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Firstly, I will get to posting the poll for Young Wolf's Journey at some point in the next couple of days. I think the poll will take the general idea of what happens after/as a result of a meeting between Robb and Stannis, but I want to think about the potential options there a bit more before I do the poll.

With that said, I'm now going to allow anyone who is interested to claim multiple commission spots in the annual Chrismut event (you can refer back to this post if you don't know what that is/want to know more about it.) Only four slots have been claimed to this point, so theoretically there are up to eight of them left. Just as a reminder, since it's a change from previous years: one slot is a flat $7.50 this year.

Anyone, including those who have already claimed one, can reach out to me privately and ask for as many of those eight spots as they're willing to commission. I'll wait for a day or two before locking any of these in, just to give everyone a chance, but at some point soon after that I'm going to close it up so I can give myself time to plan out the writing/posting and everything. 



LOL, way to use the old 'Smutmas' name instead of 'Chrismut', Haggar! Edited the post to reflect the actual title.

Pen Jr. Jr.

If you take up 2 slots, is it two separate stories or one longer?


It would be two separate ones. At the moment it tentatively doesn't look like there will be space for you to claim more than one anyway, but that's not locked in yet. If you want to discuss claiming one, feel free to send me a message. I'm hoping to finalize the list sometime tomorrow though, just FYI.