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Summary: The Delacours have made Harry’s last two Christmases ones to remember, but this year they gave him the greatest gift of all. (Harry/Apolline, Harry/Gabrielle, Harry/Fleur)

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

“Happy Christmas, Harry,” Apolline Delacour said, smiling up at him as he slowly moved back and forth within her. “I’m so glad that you and Fleur could come and celebrate with us again this year.”

Harry chuckled and shook his head. “You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Christmas used to mean something very different for Harry Potter. When he was still a kid, and particularly before he’d started at Hogwarts, Christmas had been one of the loneliest days of the entire year. Christmas was a time for family, and rarely was he reminded of the absence of his more strongly than as he sat and watched Dudleygreedily tear through the wrapping of one present, toss it aside and forget about it immediately so he could rip open the next one.

It had gotten better at Hogwarts; he actually had friends and presents. But there’d always been a sense of wistfulness even then, because he hadn’t truly had a family of his own to celebrate with. Sirius had been something of a father figure to him, or tried to be at least. But Harry’s time with his godfather had been all too short, between his years in Azkaban and his untimely death. He’d only gotten a single Christmas with Sirius, and while he would treasure it forever, it hadn’t stopped him from yearning for a family to celebrate the holiday with.

The Weasleys were there, and they were great, but he always knew they were Ron’s family, not his. A reminder of that had come once he and Ginny found that they wanted different things out of life after the war, and they were better off as friends. Mrs. Weasley had protected him and loved him not unlike one of her sons, but any chance of him actually becoming one ended when he and Ginny broke it off. She still treated him kindly, but it wasn’t the same.

Falling in love with and marrying Fleur had changed everything. Obviously she gave him love and companionship, and he felt lucky every day that he woke up with Fleur cuddled into his side, her arm thrown over his chest. But Fleur’s mother and younger sister had their own ideas on how to bond with Harry, and on their first Christmas after Harry had married Fleur, they’d given him a holiday he would never forget.

It had been so incredible that he’d been afraid to get his hopes up last year, but they’d given him the same sort of celebration for the second year in a row. Today marked the third Christmas since he’d married Fleur, and it hadn’t taken long for them to give him a very strong signal that it would be just as wonderful as the previous two had been. Fleur and Gabrielle were currently downstairs preparing a traditional French breakfast, and while they were doing that, Apolline took Harry by the hand and led him into the master bedroom of her home. The first year she’d done it, he’d been too shocked to participate at first, so it had been up to Apolline to undress them both. Last year Harry had joined in far faster, and this year she’d barely gotten him through the door before he took her into his arms, kissed her and began removing her clothing.

“Oh, Harry,” Apolline sighed, stroking the side of his neck with her fingertips. Her legs were bent at the knees, and occasionally he could feel one of her bare feet rub against his hip or the side of his arse as well. Any touch from her made it tempting to fuck her harder, but Harry did not give in to that temptation. Instead, he continued to move at the exact same tempo he’d been using the entire time, and received the sighs and words of pleasure that accompanied it. “Yes, that’s it. So good. Just like that, Harry. Oh, you feel so good!”

If she thought this felt good for her, she should try feeling it from Harry’s perspective! Fleur’s mother was older than Harry’s own mum would have been if she was still alive, but that didn’t stop her from being one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met in his life. It was awe-inspiring to have her lovely face smiling up at him while he thrust slowly back and forth inside of her, making love to her just the way she liked it.

Apolline felt bloody incredible, and a less disciplined man might have given in to his urges and fucked her wildly. But Harry knew that wouldn’t have been what Apolline wanted. She would not have said a word against it. She would have accepted that faster, rougher pace for his sake, but Harry didn’t want that. He wanted her to enjoy this Christmas morning as much as he did, so he kept his lust in check and stuck to the slow pace that he knew was her preference. Seeing the pleasure on her face and hearing her soft sighs and whispered words of approval was more than worth holding back, as if simply being with this beautiful mature veela wasn’t reward enough.

He knew that sharing herself with him for the third Christmas in a row was not entirely altruistic on Apolline’s part. Her husband had passed away some five years past now, and she remained alone. She’d said that she had no interest in dating or remarrying, nor would she invite a man into her bed for purely physical pleasure. That meant she’d been all alone in this bed for the last five years, save for this one day on the calendar where she opened herself up to Harry and allowed him to make love to her.

