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Fandom: Harry Potter

Summary: Bored with her poor Yule Ball companion, Fleur decides to take Harry Potter away from his own companion and see if he can make her night more interesting. He does, but how far the night goes and what she discovers surprises even her. (Harry/Fleur)

Content Warnings/Themes: Age difference, aged-up characters, femdom

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

Fleur Delacour was bored.

It had been important for her to select a fitting companion to accompany her to the Yule Ball. As a veela and also a Triwizard Champion, only the most capable of wizards would do as the man whose arm she was on as she entered. When she and her partner danced to open the ball, it was important that she take the floor with a wizard who would look at home on the cover of any wizarding magazine.

Her first thought had been to approach her fellow Champion, Cedric Diggory. He certainly carried himself well, as evidenced by his being chosen as the Hogwarts Champion. Well, one of the Hogwarts Champions anyways. Was he the official champion, or did he have to share that label with Harry Potter? Either way, he appeared to be as capable a wizard as any student in the castle, and even Fleur would acknowledge that he was quite handsome.

Unfortunately, he had already asked one of the younger Hogwarts witches to the Ball, so she'd fallen back on Roger Davies as the wizard she actually took with her. What a mistake that was turning out to be! 

He looked dashing enough in his dress robes, yes, but that seemed to be the extent of what he brought to the table. He was utterly helpless in her presence, reduced to little more than a drooling mess who stared at her dumbly. He didn't respond to a word that she said, and he missed his mouth with his fork all throughout dinner and got food all over those fine dress robes.

And don't even get Fleur started on how poorly he performed on the dance floor! Out there she'd not only had to worry about him being a drooling idiot incapable of stringing words together, but she practically had to tug him around to get him to move his feet at all. Fleur didn't mind knowing how she affected men; in fact she relished it most of the time. But on a night like this one, she'd been hoping for someone with at least some resistance or willpower!

Fleur ignored her disaster of a date and looked elsewhere, where she happened to notice Harry Potter and his date sitting at a table with his redheaded friend, the one who had asked Fleur out to the Ball and then run away before she could even reject him, and another girl who appeared to be the identical twin of Harry's date. None of the four looked particularly happy to be there.

Harry may have felt Fleur's eyes on him, or maybe he just happened to glance up at the right time, because their eyes quickly locked. Fleur stared directly at him, bored and curious to see how he might react. 

His cheeks colored slightly at the prolonged stare, but he didn't seem to get lost and dragged into feelings of hopeless attraction or uncontrollable lust as the vast majority of the males in the castle did. It was more like the way a timid, inexperienced young man might react when a beautiful woman looked his way, rather than the look of a man ready to bow at the feet of a goddess.

Fleur was intrigued. As amusing as the latter could sometimes be, she could really do with more of the former, particularly on a night like tonight. Rather than a drooling idiot like Davies, she could use a partner who was merely shy but still capable of eating dinner with her without making a mess on his dress robes like some child.

Harry had never occurred to her as an option to ask to the Ball, but now she had to ask herself why. So what if he was several years younger than her? He was not the little boy she'd believed him to be when she was first informed that his name had come out of the Goblet of Fire. He'd proven that with his performance in the First Task. 

Fleur had watched with no small amount of awe as he took to the air on his broomstick, outflew the Hungarian Horntail and snatched the egg. As she'd watched him complete the task, she'd known that she had misjudged him. The rules might have been set up so only students in their final year of education could be selected, but Harry Potter in his 4th year was a capable wizard with nerves of steel.

And yet he looked flustered by having her attention on him. He didn't lose his head and try to grovel for attention like most would have if they'd had her staring at them like this, but he didn't seem to know how to handle it either. He seemed far less confident right now with her staring at him than he had on the broom trying to outfly the dragon. 

