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Summary: Eowyn is shocked when Arwen asks her to become a royal concubine, but her feelings for him are not so easily ignored.

Content Warnings/Themes: Loss of virginity, threesome

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

“How may I be of service, my queen?” Eowyn asked, bowing her head to the half-elven Queen of Gondor. Aragorn’s queen laughed, and the sound was effortlessly musical and pleasant to Eowyn’s ears.

“Please, Eowyn,” Queen Arwen said, shaking her head with a smile. “There is no need to stand on ceremony. This is a friendly visit. Call me Arwen.”

“Very well. Arwen.” It felt strange to address the queen so informally. She might be sister to Éomer, King of the Mark in his own right, but she was no queen herself. She also did not know Arwen particularly well, and there was the tiny matter of the deep feelings Eowyn had held for Aragorn for some time. She’d come to terms with Aragorn’s rejection of her feelings and understood that she would never be with him, and she bore no grudge towards the woman he’d chosen as his queen instead. But she still felt awkward around Aragorn’s queen, uncertain of if she knew of Eowyn’s feelings towards her husband, and how she felt about it if she did know.

“That’s better,” Arwen said, smiling brighter. “Please, take a seat.” She kept smiling as Eowyn sat down across from her. “It’s important that you see me as Arwen rather than the queen right now, because I do not want you to feel under any obligation to accept the offer I am about to make. I want you to rest assured that I will not hold any grudge against you should you choose not to accept it. It needs to be your decision, made solely in consideration of how you want your future to look.”

“My future?” Eowyn said, surprised. “What do you mean?” Her future seemed pretty well settled. She’d accepted Faramir’s proposal, and she would live in Ithilien with him once they were wed.

“It is simple,” Arwen said. “You can marry Faramir as planned. Or you can become the royal concubine for the King and Queen of Gondor instead.”

“I—what?” Eowyn mumbled faintly. She struggled to make sense of what Arwen had just said. “Concubine? Me?”

“Yes, you,” Arwen said, still smiling at her. “I have been married to Aragorn for some time now, as you know, and I love him with all my heart. But since wedding him and becoming his queen, I have discovered that his lust is insatiable. I have tried to sate him; truly I have. But I have come to accept that I cannot hope to sate his desires all by myself. Indeed, I doubt any one woman would be able to. Thus, I have decided that it is essential for us to welcome a concubine into our bed. I am his queen, but Aragorn needs another woman to help satisfy him.”

“And you’d like me to be that woman,” Eowyn said. She knew she was stating the obvious, but her mind was still spinning with the surprise of what the Queen of Gondor had just dumped at her feet.

“You were the obvious choice, yes,” the queen said. “I know of your feelings for my husband.” Eowyn flinched, but Arwen’s smile remained warm. “I also trust you. If we’re going to welcome a concubine into our bed, I need to know that it is someone who won’t attempt to deceive us. Aragorn has always spoken highly of you, Shieldmaiden of Rohan, and I do not believe that his trust was misplaced. I also think that Aragorn would accept you more easily than any other woman I might be able to find.”

“You do?” Eowyn whispered.

“Of course,” Arwen said, nodding. “I have never once doubted his love for me, or his faithfulness. But I know his heart as well, and I can see the fondness he has for you, Eowyn. Had he not already given his heart to me before he ever met you, perhaps you would be Queen of Gondor here and now.” She laughed quietly. “Perhaps it would be you trying to decide who was best prepared to help you handle your king’s physical desires.”