It was a humbling thing to Harry, knowing that he had been the only man to touch Apolline for five years. That it had only been happening on this one day each year made it all the more important to him that he make it every bit as special as she deserved it to be. The Delacour women viewed this as a chance to create happy Christmas memories for Harry and make up for the many rotten Christmases he’d had when he was younger. But as far as Harry was concerned, it was even more important that he show them his gratitude and give them wonderful Christmas memories as well.

That meant taking the individual moments he had with all three of them and making the most of them. With this only being the third time he’d been with Apolline, he had less experience in the bedroom with her than he did with Gabrielle (to say nothing of Fleur, of course.) But he was confident that the previous two years had taught him enough about Apolline that he would be able to take the lead and handle everything this time around, and the way she’d reacted to everything so far had not given him any reason to doubt himself.

He could hear voices and laughter from downstairs, where Fleur and Gabrielle were preparing breakfast for all four of them. But even knowing the Delacours’ firm stance against using charms to keep fresh food from getting cold and allegedly ruining the flavor, Harry was not concerned about finishing in time. He felt no need to move his hips any faster, because he had no doubt that he and Apolline would be able to keep going just like this and still finish well before the girls would get irritated about the food getting cold.

His hips moving slowly didn’t mean he wasn’t bringing Apolline immense pleasure with each thrust of his cock. He might be going slowly, but each forward push did not stop until he had fully buried his cock inside of the mature veela and his balls were resting against her skin. The slow pace also allowed him to take his time and make sure that his cock moved back and forth at the best angle possible for her, brushing against her g-spot each time without fail. He didn’t need to hurry this along when he knew her body as well as he now did.

Just as he’d expected, her hands had come from his neck to his hair. She loved playing with his hair towards the end, messing it up even more than it already had been. She was grabbing onto the top of his head and mussing his hair now, and Harry knew what that meant. Apolline was hovering right over the edge, and there was one more thing she wanted from him right now before she got there.

Harry gave it to her, pressing his lips against hers and giving her a soft, passionate kiss to match the slow and steady pumping of his hips. Apolline sighed against his lips, and her hands gave a little tug on his hair as she hit her climax, the first she’d had with a partner since last Christmas. He’d followed her instructions back then, listening to what she wanted and making himself comfortable with her. That had been far more proactive than their first time together, where it had been all her leading things. But this year, on their third time together, he was happy to show Apolline how much he’d learned about her in the last two years.

Now that he had taken care of her and passed the test he had set for himself, Harry could afford to think about his own pleasure. The girls were probably nearly done preparing the breakfast at this point, judging by their laughter getting louder. But that was fine, because Harry didn’t have far to go at all. It would never take long for anyone to get off when they were making love to a woman like Apolline. Harry could have easily gotten off in half the time if he’d allowed himself to, but he’d been waiting for her to join him. She had, so he had nothing to lose by letting to.

Speaking of nothing to lose, the previous two years had taught him that the girls had thought of everything ahead of time and were prepared to enjoy themselves without any unintended consequences. He knew there was no need to worry about finishing inside of her, so he didn’t. He deepened the kiss and left his cock right where it was as he began to cum, and Apolline responded by grabbing his hair tighter and kissing him deeper.

“Breakfast is ready!” Fleur’s voice called from down the stairs, right as Harry was pulling out.

He and Apolline shared a little laugh, and one more quick kiss before they got out of bed and began to quickly clean themselves up. His third Christmas with the Delacours had been amazing already—and they hadn’t even sat down for breakfast yet.


Gabrielle whined into Harry’s shoulder as he carried her up the stairs, holding onto her perfect, pert little bum with both hands. Each step that they took served to bounce her on his cock, which brought out another whine or squeak from his slender veela lover.

Breakfast had been delicious, and after that it had been time for the four of them to sit around the tree and open their gifts. That was always a fun time, but seeing Gabrielle’s impatience for the others to finish, he’d had a feeling that she was going to pounce on him as soon as the exchange of gifts was done and the wrapping paper had been cleaned up.

Sure enough, after Gabrielle had cleaned up faster and with more efficiency than he’d ever seen from her, she took him by the hand and dragged him out of the sitting room and away from the tree, giggling about having one more special present to give him. As soon as they were out of sight of the others, her lips had crashed against his and she’d jumped into his arms. Fleur and Apolline knew exactly what they were up to, of course, but there had always seemed to be some tacit agreement between them that they would never acknowledge it. His time with each woman was meant for her and her alone.

