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Fandom: Marvel x DC Crossover

Summary: Spider-Man is hot in pursuit of Catwoman. But little does he know that Gotham’s premiere thief has taken on a protégé—and it’s a fellow cat straight out of Peter’s past. (Spider-Man/Catwoman/Black Cat)

Spider-Man had been coexisting with the Batfamily since his relocation to Gotham. They’d basically kept their distance from each other, stayed out of each other’s way, and pursued their mutual goal of making Gotham a little bit safer in their own ways. It had been fine.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t interested in working together with Batman and his allies if and when the situation called for it, though. And when Batman himself asked him to team up with them to help foil Catwoman’s plot to carry out a major heist somewhere in Gotham, Peter had definitely whooped and done a little dance in his apartment as soon as he got off of the phone. At least he hoped he’d been off the phone. If Batman had actually heard him doing his happy shuffle in his kitchen while eating his cereal, he might never live that down.

Batman hadn’t mentioned it at all and neither had any of the other Batfamily, so he was pretty sure he was in the clear. Batman was all business, so there wasn’t any sign of camaraderie to be found with the leader of the team. Honestly, while Peter had been excited to be one of the ‘team’, even if only temporarily, there was a lot less ‘team’ on this teamup than he’d imagined when he first got the call. Forget teasing him about dancing in his kitchen; all Batman had said to him was to stake out the museum that was one of Catwoman’s possible targets and stay in communication with the rest of the team while the Batfamily pursued other leads. Standing around and watching a museum by himself was not Peter’s idea of working with a team to stop crime.

Still, he thought he’d made a decent impression on some of the members of the Batfamily. Not all of them; Batman seemed about as approachable as a block of ice, and the Robin with the sword honestly scared him. But Nightwing and Spoiler seemed to appreciate his sense of humor, and he’d even gotten a smile out of Orphan. He was really proud of that one. The memory of it was almost enough to make the hours watching the museum seem to fly by.

Okay, that was a total lie. Orphan’s smile probably would have been able to sustain him for, like, 20 minutes. Thirty minutes, maybe. Forty-five minutes, if he was lucky. But he’d been staking out the museum and watching for Catwoman for five hours! Not even Batman singing Christmas carols into his earpiece could have sustained him for five hours. He was probably going to need to visit the little Spider’s room before too much longer.

Peter was considering calling in and giving Oracle the all clear. And that was when irony decided to pop in, because the moment he started to think that it was time to give up on staking out the museum that was supposedly at risk, the situation changed. Thankfully he hadn’t looked away, because there was definitely something, or someone, moving around on top of the museum.

“Let’s swing over for a closer look,” he said to himself. Batman had chosen him for this role because his abilities made it easy for him to watch the museum from a distance and swing in quickly, and he made good use of that advantage now. Peter webbed his way over, and smiled behind his mask when he saw Catwoman making her way inside of the museum.

“Purr-fect,” he said, before clearing his throat. “I mean, perfect.” Apparently he had Catwoman on the brain if he was even imitating her speech. He cleared his throat a second time and called up Oracle.

“The cat is entering the nest,” he said into his earpiece once she responded. “No, wait, cats don’t make nests, do they? Sorry. Anyway, she’s entering the museum.”

“Cats do make nests, actually,” Oracle said. “And understood. I’ll let the others know. Hold your position for now.”

“No, I don’t need to hold position,” Peter said, shaking his head even though she couldn’t see him. “I can take her. I mean, I know she’s really quick and agile and everything, but my webs will stop the kitty in her tracks no problem.”

“You are not to engage her in a fight,” Oracle said. “Spoiler and Orphan are closest to your position, but they’re an hour away. You’re going to wait for them to arrive to back you up.”

“An hour?” Peter said incredulously. “You really think Catwoman’s going to take an hour to pull off a heist? Speed’s kind of the key to all of it, right? Wouldn’t she be pretty bad at this whole cat burglar thing if it takes her that long to rob a closed museum without any guards inside of it?”

“You need to stall her,” Oracle instructed. “Head inside and make a nuisance of yourself, and make sure she can’t reach any of the exits. You don’t need to try and bring her down; just hold her up.”

