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Fandom: Harry Potter

Summary: Harry knows it's wrong; Fleur is married, and to a member of the Weasleys at that. But who could resist when propositioned by a woman so perfect? It's time to be selfish for once. (Harry/Fleur)

Content Warnings/Themes: Cheating, aged-up characters, outdoor sex, loss of virginity

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

Harry Potter sat on the cliff below Bill and Fleur's cottage with his knees hugged to his chest and frowned as he stared at the sea, searching for answers that he knew it would not provide.

Griphook was proving to be less than interested in helping him break into the Lestrange vault at Gringotts. It was clear that he did not trust Harry and had no love for wizards in general, and thus far had been unwilling to make a deal with him. Harry had elected to stay behind in Shell Cottage while Ron and Hermione joined the rest of the Weasleys as well as Luna and Dean at Muriel Prewett's house, believing that with fewer people around he might have more luck in convincing the goblin to help him.

That had been a foolish hope though, because Griphook was no more interested in helping him now than he had been before. Harry did not know how he was going to pull this off, but he needed to find some way into that vault so he could retrieve Hufflepuff's Cup.

"Brooding over ze sea is not going to solve any of your problems, 'Arry," Fleur Delacour--or make that Fleur Weasley, he supposed--said playfully. Fleur had opted to stay behind, saying that she'd had to endure quite enough of Muriel's snide comments before her wedding.

From the look that had passed between Fleur and Bill just before the latter left, Harry got the feeling that there was more to her decision than that. What that was he did not know, and he had quite enough on his plate to worry about whatever reasons Fleur might have had to remain behind when everyone else left. He couldn't exactly push the woman out of her home, and she'd stayed out of his way while he was (fruitlessly) trying to strike a deal with Griphook, so there'd been nothing for him to complain about.

"Maybe not," he said wearily, "but I don't know what the hell else I'm supposed to do." He looked back over his shoulder and saw Fleur standing a bit higher up on the cliff closer towards the cottage, wearing a powder blue bathrobe. It seemed a bit strange to him that she was wandering around outside the cottage in her bathrobe, but it wasn't important enough to comment on. "I need to come up with a solution, and quickly. If I don't, we'll never be able to stop Vo--err, You-Know-Who."

He cursed himself for almost uttering the arsehole's name again. Making that mistake even after Ron told him about the taboo had been what got them all into that mess at Malfoy Manor to begin with. Dobby had died saving Harry and his friends thanks to his mistake, and he'd almost gone and repeated it!

"And of course you will not accept 'elp from moi or anyone else but Ronald and 'Ermione," Fleur said, phrasing it as a statement rather than a question.

"Dumbledore left it to me," he said, not for the first time, "and it would be too dangerous if--"

"Oui," Fleur said, putting her hand up to stop him. "I 'ave 'eard all of zis already. But shouldering all of zis burden is weighing on you, 'Arry. You 'ave spent almost a year on ze run, trying to save us all. No one is meant to carry such responsibility. If you do not unload some of it, it will break you."

"I can't do that, Fleur," he said stubbornly, shaking his head. "The fewer people who know what we're up to, the greater the chance we can hide it from You-Know-Who. Dumbledore kept it secret for years for the same reason, and I trust that he knew best. I know everyone wants to help, but--"

"I will not try to convince you to let me help you with your task," Fleur said, interrupting him once again. "I know well that you are too stubborn and selfless to let anyone else assume any danger when you don't 'ave to." She smirked and shook her head. "I'm surprised you even let Ronald and 'Ermione come with you."

"Hermione's too smart," Harry said. "If I'd tried to go it alone, she would've just tracked me down anyway. Plus I'd probably have died a dozen times over by now without them." There was the ghost of a smile on his face as he thought about his best friends and most trusted companions, but it left him just as quickly as he remembered hearing Hermione's screams in Malfoy Manor. Those awful sounds, as well as Ron struggling in vain to try and get free so he could help her, would stick with Harry for the rest of his life. He turned his head away from Fleur and looked back over the cliff, less because he wanted to look out at the sea again and primarily because he did not want her to see the look on his face.

"Oui," Fleur said softly. "You are lucky to 'ave friends like zem."

"I am," he grunted. "Not sure they're quite as lucky to know me though. Look at what it's gotten them."

"Zis is what I am talking about." Fleur's voice was sharper now, and it made Harry look back at her. There was a fire in her eyes now, and he found he couldn't look away. "You cannot take responsibility for everyzing, 'Arry, or you will collapse under ze weight of it all. You are so selfless and self-sacrificing; too selfless and self-sacrificing."