Harry was unsurprised to have Gabrielle kiss him so eagerly, and he’d already been bracing himself to prepare to catch her before she’d even started her leap. His first Christmas with the Delacours had come when Gabrielle was 18 years old and halfway through her final year at Beauxbatons. She’d even changed into her powder blue school uniform just so he could take it off of her piece by piece, which had been a wonderful gift. It wasn’t until he was inside of her that he realized she’d just given him an even greater gift: her virginity.

He’d been the first to be blessed enough to shag Gabrielle Delacour, and as far as he knew, he remained the only one who’d been given the privilege two years later. But she was a far more regular presence in his bed than Apolline was, because she didn’t reserve this for a special once-a-year treat. With Gabrielle, it was more like once a month, or more if she could get it. That was still nothing compared to the three or four times a week that he and Fleur usually shagged, which sometimes got bumped up to five or even six nights when their schedules weren’t too busy and they were horny enough for it. But he’d fucked Gabrielle often enough to know just what to expect from her. She liked it fast and hard, and she loved it when he picked her up and bounced her on his cock.

The evidence of that remained halfway up the stairs, where their clothes and underwear all remained in a giant pile. They would still be there when they returned, but first, Harry was going to bounce Gabrielle up to the bedroom that had been hers when she was a teenager and fuck her in the same bed where she’d first fantasized about being with the Boy-Who-Lived.

There was a definite sense of hero worship from Gabrielle, and it had never quite faded. As Fleur had explained it, she’d gone from reading those fake stories about his heroics to actually being the heroine in one of them. It didn’t matter to her that she’d been in no actual danger under the Black Lake. Her hero had come to her rescue, and she’d been smitten with him ever since. She hadn’t dated anyone not for lack of options, but because no one else would do after she’d been able to give her first time to the hero she’d dreamed of.

From anyone else, the hero stuff probably would have turned Harry off. But from sweet, giggly, passionate and unbelievably sexy Gabrielle, it was a massively powerful turn-on. She was a jaw-droppingly gorgeous 20-year-old veela with a host of male admirers who would willingly throw themselves at her feet if she gave them the slightest bit of affection, but thus far, her affection had been reserved for him and him alone. Who wouldn’t be flattered, not to mention aroused, by something like that?

Harry had never saved anyone because he expected a reward in return, but if Gabrielle wanted to show her appreciation for her hero by throwing herself into his arms so he could bounce her sexy body on his cock once or twice a month, he wasn’t going to turn her away. Fleur was okay with him shagging her sister; she encouraged it, even. And as long as his wife approved, it would be his honor to bounce Gabrielle on his cock up the last few stairs and turn towards her bedroom.

Gabrielle had moved out of the family home just a few months after finishing at Beauxbatons, with her mother’s blessings and support. But her old room continued to serve as a guest bedroom whenever Apolline had visitors, and her bed was still intact. Harry had very fond memories of that bed. It was where he’d taken this lovely young veela’s virginity two years earlier, and they’d found a few more opportunities to fuck in it since then when they both happened to be visiting. That included last Christmas, at which point he’d been more than familiar enough with Gabrielle’s tastes to know how much she would enjoy it if he fucked her hard enough to make her walk funny once he let her out of bed. There was no question in his mind that he was going to give it to Gabrielle good in that bed once again. The only thing he was still trying to work out was what position he wanted to be in as he did it this time.

His eyes met Gabrielle’s as they neared the bed, and in her expression he saw her complete trust in him. She was giving him her body to use as he wanted, knowing that whatever he did and however hard he did it, it was going to feel incredible for them both. Making a snap decision, he pulled her off of his cock and put her down on her belly on the bed, placing her down far enough on it that her head hung over the edge. That gave him plenty of room to climb onto the bed behind her, plant his knees on either side of her legs and slide his cock straight back inside of her. Gabrielle had whined when he pulled her off of him, but she went right back to moaning once he was inside of her once again.

Harry gave her about a half a dozen thrusts in their new position before he grabbed her arms by the wrist and pulled them back a bit. He didn’t pull on them hard or pull them so far back that there was any significant strain on her shoulders. It was just enough for him to show her who was in control here, but not in an overly aggressive way.