It was fascinating, and Fleur decided that Harry Potter offered more interest to her than Davies or anything else that this Yule Ball had to offer her. While she wasn't yet sure of exactly the form that her interest would take, she wanted to find out. If nothing else, answering that question and gaining a fuller measure of Harry Potter would be a much better use of her night than watching the buffoon she'd brought to the Ball smearing food all over his chin while he stared at her.

She got up from her chair and walked over to Harry's table, ignoring Roger's inane babbling as well as the eyes that followed her. She was used to having people stare and watch her every movement. Fleur had received such attention her whole life, and if every faculty member and every student from the 4th year and above watched her throw one partner aside and boldly swoop in on a second, so be it. Veela were never shy about going for what they wanted, and Fleur didn't feel those traits any less just because she was quarter-veela.

Gradually Fleur made her way to the table, and its occupants noticed her approach. The redhead noticed her before either of the witches did, and the glazed look that immediately came over him made it clear that her night would not have gone any better if she'd taken him as her date as opposed to Davies. Not that she would ever have considered the likes of him, of course. She paid him as much mind now as she had any other time, which was to say no mind at all.

"Good evening," Fleur said to them. "I 'ope you 'ave enjoyed your night so far?" Ostensibly she was addressing the entire table, but she looked at Harry and Harry alone, leaving little doubt in anyone's mind as to who she was really talking to. Well, perhaps the redheaded boy didn't realize, but he was too busy staring at her and drooling to notice much about the world around him.

"Yes, it's been grand," said the girl in the pink dress robes, the one who had walked in with Harry. The other twin looked even less happy somehow, giving the redhead a venomous look that was probably made all the more venomous in response to him being completely unaware of it. 

The voice of Harry's date was flat, which of course meant her night had been anything but grand. That wasn't exactly a surprise, since Fleur had noticed how stiff and awkward she and Harry had been during the dance to open the night. She hadn't seen them out there since, and it was clear the girl was less than pleased with Harry's performance as her partner for the evening.

Fleur wondered how much of her vocal displeasure was because of her poor date and how much was the natural dislike that Fleur had received from the majority of women since she began to mature. Either way, it made little difference to Fleur. She wasn't here for the girl. She was here to live up to her veela reputation and snatch her man right out from under her.

"Wonderful," Fleur said cheerfully, ignoring the unhappiness of both girls and continuing to focus her full attention on Harry. She frowned and shook her head. "I'm afraid zat my night 'as not been as pleasant. Roger 'as been poor company. And I was so looking forward to dancing, too!" She heaved a dramatic sigh, but then gasped and let her eyes widen as if an idea had just occurred to her. "Oh, but perhaps you could dance wiz me instead, 'Arry!"

"Me?" Harry gasped, looking utterly gobsmacked.

"Oui," Fleur said, smiling wider. "You." She found his astonishment adorable. It was certainly preferable to the drooling of his friend, or of her original date. If she hadn't already known what she was coming over here to do, she would've been determined to snatch Harry from his date after seeing this reaction.

"He already has a date, in case you didn't notice," the woman who had been his date snapped defiantly.

"I did not zink you would mind, seeing as you 'aven't been dancing at all since ze first dance which you were obligated to do," Fleur said smoothly. "If you aren't interested in dancing with 'Arry, I would be 'appy to." The girl muttered angrily under her breath, but she couldn't seem to come up with a good reply. Harry did offer one thought.

"B-but I'm a horrible dancer," he mumbled. "I was rubbish at it. Parvati can tell you."

"You're not lying there." The girl, whose name was apparently Parvati, crossed her arms and glared down at the table. "I thought going to the Ball with a Triwizard Champion would be fun, but you've been a dreadful date."

"Zen zere will be no problem if he spends ze rest of ze night wiz me," Fleur said smoothly. "Perhaps you’d both be better off finding new partners to finish ze night wiz. You can find some other boy who might 'ave more interest in you. 'Arry will be in good 'ands wiz a fellow Champion." 

