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Fandom: MCU

Summary: Carol Danvers doesn't think much of arrogant playboy Tony Stark when he first approaches her in the bar. But it doesn't take long for his confident boasting about her turning into his willing slut to come true. (Tony/Carol)

Content Warnings/Themes: Public sex, humiliation, breeding, anal slut, master/pet

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

“What did I tell you, blondie?” Tony Stark said, looking down at Carol with the same smug arrogance that had been there from the moment he approached her at the bar. “You should have believed me when I told you I’d have you down in front of me by the time the night was over. I’m used to getting what I want.”

Carol wouldn’t have believed it at the start of the night. This was the last thing that should have ever happened during her unplanned return trip to Earth, and when the arrogant man first approached her at the bar, she would have sooner expected to bash his face in than to actually prove him right when he boasted about everything he would get her to do for him by the end of the night.

But she hadn’t bashed his face in. She hadn’t even told him off and shooed him away to go try and impress some other girl with his arrogance and money. For whatever reason, she’d allowed him to take a seat beside her at the bar and continue to talk to her. At first she’d considered it a victory of sorts. If she could let him run his mouth and completely ignored him the whole time, maybe it would be a blow to his ego. He was certainly someone who could stand to be knocked down a few pegs. More than a few pegs, really.

Somewhere along the way, though, she’d started to listen. Carol still couldn’t quite figure out how she’d allowed his bravado and his smooth talking to affect her to such an extent that she would willingly follow him into the men’s bathroom, crouch down in front of him and suck his cock, yet there she was, proving every single thing he’d said right. Was it his arrogance, his boldness that had pulled her in? Or maybe her relatively chaste sexual history made her so curious that she was susceptible to seeing what this confident, vulgar man could do if she gave him the opportunity.

Whatever led her into this position, Carol had followed him into the bathroom, Carol had crouched down in front of him, Carol had unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. She’d gasped in surprise when she got her first look at him; her very limited experience with male genitalia hadn’t brought her into contact with anything that even approached what Tony Stark was endowed with. And now she had her lips wrapped around that endowment, bobbing her head and doing her best to suck him. Her best simply wasn’t very good though, not in comparison to some of the women Tony had put in this position before her.

“I’ll be honest: part of me finds your awkwardness kind of endearing,” he said, patting her head. “If you told me this was the first time you’d ever sucked a cock, I’d believe you.” It wasn’t, though it wasn’t too far from the truth. “But the rest of me doesn’t have the patience to stand here for the next hour while you muddle your way through this, so I think I’ll take it from here. We still have a big night ahead of us, after all.” Carol didn’t know what he meant by that. Wasn’t this the culmination of his dirty talk and promises? Wouldn’t he be finished with her after this?

He didn’t afford her the luxury of thinking through this issue, because Tony took over. He put his hands on the side of her head and began to thrust his hips, forcing his cock much deeper into her mouth than she ever would have been able to take it on her own. Carol had already been fighting not to gag as she sucked him, but there was no avoiding the gags she was forced to let out now that Tony’s dick was moving at a pace far beyond her experience level or preparedness. She should have stood up for herself and told him to back off and give her time to get used to this, but if Carol was in any position to do that, she would have never had his cock in her mouth to begin with. She didn’t even attempt to stick up for herself or get him to slow down. She just folded her hands in her lap, gagged on his cock and waited for him to be finished with her.

It wasn’t her first time sucking a cock (though her total was closer to zero than it was to five, it could be said), but it was her first time having her face fucked. With her constant gagging, her saliva dripping out of her mouth to make a mess of her face, and Tony’s balls smacking against her chin as he fucked her mouth, Carol had never felt anything quite like it. It was like she was just a thing to be used by him, and use her he did. It shouldn’t have excited her nearly as much as it did. And when he pulled his cock out of her mouth and pointed it at her face, she should have turned her head aside. What she did instead was stare up at him and keep her head still, allowing him to smear his cum all over her face from her forehead down to her mouth.

“That’s perfect,” he said while grabbing her hair and using it to wipe his cock off. “You look ready for your public debut as my slut now.”

