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The time has come for Robb to focus on taking King's Landing from Stannis. Launching an immediate frontal assault would be a foolish waste of Robb's advantages, and he will not be a foolhardy king who throws his men's lives away needlessly. Putting King's Landing under siege, and also utilizing his large army to subdue Stannis' bannermen and potential reinforcements, is the right strategy. But what role does Robb assume in this strategy?

Lead an assault on one of Stannis' bannermen

The strategy is sound, but Robb doesn't want to sit and wait for it to bear fruit. He wants to be involved in the fighting and take command of one of the groups that marches on a Baratheon bannerman. His advisors support that idea, believing it will be good for the morale of the army for the king to be leading one of the assaults on a Stannis loyalist. While Randyll Tarly and the main army keeps Stannis trapped in King's Landing, Robb will unsheathe his sword and enter battle with Grey Wind and his trusted friends and companions at his side.

While putting King's Landing under siege, Robb strikes a deal with the Spider

Lord Varys, the master of whisperers, is not a man that Robb is in any hurry to trust. But when the Spider sends secret word to Robb outside the capital, offering to open the city gates and let his army in, Robb seizes a chance to take the capital relatively bloodlessly (bloodlessly for him, at least.) While Varys makes him uneasy, Robb will have time to work out his motives later, after he's taken the throne.

Negotiate with the fickle sellswords and goldcloaks in the capital

Robb knows of the disloyal nature of King's Landing. It was that nature that got his father killed. But rather than lamenting it, Robb will attempt to use it to his advantage. The goldcloaks and the sellswords inside of King's Landing might technically be on Stannis' side, but Robb believes they can be swayed to betray him for the right offer. With their help from within the city, Robb's effort to take King's Landing will be made significantly easier. It is hardly an honorable approach, and Robb doubts that his father would approve of such methods. But if Robb is to take and hold onto the Iron Throne, he cannot afford to think like a man of Winterfell any longer.

((I THINK that all three of these options will probably contain smut of some sort, but I'm unsure of exactly how or with who.))



smut - Robb/Tyene/Dacey? I definitely would like to see some more Tyene, that's for sure.