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Fandom: MCU/DC

Summary: How does Spider-Man celebrate the defeat of Thanos? By getting away for a week with all five of his superheroine lovers, naturally.

Content Warnings/Themes: Orgy, femslash

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

Stopping Thanos from carrying out his plans had been a close call even with the Avengers doing everything they could to stop him. In the end, it had taken some unexpected backup from Gotham Cityto finally tip the scales to the side of good and stop Thanos before he could carry out his plan to wipe out half of all living things in the universe. But they’d pulled it off, and now the victorious heroes were celebrating their success in their own ways. Thor left Asgard in Valkyrie’s care while he journeyed off on an adventure into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Tony finally settled down with Pepper for real, and Steve Rogers took Nick Fury’s place as the leader of The Avengers to guard against future threats.

Spider-Man would be there to join in the fight and defend the innocent when the time came, but in the immediate aftermath of their victory, he and his lovers all agreed that a bit of rest and relaxation was in order. It was really their idea, when it came down to it. But Peter would have been a fool to say no when the five beautiful female superheroes who formed his strange ‘family’ talked about wanting to get away and enjoy a nice beach vacation.

Peter sat on his beach towel he’d spread out across the sand and looked at the ocean, admiring the view. He was unmasked and out of costume, of course. This was a private beach, so they didn’t need to hide their identities here. Well, he didn’t need to hide his, anyway. None of his lovers wore masks or hid their faces while working, but he was glad for the privacy.

There was another, even greater reason for him to be happy that there was no one around save for him and his lovers. With no risk of anyone seeing what they were up to, his lovers were free to wear as little as they pleased. Natasha and Wanda were currently making the most of that freedom, walking along the beach in the nude, and that was a view even more attractive than the clear water reflecting the sun. He didn’t know if Diana would choose a similarly natural look when she came down to frolic on the beach, as she hadn’t come outside yet. But he was sure that whatever she wore (or didn’t wear), she would look sexy as hell.

Watching the bouncing breasts of the two redheads as they walked by was tempting, and when they passed him and it was their swaying asses he was in a position to admire instead, the temptation did not suffer. But a sharp suck on his balls reminded him that it was dangerous to ignore either of the two other women who had come away with him, particularly given what they were doing for him at the moment. Sif currently had her lips wrapped around the head of his cock while Hela worked on his balls, and while they had been rather casual about it up until now, it seemed that he’d been watching the naked pair of redheads for a bit too long.

Sif had been interested in Thor once upon a time, but his heart had belonged to Jane Foster instead. Peter knew Jane was pretty, and he was sure she was a perfectly wonderful person, but he couldn’t deny that he was grateful that Thor hadn’t returned Sif’s feelings. That meant that the Asgardian warrior had been free to jump on the attraction that had developed between them as she fought side by side with Spider-Man.

She was a strong woman, but also a sensual one. Neither she nor Hela had been in any hurry up until now. They’d pulled his trunks down, put their own towels on the sand below his and stretched out for a relaxed bit of oral fun that fit the mood perfectly with the mild temperature and the calm lapping of the tide. But apparently his eyes lingering on Wanda and Natasha had been enough to compel her to turn this lazy afternoon of sucking into a much more focused and intense blowjob.

She was concentrating hard now, showing him more of the skill he was lucky enough to know that she possessed. Her head bobbed on his cock, and while she couldn’t quite take him down her throat like Natasha could, the quick, decisive bobs along more than half of his cock did plenty to make him feel great. And that was before he considered what she did with her tongue. When she’d been taking it easy, that tongue had slowly licked along the tip of his cock, making him feel good without moving too quickly or overloading him with pleasure. But now that she was taking this seriously, her tongue was far more active. It constantly slithered around his shaft now, and when she would pull her mouth off of him for a few moments to catch her breath, she would lick his cockhead with much greater pressure and intent behind the movement of her tongue.

Hela was another Asgardian, and in fact was Thor’s older sister. Apparently their past was complicated; Peter didn’t know all of the details there, and neither Thor nor Hela had seemed interested in sharing them. It didn’t matter too much to him anyway. What mattered was that she had joined in the fight against Thanos and proven to be an incredibly powerful ally. More specifically to Peter’s benefit, her lust had proven to be just as potent as her skill in battle. She’d hinted that she had gone a very long time without sex before their paths crossed. He didn’t know exactly what constituted a long time for an Asgardian or why a beautiful woman like her had gone without sex for any length of time at all. He assumed it was related in some way to her complicated history with Thor and the rest of her family, and again, no answers had been offered up there.