“Hold her up,” Peter said. “Make a nuisance of myself. Yeah, I can do that.”

“I’m sure you can,” Oracle said. “Go and make your move whenever you’re ready, Spider-Man. Just remember what your job is. Don’t let her leave the museum. Do whatever you need to do, but stall her until Spoiler and Orphan show up.”

“Got it,” Peter said. “She’s not pulling this heist off. This spider’s going to be the biggest nuisance the cat’s ever seen.”

He tapped the earpiece to end the communication with Oracle, swung his way down into the museum, and silently dropped down one floor above Catwoman. He didn’t want to land closely enough to risk her hearing him, and there was no way for her to get out from the floor she was on. Everything was going perfectly. There was no need for him to hurry after her or make her aware that he was inside of the museum. He would pick his spot, wait for the appropriate time to appear, and keep her pinned in place. He didn’t need to beat her. He was pretty sure he could beat her, but that wasn’t what the Batfamily wanted him to do, and he was going to prove that he was a team player. If stalling her until backup arrived was all they wanted him to do, he would be the best Friendly Neighborhood Time-Waster Gotham had ever seen.

Upon following her from the floor above and seeing Catwoman walk down a hallway with no way to go other than the way she’d come, he knew this was the right time for him to make his presence known. Catwoman was elusive, but in dropping down now, he’d be able to cut off her only way out.

“Hi there, kitty,” he said, dropping down and landing on the floor gracefully. He wondered if using his webbing to stick her to the wall would constitute engaging her in a fight in the eyes of Batman and his allies. Ah, but she was already holding a painting in her arms. Using his webbing might make he drop it. Peter was no art buff, but he was pretty sure a painting in a museum like this getting all dirty on the floor would be a pretty big problem. Best to just stick to talking for now.

Catwoman did not flinch or whirl around when she heard his arrival. “Ah, the spider finally crawled down from his web, did he?” she said. She didn’t sound surprised or afraid. “Did you come to say hello?”

“I came to make sure you didn’t escape with any priceless works of art,” he said, “but since you mentioned it, this is the first time we’ve met since I came to Gotham. Hello, Catwoman. I’m Spider-Man.”

She laughed lightly, and Peter thought to himself that it really wasn’t fair for a thief to sound that adorable. “Hello, Spider-Man,” she said. “I’d introduce myself, but I believe you must have a pretty good idea of who I am and why I’m here.”

“Uh, yeah,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. Part of him felt like it was good that she still hadn’t turned around to face him, because he was pretty sure she wasn’t going to try to fight him or make her escape with her back to him. But on the other hand, Catwoman’s back being to him meant that her butt was also to him, and Catwoman’s butt was threatening to drive him to distraction. That butt would look great in anything, but her tight catsuit framed those round cheeks so perfectly that Peter wouldn’t be surprised if he started drooling inside of his mask. Having a butt like that so close was awfully distracting, and he could not afford to get distracted.

“So, what’s it going to be, Spider-Man?” she asked. “Obviously you’re here to stop me, but how are you going to do it? Are you going to try and fight me, one on one?” She definitely knew how distracting her butt was, because there was no reason for her to bend over and stick it out the way she did. She even started wiggling it a little bit. “Or did you have something else in mind? A special, personalhello, maybe?” She let out a little moan. “I think I might like getting to say hello, Spider-Man. Life as a single kitten in Gotham has gotten pretty lonely lately. Maybe you can shake things up, spider.”

“You’re trying to distract me,” he mumbled.

“Is it working?” she asked quickly.

“Yes!” he blurted out, “I mean no! I mean…yes, it is! But that’s not going to stop me from doing what I came here to do! You’re not getting away, kitty! I’ve got you cornered! You’re like a bug trapped in a spider’s web!” Peter smiled, proud of himself for that one.

“Mmm,” Catwoman said. It sounded eerily like a cat purring. How long had she had to practice to perfect making that sound? “Are you sure about that, spider?” She finally turned around towards him, and he tensed as she slowly started walking towards him. “Maybe you’re the one cornered.”