Eowyn found breathing difficult as the weight of Arwen’s words washed over her. She’d bid farewell to her love for Aragorn. It hadn’t been difficult, but she’d accepted that he did not love her, and there was another who held his heart. Now that very woman was telling her that her feelings might not have been wholly unrequited, and that he might have even returned them had he not already loved another. But even if she couldn’t be his lover or his queen, Arwen was presenting her with another possibility. She could still share his bed. She could still be with him, whether or not they could marry—

“Faramir,” she sighed. The thought of marriage reminded her that she was already promised to another. “I am to become his wife, and—“

“You have agreed to become his wife,” Arwen said gently, cutting her off. “You are not his wife yet, and until you are, there yet remains time for you to change your mind. I know that you do not want to hurt him, but you cannot allow that to influence your decision. Nor can you worry about the disappointment Aragorn and I will feel if you refuse my offer and decide to marry Faramir. Faramir will be hurt if you do not go through with your marriage, but he will recover and find another woman to marry and spend his life with. And I will seek out another to be our concubine if you choose not to accept, even if I know that you are the first and best choice, Lady Eowyn.”

Eowyn did not know what to say. She just stared at the queen, who reached out to pat her hands.

“You need to make this choice for yourself and yourself alone,” Arwen said gently while looking into her eyes. “What do you want the rest of your life to look like, Eowyn?”


“Are you ready to begin, Eowyn?” Arwen asked.

“I am,” Eowyn said, nodding and licking her lips. She licked her lips not with nervousness, but with anticipation. There had been doubts and fears before, but they were gone now. She had made her decision, and she’d already had the difficult conversations that had been necessary. The worst was behind her, and now it was time for her to reap the benefits of her decision for the first time. That wasn’t something to be nervous about. It was something new and exciting, and any doubts she’d had were left in the past.

“Then let us enter.” Arwen took her by the hand and used her free hand to pull the door open. “Our king is waiting for us.”

Aragorn was indeed waiting for them. He was lying on the bed and looking towards the door expectantly, and he was completely nude. Eowyn’s eyes widened and her breath hitched at the sight of him. She was a virgin, but that didn’t mean she was wholly ignorant of what a man’s body was meant to look like. Based on what she knew, Aragorn’s manhood was as impressive as the rest of him was. If his lust was truly as insatiable as Arwen claimed it was, Eowyn could understand why she felt the need to ask for help dealing with it. Taking something so long and thick inside of her would wear down any woman.

“I know that look,” Arwen said, laughing and patting Eowyn’s cheek lightly. “I was much the same the first time I saw my husband nude.”

“You’re not having second thoughts, are you, Eowyn?” Aragorn asked, frowning up at her. Seeing this concern displayed even as he waited naked for them made Eowyn fall a little deeper for him, somehow.

“Not at all,” she said, meeting his eyes and hoping that he could see how excited she was for what was to come. His frown cleared and he gave her a smile in return, so she assumed he understood.

“I know we’re both glad to hear that,” Arwen said. “Now would you like to learn how to please him with your mouth before we begin?”

Yes,” Eowyn breathed. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to fit her mouth around something so large, but she was more than happy to try.

She and Arwen walked hand in hand to the royal bed where the king awaited them, and Arwen had her climb on to his left while she took the other side. Together they knelt and brought their heads closer to Aragorn’s manhood, and the closer her face got to it, the more certain Eowyn became that she had made the right decision. She didn’t know if any other male could have excited her so, and she would never find out. She didn’t need to find out, because she was now the concubine for the man she loved. And now it was time for her to serve him as any concubine was meant to.

“We should be able to give him something special with both of us doing this together,” Arwen said. “Let’s begin by licking up and down the side.”

Eowyn nodded, and she followed the queen’s lead in sticking her tongue out of her mouth. Arwen took a slow lick from the tip and moving downwards, and Eowyn did the same on the other side. It was a rather simple act, but with the tongues of both his wife and his concubine licking him, Aragorn let out a groan from that first lick. Eowyn loved the sound, and promptly decided that getting him to make it as often as she could was her new focus in life.

Her eyes kept going back and forth between the king and queen, wanting to see what Arwen was doing so she could mimic it, and yet not wanting to miss the pleasure on Aragorn’s face as they licked him. When Arwen pressed her lips against him and started to kiss around the head, Eowyn did the same. Aragorn groaned at that too, so they kissed lower down as well and brought similar sounds of pleasure from him. After kissing their way down the length of his shaft and then back up towards the head, Arwen pulled her lips off of him.