Gabrielle loved it, just as he knew she would. She probably would have been moaning just as loudly if he’d pushed her head into the pillow or actually did pull on her arms harder, but that wasn’t what he was here for, and it wasn’t what he wanted with her. Pulling her arms back and thrusting his dick into her with enough consistent speed that her lovely little bum never had a chance to stop shaking from the impact of his thighs against her cheeks was more for her benefit than it was for his.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Shagging the sexy young veela’s brains out remained one of the things in Harry’s life that he looked most forward to, and with how the last two Christmases had gone, he’d definitely been looking forward to this chance to make her old bed shake once again. But he genuinely would have been just as happy to take his time and make love to her slowly, the way her mother always liked it. He would have been no less satisfied with his gift even if he’d spent the entire time with his head between her slim thighs, just licking her, listening to her moan and letting her hump his face until she was ready to go back downstairs.

But he knew what Gabrielle liked, and it wasn’t that. Oh, she wouldn’t stop him if that’s what he decided to do, and it wasn’t even a bad way to begin with her, provided they had plenty of time to work with. But there was only so much time he could spend up here with Gabrielle before they needed to return to their Christmas celebration, and that meant Harry was going to focus solely on giving it to her the way that she wanted it.

What Gabrielle wanted was to be fucked by her hero, so that’s what Harry did. He kept her arms pulled back just enough to show her he was running things, and his hips never ceased in their pounding. He couldn’t have fucked Gabrielle like this two years ago; freshly deflowered Gabrielle was the tightest fit his cock had ever had, without a doubt. Even now, she remained incredibly tight.

Surviving each thrust he gave her without breaking was a legitimate challenge for him. It was a narrow path to walk, fucking Gabrielle this hard while ignoring his body’s desire to release inside of her, but it was a path that he was determined not to lose sight of. She’d chosen him to give her first time to, and she’d given him every time since then. She deserved this. She deserved everything he could give her.

He sighed in relief when he heard her let out a high-pitched squeal that he had long since memorized. He’d heard it two years ago to the day when she’d given him her virginity, and he’d heard it every single time she’d shared his bed since. He remained the only man who had ever heard Gabrielle Delacour squeal in orgasm, and he got to hear it once again now. He was still busy enjoying that squeal, not to mention the way that her insides squeezed him even tighter, when she made a request of him.

“Inside!” she said, struggling to keep her voice even enough to get it out. “Please, do it inside, Harry!”

He’d been considering pulling out to finish across her back and arse, but if that was what she wanted, he’d give it to her without hesitation. Harry gave her wrists a little squeeze as he delivered a few more thrusts, and then he grunted and packed Gabrielle to the brim with his cum, just as she’d requested. She continued moaning happily until the flow of semen stopped.

Harry wouldn’t have minded leaving his cock inside of her for the rest of Christmas, but he knew it would have been rude to remain up here in Gabrielle’s bed all day and into the night. There was still plenty of Christmas left to go, and one flawless veela left for him to celebrate it with.


“It feels good, non?” Fleur said quietly, looking down at Harry as if she expected an answer. Her face looked so serious that he nearly burst into laughter at the sheer absurdity of it. Of course it felt bloody good; as if she didn’t know that! She was bringing him more pleasure than he could have ever imagined, just as she’d been doing for over five years now.

“Yes, Fleur,” he answered, since she had paused in her rocking and seemed to be waiting for his response. “It feels wonderful. You feel wonderful. As always.”

“Oh ho, such a charmer, Monsieur Potter!” she said, grinning at him. She knew how much he liked it when she slipped a little bit of French into her speech while they were making love, which was why she sometimes mixed it in even though her English was impeccable these days. “It is no wonder so many witches wish to climb into bed with you.”

“They can wish all they want,” he replied, licking his lips and watching her breasts slowly jiggle and bounce in time with the movement of her body. “I don’t need any of them, because I have you.”

Fleur’s laugh was music to his ears. “You really are a charmer! I think I shall reward you by making love to you until the sun goes down.” That sounded like one hell of a Christmas gift as far as Harry was concerned.

When he’d first met her, Fleur Delacour had been so beautiful it was intimidating. She’d barely given him the time of day at first, and that was a good thing, because 14-year-old Harry would only have been able to make a fool of himself around her. She’d warmed up to him considerably after he pulled her sister out of the lake, but he’d thought that would be the end of it. When the tournament ended and she went back to France, he’d figured he would never see the Beauxbatons champion ever again.