She had no doubt that Parvati would happily hex her right now if she thought she could get away with it, but her anger meant less than nothing to Fleur. It was Harry she was here for, and he was about to be hers for the rest of the night.

"I really am rubbish at dancing," Harry said, sounding anxious. Fleur just smiled and held her hand out to him.

"Zen I will teach you," she replied. "If you can learn to outfly a dragon, I can teach you how to dance. Just leave everyzing to me, 'Arry. I will spend ze rest of ze night showing you a good time, champion to champion."

Parvati muttered angrily as Harry slipped his hand into Fleur's and allowed her to pull him to his feet, but that didn't matter in the least to the veela. As always, she'd claimed what she wanted.


"And to zink you were so worried about dancing," Fleur said, laughing as Harry took her for another spin around the dance floor. "You are a quick learner, 'Arry." Perhaps she was exaggerating slightly, but he really had improved pretty quickly. He might not have been an expert dancer or anything, but he certainly did far better with her than that oaf Davies had. At first he'd been hesitant to even put his hands on her waist, but they'd danced for several songs, taken a break to catch their breath and drink some punch, and he hadn't even hesitated when she asked to go back out for more dancing.

They'd danced a total of seven songs together now, and Harry had gotten much more comfortable with it by the end. Fleur had a feeling that no young man in the castle would have brought her as much enjoyment on the floor as Harry had. Cedric seemed to be a good dancer from what she'd seen, but Harry had grown under her guidance. She'd helped shape him into a better, more confident dancer, and seeing how she'd been able to mold him and guide him was nearly as fun as the dancing itself.

"I had a great teacher," he said, grinning slightly. Fleur giggled.

"Ooh, I never knew zat you were so charming, 'Arry!" It really had been a cute line, and one that she seriously doubted he would have been able to get out before she approached him. Watching Harry grow was fascinating, and it got Fleur's mind working.

When she'd first approached Harry she hadn't known exactly how far she wanted to take the night. She'd known that she was interested by him and wanted to see if he could do a better job at entertaining her than Davies had, and he'd certainly done that. But the more they danced and the more she interacted with this young man, who was clearly stunned at his good fortune in dancing with her and yet had not been reduced to a blithering idiot by it, the less interested she became in allowing their night to come to an end. And the moment she saw that adorable smile, her decision was solidified.

"D'you want to keep dancing?" Harry asked in the break between songs. He'd been so nervous about dancing with her before, but now he sounded hopeful that she would want to keep going.

"Non, I zink we 'ave done enough dancing," she said, shaking her head. He looked utterly crestfallen, though he cleared his throat and tried to hide it.

"Oh, err, yeah, okay," Harry said quickly. "That's fine, we've been going for awhile. Thanks for making my night better, Fleur. It was a lot of fun for me, and I hope that I--"

"You did not let me finish, 'Arry," she said softly, cutting him off and putting her hand on his chest. He froze and stared at her hand, then into her eyes. She returned the eye contact and smiled. There was no drool and no stupid befuddled look on his face. There was clarity in those gorgeous green eyes--clarity, and amazement.

"I do not want to dance anymore. I did not say anyzing about saying goodnight," she clarified. She moved her hand from her chest down to her hand, and laced her fingers through his. Fleur had no doubt that the story of her leaning her head in and whispering into Harry's ear on the middle of the dance floor would spread well beyond their onlookers and make it into all of the wizarding newspapers, but they were welcome to write their stories. She would be happy to be linked to the handsome young man she'd snagged from his unworthy date.

"I'm going to continue guiding you to an amazing night, 'Arry," she whispered seductively, feeling him shiver as her breath tickled his ear. "But we will need to take zis somewhere more private for ze rest of my…guidance."