It wasn’t important anyway; not to him. What was important was how high her sex drive was, and how much pleasure she’d brought into his life as a result. She was never shy about going right for what she wanted, and in this case, that had meant bringing her mouth to his balls. Like Sif, she’d been going slow at first, taking her time with slow licks and gentle kisses on his balls that were certainly pleasant, but they were light enough and came infrequently enough that he’d been able to relax on his beach towel and enjoy his surroundings.

She was making it impossible for him to look elsewhere now though, because the slow licks and kisses were a thing of the past. Hela was working hard to throw as much pleasure at him as he could handle. Really, she was trying to give him even more than he could handle, and with the help of Sif, she was succeeding. While Sif bobbed her head and got deeper into her blowjob, Hela popped his balls into her mouth and started sucking them firmly. He’d already known full well what this woman could do. However out of practice she might have been before they’d started hooking up, she was skilled enough to get him off in very short order when she put her mind to it.

The way she went for his balls now, he knew that her aim was to finish him in a hurry. She stretched her mouth wide enough to suck on both of his balls at the same time, and she also grabbed the base of his cock and stroked it quickly while she sucked him. Between her mouth on his balls, her hand at his base and Sif’s lips bobbing up and down rapidly, the two Asgardians basically handled his entire cock, and they did it quickly and with ruthless efficiency. Whatever their plans had been when they first joined him on the beach and pulled his trunks down, any thoughts of a lazy afternoon were long gone. They were working hard to make him cum, and cum quickly.

Their determination showed in their eyes every time he looked down between his legs at them, and each time he did so, he felt himself come closer to losing control. Peter’s hands clenched into fists against his towel as he tried to resist the temptation, but then he asked himself a simple question: why? What did he possibly have to gain by fighting back against the urge to orgasm? They were working hard for it, and as much as he might have wanted to keep this going for as long as his body could hold out, they had an entire week to themselves on this beach. He shouldn’t try to fight it; he should enjoy as many orgasms as he could, as often and as quickly as his lovers wanted to give them to him.

He stopped fighting and let go instead. His hips started thrusting up off of the towel, his hands ran through their hair, and he embraced their attention. Within moments he was cumming inside of Sif’s mouth, and she responded by pulling back so just the tip of his cock was inside of her mouth while he came. Once he was done, she pulled her mouth off of his cock and turned to Hela, who pulled away from his balls at the same time. Like they’d discussed it and planned this all out ahead of time, they met in an embrace and kissed right on the lips, sharing his cum between them. Peter watched in surprise, never having expected to see something like that in his life.

And this was just the beginning of their weeklong celebration! How much hotter might it get from here?


Peter didn’t know what the girls had in mind when they called him into the master bedroom on the final night of their stay, but his anticipation had his feet hurrying along as fast as he felt he could reasonably get away with. They’d hinted that tonight was going to be extra special, and considering how the week had gone, anything that would qualify as special in comparison would have gotten him to drop whatever he was doing and hurry over.

The week had been more than just sex; there had been plenty of time just spent relaxing with his lovers and enjoying actually being able to breathe and do nothing after the stress of taking on Thanos. But there was still plenty of sex mixed in, of course. Aside from the double blowjob and ball sucking from Sif and Hela that had gotten it all started, there had been a threesome with Wanda and Natasha in the water, a morning where Diana had shown him her durability by taking him in all three holes back to back, a rough anal pounding of Hela, and Sif riding his cock while they sat in a beach chair and Wanda massaged his neck and shoulders. And there were still other encounters to mention!

He felt sure that if they were confident enough to build this up as something special, what waited for him on the other side of this door was going to be something he would replay in his head for the rest of his life. And then he opened the door, and his beliefs and hopes were confirmed.

Waiting for him in the bed were Natasha, Wanda and Diana, with Hela sitting in the comfortable armchair set up in the corner and Sif snuggled into her lap. All five of them were naked, and while that had been a blissfully common occurrence over the last week, never before had all five of them been waiting for him in such a state at the same time.

“Hi, Peter,” Natasha said, giving him a little wave from the bed. “Glad you could join us.”

“We know that the general rule we’ve lived by is no more than three of us together at any one time,” Diana said. Peter nodded. That was true; his strength and stamina went well beyond the average man’s, so he was capable of handling a lot more than most. But then, they had plenty of strength and stamina to speak of as well. General agreement was that asking him to sleep with more than two of them at the same time would be a major drain on him, so they’d restricted themselves.

