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Summary: Harry bides his time, choosing to make his first collection with Angelina in the locker room after her quidditch match. She'll have to get him off fast if she hopes to avoid Katie and Alicia catching them.

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Harry watched the Dorchester Dragons take on the Eastwood Eagles from the back of the stands, remaining under an invisibility spell for the duration of the Quidditch Second League match. Being who he was, he would have drawn a great deal of attention onto himself if he’d allowed the others in attendance to see him. That would have been counterproductive, as it would have made it very difficult for him to slip away as soon as the snitch was caught and the match was over.

It was an enjoyable enough match, and it had drawn a more than respectable crowd for a Second League competition. Harry focused mainly on the play of Angelina Weasley nee Johnson, and he had to admit that his former captain still knew how to find the hoop. The Dragons were right at the top of the British QSL, and the fluid teamwork between Angelina and her fellow chasers Katie and Alicia was a major reason why. The three girls had carried their teamwork from their Hogwarts days into their professional careers; the manager of the club had been wise to reunite the three ex Gryffindors on his team. Trough their teamwork, they had the Dragons leading by a wide enough margin that there wasn’t a great deal of drama left in the match when the seeker, a bloke named Connor something or other, caught the snitch and ended the match.

The Dorchester supporters around him clapped and cheered their victory, but Harry was in a celebratory mood for a much different reason. As soon as he’d seen the seeker’s hand stretching out to grab the snitch, he’d already been getting up out of his seat and walking swiftly towards the female locker rooms. It was time for him to carry out the real reason that he’d shown up to watch today’s match in secret.

There were detection charms on the locker room door, intended to block anyone from entering unless they were authorized. But for a wizard with the power and training that Harry possessed, it was simple enough to slip right through them undetected. There was no one else in the locker room currently, so Harry took a seat on the bench and waited. It shouldn’t be too long now before Angelina entered, perhaps side by side with Alicia and Katie. Both beaters and the seeker were men, so it was just Harry’s three former Gryffindor teammates who used this locker room. Whether Angelina came alone or was accompanied by the other two, it made little difference to him. He was going to collect his first repayment of George’s debt either way, and he wouldn’t mind putting on a show for Alicia and Katie in the process if it came to that.

He heard the three girls talking and laughing as they walked in together, obviously in high spirits after their win. Harry undid his invisibility spell and waited to see whether Angelina would unknowingly come towards him, or whether he would need to seek her out.

“Nothing like a nice, hot shower after a win,” Katie said.

“You said it,” Alicia agreed.

“I’ll join you in a minute,” Angelina said. “Just gonna sit on the bench and use my leg massager for a bit.” Harry grinned. While the communal shower was in the opposite direction, Angelina was going to be headed right towards him. This couldn’t have worked out any better.

Her teammates rounded the corner and started stripping out of their quidditch uniforms so they could hop in the shower, but Angelina followed the same path Harry had. She was looking down and didn’t see him at first, but eventually she noticed him sitting on the bench. Initially she flinched at seeing someone unexpected, but she stared at him warily once she realized who was there.

“I’d ask how you got in here, but there’s no point in asking,” she whispered, standing right in front of him. “You should go, Harry. You don’t want Alicia and Katie to catch you in here.”

He laughed, a sound which Angelina’s teammates might have heard if they hadn’t turned the water on just a few seconds earlier. “I don’t give a fuck if they hear me or not,” he said. “I know how professional quidditch locker rooms work. There’s a code that what’s said and done in here stays in here, unless it’s an urgent situation or something. And I doubt Katie or Alicia would consider it urgent even if they do catch us fucking.”

“Harry!” Angelina whispered harshly. “You can’t be serious!”

“I’m very serious,” he said, shrugging his shoulder. “You seemed perfectly willing to use your body to repay George’s debt to me after you watched me collect my first payment from Fleur. Or are you going to pretend that you didn’t all but beg me to fuck you that very night, in front of all of the other Weasley wives?”

Angelina looked away, embarrassed and unable to deny it. She, like Hermione and Audrey, had agreed to work off her husband’s debts the same way Fleur had, but she’d been the only one of the three to suggest Harry make his first collection with her immediately. He’d turned her down, saying instead that he wanted to savor the first debt collection with each of them, and would approach them one by one on his own time. It had been nearly three weeks since that night, and while he’d found the time to play with Fleur on no fewer than half a dozen occasions since, this was his first time going after one of the others. He’d been biding his time, waiting for the right moment to catch Angelina off guard before he acted, and he’d found it.