“I can’t believe this is really happening,” Harry said, staring up at Fleur as she stood beside the bed with her hands on her hips, allowing him to drink in the sight of her naked body. She loved the awe on his face as he stared at her, and she also loved that he wasn’t frantically humping the air and hadn’t immediately ejaculated all over himself when he saw her. Both of those things had happened more than once with previous would-be lovers, but Harry remained in control of himself despite his obvious lust. “I’m actually in Fleur Delacour’s bed.”

“Oui, you are,” Fleur purred. “And you look so good zere.” She had nearly dragged him into the bushes on their outdoor stroll so she could suck his cock, but she was glad that she’d kept her desires in check for a few minutes more. Seeing how quickly she could make him cum and watching him try to keep from crying out would have been fun, but bringing him back to her private room on the Beauxbatons carriage meant that she could enjoy him fully.

There was plenty to enjoy too. She hadn’t known what to expect from Harry’s body; given his rather slight body, she honestly hadn’t had very high hopes. But his cock was another story. That thing may very well have been the longest dick she’d seen, and it was definitely the thickest. He would still need to be taught how to use it, but Harry was bursting with raw potential.

“I, uh, haven’t done this before,” he admitted, looking away. “Any of it, I mean. Never even kissed a girl until we kissed out in the garden. Well, you really did most of the kissing I guess, but I think you get the point.”

“I do,” Fleur said, smirking at his shy admission. “But zat was obvious before.” He blushed and looked down, and Fleur quickly climbed onto the bed and tucked her finger under her chin to make him look up and into her eyes. “Zere is nozing to worry about, ‘Arry. I like it better zis way. You’re like a piece of clay zat I can mold into whatever shape I want.” Now that she had his attention, she moved down onto her back on her bed and spread her legs wide, presenting him with a view that every wizard in the castle had dreamed of from the moment she arrived. “I am going to guide you and teach you ‘ow to be an ideal lover for me. Do you want zat, ‘Arry? Do you want to learn how to please me?”

Yes,” he said quickly. Fleur smiled at his eagerness.

“Zen get on your belly and put your ‘ead between my legs so you can learn ‘ow to lick me,” she said, patting the spot on the bed in front of her. Harry obediently got into the position she’d asked for, bringing his head between her thighs. She wondered if he was aware that he licked his lips as he stared.

“Start slowly,” she said. “Just run your tongue up and down, and do not push it inside. Never do zat.” She could have pointed out that some women actually liked a bit of tongue penetration, but she wasn’t interested in teaching him skills that might apply to other women. This training was for her benefit alone, so she was going to teach him specifically how to give her what she wanted.

Harry did as instructed, starting her off with slow and simple licks along the entire length of her outer pussy lips. Fleur sighed, enjoying the attention. Far too many of her previous lovers were filled with such all-encompassing desperation and desire once they saw her naked that they failed to listen or respond to even the most basic commands. That Harry was able to settle in and lick her precisely the way she’d asked him to despite being brand new to any of this was a very good sign.

“Zat is very good, ‘Arry,” she praised him, giving him a pat on the head as well. “Now zat I am properly prepared, you can do more.” She took one of her hands and guided two of his fingers towards her clit. “Do you feel zat? Zat is ze clitoris. Zis is where you will focus your attention now zat I’m ready for more. First try moving your tongue in a circle around it.”

Her inexperienced yet eager to please lover did as she asked. The first couple of spirals were somewhat stiff and awkward as he tried them out for the first time, but it didn’t take him long to get comfortable and move his tongue in pleasant circles around her clit. His tongue incidentally brushed against her clit occasionally while he worked, and even though she was sure it was unintentional, it was a delightful tease for what was to come. Fleur let out a soft moan of pleasure, and Harry responded to that by licking her with even greater confidence on each successive circling of his tongue.