“I don’t see why you’d think that,” he said. “Maybe you don’t know what I can do, since I’m still new here, but I’m a good fighter, and I’ve got reflexes like a…well, like a cat, I guess.”

“I’m sure you do,” she said, still slowly approaching. “But I know more than you think—more than you, even. Everybody knows Spider-Man’s come to Gotham. But while you’ve been grabbing the headlines, I’ve picked up a stray.”

Peter’s spider sense alerted him to danger towards the end of Catwoman’s little hint, but when he turned to face it, he stumbled like he’d somehow planted his foot wrong or something. A white-haired blur suddenly clipped his legs, and with his lack of balance, he went down onto his back. Whoever had attacked him knew him well, because they bound his legs together at the heel with some kind of rope or something before he could spring back to his feet. They immediately did the same to his arms as well, and as that was happening, Peter found himself face to face with a familiar…face.

“Black Cat?!” he said, shocked. He knew that face well. He and Felicia were….well, it was complicated. “What’re you doing in Gotham?!”

“I didn’t think we ever progressed to the point that we needed to let each other know where we were going, spider,” Felicia said, laughing while she sat back, straddling Peter’s lap and pressing her weight down onto him. That was true. They’d met up off and on, and it was something more than mere friends with benefits, but also less than dating.

“She’s here on my invitation,” Catwoman said, finally reaching them. “I usually work alone, but recently I decided to take on a protégé.”

“Yeah, I came to Gotham to learn from Catwoman,” Felicia said. She gave her hips a wiggle, and Peter fought not to moan as he felt her ass rub against his dick through their suits. “But playing with my favorite spider some more was definitely a big side benefit.”

“Now’s not the time for playing,” Peter grumbled, willing his dick not to react to Felicia’s dry humping. Sadly, his dick rarely listened to his brain. “I’m going to get you off of me, and then I’m going to make sure neither of you can escape, with or without any of the expensive art you came to steal. I know it’s been a while since we actually fought instead of…well, you know, but wherever you got this rope or whatever it is you used to tie my arms and legs up, it feels pretty flimsy. I’ll be able to destroy it easily.”

“Yes, I know,” Felicia said. “I remember you using that super strength of yours to snap those handcuffs right off when you got tired of me humping you without putting your dick in.” She giggled, and Peter licked his lips behind his mask as he remembered that night on the rooftop. “But just because you could destroy it doesn’t mean you should.”

“And why shouldn’t I?” Peter asked. It felt like a bluff to him, but the longer he talked to the pair of cat burglars and kept their thoughts off of stealing the art and escaping, the more time Orphan and Spoiler had to show up.

“Because, though you can’t see it, those ropes are tied off to glass display cases,” Catwoman supplied. “The paintings we’ve grabbed are nice, but the contents of those display cases are our real target. If you use your strength to snap those ropes off, those display cases are going to topple over, and the priceless pieces of art they contain will shatter. And then you’ll have to explain to the curators of this museum, not to mention Batman, why you destroyed art so priceless that not even Bruce Wayne could afford to buy them without feeling the hit in his bank account.”

“…Oh,” Peter said. “Uh, I guess I’m stuck here, then?” They seemed to have gotten one over on him. But if he could keep them talking, maybe backup would arrive before they could escape.

“Looks that way,” Black Cat said. “It won’t be so bad, though. We’ve had some really fun times that started off pretty similarly to this, haven’t we? I mean, without the priceless artwork, sure. But you on your back, your arms tied up while I straddle you? That’s not a bad way to start a night.”

“And as for me, I’m very interested in some of the more explicit stories my young protégé has shared about her times with Spider-Man,” Catwoman said. She carefully placed the painting in her arms into a sack, and despite himself, Peter’s eyes again went to her ass while she bent over. She turned back around, put her hands on her hips and stared down at him. “But I don’t think it would be nearly as much fun to bat you around like prey as it would be to play with a willing mate. What’s it going to be, spider? Shall my protégé and I leave you tied up here, waiting for someone to come along and untie you from those precious display cases while we take what we want and make our escape? Or would you like to play with a couple of kittens?”