“That’s not the point, Harry,” she hissed. “I’ll fuck you whenever you want—hell, I’ll apparate away with you right now, and you can spend the rest of the night fucking my brains out! But we can’t do it here!”

“We can, and we will,” he said calmly. “The deal was that I would come to you whenever and wherever I chose to claim my first payment. I’m choosing right now, and I’m choosing this bench. You can come and make your first payment here and now by getting me off while I’m sitting on this bench. I’ll even let you choose how you do it,  Or you can decide to go back on our agreement, leave George’s debt untouched and hope that I won’t financially ruin the both of you. But if you do plan on following through, Your choice, Angelina.”

It was a bluff, and Harry knew that Angelina was well aware of that. He wouldn’t put her in a state of financial hardship that would nearly equal an entire year’s salary for a QSL player just because she refused to shag him in the locker room. But then again, she’d known all along that he wouldn’t put her in that situation, and it hadn’t stopped her from readily agreeing to his little proposal in the first place. She bit her lip, looking like she was trying to decide if she really wanted to go through with this in this situation.

“If you do intend to repay me, I’d suggest you get started,” he said casually, giving her a little nudge. “Alicia and Katie might enjoy a hot shower after a match, but they’re bound to turn the water off and come over here to get dressed before too long. Personally, I don’t care if they see us or not. But you seem pretty worried about it, so the more time you waste, the worse the odds are that you’ll actually be able to make me cum before they finish showering.”

Angelina licked her lips, knowing that while the threat of financial ruin wasn’t real, the possibility of being caught by her teammates absolutely was. It motivated her to drop to her knees and undo his trousers quickly, and she yanked both them and his underwear down around his ankles in one tug.

“Choosing to try and get me off with a blowjob, huh?” Harry asked. It was obviously a rhetorical question, since she had already circled her tongue across his cockhead several times and was now licking him up and down. “Interesting. Let’s see how good a cocksucker you are, Angelina Weasley.”

He’d used her married name to tease her, and to throw it in her face that if she wasn’t quick and efficient in making him cum, her teammates and best friends would inevitably come out of the shower and see her sucking the cock of a man who was not her husband. Angelina seemed to take the teasing to heart, because she took his tip between her lips and got to work.

Harry would give Angelina credit; she gave a great blowjob. She spent an ample amount of time licking, kissing and sucking on his sensitive tip before she started to bob her head and take more of his cock between her full lips. Angelina was able to take more than half of his cock into her mouth, and she could even do it at a fairly steady and consistent pace. She made sure that the base of his cock got plenty of attention too, because she accompanied her steady sucks with a firm two-handed stroking. She gave a very good blowjob, and with a performance like this, not to mention the visual of that beautiful face stretched around his cock and those brown eyes staring up at him, it would have been perfectly understandable if Harry had groaned and filled her mouth with his cum. He assumed that she would have been able to pull it off with her husband, and likely most men.

But Harry was not most men. He had enjoyed a very adventurous and enjoyable sex life ever since his attempted relationship with Ginny ended, and he’d been with many women who could suck cock well in that time. Angelina was good—very good, even. But Harry had gotten his cock sucked by several witches who were as good or better at this. Even Angelina herself had seen what her fellow Weasley wife Fleur could do, and the longer she sucked his cock without any real sign of getting him close, the more desperate she became. Eventually she tried pulling her mouth off of his cock and focusing on his balls, much as Fleur had. Harry groaned and gave her a pat on the top of her head as she took his nuts into her mouth and sucked on them, but this wasn’t going to be enough to get him off either. Not unless Harry allowed it to be, and he did not intend to make this easy on her.

“Time’s running short, Angelina,” he pointed out as she stopped sucking on his balls and leaned back on her knees. She gasped for breath, seemingly trying to decide her next step. It was only a matter of time before that shower turned off and Katie and Alicia came out to get dressed. If she wanted to make him cum before then, she would need to try something more drastic.

Angelina hopped to her feet, grabbed her wand and vanished her quidditch uniform off of her body, apparently not wanting to even take the time to remove it by hand. She quickly straddled him on the bench, lined his cock up and sank down onto it. Harry could feel how wet and aroused her cunt was as he entered her, and it made him laugh.