“But we figured tonight was a special occasion,” Wanda continued. “And besides, it’s not like you need to conserve your strength to be ready to swing into battle at a moment’s notice. It’s just us out here. So we thought, if there was ever going to be a night for you to be with all five of us, this was it.”

“What do you say, Peter?” Hela asked, giving Sif’s sexy body a squeeze. “Do you think you can satisfy all three of those horny humans on the bed, and still have enough left over to deal with a couple of Asgardians afterwards?”

Rather than answering them through his words, Peter let his answer be known by yanking his shorts and boxers down his legs and kicking them aside. He’d already been shirtless before coming to meet them, so that one tug and kick had him naked and ready to join them. And with five naked beauties right there before his eyes, it took no time at all for his cock to respond and have him really ready to join them.

Three grinning girls were there to welcome him, and it was immediately obvious to Peter that they had talked about this ahead of time and drawn up a plan for how they would handle him. As soon as he climbed onto the bed with them, they pushed him down onto his back and spread out with far too much coordination for it to be something they hadn’t already planned. Wanda crawled up to kiss him on the lips, Natasha kissed and caressed his stomach and abs, and Diana straddled his lap and rubbed against his cock. Peter happily kissed Wanda back, he enjoyed Natasha’s attention, and above all he waited for Diana to follow through and take his cock inside of her. He could already feel her arousal, and she briefly grabbed his hand and put it between her legs so there was no doubt. Wonder Woman’s body was obviously ready for his cock, so it was just a matter of when she felt like putting it inside of her.

He felt her lift up and wiggle against him for a bit, but she didn’t slide down straight away. Evidently she was in the mood to tease him, and Peter wouldn’t object to that. As ever, Diana was welcome to do whatever she wanted with him, even if that meant wiggling back and forth, rubbing his cockhead against her outer lips and teasing him enough to make his hips tense and jerk beneath her.

Then her hips dropped and she took his cock inside of her, and Peter let out a deep moan into Wanda’s mouth. The abrupt shift from a teasing grind to her taking almost all of his cock inside of her in one smooth descent would make any man moan, and that went double when the pussy that they’d just entered was as tight and perfect as Diana’s. Or maybe it went triple rather than just double. Diana Prince was no ordinary human. Being with her truly did feel like being with a goddess.

She was as tight and as wet as a goddess, and she rode him with the strength of one too. Her hips moved up and down at a nice, even tempo, taking his cock easily without pushing herself. He knew what she was capable of; he knew that she could go much faster than this if she chose. For now, at least, she would apparently prefer to take her time and fuck him at her own pace.

If that was what she wanted, she could have it. She could have him however she wanted him, because he wanted her to be happy, and it also just so happened to feel pretty damn amazing to have her slowly but steadily rock her hips. Besides, her going slower like this meant that there was more time for him to enjoy Wanda’s sweet kiss, as well as Natasha’s hands and lips running all over his body. She kissed and rubbed up and down his chest, licked at his nipples and came down almost as far as his pubic bone before stopping and going back up. She left his cock to Diana, and everything above the neck was Wanda’s, but Natasha was all over the rest of him.

It continued on in this leisurely fashion until Diana started groaning lightly and rocking harder on him. He knew what this meant: she was getting closer, and she was in the mood to get there. He felt her hands on his ankles as she leaned her body backwards to find a different angle, and her rocking got fast and hard. She began to moan as she got closer, and her hips grinding on him like this would have been enough to have Peter moaning right along with her.

But that wasn’t even the part of this that meant the most to Peter physically. No, the thing that really spelled the end for him was the way her insides tightened around him. Diana’s control over her muscles was as complete as anyone he’d ever known, and that control enabled her to perform truly wonderful tricks while his cock was inside of her. With her muscles squeezing tight around him and her pussy practically demanding that he finish with her, Peter was just as powerless to resist Wonder Woman as he had been the first time the Amazonian had kissed him and taken him to bed.

He moaned deeply as he shared in Diana’s pleasure, his cock firing several thick bursts of cum into her tightness at the same time that she moaned and her muscles squeezed around him so tightly. Feeling her muscles grip his cock tighter than ever as she hit her climax only enhanced his pleasure and prolonged his orgasm, and he knew from previous experience that feeling him cumming inside of her had a similar effect on her. It was a fantastic mutually beneficial exchange, one that Peter was honored to be a part of.

