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Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones

Summary: Initially Jon Snow doesn't know how to feel when his half-brother Aegon asks him to continue the Targaryen line with his wife. But how could any man refuse once they see Queen Arianne nude? (Jon/Arianne)

Content Warnings/Themes: Consensual infidelity, impregnation fetish

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

“You called for me, Your Grace?”

The king rolled his eyes and shook his head at Jon Snow. “How many times over these last five years have I told you to call me Aegon?” King Aegon Targaryen, Sixth of His Name, didn’t look much like a king as he slouched in a chair that had to be far more comfortable than the Iron Throne that he had reclaimed from the Lannisters years earlier. “We’re brothers, Jon.”

“Half-brothers,” Jon pointed out. “And I’m a bastard besides.” He might be Rhaegar’s son just like Aegon was, but even the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark could never bear the Targaryen name, not with Rhaegar already having been married to Aegon’s mother Elia Martell. But remaining Jon Snow suited him just fine as it was.

“Bastard or no, you’re my brother, and that’s all that matters to me,” Aegon said. He smiled, and Jon smiled back. He’d grown up thinking of Robb, Bran and Rickon as his brothers, and getting used to the reality of their relationship and Eddard Stark not being his actual father had made having a different highborn son as his real brother one more strange thing for Jon to get used to.

He was used to it now though, and he and his brother had formed a genuine bond and camaraderie over the last five years since Aegon had taking King’s Landing back with the aid of his allies, Dorne most prominent among them. Jon showed him the proper respect that he was due as king when they were in public but calling him Your Grace in private like this was meant to tease him, and Aegon had took it as such.

“Then what can I do for you as your brother?” Jon asked. “I’d have thought that you would be too busy preparing for your coming trip to the Reach to visit with me.”

“Yes, there is much to do before I depart the capital,” Aegon said, nodding. “But there is something else that must be done; something only you can do. And I believe that now, while I am in Highgarden visiting the Tyrells, will be a fine time for you to do it.”

“What is it?” Jon asked, leaning forward in his chair and dropping his smile. “What do you need from me?” He could tell that Aegon was serious about whatever this was, so Jon responded in kind. He and his brother had a friendship, and Aegon generally insisted that Jon not bow to him or let his crown stand between them. But if Aegon needed a favor from him, not as his brother but as his king, Jon would do whatever was required of him.

“I need you to impregnate my wife,” Aegon said.

It took a moment for Aegon’s request to sink in, but as soon as it did Jon began to shake his head. “You cannot be serious,” he said. He knew Aegon was being quite serious; his face looked as serious as Jon had ever seen it. But it was such an unlikely request that he couldn’t understand how Aegon could say it and mean it. “Laying with any man’s wife is dishonorable, but my own brother’s? And the king’s besides? They would have my head for it.”

“There is no they to worry about,” Aegon said calmly. “I am the king, and there is no higher authority in all of Westeros than me. And it’s because I am the king, and because you have my father’s blood inside you, that I’m asking this of you. I’m sure I don’t need to explain why. Arianne and I have been married five years, Jon. Five years, and we know our duty. We know that our reign, and the realm, is only secure if we have heirs ready to take the throne once we’re gone. For five years we’ve been trying, and we have nothing to show for it. I know you’ve heard the whispers the same as everyone else.”

“The whispers I’ve heard have been more about Arianne than about you,” Jon said as delicately as he could. There was no point in pretending that he hadn’t heard people talking about the lack of royal issue after five years of marriage. Of course people had talked, and the talk only got louder as the years passed without Queen Arianne growing pregnant.

“Of course they have been,” Aegon said, chuckling without humor. “Everyone is quick to blame the woman, just as my grandfather Aerys did. But I can’t afford to be stubborn or to shield myself from the truth. I have taken many women into my bed, Jon. I have several mistresses, all of whom my wife is well aware of and has no problem with. One of the many benefits of taking a Dornishwoman as my queen, I suppose.” He laughed, but just as quickly the humor faded and he gave Jon a serious look.