Peter clicked his tongue, making a show of thinking about it, but this was really just a way for him to wring a few more seconds out of this. His decision was obvious. He had been tasked with keeping them here and not allowing them to escape with the priceless artwork they’d come for, and him deliberately destroying pieces of art that were worth more than Peter Parker would make in several lifetimes just to have his arms and legs free was obviously not an option. He needed to stall them for as long as he could. And they were offering to take the time to fuck him. This was the only option he had if he wanted to stall them, because this was going to last a lot longer than talking to them could. Guarding this museum was his responsibility, and he was ready to do what he needed to do.

The fact that the best option he had to keep the pair of cat burglars occupied was to have a threesome with his sexy on-again, off-again…whatever label might apply to Felicia, and her sultry older mentor who happened to have what just might be the best ass Peter had ever seen, was just a very pleasant bonus.

“I’m in,” he said, finally nodding after drawing the moment out for as long as he felt like he could get away with. “But I hope you’re ready, kitties, because this is one spider who doesn’t go down easily.”

Catwoman laughed. “I like him already,” she said, crouching down beside him. “And I’ll like him even more if you weren’t exaggerating about the size of his dick.”

“I wasn’t,” Felicia promised. She wiggled her way down onto her knees at his feet, and she and Catwoman both reached a hand out to grab Peter’s costume by the waistband. They slid it down his legs together, and quickly discovered just how unsuccessful his brain had been at convincing his libido to cool it.

“Oh, my,” Catwoman purred. “You really weren’t exaggerating, were you?”

“Told you!” Felicia said. “Makes you wonder how you don’t see that spider-dick bulging in his costume when he’s swinging around the city, doesn’t it?”

“I’m more interested in learning what it tastes like,” Catwoman said. “And I see no reason to delay. Luckily for you, Spider-Man, this kitty gives an excellent tongue bath.” She stuck her tongue out and moved it from side to side playfully, and then she adjusted her positioning so she could lean over and lick the tip of his cock.

“Oh, shit!” Peter moaned. He hadn’t gotten any action since his threesome with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, and Catwoman’s tongue felt worlds better than his hand. She batted her tongue from side to side across his cockhead several times before taking it into her lips for a sucking.

Catwoman had good reason to be confident in her oral abilities, because those soft lips suckling at him and that tongue swirling around his cockhead felt incredible. His feelings of pleasure only became harder to deal with from there, because she proved to be equally prepared to bob her head and take his cock deeper into her mouth. Catwoman moaned around his cock as she swallowed him and cupped his balls in her hand. It felt like she was showing him that she owned every inch of him. And at least for the minute, that was true.

Peter groaned, closing his eyes and reminding himself not to give in. There were multiple reasons why he could not afford to cum yet. Obviously, it was important for him to make this last for as long as it could. The longer he lasted and the harder Catwoman had to work to make him cum, the more time his backup had to arrive and keep the pair of cat burglars from escaping. But Peter wasn’t thinking solely about his assignment to stall them right now. It was part of it, yes, but he was equally motivated by a far more personal and more selfish desire. He wanted this to last for as long as it could because it felt amazing. Catwoman was giving him a blowjob that ranked right among the best he’d ever had. If he was pressed to answer, he might have even put it in the very top position, because he could not immediately think of anything that topped it. Of course, a blowjob this amazing made it pretty difficult for him to think, so there was that too.

He wanted it to continue. He wanted to feel Catwoman’s tongue batting at his cock and her full lips stretched around his length for as long as he possibly could. He also wanted to impress her. Whatever she thought, whatever stories Felicia had shared with her, he wanted to equal them. No, he wanted to surpass them. He wanted to leave such an impression that Catwoman would know just how formidable Spider-Man was. And maybe he’d impress her so much that she, like Felicia before her, would come back for more.

“I think it’s time for me to join in, meow-ster!” Felicia said playfully. “Two kitties are better than one, after all!”