“If you got this wet while you were down there sucking my dick, can you really even pretend that doing this in here didn’t turn you on?” he teased. She glared at him, but seeing as she started to grind in his lap at the same time, he didn’t take her anger very seriously. Maybe she really was nervous about Katie and Alicia possibly catching her fucking him, but not so nervous that she was willing to back out of the unusual repayment plan he’d offered her. She’d wanted this, and even if she hadn’t necessarily planned to do it here on the bench of her quidditch locker room right after a match, that didn’t stop her from getting wetter or letting out grunts of pleasure as she rocked back and forth on his cock.

“Now this was a better idea,” Harry said, reaching around Angelina’s body to grab her arse cheeks and give them a nice squeeze. “You should have done this from the start.” As a young wizard going through puberty at Hogwarts, one of hi first explicit sexual thoughts had come as he walked behind Angelina after practice one day and saw her big arse moving from side to side. Her hips and arse had only gotten wider and thicker in the years since, and the confident adult wizard Harry had become was more than happy to finally get his hands on his former captain’s big bum.

Those thick cheeks soon started to smack against his thighs as she adjusted her approach, moving from a back and forth grinding to bouncing straight up and down on his cock. It was a wise idea if she was hoping to get him off quickly, because what had already started as a very pleasant shag for Harry rapidly turned into something truly special. Harry was used to being in the dominant position and doing the fucking himself more often than not, but he didn’t mind it when a witch climbed on top of him and showed him what she could do. If the witch soon found that she wasn’t up to the task of bouncing on his big cock and making him cum, it was amusing to watch her energy deplete before he reversed their positions and took back over. And if she was capable of riding him and matching his intensity, that was going to be an enjoyable experience for both of them.

Angelina could ride his cock, and she quickly proved that to him. She grabbed onto the back of the bench with both hands for balance and leverage as she put everything she had into the rise and fall of her hips. She had more strength in her lower body than any of his previous sexual partners, so far as he could remember, and he felt that strength in each bounce. A woman had never fucked herself on his cock with as much strength or urgency as Angelina did there on the locker room bench, and it was a potent combination.

In terms of sheer speed and force, Angelina’s ride was better than any he’d ever been on. If she’d done this right from the start, it was entirely possible that she might have been able to make him cum before the shower turned off. If nothing else, she would have made Harry have to work hard to try and hold his orgasm back long enough for Katie and Alicia to come out and see them, which had been his goal from the moment that the chaser trio had split off into different directions upon entering the locker room.

And Harry could tell that there was even more to it than her fear of being caught. There was a reason Angelina had gone along with this whole repayment business in the first place.

Her eagerness to fuck had been apparent on the very night that she'd agreed to the proposal and offered to make her first payment immediately. Now that she was finally going through with it, now that they were finally fucking, she was really getting into it. Harry was positive that those grunts she kept letting out as she bounced in his lap were as clear an indication of her rising pleasure as moans of delight would have been coming from another girl. She was probably at least as focused on hitting her swiftly approaching peak as she was on making him cum at this point, and ironically, it brought her closer to actually finishing him than she'd gotten before. If she'd had a bit more time to bounce on him like this, Harry honestly wasn't sure if even his determination could have held out.

Unfortunately for Angelina, her time had run out. No matter how hard she’d been driving her cunt down onto his cock for the last several minutes, she couldn’t stop time, nor could she stop the water from shutting off. They both heard it, and she started fucking him with even greater urgency after that. She grunted with the exertion she put into each bounce, and even Harry had to groan and hold on tight with how aggressively Angelina’s powerful body slammed down onto his cock and smacked against his legs. The shower was off, and now she was throwing everything she had at him to try and wring an orgasm out of him before her friends stepped out, put their towels on and came over here to get dressed.

But she failed. No matter how hard she tried, Harry wasn't going to break. This was the moment he'd been waiting for, and nothing was going to stop it now. Angelina continued bouncing as frantically as ever, but it didn't stop Katie and Alicia from rounding the corner on the way to their lockers.

They had towels wrapped around their bodies, and their cautious footsteps and blushing faces as they rounded the corner revealed that they already had a good idea of what was going on over here. And how could they not? Angelina was bouncing on his cock as hard as she possibly could, and the sound of their bodies slapping together had to reach Angelina's teammates as soon as the water was no longer running. Hell, Angelina was fucking him so hard that they might have heard something even while the water was still on.

Angelina's back was to them, so she didn't actually know they were there at first, and was so focused on trying to make him cum that she hadn't heard their light but not completely silent footsteps.

But Harry could see both of his former teammates over Angelina's shoulder, and he smirked at their blushing faces. He'd pulled his hands off of her when he heard them approach, so they could see clearly that Angelina was the one doing all the work. Short of her being imperiused, they knew that she was doing this of her own free will.