“Ooh, oui, zat’s it!” Fleur moaned. “Try using your fingers too! Rub me, but don’t put your fingers inside!” Every time anyone had attempted to finger her, they’d tried to shove their fingers deep and fuck her with them. It had been enough to turn her off from the entire idea, hence why she instructed Harry to avoid any penetration. But having two of his fingers rub up and down the outer lips of her pussy while he moved his tongue in circles around and against her clit was exactly what she’d been hoping for. It was no small thing for a lover to be able to follow a basic request once they were confronted with Fleur’s naked body, but Harry was carrying out each instruction flawlessly and giving her exactly what she needed. It had truly been an excellent choice to ditch that drooling idiot Davies and make a move on her fellow Triwizard Champion.

“I’m close, ‘Arry!” she cried. “So close! You’re making me feel so good!” She was moments away from an orgasm that would easily top any she’d had since she arrived at Hogwarts nearly two months earlier. Now she was ready for that little something extra to push her over the edge. “Put your mouth directly on my clit! Lick it; suck it!”

Harry did indeed put his mouth directly on her clit, but Fleur was unprepared for what exactly he did for her. Technically you could say that he licked her, but his tongue moved in ways that no other tongue ever had. It vibrated against her clit, and it seemed as if he was hissing. Fleur didn’t understand just what was happening, but the one thing she did know was it felt amazing.

"Putain! Oh, putain, c'est bon! Tellement bon!" For all she knew Harry didn’t know a single word of French, but she didn’t cry out for him in this instance. Fleur’s scream was for herself, as was her pleasure. She’d hoped to teach him how to lick her and get her off, but he’d exceeded her wildest expectations and taught her something. She still didn’t know how he’d done what he did, but that little vibrating tongue trick pushed her well beyond what was already going to be a very nice orgasm. Her legs trembled, she tugged at his messy black hair with both hands and made it stick up even more, and her legs squeezed shut around his head.

She was probably putting more pressure on his ears than she really should, but Fleur didn’t feel in control of her own body at the moment. This wasn’t a wave of pleasure that washed through her. It was a tidal wave, and Fleur was being swept away. It wasn’t just the best orgasm she’d had since she came to Hogwarts, but the best orgasm she’d ever had. Whether her legs squeezed Harry’s head too hard was irrelevant, as was whether every other girl who had come back onto the carriage could hear her cries of pleasure. Fleur’s mind cared about only one thing, and that was the ecstasy that this young man and his vibrating tongue brought her.

“Mon Dieu!” she groaned after the pressure finally ceased. She let go of Harry’s hair and stopped squeezing him with her legs, and he pulled his head back and sat on his knees. His ears were red thanks to her legs, and the area around his mouth was visibly damp thanks to her powerful orgasm.

“So was that any good?” he asked. “Did I do okay?” Fleur giggled, sure that he was joking, but then realized that he was looking at her quite earnestly. He honestly didn’t know!

“”Arry, ‘okay’ does not even begin to describe what you just did,” she said, grinning and shaking her head. “No one ‘as ever made me cum like zat. You were magnificent.”

“Yeah?” Harry said. A relieved smile came to his face, and it enflamed Fleur’s desire all over again. Where most men would have been thinking only of bedding a veela and taking their own satisfaction, Harry was focused on how good it had been for her. The veela inside of her purred, recognizing that it had just found something more than a simple evening’s entertainment.

“Oui,” she said, nodding. “Later, you are going to tell me ‘ow you just did zat.” He opened his mouth to respond, but she shook her head. “Later. Right now you are going to fuck me, mon amour.”

Fleur’s original plan had been to treat him to a blowjob before they got to the actual sex, figuring that if he couldn’t get hard again after she sucked his first load out of him, he probably wasn’t worthy of putting it inside of her. But all her plans flew straight out the window as soon as he licked her to such an incredible orgasm. She needed him inside of her as quickly as possible, and she spread her legs once again and held her arms out towards him, encouraging him to come to her.