“I’ll start sucking him now,” she said. “Watch me, but if you want to lick or kiss him a bit while I’m sucking, feel free.”

Eowyn watched Arwen take the head between her lips, and she heard the sounds of slurping as she remained there momentarily. The queen slowly began to slide her lips lower and take more of him inside of her mouth, and Aragorn groaned. She might have decided that she needed help keeping up with him, but it was clear that she had the skill to bring him great pleasure. It would take time for Eowyn to learn how to match this, but she would try as often as necessary until she was worthy of being their royal concubine.

Even now, she could help out. While Arwen slowly bobbed up and down on him, Eowyn kissed and licked lower, paying attention to the base and down near his testicles. She was doing what she could to add a bit more pleasure on top of what Arwen was already giving to him, and with the way that he groaned and his hands dropped to their heads and stroked their hair, it seemed to be working. Arwen’s sucking deserved most of the acknowledgement, but Eowyn was happy merely to do her part and help her king feel good.

“Would you like to try?” Arwen asked her after pulling her mouth off of him. Eowyn licked her lips and nodded.

“I probably won’t be as good as she is,” she said, giving Aragorn an apologetic look. He smiled and ran his hand through her hair.

“Just do whatever you can,” he said kindly. “Having you here with us is enough to make me very happy, my lady.”

How could she not want to do her absolute best after she heard that? Knowing that he meant it and it wasn’t mere flattery only gave Eowyn more determination to prove that she would make a good concubine, regardless of her complete lack of experience heading in.

Eowyn was eager, but she was not foolish. She knew that she would not be able to match what Arwen could do; not yet at least. Eventually, perhaps, after she’d had more time and experience in her role as their concubine, she would be able to suck the king as well as his wife could. But she had no hope of doing so now, and there was nothing to gain in her trying and inevitably failing.

Instead, she took Aragorn’s encouragement to heart. Eowyn took him into her mouth, and she concentrated on doing what she could. Arwen hadn’t been bobbing her head all that fast, but Eowyn still took it much slower than even the queen had. She spent more time simply sucking on the tip, discovering how much he seemed to like it. If she wanted to, she could have just stayed there the entire time and made him perfectly happy. But the only way for her to learn what her current limits were, not to mention improve her skills, was to keep going.

Eowyn did exactly that. She had to take it slowly and give herself ample time to adjust, and she could only take him a little more than halfway down before pulling back. Not even Arwen had gone all the way down, but Eowyn couldn’t be sure if that was because she was taking it easy or if she still couldn’t swallow him whole despite all of the chances she’d had until now. Eowyn wouldn’t blame her if this was the latter, because she had to stretch so wide to suck him that she could imagine this remaining a difficult task even after she’d had years in service as his concubine.

But no matter how difficult it might be or how sore her jaw might be after she was done, it was a task she would take up with pride every single time. It had been a surprise when Arwen came to her with this offer, but after she’d gotten over the surprise, cut through the guilt of breaking her promise to Faramir and asked herself what she really wanted, there really hadn’t been too much thinking required. Of course this was what she wanted. She was with Aragorn, the man who she loved, and she got to hear his groans and sighs as she pleasured him with her mouth, knowing that he was making those sounds because of her. She got to look up into his handsome face while she slowly bobbed her head lower, and as she saw those gorgeous grey eyes looking down at her with such satisfaction, she felt like a worthy concubine in spite of her complete lack of experience.

“Wonderful, Eowyn,” he said. She loved the way that her name sounded coming from his lips while she was sucking him, and she loved feeling his fingers combing through her hair just as much. “Your mouth feels so wonderful.” Eowyn was soaring as high as the eagles after hearing such praise and feeling his touch in her hair.

“I bet it will feel even more wonderful to take her maidenhood,” Arwen suggested from the other side. “Don’t you agree, husband? Won’t that be a precious gift?”

“Aside from your love, I have received no greater gift in all my life,” Aragorn answered.