But then she’d reentered his life before his sixth year at Hogwarts, at first as the fiancée of Bill Weasley. Even when her relationship with Bill ended during that same year thanks to the frequent arguments she got into with Molly and Ginny (and Bill’s refusal to come to her defense), Harry hadn’t even entertained the idea of anything romantic happening between them. That hadn’t come until after he’d finished at Hogwarts, and they’d just so happened to run into each other one day in Diagon Alley. A friendship began to develop between them, and after a few months she got tired of waiting for him to notice her interest in him and simply made her intentions clear by tugging him into her arms and kissing him.

That first kiss had been a preview of what their relationship in general would look like from then on. Any time they moved to the next stage together, Fleur was always the one to initiate it. She’d been the one to pull him into her bed the first time they had sex, just as she was the one who suggested that they move into a flat together. Even when Harry had known for many months that he wanted to marry her, it was Fleur who had to come right out and tell him that she would very much like it if he proposed to her. He’d been afraid to take that step, partially because he worried that her failed engagement with Bill might leave her reluctant to get engaged again, and partially because it still seemed hard to believe that Fleur fucking Delacour was in love with him.

It had been years since Harry had felt any doubts about her love for him or allowed himself to worry that he didn’t deserve her. The truth was that no one could ever truly deserve the love of a woman as incredible as Fleur. But she’d chosen him, and if there was one thing Harry couldn’t possibly doubt, it was that she had never given even the smallest hint that she’d regretted that choice for a single moment.

Accepting that she’d chosen him and wasn’t about to change her mind didn’t leave him any less in awe of her though, and any time he was underneath her and got to simply sit back and stare at her flawless body rocking back and forth on him, he snatched that chance with both arms.

Such was the case today. He and Fleur didn’t have one particular position, speed or intensity that they favored above all others. They frequently switched things up, so when she beckoned him to join her on a walk outside in her mother’s backyard, he hadn’t known exactly what role she would ask him to play. He’d just known that he would follow her wherever she wanted to take him, and he would love every second of it as long as he spent it with her.

She’d clearly not only had this all planned out well in advance but had spent a considerable amount of time preparing it throughout the day, presumably while he was busy spending time with Apolline and Gabrielle. When they walked through the trees and reached a familiar clearing with a view of a little lake off in the distance, Harry found thick towels spread out on the ground all around them, with candles set up along the perimeter. He’d been unsure about actually shagging out here; it wasn’t cold enough for the lake to have frozen over, but it also wasn’t overly warm either. But she’d thought of that too, because the entire area within the boundary set up by the candles had been magically warmed. When they undressed and settled down onto the blankets together, they’d been able to enjoy the beautiful backdrop without dealing with the negatives of a chilly December evening.

Fleur wanted Harry on his back, and right now, there was nowhere else he’d rather be. She was moving quite slowly on top of him, rocking her hips back and forth in a deliberate tease that had made it clear she wanted to take her time even before her declaration about going until the sun went down. Harry was in absolutely no mood to rush her. He could stay there on the blanket just like this, watching his wife’s perfect body slowly grinding on him until there really was no sunlight left and it was only the magical candles that provided any light, and he would not have had a worry in the world. He wasn’t sure if she could actually manage what she said, but he was game to try it if she was. He rested his hand on her hip, stroking her soft skin and admiring the view offered by Fleur.

This clearing was a picturesque spot, and he could understand why Fleur had spent so many afternoons here as a young woman when she wanted to be alone. But this view couldn’t hold a candle, pardon the pun, to the view he had of his wife’s naked body sensually writhing back and forth on him. There was not a better view in the entire fucking world than the one from beneath Fleur while she rode his cock. Back and forth she went, grinding her body, moving his cock around inside of her at several different angles, looking like a naked sunlit goddess to his eyes.

She knew it, too. Fleur knew how beautiful she was, and how captivated he was by her. She knew how good he felt every time they shagged, whether it was the first time or the thousandth time. Maybe that had something to do with why she was taking it so slow this time. She obviously wanted this to last, because the expected elevation in pace never came. Usually she would get aroused enough that she started to hump harder so she could get to her climax, but not this time. Fleur stuck to her word, and stuck rigidly to her slow rocking, seeming to revel in the control she had over him as much as she did in her own pleasure this time.