She definitely shouldn’t have gone along with that. She shouldn’t have made to get up on her feet and follow him out of the bathroom without washing her face off. And when he shook his head and told her she had to crawl out on her hands and knees instead, she should have finally snapped out of this insanity if she had any self-respect or dignity left.

He walked out of the bathroom and back into the bar proper, and Carol followed behind him, crawling on all fours while his cum stuck to her face.


“I’m sure you’ve all seen and admired this sexy blonde during the night,” Tony said as he pointed at Carol, now naked and kneeling at his side. “I even saw some of you try to flirt with her, for all the good it did you. She was a cold one, right? Well, not anymore—not for me, at least. I’m Tony Stark, and just in case any of you doubted it, Tony Stark gets what he wants. Now who wants to watch me play with my new toy?”

When the owner of the bar pointed out that he could get in trouble for allowing her to be naked in his bar, Tony nonchalantly paid him more than double the bar’s value and became the new owner on the spot. It was now his bar, and he was going to use his new purchase to show off his new slut. The bar’s patrons, and even its former owner, cheered in reply to Tony’s question.

“That’s what I thought,” he said, nodding. “Okay, you know the rules if you’ve ever been to a strip club: look, but don’t touch. Touching’s for me and me alone, because she’s mine now. And you, my lucky guests, get to watch me break her in.”

Carol felt like she was in the middle of a dream. Dreams were where you did things that simply did not fit with who you were; dreams were where you could do whatever you wanted without any consequences or doubts. Only in a dream would she succumb to the advances of the arrogant billionaire, and only in a dream would she even consider crawling out here with her face covered in this asshole’s cum so he could show her off and fuck her in front of everyone.

It would be easier for her mind to accept if it was all a dream, but it certainly felt real enough when he pulled her up to her feet, threw her down on top of the bar counter and unceremoniously slammed his cock inside of her. No cock she’d ever taken had been even close to as long or as thick as Tony Stark’s, and she had a hard time even entertaining the idea that she would be able to come up with such a vivid feeling of fullness in her dreams. How could her subconscious self even comprehend what it would feel like for such a thick cock to stretch her out and push so deep inside of her?

She also doubted that her dreams would have ever contained a bar full of people standing around and cheering Tony on as he fucked her. Carol's love life, what there had been of it, had always been private and intimate. She'd never even spoken to anyone else about it, much less allowed a third party to watch. Getting fucked in front of an audience had never been a fantasy of hers, and she would never have envisioned it being something she could find any enjoyment from.

Yet there she was, her head hanging over the edge of the counter and her back and ass rubbing against the wood beneath her as Tony's thrusts rocked her back and forth. And even if Carol had suddenly gained the strength to speak up for herself or do anything other than groan, she knew that she wouldn't ask him to stop or send everyone else away. Having the others crowding around and watching Tony nail her on top of the bar counter wasn't something that she wanted to put a stop to. Them watching her, seeing what he was doing to her, excited her.

Tony continued to talk while he fucked her. He talked not just to her, but to the crowd. The man never seemed to shut up from what Carol had seen, and this applied to sex just as surely as it did to everything else. It was honestly kind of impressive that he could give a running commentary of it all and still maintain the pace that he did, because his thrusts as he fucked her on top of the bar were delivered with the same sort of dominant intensity that had been there once he took over in the bathroom and started fucking her face. Those deep, demanding thrusts made Carol squeal loudly, which was a shock to her. She'd always been fairly quiet during sex, but Tony Stark's big cock and even bigger thrusts brought out more noise than she'd ever made before. And those moans and squeals did not go unnoticed, either by Tony or by their audience.

"Hear that, gentlemen?" Tony said, looking around the bar while leaving his cock fully buried inside of her pussy for a moment. "That's the sound of a slut learning what it feels like to get broken in."

He got plenty of laughter from the crowd after that, and it also led to a shift in how the crowd talked about Carol. Before, they'd mainly been focusing on how hot she was, and how much they wished they were Tony and they got to fuck her like he did. But now, the general tone of their chatter switched and became more about what a slut she was. It wasn't like Carol could have argued with them, even if she'd been capable of putting words together. She'd crawled out here on her hands and knees, his cum was drying and sticking to her face, and she was moaning without shame as he fucked her in full view of everyone in the bar. He was right to call her a slut--his slut.