“And what about you, Eowyn?” Arwen asked next. “Are you ready to give yourself to your king and become our concubine in every way?”

Eowyn could not pull her mouth off of Aragorn fast enough to answer that question. “I would be honored.”

“Then I suppose we should unwrap this gift,” Arwen said. She reached out towards Eowyn. “May I?”

Eowyn nodded quickly, and Aragorn’s half-elf queen grabbed her dress and quickly pulled it down her body. It was a simple dress, easy to remove for just this reason, and with Arwen pulling and Eowyn twisting and wiggling to make it even easier for her, they had it off of her quickly. Underneath, Eowyn wore nothing whatsoever. She had come prepared for her first night as the royal concubine for the King and Queen of Gondor, and both Aragorn and Arwen stared at her. She remained calm and let them stare, knowing that they had to find her attractive if they had chosen her for this and welcomed her into their bed as their concubine. She might not be an impossibly beautiful half-elf like Arwen, but they wanted her here, and that had her feeling quite confident.

And yet, somehow the way they looked at her still made her confidence soar even higher. Arwen seemed even happier with her decision to approach her about becoming her concubine as she looked at her naked body, but it was Aragorn’s reaction that was most interesting to Eowyn. He was married to Arwen and saw her flawless body on a nightly basis, and yet he was staring at Eowyn with such open desire and hunger. Perhaps the insatiable lust that his wife had spoken of played some part in that, but it couldn’t be all of it.

Eowyn had believed Arwen when she suggested that her attraction to Aragorn had not been as one-sided as she’d originally thought it was when he rejected her, and she hadn’t doubted that he found her physically desirable before she stepped into his chambers, climbed into his bed and had her body bared before him. But it was only now that she understood that it went beyond a mere casual attraction. She’d been hopeful that he would find her pleasing even with a wife like Arwen sharing his bed, but the look in his eyes as they drank her body in revealed the truth. Aragorn desired her; no, he craved her.

“Isn’t our concubine lovely?” Arwen whispered.

“She’s perfect,” Aragorn said, not taking his eyes off of Eowyn. “You are divine, my lady. Thank you for agreeing to share our bed.”

“Thank you for taking me,” she replied. She was glad she was already in bed, because she felt weak in the knees with how he was staring at her. Aragorn looked like a starving man who had finally found his sustenance.

“Oh, but he hasn’t taken you yet,” Arwen said, letting out another one of those musical laughs. “That comes next.”

“I can’t wait,” Eowyn said, feeling breathless already as she anticipated feeling Aragorn’s touch, experiencing his warmth and his strength and becoming his lover and concubine. It wasn’t the way she’d imagined being with him when she first saw him and fell for him, but after he’d initially rejected her feelings, this was more than she’d dared dream of. And now, as he wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her for the first time, she was actually about to experience it. The man of her dreams, the man she loved, was about to make love to her.

She sighed against his lips and put her arms around his broad shoulders, kissing him back with all of the passion she’d tried to push back since he’d refused her affections out of love for the beautiful elf who would become his wife. No longer would she have to ignore her feelings or have to try and pretend that she didn’t want this man. He’d been her first choice the same way she had been Eowyn’s first choice for royal concubine, and as she kissed Aragorn back and felt his hands on her skin, she could only hope that Arwen and Aragorn were as content with their choices as she was.

Aragorn’s hands were surprisingly gentle as they stroked her ribs and made their way up to her breasts, and she moaned and kissed him deeper when she felt his fingers on her nipples. She had already been aroused, but those fingers rubbing her nipples got her even more excited. If he hadn’t chosen that moment to put his arm under her back and gently lower her down so she was lying flat on the bed, she might have tried to push him down herself.

He had that taken care of though, so she just spread her legs wide and kept kissing him. She let out a little sigh of disappointment when his lips broke away from hers, but it was hard to feel disappointed for long when she felt him kiss behind her ear. That was wonderful, but what really made her shiver with need was feeling his manhood rubbing against her, so close to where she wanted it and yet so far away at the same time.

