliss.

As soon as she felt him start to cum inside of her, Fleur turned her head back towards him and kissed him again, sighing and pressing her lips against his passionately while he filled his first love with his semen. Harry rubbed her stomach, kissed her lips and enjoyed becoming closer to her than ever before.


“Ready, Gabi?” Harry asked quietly, smiling up at her.

“I’m ready,” she said, wiggling into position above him and rubbing her pussy lips against his cockhead. Harry nodded.

“You can go ahead, then,” he said. “Just remember not to drop down too much. You need to pace yourself.”

Gabrielle nodded, and her face showed her determination as she prepared to give him her virginity. Harry knew that she’d been looking forward to this day for a very long time; years, in fact. Had she had her way, it would have been her rather than Fleur who took his virginity the night after the Second Task, but she hadn’t been old enough back then.

She was old enough now, though. Gabi was a grown woman now, and while Harry had already accepted her love, it was time for her to accept another special gift she wanted him to have. The lovely virgin veela took a deep breath and dropped down, taking the tip of his cock inside of her pussy. Harry was about to tell her to pause there, but she slid lower, reckless enough and horny enough to take over half of his cock inside of her. There was no hymen for him to tear through, owing to her veela heritage, but Harry had at least expected her to need time to adjust to having his cock inside of her.

That wasn’t the way things seemed to be going at all, though. Gabrielle did not show any sign of having taken more than she could handle, and in fact she was already pulling her hips back up to drop down onto him even faster. Rather than the virgin Gabrielle needing time to get used to him, it was Harry who felt the struggle.

“Holy fucking Merlin,” Harry muttered, his eyes going wide. Fleur and Apolline were tight, and the full-blooded veela queen had enflamed his senses as they’d never been enflamed before. But in terms of tightness, nothing had felt like this. Gabrielle’s pussy felt incredible, and it would have even if she was moving incredibly slowly. She wasn’t, though. Gabi wasn’t taking her time or pacing herself at all.

“You enjoy me, Harry,” she stated, as opposed to asking.

“Yes,” he hissed, reaching up to hold onto Gabi’s slender hips. But she batted his hands away with a laugh.

“Of course you do,” she said, grinning from ear to ear as she put her hands on his chest. “You are mine, and I am yours. Now I will show you what I have been waiting to do for you since you pulled me out of the lake.”

Gabi had been years away from her maturity back then. She’d been but a girl. But she was all woman now; a lithe, willowy woman who had grown taller than both her mother and her big sister. And even with this being her first time having sex, there was no need for her to back down from taking what she wanted. This was his first time having sex with a virgin, but as Gabi began to bounce on his cock, he realized that this kind of sexual skill could only come naturally to all with veela blood in their veins. Virgin or not, Gabrielle was a sexual being by her very nature. And she’d been waiting years to have Harry beneath her, his cock inside of her, his body hers to fuck.

The no longer virgin Gabrielle rode him quickly, dropping down and making her arse smack against his thighs, and then pulling right back up to do it again before he could even grunt. She felt right at home on his cock, as if she’d mounted him just like this a thousand times before. Apolline had fucked him like this before, and Fleur did it every once in a while, too. He’d thought sweet, demure Gabi would need considerable experience before she could think about doing something like this, if she ever even tried it. But as Gabrielle moved her hands up to his shoulders to pin him down on the bed even more firmly and slammed down onto his dick like her life depended on making him cum as soon as humanly possible, he realized that being able to reduce a man to a drooling mess was an inherent trait in all veela. And they didn’t need their allure to do it. They could break a man solely with their sexual performance, should they wish to.

This side came out of Apolline only on occasion, and it was even rarer for Fleur to want to fuck him like this. But for Gabi, a virgin veela finally able to claim her chosen mate after years of longing, there was no holding back. She rode his cock with as much aggression and purpose as her mother or sister ever had. It was quite possible that she was bouncing on him even harder, actually.

“Fucking hell, Gabi,” Harry muttered. “I’m not gonna last if you keep doing that!” It was miraculous that he’d even lasted this long, really.

Good!” Gabi shouted. “Cum for me, Harry! Give it all to me! Breed me, my love! My mate! Give it to me! Show me how much you need me!”

With a roar, Harry gave her what she demanded. He tried again to reach for her hips, and this time she allowed him to hold her. She sat down on him, pressing her arse against his legs and keeping him buried all the way inside of her while his cum erupted from his balls and rushed to fill his newest lover. The other residents of the enclave who he would mate with over his fortnight as their guest had taken other lovers and would presumably do so again. Even Fleur and Apolline, while committed to him now, had not been virgins before mating with him. Gabi was the only one who had only ever known Harry’s cock and had no plan on changing that. He was her first, and she had told him in no uncertain terms that he would be her only.

I love you!” Gabrielle shouted, just before throwing her head back and screaming. Her entire body shook as she came on his cock, and to Harry’s shock, he jumped from the end of one orgasm straight into a second. He could only gasp and stare up at Gabrielle like she was a goddess while she took him to a place he’d never been before.

It was lucky that he had a whole fortnight to mate with the colony, and that being with Gabrielle was his last appointment for the day. By the time she pulled off of his cock and laid her lithe body straight on top of him to cuddle, he was already passed out. Though he didn’t hear it, Gabrielle spoke to her now-unconscious mate.

“Thank you, my love,” she whispered, now back to being the soft-spoken, demure young woman Harry had come to know. “It was everything I imagined. Next time, I will let you be on top.” She kissed his neck, gave it a little nip to leave her mark on him, and shut her eyes.



This seems like as good a place as any to note that I'm considering doing one 'classic' public release of an older (at least 6 months, I'm thinking) poll winning fic each time one of these General prompt winners goes up here. I've been running this format with exclusives for a couple of years now, so there's a decent stockpile of stories that haven't been shared publicly (plus that number will never go down, since a new story will always be going up here at the same time.) I'm considering this mainly because I think it'll help drive new patron growth here; far more people will hear about this fic, for example, if I plug it at the end of a public release of an older story from here.

Bi Zuko

That's a win for the Veela Lads, we did it boys.