For just a moment Harry again looked stunned at his good fortune once he realized he was about to lose his virginity with her, but he got over the surprise quickly enough and crawled over to get on top of her. In his eagerness to get inside of her he humped quickly, missing the mark in his haste and rubbing his cock against her outer pussy lips rather than actually penetrating her. Fleur giggled, amused by this sign of his inexperience. It would once again fall to her to guide him.

“Relax, ‘Arry,” she whispered. She slid her hand between their bodies, made him groan as her soft hand wrapped around his cock, and slowly guided him into position. “Move forward. Do it slowly.”

“R-right,” he said as she pulled her hand back and left it up to him. He took a breath, and then slowly pushed his hips forward and slid his cock inside of her. Harry let out a grunt as he penetrated her, and Fleur could only imagine how much willpower it took for him not to cum inside of her right then and there.

“’Ow does it feel, ‘Arry?” she asked him. “Does it feel good inside of me?”

“It’s incredible,” he said. His eyes were closed, and she could easily imagine how much he was struggling against himself. She knew and was proud of her veela heritage, and was well aware that their reputation as ideal lovers was deserved. Harry might not realize it since she was the first woman he’d ever been inside, but no human pussy would have naturally hugged his cock like hers did.

“It will feel even better when you start moving,” she encouraged. “Go ahead and start, ‘Arry. You can go slow or move quickly. I can ‘andle whatever you want to do. Don’t be afraid. Just let it ‘appen.”

It was largely an attempt to reassure him, because she did not expect him to last long at all. Men did not have much stamina or control during their first times, and even a man with plenty of experience would struggle to last long with a veela. He had both of those things to deal with, and so Harry was under double the pressure. If he had lost control within a minute of starting to thrust his cock back and forth inside of her perfect veela pussy, Fleur would not have been surprised or upset. She’d already gotten what she had hoped for anyway; she’d gotten more than she hoped for in fact. 

He’d given her the greatest orgasm of her life with his mouth, so if the sex itself ended quickly she would not hold it against him. With everything working against Harry and presenting challenges that just about any man would find it difficult to overcome, there would be no shame in him breaking and cumming inside of her after just a few short thrusts.

But he didn’t. Harry gave her a few thrusts, slow and careful as he acquainted himself with being inside of a woman for the first time, and those thrusts did not bring him to an end. His next thrusts were a bit harder and deeper now that he was starting to get into it, and still Harry did not cum. The thrusts continued, steadier and more confident as he went along. And as Harry's confidence grew, so too did Fleur's pleasure.

She hadn't expected anything special from his first time, impressive cock size notwithstanding. It was more about breaking him in and introducing him to the act, and perhaps some other day or even later that night he'd be able to take what he'd learned and fuck her well enough for her to find enjoyment out of it too. But Harry was lasting long enough for genuine excitement to build once again inside of her.

"Zat's it, 'Arry!" she panted into his ear. "Keep it going! Keep zrusting your 'ips!" She put one arm around his back, and with the other she squeezed his arse and tried to encourage him to keep going and not let up. "Do not be afraid to use your 'ands too! Touch my body! Touch my breasts!"

Harry did. He brought both hands to her chest and gave her breasts a firm squeeze, and Fleur moaned. His fingers, whether intentionally or by accident, brushed across her nipples, and she moaned happily at that too. This had been meant as a reward to Harry for doing so well with his mouth, but Fleur was getting more out of it than she had expected it to.

Her pleasure built with every thrust of his cock and every squeeze of her breasts, and the possibility of a second orgasm became increasingly realistic. As this was something Fleur had only ever achieved on her own, the potential of a lover getting her off twice in a matter of minutes was one that she grew attached to swiftly.

"Oh, fuck! Fleur!" Harry groaned. "Fleur, I'm so close!"

Fleur was close too, but she could sense that Harry would get there before she did. She couldn’t complain about that; not when he'd lasted such an impressively long time as it was. He was at the point now where even her best previous lovers would inevitably be unable to take the pleasure anymore and would explode in orgasm. How he had even lasted this long during his first time was remarkable, but she could expect no more from him.