“Aragorn, please,” she whined, running her hands through his hair as he kissed the side of her neck. “Please take me.”

“Don’t keep her waiting, love,” Arwen whispered from behind them. “She’s been waiting for you. Don’t make her wait any longer.”

“As you say, my lady,” Aragorn said, pulling his mouth away from Eowyn’s neck. His right hand left her breast in order to reach down, grip his manhood and line it up against her. The tip was right there; with a slight push it would be inside of her. He looked down into her eyes, and she could see his desire for her as well as his concern for her. Knowing that he cared about her and wanted to take care of her only made her want him more. She met his eyes and nodded eagerly, and he nodded back and slid forward slowly. Eowyn gasped as she felt herself penetrated by a man for the first time. And it was not just any man who had pushed into her. This was her king, and the man she loved.

“My congratulations, Eowyn,” Arwen said, leaning over Aragorn’s shoulder to smile at her. “Now he’s taken you. Or at least he’s started to.”

It was true that this was merely the start, and not just for them. Aragorn knew that she had come to this bed a maiden, and he took care not to take her too hard. There was still a moment of pain as he pushed through and claimed her maidenhead, but Aragorn remained still and waited for that moment to pass. Even when she nodded at him that she was able to continue, he moved slowly within her. It reminded her of how she’d approached using her mouth on him, because he never thrust at too fast a speed or pushed in too deeply for her to handle. Aragorn was careful and gentle with her, cognizant of the fact that he was the first to have taken her.

She did not need anything more. Just being with him was enough for her. Even the slightest movement of his manhood inside of her was enough to make Eowyn sigh with happiness, and she didn’t have to worry about him taking her to the point of pain. She felt full and stretched, and it was somewhat awkward, but the pleasure easily outweighed any awkwardness. She’d heard of men behaving more like beasts in bed, and she’d expected similar behavior from Aragorn after listening to Arwen talk about not being able to handle him by herself. Honestly, a part of her had been looking forward to it, even if she hadn’t known if her body was really ready to handle it.

This, she could definitely handle. Aragorn’s powerful body was on hers, and she felt his impressive manhood sliding back and forth within her, but he did not use his strength to claim his concubine. He treated her more like a lover than a concubine. He was slow and gentle with her, and he kissed her with such passion that she might have easily been able to pretend that this was their wedding night if she hadn’t been able to see Arwen’s beautiful smiling face over his shoulder, watching him take her for the first time.

But Eowyn had no desire to entertain such fantasies regardless. Being Aragorn’s wife and lover had been her dearest wish once, but she was quickly settling into and embracing the role she’d been offered in reality. If life as the royal concubine meant that she would get to enjoy this closeness with Aragorn without needing to worry about the responsibilities of being queen, Eowyn wouldn’t change a thing.

Eowyn was delighted to feel his weight and his warmth on top of her, and his manhood slowly sliding into her depths and pulling back, maintaining a steady pace that brought her consistent pleasure. She expressed that pleasure primarily through moaning into Aragorn’s mouth as he kissed her and running her hands along his muscular back in their embrace. It was gentle, it was sweet, and it was perfect. Even if it was nothing like she had expected her first night as their concubine to be, Eowyn didn’t question it. She just enjoyed every second of being claimed by the one man above all others who had captured her heart.

Her moans took on a desperate nature as she felt the pleasure well up within her, and she held his back tighter. She did not know how to communicate to him what she felt and what she needed, but fortunately she didn’t need to. Aragorn anticipated what she needed, and his thrusts sped up ever so slightly in order to bring it to her faster.

He wasn’t the only one who recognized Eowyn’s desperation and came to help her. Arwen came around from the other side, lowered her head to Eowyn’s chest and took one of her breasts into her mouth. The queen sucked on one nipple and rubbed the second with impossibly soft fingers, all while the king moved his manhood back and forth within her faster than before. It was enough to make Eowyn’s eyes squeeze shut as the pleasure flowed faster. She was pretty sure that it was supposed to be the other way around, with the concubine focusing on giving the pleasure rather than receiving it, but it felt too good for Eowyn to question.