Peter knew he was in deep trouble as soon as he heard that. It had been a while, but he remembered how good Felicia was with her mouth. Unless his memory was deceiving him, the oral skill of his recurring ‘more than fuck buddy but not quite girlfriend’ combined with the talent Catwoman was introducing him to was going to be a very difficult combination for him to withstand.

Catwoman didn’t say anything, but Felicia must have seen some kind of sign that her mentor was on board with her suggestion, because she straddled his leg and turned her head so she could reach his cock with her mouth. While Catwoman bobbed her head on his cock, Felicia kissed and licked at the base, and nuzzled her mentor’s hand out of the way so she could reach his balls. Peter groaned when the ball kissing began. Felicia knew him too well. She knew exactly how he would react to her lips smooching all over his balls, and her tongue joining in on the fun. And now Catwoman was learning it too.

“I see,” Catwoman murmured, pulling her mouth off of his cock momentarily. Even then, she grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her face, not giving him any break. “With a groan like that, it’s obvious our little spider won’t be able to last long if we’re playing with his cock and his balls at the same time.”

Felicia gave his balls another kiss before lifting her head. “You can say that again,” she said. “I’ve always been able to make him cum pretty quick when I start sucking his balls, and we’ve only ever gone one on one. With two kitties all over him, he doesn’t stand a chance.” Peter tried to object and insist that yes, he did stand a chance, but all he managed to do was groan weakly.

“I’m afraid our time is going to be somewhat limited,” Catwoman said. “I suspect that there will only be time for one of us to fuck him before we must leave, so I propose that—“

“I call dibs!” Felicia said quickly.

“—we compete for it,” Catwoman finished, ignoring Felicia’s attempt to claim rights to Spider-Man’s cock. “We work together to make him cum. Whichever of us is closest to his cockhead when he finishes tries to swallow it all—which, if your stories about the thickness of his loads are true, is no easy feat. If she succeeds, she gets to use our remaining time to fuck him. But if she fails, that time goes to the other cat burglar instead.”

“Deal,” Felicia said, nodding. “I’m not going to lose. You might be my mentor, but when it comes to Spider-Man’s cock, I’m the one with the experience.”

“May the best kitten win,” Catwoman said, before dipping her head and giving his balls a, well…a kitty lick.

Not to be outdone, Felicia took the head of his cock into her mouth and started sucking him, reminding him that she really was as good at this as he remembered. The pair of cats made a deadly team, and now they were both focusing on trying to make him cum quickly. They would alternate roles every minute or so, and when it was their time to suckle at his tip, they would go at him with even greater urgency.

Peter groaned, wishing he had his hands free to ball them into fists, grab their hair/masks or…something. But he was restrained, and though it felt in-fucking-credible to have both Catwoman and Black Cat sucking his cock, licking his shaft and stuffing his balls into their mouths, he wished he could hold out at least a little bit longer. You know, because he needed to make this last long enough for Spoiler and Orphan to show up. Not because the two kittens smooching and slurping every inch of his cock was one of the most incredible things he’d ever felt in his life. Nope, that wasn’t it at all.

No amount of physical non-restraint would have meant a thing for long while receiving a double blowjob like this, of course. When the end came, Peter could only groan again and let the pleasure run its course. It had been an equal effort in which both women had more than done their part, but since it was Felicia’s lips that were wrapped around his cockhead when his orgasm hit, it was her who had the opportunity to try and swallow his load. She stared up at him, determined, and kept her lips sealed around his tip while he rode the wave of pleasure. Catwoman remained active on his balls, fitting both of them into her mouth and sucking hard, like she was trying to make sure that he gave her protégé as much to swallow as he possibly could.

Felicia pulled back when he was done, her cheeks bulging with semen which she then attempted to swallow. Before she could manage to get it all down, Catwoman pounced. She grabbed her protégé’s breasts through her catsuit and gave them what looked to be a very firm grope. Peter’s eyes bugged out when he saw that happen, and Felicia seemed surprised by it as well. She gasped, or maybe it was a moan. Either way, at least half of his semen spilled out of her mouth. It went everywhere. Some of it dripped down Felicia’s chin and got her catsuit all wet, some of it hit the floor, and some of it wound up getting on Catwoman’s hands and arms. Catwoman didn’t seem to mind the mess, though. She actually looked quite pleased with herself.