“But the freedom my wife has given me to have my fun in the bedchamber has also made it all but impossible for me to ignore the reality of my situation,” Aegon said quietly. “I’ve taken all those women into my bed over the last five years, and I haven’t been hesitant to spend my seed inside of them. Over the last few years I’ve finished inside them nearly every time, seeking to prove my suspicions wrong. But instead I confirmed them. People can whisper about Arianne as they like, but the far likelier possibility is that it is me who has the problem. After five years with Arianne and with all my mistresses as well, I can’t pretend that the issue doesn’t lie with me. I fear that my seed will never impregnate my queen, or anyone else.”

What does one say to a confession like that? How does one comfort their brother for that very raw show of weakness, even before you considered the complications of him being the king? This wasn’t something that Jon had been prepared for, and he cleared his throat awkwardly while he tried to figure out what he should say.

“I am sorry.” What he finally settled on was simple, but it felt like the only thing that really needed to be said.

Aegon nodded slightly. “Thank you,” he said, closing his eyes. He opened them again after a few moments, and when he did Jon saw that the moment of sadness had passed. Aegon had pushed it aside to return to his original focus.

“But I didn’t ask you here so I could have your pity. I asked you here so I could ask you to do what I cannot. I asked you to impregnate my wife, Jon, and now you can surely understand why. There must be an heir. Queen Arianne needs to give birth to a prince, one with the blood of the Targaryens flowing through them.” He stared at Jon intently. “I can’t do it, so it must be you, brother.”


“Jon? May I come in?”

Jon hesitated in his chair, and he very nearly said no and turned Queen Arianne away, however impolite that would have been. He’d been expecting a visit like this for the last couple of days, and he didn’t know how to feel about it or how he was going to respond to what she was sure to ask of him.

Aegon had left on his visit to the Reach three days prior, but not before privately asking Jon again to make every effort to impregnate his wife and queen while he was gone. It was a request Jon had not ever expected to receive, and he still did not know if he could go through with it. He hadn’t refused Aegon outright, but this was asking quite a bit. Jon had always sworn to himself that he would never father a child on any woman unless he happened to get married to one. Even if he understood the practical reasons behind why Aegon needed his wife to get pregnant and why he wanted Jon to be the one to do it, it was still something he was struggling to come to terms with.

Arianne hadn’t mentioned it at all to him, but he had felt her eyes on him, watching him at meals or when their paths crossed in the Red Keep. They always greeted each other pleasantly, but there were no extended conversations. Jon got along quite well with his brother’s wife, but knowing what Aegon expected them to do while he was gone had made him feel nervous and uncertain around the beautiful Dornish queen. A few times he’d thought she might be on the cusp of saying something and perhaps bringing it up herself since he was avoiding it, but he never lingered and she hadn’t actively sought him out. Until now.

“Of course,” Jon said. They were going to have to address this eventually, and it would be rude to send her away. “Come in.”

Arianne pulled the door open and stepped inside of his bedchamber in the Red Keep. Jon looked up from the letter to Winterfell he'd been writing in order to greet his guest, but the greeting died in his throat when he saw her. He’d thought she had come to talk to him about this, to try and reason with him and coax him into doing his duty and attempting to impregnate her. Impregnation certainly did look to be on her mind, to be fair, but she didn’t seem interested in having a discussion about it. Arianne stepped into Jon’s bedchamber fully nude.

“My queen,” he whispered, staring at her with wide eyes. He’d always known that Queen Arianne was a beautiful woman, but not even seeing her in the fanciest dresses and gowns could compare to seeing his brother’s wife naked. It wasn’t like Jon was a virgin. He’d had multiple lovers, each of them beautiful in their own way. But there was no denying the simple fact that Arianne Martell was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and he was seeing more of her than he’d ever imagined he would, at least until Aegon had first made this request of him. Jon could feel his cock already beginning to stiffen, and he adjusted the way he was sitting to try and conceal that fact from her.

It didn’t work. She cast a long, knowing look between his legs and looked at him with raised eyebrows and a playful smile. The way she was smiling at him, and also the confidence and the comfort with which she stood there naked in front of him made him even harder. This woman knew how beautiful she was, she knew the affect it had on him, and she wasn’t shy about using it to her advantage.