Her arms trembled as her king and queen brought her the pleasure that her body had begged for, and her legs rose off of the bed to cross behind Aragorn’s back. It was even better than she’d imagined. She felt confident that no woman, whether wife or concubine, would be lucky enough to know pleasure the likes of which flowed through Eowyn’s entire body now. No one aside from Arwen, of course. The elf could have kept Aragorn all to herself, but she had chosen to share this bliss and invite Eowyn into their bed. Eowyn felt immense gratitude to the queen for being willing to share.

She had been unprepared for just how good this would feel, but she was even less prepared for Aragorn suddenly pulling his mouth off of hers and grunting into her neck as he finished inside of her. It hadn’t been clear, but she’d assumed that his wife and queen was the only one who would receive his seed. Apparently that had been an incorrect assumption, and rarely had Eowyn ever been happier to be wrong. Aragorn’s manhood twitched while he released inside of her, and Eowyn moaned and grabbed at his back, keeping her legs tightly crossed. It was a surprise, but one that thrilled her.

It was a perfect moment, and Eowyn could not think of a better way to end her first time sharing a bed with her king. If he had remained on top of her and inside of her for the rest of the night, she would have held him there happily. But he pulled her legs apart, slid his manhood out of her and left her behind, though not before sharing one last passionate kiss. Eowyn couldn’t be upset about that; not when she saw that he was turning towards his wife. Arwen had been selfless enough to not only bring her into their bed, but to let her have him all to herself tonight. The least she could do was watch with a smile as his wife held him afterwards.

Aragorn did indeed take Arwen into his arms, but what Eowyn thought would be a hug was anything but. He flipped Arwen over so she was flat on her belly and face-down on the bed, and then, to Eowyn’s shock, he grabbed Arwen’s simple gown with both hands and tore it from her back down below her buttocks and crotch. He pulled the scraps of it aside, and so fast that Eowyn’s eyes barely saw it, he lined up and slid his manhood inside of her.

This was completely different from the slow penetration he’d given Eowyn, and it didn’t stop there. The forceful entry was followed by swift, powerful thrusts. Eowyn watched the elf’s pale buttocks jiggle wildly from the impact of her husband’s hips smacking against them, and she heard the queen’s muffled squeals. Eowyn watched with dawning understanding of what Arwen had meant, and what awaited her in the future. Aragorn had been gentle and caring with her because it was her first time and he wanted to take care of her. He’d shown her love and affection and made sure that she had relaxed and enjoyed herself, and she loved him all the more for it.

But that gentleness and care was not all of who he was in bed. There was a beast in him as well, and it was strong. This was why Arwen had felt compelled to seek her out and bring her into their bed. As Eowyn watched Aragorn thrust into his queen hard enough to make the bed shake beneath the three of them, she fully agreed that no one woman would be able to handle this for long. Of course Arwen needed help.

Aragorn suddenly pulled Arwen’s hips up so she was on her hands and knees, and her eyes met Eowyn’s. Arwen, red-faced and moaning with every rapid thrust into her from behind, was in no position to speak. But she didn’t need to, because what Eowyn was watching pushed the message home more effectively than words ever could have. Her first time, she’d been made love to. There would probably be more lovemaking in her future as well, but that wasn’t all that she could expect as their concubine. The time would come when it was Eowyn in this position, moaning as Aragorn took her on her hands and knees and made her entire body rock and shake under the force of his thrusts.

She couldn’t wait. It would likely take some time for her body to be able to withstand being used this roughly, but Eowyn would spend every night learning and becoming better at bearing Aragorn’s strength. After all, she was the concubine, and that was her duty.

And as she watched the queen endure it all, she knew it would be more than just her duty. It would also be her pleasure.



Don't know how I missed this, but this was great! Right up my alley!