Natasha and Wanda pulled away as he and Diana came down from their peaks, and Peter smiled and admired the sight of the stunning Amazon relaxing on top of him, smiling and closing her eyes while keeping his cock inside of her. It continued until Natasha gave an exaggerated throat clear.

“Not to ruin the mood or anything, but some of us are waiting patiently for our turns,” she said.

“Is this what you would consider exercising patience?” Diana said, laughing and shaking her head. But she slowly got up off of his cock nevertheless. “Very well. One of you may go.”

While they were discussing things, Peter happened to glance over at the chair in the corner. Hela was still sitting there, but Sif had left her lap and was now on her knees in front of the chair. The former member of the Warriors Three had her head between the thighs of Thor’s older sister, and by the looks of it she was doing a fine job of pleasing her with her mouth. Hela’s hands ran through Sif’s hair, and she leaned her head back against the chair in a lazy smile. Either she’d been paying closer attention to her surroundings than he’d thought or it was simple coincidence, but Hela happened to open her eyes and see Peter looking their way. Her smile widened, she gave him a wink and moved both hands around to the back of Sif’s head so she could push her face deeper between her thighs.

“Now’s not the time to get distracted, spider,” Natasha said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him back towards her. He thought she might put him down on his back immediately once again, because Natasha often preferred to be on top. It seemed like she was in the mood for something different this time though. Wanda was already down on all fours pretty much right in the middle of the bed, and Natasha now assumed the same position next to her.

“She’s right, Peter,” Wanda said, wiggling her ass at him. “Can you take care of us both? Can you satisfy us at the same time? I hope we’re not asking too much of you.”

Hela let out a little chuckle from behind them, showing that she recognized what they were up to just as Peter did. All of his lovers knew that issuing some kind of sexual challenge to him was one of the surest ways to bring out his absolute best and most aggressive side, and Wanda and Natasha were definitely trying to activate that part of him.

If that’s what they wanted, that’s what they were going to get. He didn’t say a word. He just lined up behind Wanda, grabbed her by the hips and slid his cock inside of her, giving her a sharp initial thrust that made her gasp at how suddenly she’d had his cock filling her. But he gave her no time to adjust before he pulled back and pushed into her once again, going even deeper this time. He squeezed her hips and focused on his thrusts, delivering a steady hammering that had her crying out quickly. Wanda had always been quite sensitive when he fucked her, which was why he usually took it easy on her in comparison to the others. But she knew what she was signing up for when she threw down this challenge, so Peter did not feel any sympathy for her as he listened to her groan and whine her way through each one of his aggressive, deep thrusts.

Peter hardly ever took it easy on Natasha, nor would she have wanted him to. Fast, rough sex was almost always Natasha’s preference, regardless of who was on top. He wasn’t actually fucking her yet, but he still treated her to that same attitude when he took his right hand off of Wanda’s hip and brought it between the Black Widow’s legs. He rubbed her outer lips with his index finger and pushed in slightly, exploring at first just to confirm that she was as wet as he expected her to be. Once he’d checked on that, he began to jam his finger into her, giving her the deep fingerbang she liked as opposed to focusing more on curling and stroking her as he would have done with Wanda or Sif instead. Natasha’s moans indicated that she liked what he was doing, but he knew that she still wanted more. Her hips wiggled and she tried to hump his fingers, but she really wanted something longer and thicker inside of her.

“You want me to stick it in you, don’t you, Natasha?” he asked. “You want my cock, not just my fingers.”

“Yes!” she exclaimed right away. “Give it to me, Peter! I need it!”

“I know you need it,” he said. “But the question is whether you deserve it. Would you like to prove that you do?”

“Please!” she shouted. “I’ll do it! I’ll prove it! Whatever I need to do, just tell me and I’ll do it!”

“Diana, could you help me out here?” he asked, looking over at the other woman on the bed with them. She’d been sitting in the corner of the bed and drinking a bit of water while she recovered, but she put the water down quickly now.

“Of course,” she said eagerly. Understanding what he had in mind, she scooted her body into position above Natasha and spread her legs wide.

“Lick her, Natasha,” Peter said. “If you do that, and do a good enough job of it, I’ll give you what you need.”

Natasha’s head was already moving into position before he’d even finished giving her the instruction. She went down onto her elbows so she could get into a better position to pleasure Diana, and she began to lick with an intensity that matched her need. It didn’t take long before Diana was moaning and grabbing Natasha’s red hair, holding on as the talented widow did her thing.

