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Summary: The famous Commander Shepard walks into the bar looking to get laid during her shore leave, and you happen to catch her eye. (You/FemShep)

Content Warnings/Themes: Second person POV, light femdom

Just like your friends, and everyone else in the bar, you stared in awe as the famous Commander Shepard walked in, took a seat and had a drink. Your friends sat around the table and joked about trying to hit on her, but none of them actually made any move to get up and approach her. For your part, you were content just to admire her from your seat, which put her in your view. You were used to seeing her in her full N7 armor in most of the vids and pictures you'd seen of her. With her entering the bar dressed casually in an N7 tank top and what looked like uniform pants, you were able to see her bare arms and her red hair. You saw the woman beneath the armor and the legend, and she was an undoubtedly attractive one. (The brief but memorable look you'd gotten at her firm ass in those pants while she walked to the bar had only made it clearer that Commander Shepard was a woman, and a sexy one at that.)

After finishing her drink, Shepard stood up from the bar. You stole another glance at her ass as she stood, and then averted your eyes quickly when she turned in your direction. All chatter between your friends cut off when Shepard, rather than leaving the bar, walked right up to your table. She stood there and stared directly at you for a few seconds, and you got the feeling that those green eyes were studying you, taking your measure. You swallowed nervously.

"Hey, kid. Are you single?" You nodded. You weren't a kid; you were a grown man, even if you were younger than her. But you weren't about to contradict her. "Great. Do you want to take me back to your place, then? I haven’t had any action on that ship in way too fucking long, and I'm in the mood to spend the rest of the night fucking a guy until he can't get it up anymore." She put her hand on your arm, and you could feel her strength even with her not really trying to show it off. "Is that guy gonna be you?"

There was a hushed silence at the table, your friends as shocked at this turn of events as you were. You were stunned, but as several seconds passed without an answer and Shepard's face turned impatient, you realized you needed to give some response. Not trusting your voice, you managed a nod.

Shepard smiled. "Great." Her hand moved from your arm and slipped into yours. "Come with me." You allowed yourself to be pulled up to your feet and looked between Shepard's green eyes and freckled face and your friends, who were sitting there watching with their mouths open. "Gentlemen," she said, nodding at them. "Sorry for stealing your friend for the night. Next round's on me." Your friends cheered at that, and a couple of them raised their drinks up in toast to you.


You looked up at Commander Shepard, still feeling stunned that this was actually happening. The Commander Shepard, the woman who had saved the Citadel, was really in your bed, fucking you. And she was fucking you hard.

You'd led the way back to your Citadel apartment, but as soon as you were inside the door, Shepard took over. She'd shoved you against the wall and kissed you fiercely, claiming your lips as she groped your body. You'd never been kissed like that, but it was only the beginning. She'd stripped you down and then undressed herself, and while you marveled at the strong, sexy, naked Spectre in your bedroom, she'd stroked your cock to hardness, grinning with approval when she saw its full size.

She'd made a comment then about this being the right tool for the job, and she'd used it for her own amusement persistently over the last…however long it had been. You weren't sure how much time had passed, but between the 69, the doggy style fuck that had seen her thrusting back onto your dick harder than you'd have ever been able to do it herself, and the reverse cowgirl position that allowed you to watch her firm, muscular ass smack against your thighs while she rode you far harder than anyone else had ever even approached, your body felt fatigue like it had never known.

Shepard still wasn't done with you, though. You were on your back in the middle of your bed, with your legs spread wide and your arms wrapped around the back of your thighs, just like she'd commanded. Shepard held your feet and fucked you from her knees. It was your cock moving inside of her, but it definitely didn't feel like you were fucking her. With her on her knees and thrusting her hips back and forth to grind your cock around inside of her, there was no question who was in command here. You were being fucked by Commander Shepard--not the other way around.

Even if you'd had the strength or the courage to try and take control away from the first human Spectre, you wouldn't have dreamed of doing so. Shepard grinding on your cock like this felt incredible; everything that the soldier had done to you in your apartment had felt incredible. So what if you were less of an active participant most of the time, and were mainly there as a cock to be used? It felt too goddamn good to worry about it, and she looked too sexy as she fucked you.

You couldn't take your eyes off of Shepard. Her tits shook as she thrust back and forth, and her abdominal muscles flexed as she exerted herself. You could see the sweat glistening her body, standing as proof that you'd been going at it hard enough and for long enough that even Shepard was feeling it. When you managed to look up from her strong, sexy body and into her face, you saw those green eyes swimming with pleasure. The excitement dancing in those eyes, plus the loud moans she kept letting out, assured you that Shepard was enjoying her time with you. She'd come into the bar looking for a guy to fuck all night long, and you were hanging on, if only barely. Keeping up with Commander Shepard's sexual appetite was no easy feat, but you were still there, still willing, and still hard for her.

"Fuck!" Shepard screamed, humping faster as she felt her orgasm near. Her body tensed, and she squeezed your feet as she came hard on your cock. Her pussy, already tight, squeezed around you even more snugly now, just as it had done the first two times she came while fucking you. You groaned, holding on just long enough for Shepard to stop cumming and pull off of your cock, remembering her warning at the start about not wanting you to cum inside of her. She pulled off of your cock and finished you in her mouth, but she didn't have to work very hard for it. She'd barely gotten her lips around the head before you were moaning and cumming in Commander Shepard's mouth. She swallowed it all easily, and wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand when she was done.

"That was fun, kid," she said, climbing off of your bed and bending over to pick up her underwear and clothes. "Really fun." You lifted your head to stare at her ass some more as she bent over. "Mind if I use your shower?" You lifted an arm off of the bed and limply pointed in the direction of your bathroom.

"Thanks," she said, heading in that direction. "You know, you held in there a lot longer than I expected you to. Nice work." You thanked her, or at least that's what you tried to do. You weren't sure if you had enough breath in your lungs for her to have actually understood what came out of your mouth.

"I didn't really plan on doing anything more than getting what I could out of you tonight," Shepard said. She stood just in front of the door that separated your bedroom from your bathroom and turned her head back over her shoulder to look at you again. "But if you've got a cock like that, and you can keep up for that long even without any stimulants, that would be pretty fucking stupid of me. I gave my crew three days of shore leave, so I could spend the next two nights here fucking you. You in?"

Since you weren't sure how well your voice was working, you just nodded at her. Shepard grinned.

"Glad to hear it," she said. She smirked at you suddenly. "You know, if you can keep up with me like this for three nights in a row, I might be tempted to take you with me when I leave and make you my permanent bedmate onboard the Normandy." She laughed, and then stepped into your bathroom and disappeared from your view. After a few seconds, you heard the shower turn on.

You knew she was just joking, but there was a smile on your face as you closed your eyes and dreamed of servicing Commander Shepard every single night.


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