Harry had left an opening to see if Katie or Alicia might say something on their own, but they were evidently too stunned to speak up. Not wanting to risk them trying to walk away without Angelina noticing, he decided to speak to them, and also reveal their arrival to Angelina.

"Hi, girls," he said. "Congratulations on the win. That was a good match." Angelina let out a squeak as his words broke her concentration and made her realize that her efforts had failed. She stopped bouncing on his cock, but interestingly enough, she didn't try to get off of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder like she was trying to hide from the reality of the situation.

"Uh, thanks?" Alicia said faintly. It was obvious that both she and Katie had no clue how to react to what they'd walked in on, which meant it was up to Harry to direct this where he wanted it to go.

"Sorry if we disturbed you," he said lightly. "Angelina and I were just settling a debt." He put his arms around Angelina, partly in case she suddenly tried to bolt, and partly so he could reach down and grope her big round arse right in front of her teammates.

"Debt?" Katie said, frowning.

"Yeah, old George borrowed a significant amount of gold from my vault without my knowledge," he explained. "I offered Angelina a way to work off the debt, and maybe even have some fun at the same time." He laughed. "Between you and me, I think she was really close to cumming before you two came over and she got too shy to keep going."

"Right, yeah, we should get going," Alicia said quickly. "Sorry to interrupt. We’ll just, uh, leave you to it."

"Oh, there's no need for that," Harry said, shaking his head. "I'm not going to chase you out of your own locker room. I don't mind if you guys wanna stay and watch."

"Watch?" Katie said.

"Yeah, why not?" Harry said, smiling. "I know how pro quidditch locker rooms are. You're not going to say a word about anything that happens in here, are you?"

"Well, no," Alicia admitted. "If you were forcing her or putting her in danger or something, the code wouldn't stop us from doing what we needed to do. But as long as Angelina's choosing to do this, we won't say anything to anyone about her…repayment."

"That's good to hear," Harry said. "And I can assure you that, while she didn't choose the time and place, Angelina is very willing. In fact, I think I'm going to prove it." He gave Angelina's arse cheeks a little slap, and she groaned into his shoulder. "Angelina, I'll give you two options. You can get off of my lap right now, get dressed and get out of here. Since you were such a good sport about it and put in such an effort to try and make me cum before Katie and Alicia came and joined us, I'll even wipe out half of George's entire debt, which is far more than you really could work off in one session. But that'll be the end of it. We'll never talk about this again, and we'll never shag again."

Angelina's whine was loud and pitiful, and Harry grinned when he heard it. The prospect of stopping here and never having this again was not an appealing one for her, and now Katie and Alicia knew that as clearly as he did. This was going perfectly, and he was even more confident now that this minor gamble he was taking was going to work out in his favor.

"Or you can start riding my cock again, we'll finish our first session while Katie and Alicia watch, and maybe we'll make our next one more private," he said. He gave the other girls a grin. "Or maybe we'll see if Katie and Alicia want to join in next time." Alicia gasped, and Katie blushed, but he didn't hear an immediate refusal. "Just like before, the choice is yours, Angelina."

There were a few moments of hesitation, but Harry was not surprised when Angelina's arms slowly let go of his neck and reached out to grab the back of the bench again. As embarrassed as she'd been and likely still was about getting caught by Alicia and Katie, she was too horny and had come too close to stop now, especially since he'd given her an ultimatum and let her know that if she stopped now, she was stopping for good.

He wasn't sure if he would have actually held her to that if she'd stopped, but luckily that wasn't a question that would ever need to be answered. She resumed her bouncing, and it didn't take long for her to pick back up at the same pace she'd been going before she was surprised and embarrassed into stopping. Soon she was letting out those same grunts of exertion, and Harry could tell that it wouldn’t be long until she got off.

"I don't think you can have any doubts left about whether or not this is something Angelina was forced into, can you?" Harry asked, having to raise his voice a bit to be heard clearly over the smack of Angelina's thick cheeks hitting his legs repeatedly. Alicia just shook her head, watching with wide eyes as her teammate's arse jiggled each time she dropped down onto his cock. But Katie had a more entertaining reaction.

"Fuck no," she said breathlessly. Her cheeks were flushed with what was unmistakably arousal. "She looks like she's having the time of her life."