“That’s a good widow,” Peter said, pulling his cock out of Wanda, who whined in protest. “I’ll give you what you need now. But don’t let up on your licking, or I won’t hesitate to cut you off.”

Peter slammed his cock inside of Natasha, pushing in balls-deep on the first massive thrust, just the way she liked it. He heard a muffled moan from between Diana’s legs, and he knew that the Black Widow was getting what she’d hoped for. He kept it up, fucking her with wild thrusts that were even faster than the ones Wanda had received. He also started slapping her ass with his left hand in tandem with his thrusts, giving her even more incentive to stay focused on pleasing Diana.

While his left hand did that, his right hand kept Wanda mollified. What she really wanted was his cock, but he couldn’t fuck both of them at once, so she would have to settle for his fingers in between thrusts. Unlike the fingerbanging Natasha got, his fingers curled inside of Wanda’s pussy, stroking her sweet spot and getting her to moan almost as loudly as she might have if he’d actually been fucking her.

The end result was that she was still relatively happy until he pulled his cock out of Natasha and returned to her after a couple of minutes, and then it was straight back to the same pace she’d been enjoying previously. His hand, meanwhile, slid back between Natasha’s legs to keep her revved up while she waited. Peter had to work hard to keep them both satisfied at the same time, but he had been blessed to be part of this relationship for long enough to have plenty of practice at tending to more than one beautiful woman at once.

It wasn’t often that he did so after already going through a round with Diana, admittedly. But that wasn’t enough to stop him from setting a steady pattern of thrusting and fingering, fucking one of the beautiful redheads for a minute or two and fingering the other with the technique that she preferred. Then he would switch to the other and jump straight to fucking, making sure that he switched between them frequently enough that there were no complaints, and also making the most of every thrust along the way. Satisfying two women the likes of Natasha and Wanda at the same time was no easy feat, but Peter was able to pull it off.

Natasha also did her work, dutifully licking Diana all the while, whether she was being fucked at that particular moment or not. All four of them were finding plenty of pleasure in bed, and the pair of moans from behind him suggested that Hela and Sif were joining them. At one point he spared a glance over his shoulder in their direction, and he smiled as she saw the two Asgardians down on the floor in a sixty-nine position, taking care of each other simultaneously. All six of the superheroes were celebrating the end of their weeklong break in fitting fashion, and it was really only a question of who would finish first.

That was a question Peter couldn’t accurately answer, because too many loud moans hit too close together to really have any hope of keeping track of timing. What he knew was that he was in the middle of fucking Natasha when she pulled her face out from between Diana’s legs just long enough to scream at the top of her lungs in powerful climax. Diana pulled her face back down after just a few seconds, and she too hit her orgasm not too much later.

Peter could have very easily followed the pair of them right over the edge, but it was important to him that he made sure Wanda joined them. He could feel that his fingers stroking her had her right on the verge of it, but she needed just a bit more to push her over the edge. That was how he summoned the will to pull his cock out of Natasha, hurry over to Wanda and drive it back inside of her for what was sure to be the final time of the night. It took just a half dozen or so thrusts before Wanda came, letting out a moan as her arms trembled and she fell flat onto her belly. Peter pulled out of her as she fell, and he barely got his hand around his cock before he started to cum as well. The first several bursts landed on Wanda’s lower back and ass cheeks, but considering this had been a group effort, he thought it was only fair that Natasha get some of it too. He moved over and spent the second half of his load on her, finishing on her lovely round butt cheeks, which had gone slightly red thanks to his spanking.

He sat back on his knees after he finished, but he was still in the process of catching his breath when he felt a pair of bare breasts brush against his back, and lips went to his left ear. Another pair of breasts squished against him from behind, and hot breath came to his right ear as well.

“I hope you didn’t let those three exhaust you, Spider,” Hela whispered. “You still have two more lovers left to take care of before you get to rest.”

“Please, Peter,” Sif moaned into his other ear. Her arm wrapped around his body, and her fingers trailed down his sweaty chest, slowly working their way south. “I need it.”

Normally, what he’d already been through today would have been too much even for Peter to bounce back from. But tonight was a special occasion, and they were right: he didn’t need to swing into action as Spider-Man tomorrow. What did it matter if he woke up too sore and exhausted to do much of anything?

“Try and stop me,” he said, turning around in bed to embrace them both.