"Let go, 'Arry!" she said. "Cum inside of me!"

Her fellow Triwizard Champion could keep going no more. He closed his eyes and grunted as he finally began to erupt inside of her. The veela rejoiced internally about claiming the seed of its mate, but it also was so close to its own release that it demanded satisfaction.

She waited until his balls had emptied and he'd finished cumming inside of her, and then she flipped them over so he was on his back and she was on top of him. His cock was softening, and while Fleur had a feeling that she might be able to get it hard again n soon enough if she put her mind to it, she was too impatient to wait for that. She locked eyes with him and hit him with a full blast of her veela allure, which she usually only used when someone was annoying her and she wanted to turn them into a babbling idiot for a few minutes. If she'd subjected the likes of Davies or Harry's redheaded friend to this, they probably would have ejaculated inside of their underwear and passed out on the spot.

Her hope was that Harry's willpower would give her a different result with him, and she was correct. He did whimper and moan helplessly as the veela magic touched his nerves, but his cock grew hard again in an instant as his arousal was restored in one pure burst of stimulation. He wouldn't be able to last for long under this kind of intense pressure; no one would. But she didn't need him to last for long. She just needed a minute or two.

With his cock now hard again, Fleur dropped back down onto his cock and started riding him wildly. Using her allure in a moment of heightened arousal had brought out Fleur's true sexual nature for the first time ever, and the veela part of her was in no hurry to release its control over her. She fucked him much more aggressively than she had ever fucked anyone, and even his loud, desperate moans were drowned out by the sound of her arse smacking down against his body and the bed shaking violently beneath them as she relentlessly drove her body up and down on his.

Fleur's mother had assured her that a day like today would come, and now it finally had. Beneath her was a man who had pleased her, aroused her and lasted long enough with her to draw out her veela side at its full, raw sexual apex, and that was something that she would forever be thankful for. She'd always known that this side was there, ready to be unleashed on a mate with the mental and physical fortitude to handle it, and now she'd found that mate. It was an unbelievably freeing experience.

It was also an immensely satisfying one, because if that vibrating tongue trick he'd used on her clit earlier was the greatest orgasm she'd ever had, this one stood right alongside it. Her pussy tightened around his cock as she forced her orgasm out after no more than a minute of this frenzied veela shagging, and Harry's hands fell onto her arse cheeks as he too orgasmed for the second time that night. 

She could feel his hands shaking as he did, as well as his body spasming beneath her. That she'd only needed a minute of that bouncing to make herself cum was very fortunate for him, because he probably couldn't have taken another minute of it without cumming and then passing out.

As it turned out, he'd been even closer than she'd realized. By the time Fleur's orgasm had reached its conclusion and the human side of her was fully in control again, she realized that his eyes were closed and his body was still, aside from the rapid rise and fall of his heart hammering inside of his chest. It was not the first time Fleur had fucked a man into unconsciousness, but it was the first time she'd ever needed to fully embrace her heritage to do so.

"You are a special man, 'Arry Potter," she murmured to herself as she dismounted his cock and sat down on the bed beside him. As she stroked his sweaty chest with a fingertip, she considered the drastic turn her night had taken.

She'd been hoping that Harry would prove to be a more engaging companion for the evening than Davies had, but he had wound up being so much more than that. She'd found a young man that she could unleash her true self on. It was something that every veela craved, and some spent their whole lives searching for. Once they found it, they would fight to the death to hold onto it and protect it.

"I 'ope you are ready, my mate," she whispered. "If zis was how you did on our first night togezer, I cannot wait to see what you are like once I 'ave trained you fully."

As Fleur curled up beside her sleeping lover, the veela inside of her roared in triumph. It had found its companion, and it would hold onto it and protect it throughout the rest of the Triwizard Tournament and beyond.


Professor Quill

This is a really great story, and I'd love to see it continued. Cheers!