“I win,” Catwoman said smugly.

“That’s not fair!” Felicia whined. “You cheated! You didn’t even give me a chance to swallow it all!”

“I never said I would, did I?” her mentor asked rhetorically. “Let that be a lesson to you, my young kitten. We don’t play by any rules but our own. And now, our young spider’s big dick is all mine.”


“Enjoying the view, my adorable spider?” Catwoman asked, looking back over her shoulder at him while slowly rocking her hips.

“It’s, uh, nice,” Peter mumbled, but that word was completely inadequate for what he was seeing. Catwoman’s booty had looked incredible in her catsuit. And now the bottom of that suit had been pulled off, and he got to stare at her bare ass as she straddled his cock in reverse cowgirl position and rubbed her pussy lips against him.

“Just nice?” she said, laughing. “Are you sure it’s not purr-fect?” She wiggled her hips faster, and he watched her butt cheeks jiggle.

“That works too,” he admitted. “You have a great, err, tail.”

That got a louder laugh out of her. “That’s better,” she said. “And since you played along…” She held his cock in place with her hand and lowered her hips, sliding down onto him. Peter gasped at the sensation of Catwoman sitting down and taking his dick inside of her. The double blowjob had been lovely, but there was nothing quite like being inside of a woman. And this wasn’t just any woman. Catwoman’s pussy felt incredible.

“Mmm, that’s divine,” Catwoman sighed, wiggling her hips around while taking him a bit deeper into her. “I can see why you’re so enamored with him, Black Cat.”

“I’m not enamored with him!” Felicia whined. She’d walked off somewhere where Peter couldn’t see her, but obviously was still close enough to hear Catwoman. “He’s fun, that’s all!”

“He certainly is,” Catwoman agreed. She’d started moving up and down now, wiggling her ass around and slowly settling into a rhythm. Peter stared in awe at her bare ass moving as she rode his cock. He cursed the fact that he had to blink every now and then, because any split second where he was unable to watch her ass moving was a split second wasted. “His cock fills my kitty up so well. I wish I could take all night to have my fun with you, Spider-Man. Unfortunately, I expect that we’ll have company sooner than I would like, so I’ll have to make this quick.”

It seemed regrettable that he couldn’t spend the rest of his night like this, but it wasn’t like he could call Oracle back and ask for the backup to be called off so he could have more time to fuck the kitties, even if his hands had been free. He just had to use what time he had, and stare at Catwoman’s wiggling ass for however long it took her to have her fun on top of him. She leaned her body forwards, and he felt her hands rest on his legs, just below the ropes that were tying his feet together.

She moved with genuine urgency, bouncing up and down on his cock and showing that she had no problem dropping down to take him deep inside of her. For him, in addition to the pleasure of his cock filling her each time she dropped down onto him, he got to watch her ass shake more wildly as she picked up speed. The smack of her butt dropping down and hitting his flesh was nearly as pleasing to him as her moans were. Of everything that was happening, knowing that Catwoman was having fun riding his cock was the highlight of it all.

Okay, that was a lie. The best part of this was how fucking great it felt to have her bouncing on his cock. But her enjoying it was a respectable second place.

“Yeah, you really aren’t going to finish in time for me to have a turn, are you?” Felicia said, walking back into Peter’s view.

“Sorry, kitten,” Catwoman said. “But you can’t blame me, can you? You must remember what our lovely spider’s cock feels like.”

“I do,” Felicia said. Her feet stepped to either side of Peter’s head, and she crouched down above him, filling his vision. “I also remember what his tongue can do.” She grabbed the bottom of his mask and pulled it up to his nose, exposing his mouth. “Sorry, Spidey, but you’re not gonna be able to stare at her ass anymore. We don’t have long, so you’re going to have to work hard for me. If you can get me off before we have to go, I promise to let you stick it in my ass the next time we meet up like this.”