“What are you doing here, Arianne?” he asked her. She laughed, and even that was beautiful.

“Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to, Jon,” she said, still smiling. “I know Aegon already spoke with you, and he explained what we need from you, and why it has to be you.”

“Yes,” Jon said, nodding faintly. “You want the child to be born from the seed of a Targaryen.”

“Naturally,” Arianne said. She shut the door behind her slowly, and Jon nearly groaned out loud as he got a good view of her naked arse for the first time. But there was just as much reason to groan as she turned back around and slowly started to walk towards him. She was the sexiest woman he’d ever seen, she was naked, and she was coming closer.

"I gave you some time after he left, thinking you just needed a day or two to steel yourself to do what needed to be done," she said as she walked towards the chair he was sitting in. "When you refused to even meet my eye while we were eating earlier, I realized that it was going to be up to me to come to you. So here I am, Jon, ready to do my duty." She stopped right in front of him, put her hands on her hips and again stared down at his lap. He had his hands over his cock, but it wasn't doing much good.

"And I can see your body is ready to do its duty as well. Stop trying to give yourself reasons not to do this, Jon. Let's do our duty." She reached down, grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands apart so there was nothing to hide the fact that his cock was hard in his trousers, not that his arousal had ever been hidden from her to begin with. Arianne smiled at him, and she brought one of her hands to his groin to rub his cock through his trousers. He groaned, surprised at how good this felt even with his trousers still on. Whatever reasons he'd come up with that had led him to hesitate, whatever awkwardness he felt about fucking his half-brother's wife, was going away quickly now that it had come to it.

Arianne was right. They had a duty to do, and Aegon had very nearly begged Jon to do it. He could hardly complain if Jon not only went through with it but enjoyed helping himself to his gorgeous wife. This needed to be done. There was nothing that said that Jon couldn't enjoy the duty of impregnating the beautiful Dornish queen.

"What man could resist you, my lady?" he said, signaling his acceptance to Arianne, who had already begun undoing his trousers. She laughed and shook her head.

"Few ever have," she said as she pulled his trousers down his legs. He got the feeling that this was not her bragging but her simply stating a fact, and it was easy to see why. There had been stories about Arianne using her sexuality to influence and seduce people, namely men, into doing her bidding, particularly in the days before Aegon had come to Westeros. Jon could believe them. She was gorgeous, of course, buxom with flawless round breasts and smooth olive skin, looking every bit the princess of Dorne that she had been from birth. But she also happened to know how to use her beauty as a tool to get what she wanted, and with her looks combined with her sensuality, Jon could see her getting men to fight for her and even die for her with ease.

He might have been one of those men himself, but fortunately for him he had a far more pleasant duty to fulfill. Rather than drawing Longclaw and riding into battle for her, he got to feel her soft hand wrap around his cock and slowly slide down. He was groaning already, and the real fun hadn't even started yet.

"Oh, I'm so glad it's you, Jon," Arianne said, smiling widely as she stroked him in her hand. "I already knew we were going to have fun together, but with a cock like this, I'm just sorry we didn't get started years ago."

Jon only had a few moments to envision years of sex with Queen Arianne before she straddled his lap, giving him far more important things to concentrate on. She never let go of his cock, and now she held it up straight while she wiggled into position to take him inside of her.

"Normally I would have wanted to spend some time on my knees, introducing myself to your cock by sucking you until I could swallow all of your seed," she said. Jon groaned, and it had as much to do with the thought of her sucking his cock as it did with the reality of her cunt pressing against the head of his cock. "But we don't have time for that, unfortunately. At least not right now. Perhaps I can suck your cock another time, but duty must come first."

Jon Snow had always put great importance on doing his duty, but that commitment to doing what was expected of him had never resulted in a feeling as great as Queen Arianne's body dropping down and his cock going into her cunt. She was a woman who obviously had experience using her body to get what she wanted even before she married King Aegon, but whatever her sexual history was, it didn't make her cunt feel any looser on his cock.

"Fuck, that's tight," he said, groaning as she started to rock back and forth on him.