Katie was right, and never was this more obvious than moments later when Angelina's grunts turned into something between a squeal and a growl as she came. George was never shy about telling stories about his sex life, much to Percy's disapproval. Unless he was holding back the juiciest stuff, which sounded very unlike him, he'd never heard his wife make a sound quite like this. Harry squeezed her arse cheeks together and smiled with satisfaction as Angelina came on his cock and squealed her pleasure for all four of them to hear.

"She's certainly enjoyed herself so far," Harry said to the pair of towel-clad quidditch girls who were standing and watching, rooted to the spot. There was nothing holding them here; they could have left at any time. But they hadn't. They were watching the show, and so long as they were watching, he was going to give them plenty to enjoy, and to think about long after it was over.

"But I've let her handle everything so far, and I think it's time I show you what I can do," he said. He used his grip on Angelina's cheeks to lift her up with him as he got up off of the bench and stood on his feet, slipping his trousers and underwear off entirely when he stood. He considered putting her down on the bench so he could stand and fuck her, and then thought about walking her over and fucking her up against the lockers. But he ultimately decided to just hold her in his arms and give her a standing fuck. It was lined up perfectly to let Katie and Alicia watch, he didn't have to worry about repairing any equipment that might get damaged, and what better way could there be for him to show his strength?

Angelina was not a petite woman. She was an athlete, a quidditch player, and she worked hard to maintain her physique. That made it all the more impressive that he could not only hold her up off of the ground like this without straining, but fuck her hard. He could have given it to her even harder in a different setting, of course, but that wasn't the point. He wanted to show off, and making Angelina grunt and cling to his neck as he held her by the arse and pumped his cock into her was definitely leaving a lasting mark on Katie and Alicia. He glanced over at them often enough to see that they were paying close attention, and this standing fuck was making an impression on them.

But he could only spare them the occasional glance, because now that he was doing the fucking, Angelina commanded more of his attention. He wasn't going to stand and fuck her like this for very long, nor did he need to. Per the deal he'd first proposed when she saw him sitting on the bench, their first session would come to an end once he came, and that wasn't far off. But he wanted that end to be suitably memorable, for her and for Katie and Alicia too. That meant thrusting into her with enough force to get those grunts out of her, regardless of the position he was fucking her in.

Harry wouldn't have chosen to attempt this if he wasn't confident in his ability to carry it out. He could feel Angelina's tits rubbing against his chest as he drove his cock up into her pussy, and she held on tight and took everything that he had to give her. She was exhausted from her ride, but that was fine, because Harry had it from here. He held her up securely and hammered into her, keeping his cock moving at a quick pace as he pushed towards the end.

Along the way, Angelina held him even tighter and let out that same sound as before. It wasn't quite as loud as it had been the first time around, but it was still accompanied by quite a powerful climax.

"That's it, Angelina," he said. "Cum on my dick. Let Katie and Alicia see what a slut you are. My slut." Angelina said nothing to contradict him as he delivered several more hard thrusts, barreling towards the end of his first time with his former captain. "And now they're going to see me fill your pussy up with my cum, and they're going to know that you liked it."

Angelina just groaned faintly as he made good on his promise and came inside of her. She'd seen it when she watched him fuck Fleur, but now she felt it rushing into her, and she knew that there was no turning back. She, like Fleur, was fully committed to the repayment plan now that he'd pumped her full of his seed.

She was barely conscious by the time he'd finally finished cumming. He slowly, carefully lifted her off of his cock and put her down on the bench where it had all started. She tried to look up at him, but her eyes kept shutting and her head was lolling on the bench. Harry laughed and rubbed the back of his hand across her sweaty forehead.

"Can I trust you two to look after her?" he asked, turning to face Katie and Alicia. "Maybe see if she needs help showering, and make sure she makes it home okay?"

"Sure, Harry," Alicia said. She was speaking to him, but her eyes were looking at his cock rather than at his face. Katie's eyes were looking just as low, and she looked like she might be sorely tempted to let her towel hit the floor and take a turn if Harry asked. This was their first chance to get a good look at his cock, and they were unmistakably impressed with what they saw.

"You can count on us," Katie mumbled, still staring unwaveringly at his dick. He probably could have gotten hard again if he really tried, but this didn't feel like the right moment.

"Thanks, girls," he said, smiling at them both and making no attempt to take away the view they had of his cock. "And hey, I wasn't kidding about inviting you to join us in the future. Angelina has plenty more sessions ahead of her, so if you ever want to tag along, the offer is on the table."


James Trammell

Excellent as usual! Can’t wait to see the next part. Keep up the great work!