While there was no clock to look at and no way to keep precise track of the time, Harry felt sure that this was the longest they’d ever gone without either of them cumming. Fleur didn’t speed up impatiently, and he didn’t beg her to. They both knew that they would get there eventually, and that it would feel as amazing as ever when they did. But for the time being, they were happy simply to share this romantic moment out by the lake together on Christmas evening. Harry could actually see the sun beginning to set, impressively enough. They really had been out here for a long time! Deep down, he’d thought that was one of those turns of phrase that sounded nice but was ultimately unrealistic. But Fleur pulled it off.

It couldn’t last forever though, as much as he might have wished for it to. Even if Fleur had gone completely still on him, just being inside of her was a pleasure in and of itself. She could have finished him quickly if she’d tried to, but even the serene pace she’d stuck to from the moment their clothes had come off was bound to accumulate and lead him to an orgasm sooner or later. And finally, as the sun started to set, Harry could feel that pressure building in his balls.

“You are going to cum soon,” Fleur said. It was a statement, not a question. She could feel it too. Of course she could.

“I am,” he answered simply. There was no shame in it. He’d lasted longer than any mortal could reasonably be expected to when they had a goddess like Fleur rocking back and forth on their cock. Besides, it wasn’t just her who knew him. He knew her too, and he could tell that she wasn’t far behind him. Even without the fast bouncing or the deep moans that would commonly accompany it from this position, the flush on her cheeks and the shaky quality of her voice was enough for him to tell. Maybe she wasn’t quite as close as he was, but she took so much satisfaction from pleasing him that his orgasm was all but guaranteed to trigger her own.

“Good,” she said, licking her lips. “I want you to keep your eyes open and keep looking at me. I want you to remember this moment.” There was an odd look in her eyes; one he’d rarely seen there before. Deep emotion and love swam behind her gorgeous deep blue eyes. He’d seen it the first time he told her he loved her, and the day they’d moved in together, and on their wedding day, and a select few other times along the way. For whatever reason, this moment meant more to her than just making love in one of her favorite spots in the world on Christmas.

“I want you to remember the moment that you impregnated me, my love,” she whispered. Harry gasped, feeling shock, confusion, nervousness and excitement shoot through him as he began to cum. He’d always wanted a family, and he’d definitely been thinking heavily about wanting to have children with her. They’d discussed it before their wedding, and she’d told him she did want to have children with him eventually. But he hadn’t known how to broach the subject to see if she was ready.

As he came inside of her and her words washed over him, he realized that this was one more example of her pushing their relationship forward. She knew they were both ready to have kids, and she’d taken it upon herself to initiate it. Fleur began to moan and shake on top of him as her climax hit too, just like he’d expected it to. But her eyes remained open and locked on his, and he returned her stare, doing his best to avoid blinking. He wanted to remember this moment just as much as she did.

Finally it ended, and Fleur collapsed down on top of his chest. Harry wrapped his arms around her body and kissed the top of her head, still in an emotional daze after the step they’d just taken. He couldn’t know if she was actually pregnant yet, but she’d told him that veela were quite fertile by nature and could greatly increase their chances when they were trying to get pregnant. He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t need to. He just hoped it was true. He was really going to be a father!

“This was the best Christmas gift ever,” he mumbled into her hair. His chest vibrated as Fleur giggled.

“Three gifts, actually,” she said, pulling back so she could look down at him again. He just stared blankly, and she gave him a slightly nervous smile. “It wasn’t just me who tried to get pregnant with your child today. Maman and Gabi aren’t using protection either.”

It took a few seconds for Harry to understand what she meant, but when he did, his mouth hung open. “You mean…?” he began, unable to even finish the sentence.

“All three of us, yes,” Fleur said, nodding. “We know how much you’ve always wanted a large family, and…well, maman is lonely, and being with you has ruined all other men for Gabi. Please forgive me for not telling you ahead of time, but we wanted it to be a surprise.”

Fleur looked at him, chewing on her lower lip and apparently nervous that he might be unhappy that they hadn’t told him about their plan. But Harry vanquished that nervousness by pulling her back down and kissing her fiercely.

This was the best Christmas ever. It was such a great Christmas that it would have made up for a lifetime of miserable ones. He’d always wanted a family to celebrate Christmas with, and now he had one.


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