Arianne laughed. "Is it me that's tight, or is it just that your cock is so fucking big, Jon Snow?" Jon didn't think that she expected a reaction to that question, which was good since he was far too busy groaning at the feeling of his queen's cunt riding his cock. It took all of the focus he had not to spill inside of her right away. Even if that was technically the point of her coming to his bedchamber in the first place, Jon didn't want to finish with her so quickly. He wanted to enjoy Arianne's pussy rocking on his cock for as long as he could.

She did not make that easy on him though. She seemed to understand that he was trying to withstand the pleasure and keep their fuck going, and her every action challenged that and tested his endurance and control. Her rocking back and forth had felt good right away, but Arianne's movements only got more fluid the longer she had to get comfortable on his cock. The rocking got rougher, and she also understood how to supplement the physical act of riding his cock with even more temptation.

Arianne brought her arms to the back of the chair and leaned her body forward so her round breasts were squished against his chest and her mouth was right next to his ear. "Fuck, you feel so good inside of me, Jon," she whispered. "Your cock is so, so good. Does it feel good for you? Do you enjoy fucking your queen?" Her voice was husky and aroused, and it was unbelievably arousing. This was the sexiest woman Jon had ever seen, and it went beyond just her physical attractiveness. Jon still couldn't give her an actual answer, but the moan he let out seemed to be enough of an answer for her.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said, laughing into his ear. "It's just as good for me, you know. Your cock is the best I've ever had. It's the biggest. You're so fucking thick, Jon, and you feel so good inside of me. It's like your cock was made for me."

It wasn't lost on Jon that included amongst the other cocks she'd had inside of her, the cocks that had apparently not been as large as his, was that of his half-brother and her husband. Where before this would have made him feel guilty, right now it only added to his excitement. He bore no grudge towards his half-brother, though admittedly he was envying him more with each passing second as he felt Arianne's cunt on his cock and realized that Aegon had regularly felt this pleasure for five years now. But there was an undeniable male pride that came from hearing her say that no other cock was as good as his, not even that of his half-brother who was her husband and the king of Westeros. Aegon had all Seven Kingdoms, but Jon had the queen telling him that his cock was without equal.

And he believed every word of it. Maybe that was just his own ego allowing her to manipulate him exactly as she wanted to, but somehow he didn't think so. As Jon felt Arianne switch from rocking in his lap to bouncing on his cock, he was wholly convinced that he really was the best she'd ever had. Not even Arianne with all of her sensuality and experience could moan this convincingly as she started bouncing hard on him. The pleasure in her moans felt as real to him as her arse cheeks slapping against his thighs as she fucked him, or her breasts rubbing against his chest throughout it all.

If Jon really was being led along by her, he didn't even care. Arianne fucking him was everything he'd missed. It was the eagerness of Ygritte mixed with the experience of Val, and with the bonus of knowing that they were fucking for a higher purpose beyond simple pleasure. She was fucking him hard enough to test the strength of his chair because they urgently needed him to fill her with his seed. They were fucking to preserve the future of the Seven Kingdoms, and each drop of Arianne's hips brought them a step closer to Jon giving her what she sought. As the Dornish queen fucked Jon better and harder than any woman before her, as she bounced in his lap and moaned into his ear, he got closer to potentially fathering the prince who would one day rule it all.

For Jon Snow, the Bastard of Winterfell, it quickly became too much to take. However much he might have wished to keep control of himself so Arianne would be forced to keep bouncing on his cock for the rest of the night, how could he hold back the pleasure? How could any man resist Arianne Martell? Few ever had, according to her, and Jon knew he wasn't going to be able to be an exception to the rule. She wanted his seed, she was working hard for it, and very soon she was going to get it.

But before they reached that point, Arianne suddenly let out something between a grunt and a sigh, her eyes squeezed shut and she held onto the back of the chair for dear life as she clearly and obviously fucked her way to a climax on his cock. For Jon, it was proof that her encouragement and her praise had not been merely a ploy to get him to do what she wanted. She really was excited that her duty called for her to be bred by him, and bouncing on his cock really had felt so good for her that she would let out a sound like that and tremble at the pleasure it brought her. This clear and obvious proof of the truth behind it all was as rewarding as anything else for Jon. He really was worthy of being the one to claim her, to breed her, to do what his half-brother apparently could not and continue the Targaryen dynasty with her.

