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With Robb's decision made as to his journey to the Wall after his formal coronation, I think we turn to the coronation itself now. I'm unsure if this chapter should be Robb & co welcoming guests into the city only and the coronation itself is saved for the following chapter, or if it should all be in one. Regardless, I think this is a chance to have him interact with people outside of the usual subjects/from around the Seven Kingdoms.

Some potential ideas I have for this chapter:

-Arianne Martell arrives in person on behalf of Dorne and her father. Maybe her father has confided in her about his plans and she shares them with Robb; maybe he's kept his daughter in the dark; or maybe she does know what Doran plans to do, but doesn't tell Robb about them. Either way, it could be a prime opportunity for Robb to meet Arianne, and perhaps she joins the king and queen in their chambers for a royal threesome.

-Like in canon with the royal wedding, it's Oberyn who shows up representing Dorne. He thanks Robb for dispatching Tywin and pledges Dorne's loyalty to the new king. Robb might not necessarily take him at his word, but he and Margaery do have an enjoyable night with Oberyn's paramour Ellaria Sand while the Red Viper himself explores the Street of Silk on his own.

-Catelyn comes for the coronation, and Arya comes with her so she can see Robb again. Sansa may or may not choose to come; she might prefer to stay in Winterfell after finally escaping King's Landing.

-Someone from the Vale turns up, and perhaps Robb learns that Littlefinger has married his Aunt Lysa?

Those are some ideas I've come up with, but as always, I encourage you to share any thoughts you might have, whether they're related to the coronation or something else. If there's something you'd like to see in this period/something you think should happen, let me know.


Kvothe14 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-31 02:13:12 Unlike Arianne, I think Oberyn would know about Doran's plans to support Daenerys and the fact he's shipped Quentyn off to Slaver's Bay. And with the Lannisters and Stannis having been defeated prematurely, it may be that Varys would decide it's time to let Doran know that his 'nephew' is still alive. The story definitely needs some Arianne smut, but if Aegon is going to be any kind of threat in the story we need to make sure the Dornish ultimately side with him when he eventually shows up on the scene. So, perhaps next chapter she shows up and has a threesome with Robb & Margaery, but then the chapter afterwards she has a falling out with them.
2023-05-30 20:23:38 Unlike Arianne, I think Oberyn would know about Doran's plans to support Daenerys and the fact he's shipped Quentyn off to Slaver's Bay. And with the Lannisters and Stannis having been defeated prematurely, it may be that Varys would decide it's time to let Doran know that his 'nephew' is still alive. The story definitely needs some Arianne smut, but if Aegon is going to be any kind of threat in the story we need to make sure the Dornish ultimately side with him when he eventually shows up on the scene. So, perhaps next chapter she shows up and has a threesome with Robb & Margaery, but then the chapter afterwards she has a falling out with them.

Unlike Arianne, I think Oberyn would know about Doran's plans to support Daenerys and the fact he's shipped Quentyn off to Slaver's Bay. And with the Lannisters and Stannis having been defeated prematurely, it may be that Varys would decide it's time to let Doran know that his 'nephew' is still alive. The story definitely needs some Arianne smut, but if Aegon is going to be any kind of threat in the story we need to make sure the Dornish ultimately side with him when he eventually shows up on the scene. So, perhaps next chapter she shows up and has a threesome with Robb & Margaery, but then the chapter afterwards she has a falling out with them.


I like the idea of introducing Littlefinger as Lord of Vale during the coronation scene. IMO story needs some source of conflict and Baelish can be a good one. Personally I think it would make more sense that Oberyn is the one representing Dorne at the coronation but also would like to see some Arianne smut. Tough situation. Maybe have a cutaway or next chapter include a smut scene with Arianne and an aged up Aegon?


Yeah, I definitely think Oberyn is in the know about what's going on; I feel like I kind of hinted at that in his brief conversation with Arianne earlier in the story. A falling out between Robb/Margaery and Arianne doesn't necessarily need to follow a potential smut scene, I don't think. If we go that route under the assumption that Arianne remains ignorant of her father's plans and still believes he's plotting to make Quentyn his heir at her expense as she thought in canon, there's nothing to stop her from leaving King's Landing and going home still on good terms with them, clueless as to what's going on in Dorne.


I feel like Littlefinger going to King's Landing himself would be an unnecessary risk for him, particularly if he's aware that Tyrion has Robb's ear. There's too great a chance that Robb would have at least some inkling of his true nature (which we've seen he does.) I'm not sure what we can do with Baelish, but him remaining in the Vale, and thus hard to reach, feels like the smart play for him. I was thinking more that there could be a representative from the Vale there at the coronation, but not Litlefinger himself. Oberyn might make more sense from Doran's perspective, particularly since Arianne has been kept in the dark as to what they're really up to. I think I'll probably include options for both, though.