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What's Yours is Mine--Chapter 5 poll:

What is the fallout from Harry's first time with Hermione, and her request to become his for good?

When Ron demands to know how Hermione has been 'repaying' their best friend, she shows him

Hermione asks that Harry let her deal with Ron on her own, and he agrees. Two weeks after her first time with the man who she should have been with all along, Hermione goes to tie up the loose end that is Ron Weasley. She uses Ron's debt and her aspirations to become Minister someday against him, saying that she can't afford to have the potential scandal that would come if anyone knew that her husband owed so much. She says that she has been trying to work off Ron's debt legitimately, but there is just too much, and so she demands a divorce. Ron, suspicious, demands to know how she's been working off the debt, and Hermione decides to show him. She takes him into a pensieve, and he can only watch as she shows him her memories of two weeks' worth of Harry using her body at every opportunity, owning it and pleasing it in ways her soon to be ex-husband never could have.

Harry agrees to let Hermione handle Ron, and has some fun with Angelina, Alicia and Katie while he waits

Hermione wants to negotiate her divorce from Ron herself, and Harry has no problem with that. She's always been the smart one anyway, so she'll probably do it more efficiently on her own. But while he waits for her to deal with the man who had been her husband, Harry decides to celebrate with a foursome with his three former Gryffindor quidditch teammates, Alicia and Katie having let him know that they were both interested in taking him up on his offer to tag along for one of Angelina's 'sessions.'

Ron tries to throw his affair with Lavender in Hermione's face, but she and Harry turn the tables

Hermione ends up breaking things off with Ron alone, and he tries to save face by telling her he's been shagging Lavender Brown behind her back for months. Later, when Harry stops by to help with the move, he sees a scantily dressed Lavender who’s just arrived and decides to fuck her while Hermione deals with the situation. At the end, Hermione gets dragged into a threesome with the person Ron was cheating on her with, not even angry with Ron, while Ron has to watch as Harry uses the both of them



All really good choices, especially the pensieve one, but maybe that happen later in a ‘Ron still believes Hermione’s having some sort of mid-life crisis’ sort of way. Not that the characters are that old, but just hoping people understand what I mean with that.

Lordofnite 18

If possible @mayorhagger could you add the other two options as a omake?

Kevin Thunder

Definitely turn the tables.


I think both of the other options could still have the potential to show up later. After the setup at the end of Angelina's first chapter, I've always felt like a foursome with the Chasers has been inevitable for this story if it runs long enough. And the 'pensieve anthology' isn't time-sensitive or anything, so maybe something similar could pop up again and have more success in a later poll.


I doubt I'm going to do additional things for this story beyond the monthly poll, unless someone wants to commission bonus chapters that could fit in.


Well you're in luck, because that is stomping the other two options into the ground, lol.


With the way my schedule is set up for next week, and the winner of this poll having very clearly already been settled, I think I'm going to manually end the poll tomorrow and get started on writing the chapter a couple of days early. I'm sure nobody will be upset by that. :)