And when the bar full of people insulted her, demeaned her and talked about how filthy she was, they were right too. They weren't right just because she was allowing it to happen, but because she enjoyed it. They were right because knowing that she'd crawled in here with his cum on her face had been as exciting as it was intimidating, and they were right because the more they and Tony demeaned her, the higher her pleasure rose and the louder her moans became. This was no dream; it couldn't be a dream. Carol's dreams had never been anywhere near this depraved, and she'd never climaxed as hard as she did when Tony pounded her and insulted her until she squealed and squirted all over the counter.

"Now that's interesting," Tony said. "Looks like we've got a squirter, boys!" Carol was as surprised by that as anyone. She'd never done that before, so drenching the counter in her orgasm while everyone watched was mortifying. But that didn't stop it from being far and away the biggest orgasm of her life up to that point. If anything, the humiliation of him turning this into a public spectacle only made her climax that much more powerful.

"She's an even better catch than I hoped she'd be," the arrogant billionaire said while fucking her straight through her orgasm. "I think that settles it; I'm keeping her. Now who wants to watch me knock her up?"

The crowd cheered louder than ever, and Carol gasped and stared up at him, wide-eyed. Even with everything that had happened, everything he'd said and done so far, this was shock to her. He actually wanted to impregnate her? And he wanted to do it then and there? Carol opened her mouth, and an objection was right there on the tip of her tongue. Being impregnated was a step too far even in this dreamlike state she was in. For the first time in far too long, she was about to assert herself and attempt to regain some semblance of sanity.

But then Tony gave her another powerful thrust, and her objection turned into a gasp. He pulled back and did it again, either purposefully brushing his cock against her g-spot or managing it by a stoke of luck, and she went right back to moaning. All thoughts of asking him to pull out, to not finish inside of her, vanished. Suddenly, Tony breeding her didn't seem like such a bad idea. Anything that felt this good couldn't possibly be a mistake.

After no more than a dozen or so additional thrusts, Tony announced what was about to happen. "Here it comes," he said, sounding even more arrogant than he had when he first approached her. "Watch me breed this slut."

Why shouldn't he be arrogant? She'd given everyone else who'd walked up to her the cold shoulder tonight, but something about Tony just drew her in. Something about the brash man's swagger had gotten her to do things she never would have dreamed of doing, and once she'd felt his cock inside of her, there was no turning back. Now he proved beyond all doubt that she was his slut by cumming inside of her, earnestly attempting to breed her right on top of the bar, and Carol didn't have any complaints to make. When she felt his cum start to flood into her, all she did was moan and writhe on top of the counter as a second orgasm unexpectedly stormed through her. She'd never had two orgasms so close together like this, and she hadn't felt like she was particularly close to one either. It could only have happened so suddenly like this because the thought of him possibly breeding her right there in front of everyone was far more titillating to her than it should have been.

Tony's orgasm seemed to go on forever, and there was a huge amount of cum shot straight into her. Maybe he really would succeed in knocking her up on the first try if this was what he was capable of. Carol certainly hadn't had visions of becoming a mother dancing in her head when she set foot on Earth, but it suddenly felt like destiny had led her here for this exact purpose. She was meant to be his slut, and she was meant to be bred by him. When his orgasm finally ended and he pulled his cock out of her, she very nearly whimpered in disappointment.

"Is the show over?" one of the bar's patrons asked. His disappointment at the prospect was obvious, and Carol shared it.

"Not quite," Tony said. "My philosophy has always been that a girl isn't really mine until I've broken in all three of her holes. I already took her mouth in the bathroom before we made our public debut. You boys didn't have the pleasure of seeing it, though you definitely saw the aftermath." Him pointing out the thick facial that had by this point dried to her skin got lots of laughter from his adoring audience.

"You did get to see me breed her, and if you had to step outside for a smoke or something and missed it, you can see some of my cum dripping out of her. Kind of a 'show your work' deal, since the teachers in school always got on me about that, like it was my fault their brains couldn't keep up with mine. Anyway, point is, there's still one hole left for me to try out before blondie here is properly mine. Who here wants to watch me fuck her ass? Show of hands, please. 1, 2, 3…okay, everybody in the bar. Got it."