"What would you have me do, Fleur?" he said, shrugging helplessly. "I can't turn away from this, and whether I like it or not, it is my responsibility to end it. The prophecy set me on this path, and Vol--and You-Know-Who murdering my parents and giving me this bloody scar sealed it. I wish I could just play quidditch, snog girls and be a normal wizard, but I can't. Not until he's dead, for good. Thanks for worrying about me, but there's really nothing you can do to help me. Aside from what you've already done, I mean, welcoming us here."

Fleur nodded. "I know zere is no stopping you from doing what you zink you must," she said. "But you're wrong. Zere is somezing I can do for you. You need to relax, and to forget about everyzing you must do for at least one day. You need to be that 'normal wizard' for one day, before all of zis pressure destroys you. I can 'elp you."

"And how are you going to do that?" Harry asked. Fleur just smiled at him, and her hands went to the tie on her bathrobe. At first Harry's mind assumed that she was just fixing it or something, even though it seemed to be well in place as it was. But then she did the tie and shrugged it off of her shoulders. The bathrobe hit the ground beneath her and Fleur stepped out of it, completely naked.

Harry could not remember the last time that he'd thought about anything that wasn't in some way related to his mission to destroy the horcruxes, how he might pull it off and how everyone he knew and cared about was in danger and would remain so until he'd done it. Had it been days, weeks, or even months? He wasn't sure. But the horcrux hunt, the prophecy, Gringotts, Griphook and every other bloody thing that had dictated his life for the better part of a year fled from his mind now. Who in the fuck could think about a Dark Lord obsessed with your destruction when a naked girl was standing in front of you? And this wasn't just any naked girl. This was Fleur.

He'd always considered Fleur to be the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, though he honestly hadn't spent much time considering what that meant or fantasizing about her, as he was pretty sure every other boy in his year at Hogwarts had when she came to the castle for the Triwizard tournament. Her disdainfully calling him a leetle boy hadn't exactly endeared her to him, but even after he'd pulled Gabrielle out of the lake and she subsequently warmed up to him considerably, he'd never really entertained any fantasies about her. She'd just seemed so out of reach that even his imagination couldn’t pretend that the likes of her would ever give him a second look.

Now he was seeing more of her than he ever had in any fantasy, but he knew that no fantasy could ever have compared to actually seeing Fleur's body bared in front of him for real anyway. As gorgeous as she'd looked in her Beauxbatons uniform, her satin dress robes at the Yule Ball, her white wedding dress or even that bath robe, there was no article of clothing that could make her look any better than she did now, standing there on the cliff completely nude with the gentle breeze blowing through her silver-blonde hair. Her fair skin was utterly without blemish, her breasts were round and looked perfect on her tall, willowy form, and staring down her long, smooth legs that led to an equally smooth and beautiful crotch immediately brought to mind fantasies of those legs wrapping around his waist while he made love to her. He'd never entertained such thoughts before, but he didn't think he'd ever be able to get them out of his head now.

'Perfect' was really the only word to describe her. There was no woman alive who was as beautiful as her; there couldn't be. She was the first woman Harry had ever seen like this, but he didn't need to see any others to know that none could compare to Fleur. She was the most gorgeous woman he would ever set eyes on, and she was right there, naked and smiling at him while she held her hands at her sides and allowed him to stare freely.

She was also married, as seeing the ring on her finger uncomfortably reminded him. He cleared his throat awkwardly and forced his eyes off of her breasts to look back up into her eyes.

"Fleur?" he said, clearing his throat again when his voice came out much higher than it normally would have. "What are you doing?"

She smiled brightly, flashing her very white teeth while walking down the cliffside path carefully until she was right in front of him. "I am 'elping you relax, 'Arry," she said. "You aren't zinking about ze war now, are you?" Harry shook his head. He had to admit that she was right about that. "Let's forget our worries togezer, 'Arry. Be wiz me."

Harry's heart was racing, torn between all of the reasons why Fleur should not be standing naked in front of him and the overwhelming lust pumping through his body. He licked his suddenly dry lips and tried to figure out what he was supposed to say or do.

"Fleur," he croaked. "We can't." He hated himself for saying it, because he knew that he was never going to have an opportunity like this with a woman like her again for as long as he lived.

"Non?" Fleur said, cocking her head and still smiling. "And why not? Do you not find me desirable? Do you not want to be wiz me, 'Arry?"