Jon could no longer hold back, but he no longer wanted to either. This was what he had been called upon to do, and why should he want to keep himself from doing so? He knew that there would be more chances to enjoy fucking his queen. After all, they would need to keep doing this regularly until they knew that she was carrying hid child. And even then, he knew that he still wouldn't be finished with her. Even when she gave birth to a child, and even should that child be a prince, they wouldn't stop there. The more royal children there were, the more secure the line would be. Jon planned to make sure that the future of the Targaryen dynasty would be as secure as he and Arianne could possibly make it.

There would be ample opportunity to fill Arianne with his seed going forward, but for the moment he put his focus on enjoying this first time. He had been sitting back and allowing her to handle all of the work up until now, but at the end he showed her that he would not always be passive with her. He reached down to grab her arse with both hands and squeeze it roughly, and he held her down on his cock as he allowed the pleasure of orgasm to run free. But as it did, he decided that Arianne shouldn't be the only one to use words to affect the other.

"Here it comes, my queen," he growled into her ear. "You're going to get what you wanted. I'm going to do what my brother could not. I'm going to plant a Targaryen prince in your belly."

"Yes!" she gasped. "Yes, Jon, yes! Do it, do it! Please, please, breed me!"

It worked even better than he'd hoped it would, and Jon felt more powerful than he had in years as he listened to his brother's wife moan desperately and wait for his seed. He knew he had expectations to meet now, and he didn't plan on failing.

After the fact, Jon had no way of knowing if he knocked Arianne up right then and there on the chair in his bedchamber. It was true that he got her pregnant quickly enough that it could have happened as early as that very first time, when she came to his bedchamber completely naked and shattered his feeble resistance to the idea of fucking and impregnating his brother's wife and queen. But they fucked so often in such a short period of time that there was no way to know which specific time had been the one that took.

The one thing that he could say with confidence was that he gave it his very best shot, and the amount of seed that rushed from his cock and into her cunt gave them as high a chance as any single load could offer. Jon had never released so much at one time, and he was groaning by the end of it. Even Arianne seemed surprised by just how much of it there was when he'd finally finished.

"You just did it," she whispered, dazed and short of breath. "You just got me pregnant. We did it; I know we did." She sounded very confident in what she was saying, and it gave Jon confidence too.

"We did," he agreed. "But there's no harm in being sure, is there?"

Arianne looked at him with a question in her eyes, but that question was quickly answered when he got a firm grip of her arse cheeks and lifted her body up with him as he stood from his chair. She clung to his neck, and he carried her across the room and towards his bed. Jon put her down, and she quickly rolled onto her belly, got up on all fours and wiggled her arse at him. He'd expected to need some time to recover before he tried again, but his queen's shaking arse was going to get him there much sooner than he'd planned. Jon had no complaints.

"You decided when we started," he said. "I'll decide when we're done. I'm not letting you out of my bed until the sun comes up and your belly is full of my seed."

The only answer he got from Arianne was a groan as he put his hands on her hips and prepared to take his second shot at impregnating her, but he didn't need to hear any more than that from her. He knew that his queen was just as excited about doing their duty together as he was.



Arianne might well be my favourite ASOIAF girl, so you can probably imagine how much I enjoyed this.


Also, kind of foresaw that you'd have Aegon suspect he's infertile because he's been sleeping round with other women (very likely including Tyene and Elia Sand).


It seemed to fit, yeah. And I think it makes sense that Arianne would have no problem with it given her personality. I like Arianne a lot too. Really wish we would have gotten her in the show rather than the mess that they made of Dorne.


Love this, actually joined Patreon just for this. Hopefully, more Arianne related fics in future. 👍


That's cool to hear! I'm always curious as to what specific things might attract people to sign up. Glad you liked it! I'd love to write more Arianne in the future; we'll see what people come up with.