Peter didn’t know how to feel about the implication that he was going to be pinned down like this again, but the thought of doing Felicia in the butt (again) was definitely an exciting one. It was so exciting that he couldn’t even feel upset about missing out on being able to stare at Catwoman’s ass while she rode him. Though, to be fair, Felicia sitting on his face was plenty exciting in its own right.

He did remember how she liked to be licked, and he got to it quickly. He would have used his hands if he’d been able, but flicking at her clit with his tongue would hopefully be good enough even without his fingers there to penetrate her. It definitely seemed to be working out okay, because she was moaning in no time, and her hips were humping his face just like he remembered her doing.

Peter couldn’t watch Selina’s ass moving anymore, but he certainly felt her pussy sliding up and down his cock with ever increasing speed. She knew how little time they really did have, and she was bouncing hard so she could get what she wanted in time. Peter tried to hold out, and as much as he wanted to pretend it was because he was trying to stall her, the truth was that he couldn’t think about much of anything aside from the pair of sexy cat burglars bouncing on his cock and sitting on his face, respectively. He wasn’t thinking about keeping his new home of Gothamsafe right now. Spider-Man was all about getting Felicia off with his tongue, and hopefully making a positive impression on her sexy mentor. The only reason he’d lasted this long was because they’d already sucked one orgasm out of him, but even so, he knew he was almost done for. He just had to put his all into his licking and hope that it would be enough. Thieves or not, they were still incredibly sexy, and he wanted to please them both.

Felicia must have been very worked up long before she sat on Peter’s face, because even though she’d always been quick to cum, it was still surprising at just how quickly he heard her moan loudly in pleasure, felt her legs clamp together around his head and tasted her as she squirted on his face.

“Mmm, that’s the tongue I missed so much!” Felicia shouted. “Oh, fuck! Maybe I didn’t really lose after all!”

“I’ll, ahh, have to try his tongue out sometime,” Catwoman said. She was panting heavily, and her voice was shaking. “But for now…just a little more, and…oh, yes.

Peter felt her pussy tighten around his cock as she came. Catwoman was not a screamer like Felicia was, but her quiet groan of contentment was still gratifying for him. He’d done a good job after all. He could relax now, and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

“Oops!” Catwoman said, suddenly hopping up off of his cock. “Looks like we may have overstayed our welcome.” Felicia climbed off of his face a few seconds later, just in time for Peter to watch his cum shoot up into the air, landing mainly on Catwoman’s lower back. Some of it dripped down onto her bare ass, and the sight became permanently burned into Peter’s brain. Catwoman laughed. “What a mess you’ve made, you naughty spider! I don’t even have time to groom, and I would really rather not get cum all over the inside of my suit. I suppose I’ll just have to take my leave with my tail exposed.”

“Bye bye, Spidey,” Felicia said, giving him a wave while tugging the bottom of her suit back into place. “Look forward to next time. I wasn’t kidding about letting you do butt stuff. You earned it.”

With those frustrating and also arousing parting words, Catwoman and her protégé made a quick escape. They hadn’t disappeared from Peter’s sight for more than a minute or two before Orphan and Spoiler came running into the museum. There, of course, they came upon the rather embarrassing sight of Spider-Man with the bottom of his suit pulled down and his cock still out.

“Uh, hey, guys,” Peter said. “So, yeah, Catwoman came—and she wasn’t alone. Black Cat’s come to Gothamas her protégé, and the two of them together got the jump on me. But the good news is that they came to empty out the two glass display cases these ropes are tied to, and I kept them distracted long enough that they didn’t have time to get to them! So, like, that’s a partial win, right? Go, team!”

Unfortunately, as they would all discover once he’d been untied, the display cases had been emptied by Felicia. Peter hadn’t noticed because, well, he was a little bit too busy being hypnotized by Catwoman’s bare butt moving while she rode his cock. But honestly, he didn’t think blaming him for that was fair, any more than it was fair to blame him for not knowing that Catwoman wasn’t alone because Black Cat had come to Gotham.

Seriously, who wouldn’t be distracted with an ass like that bouncing right in front of them?


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