Tony flipped Carol over so it was her belly pressing against the counter, and her eyes went wide once again as her brain caught up to what he'd said. Anal sex? Was he really about to stick it in her butt? She knew that some girls on Earth did that, but she couldn't understand why. How could it feel good to take a dick up your ass? She couldn't understand it, and had no real interest in finding out for herself. But it seemed like she was about to learn anyway, and learn quickly at that. In spite of how recently he'd finished cumming inside of her, she could feel the head of his already hard prick pressing against her anus, preparing to enter her final hole. She was nervous, but it was a nervous sort of excitement to try out this final act. She hadn't been able to give him either of her other virginities, but after everything that had happened, it seemed fitting that he would be able to take the last piece of her that had remained virginal up until today.

His hips pushed forward, and his cock slid inside of her virgin butt. Carol groaned, feeling unprepared for any of this. His cock was too big, and her ass had never even taken a finger back there. But whatever physical discomfort was there easily got drowned out by the incredible thrill of knowing that Tony was taking her last virginity, and everyone in the bar watched him enter the one hole no man had ever been in before.

He didn't take long to savor the moment, because he very quickly began to settle into a rough pace, pushing in and pulling back far faster than Carol was really ready for. She doubted she would have felt ready for any pace, considering her complete lack of experience as well as the size of his cock, but with Tony, it was like jumping straight into the heat of battle with how forcefully he fucked her ass. She couldn't explain why, in spite of the discomfort, she felt such contentment at what was happening.

No, that wasn't true. She could explain it; she understood what was happening now, what had already happened to her. Tony had promised to make her his slut, and that was exactly what he'd done. She was no longer a fighter. She was now someone that lived to make him happy, and if throwing her down on top of the counter and slamming his thick cock deep inside of her virgin ass was what made him happy, it was her honor to be of use to him. The physical discomfort was still there, but listening to their audience cheering him on and telling her what a butt slut she was made it easier to ignore it.

"Now this is a tight ass," Tony said, giving her butt cheek a slap while continuing to hammer into her. "I wish you could feel it for yourselves, gentlemen." He paused for half a second. "Yeah, that's a lie. I don't wish that at all. A woman like this is meant for a man like me. Just enjoy the show and listen to her moan like the public butt slut she is."

That was the most important thing of all. That was why she found it surprisingly easy to endure this rough buttfucking; because it made Tony happy. She was his now, just as he'd promised she would be when he first approached her, and knowing that he was happy with her was all that she needed. He grunted as he moved even faster, slamming his cock inside of her again and again, showing everyone in his bar what his new slut would do for him, and it made an even deeper impression on Carol than it did on everyone who watched it happen. They were just getting a show they would remember for the rest of their lives. She was being shown what the rest of her life was going to look like, and she loved what she saw. Making him happy was all she needed.

His happiness was obvious when he squeezed her ass cheeks with both hands, left his cock deep inside of her and filled her rear passage with his cum. They received legitimate applause, complete with clapping hands and even whistles, but it was Tony's sigh of satisfaction as his cum rushed into her ass that made Carol happy. Earning sounds of pleasure from him was all the reward that she would need from now on.

"There you have it," he said after finishing. He pulled his cock out of her ass slowly, and she could feel some of his cum dribbling out. It was an odd sensation, but she wouldn't say that she hated it. She knew she would have lots of time to get used to it from now on too. "She's all mine, pals. Sorry to disappoint anyone who was eyefucking her earlier, but you'll just have to settle for thinking about tonight while you jerk off later. And hey, if you need a little something extra to finish you, how about an encore?"

He pulled Carol off of the bar and guided her down to her knees on the floor in front of him. "Be a good slut and go eat my ass while we close up the bar for the night," he said.

The version of Carol who had landed on Earth would have punched him in the face for daring to say such a thing. But she wasn't that Carol anymore. He'd known what was coming before he'd said a word to her, and every single thing he'd said had been completely accurate. The Carol that existed now, the Carol that had been made his slut and was happier for it, crawled around behind him as quickly as her sore body would allow, spread his cheeks apart and slid her tongue in without hesitation.

Who knew that an unplanned trip to Earth could take her down such a filthy, depraved, humiliating, amazing, life-changing road?


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