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he muttered, closing his eyes so he didn't have to be tempted by her perfect body any longer. He wondered if she knew what it did to him when she said his name in her accented English like that. Ginny hadn't been wrong about that. "But you're married, and-"

"William is a good man, but marrying 'im was a mistake," Fleur said. Harry was so startled by that that his eyes jerked back up to her face, his resolve not to look at her and be tempted by her beauty forgotten. "Veela are sensual beings, 'Arry. Sexual satisfaction is about more zen just pleasure or breeding for us. We need it; we must 'ave it. We must be wiz a mate who can give it to us, or we will find anozer who can. William 'as not been able to meet my needs, so I must deal wiz zem. I want you to 'elp me, and I want to 'elp you too."

"But--this isn't right," Harry said weakly. He could feel his resistance crumbling, and the part of him that wanted to accept this flawless creature's offer was becoming larger and more prominent. If he didn't shut this down quickly, he didn't know that he ever would. "That's between you and him, and the Weasleys have been--"

"Please, 'Arry," Fleur whispered. "Please. I need you." He groaned at those words spoken by this beautiful woman so desperately, and how they made his cock throb painfully inside of his underwear. "Zis is for me as much as it is for you. We both need zis; we need each ozer. Please, for once in your life, do not be the 'ero who sacrifices for ze good of everyone else. Just zis once, be selfish." She held her hand down towards him. "Today, let's be selfish togezer."


"Magnifique, 'Arry," Fleur whispered. Her big blue eyes were wide as she got his underwear down around his ankles and stared at his cock while she knelt down on the towel she'd transfigured her bathrobe into and spread out across the sand Harry was admittedly a bit nervous about showing his cock to a girl for the first time, especially this girl, but Fleur seemed genuinely impressed with what she saw. That was a relief.

Now he just had to worry about not exploding the second she reached out and wrapped her soft hand around his cock, which was a legitimate concern. She slowly slid her hand down, stroking him from tip to base, and Harry tried but did not succeed at stifling his groan. Fleur's eyes finally left his cock and returned to her face.

"Has any girl ever touched you like zis, Arry?" she asked. Harry blushed, and some part of him wanted to bluff and say that he had all kinds of experience and had shagged loads of girls so she wouldn’t think less of him. He knew she would see right through him though, and lying about it would definitely make him look way worse.

"No," he admitted. "I've never done any of this before." He and Ginny had touched each other through their underwear a couple of times, but that was the extent of his actual experience. Hopefully Fleur wouldn’t hear that, decide he really was a leetle boy after all and call this whole thing off, because however much he knew he shouldn't be doing this with her, he couldn't bear the thought of stopping now.

Fleur nodded and smiled. It was not the haughty smile or smirk that he'd seen many times in the past on her face. "Zere are no bad 'abits to train out of you zen," she said pleasantly. "But if zis is your first time, I zink I will refrain from sucking you. I am sure you will 'ave to try 'ard enough to keep up wiz me as it is, so we should probably go straight to ze lovemaking. Zis will not be a problem?"

"No!" Harry said adamantly. "No. Nope. No problem. No problem at all." Fleur grinned up at him.

"Good," she said. "Why don't you get down on ze towel so I can be on top? Zat way it should be easier for me to ease you in gently."

"Sounds brilliant to me," Harry said. Top or bottom, any position that would result in his cock going inside of Fleur's quim was one that had his full support. He'd have put his bare arse on the sand even without the towel there if that's what it took, but since the towel was there he didn't hesitate to leave his feet and get down on his back on top of it. He got down so he was flat on his back, but his cock stuck straight up into the air.

Fleur straddled him, and her hand wrapped around his cock to hold it in position as she wiggled into position on top of him. Harry almost groaned just from the feeling of his cock rubbing against her before insertion, but then she got him lined up and actually took him inside of her.

Harry's eyes widened when he felt his cock slide into Fleur's pussy. He'd never felt anything so tight, so wet or so perfect! Obviously this would have been a memorable moment no matter what, as hers was the first he'd ever been inside, but something told Harry that this wasn't normal. There was no way it was supposed to feel this good! He was struggling mightily not to cum inside of her already, and she'd barely even done anything yet!

"I am proud of you, 'Arry," Fleur said. She wiggled her hips a bit, making herself comfortable on his cock.

"Don't be proud just yet," he said tightly. "I probably haven't been inside of you for a minute and it's still taking everything I have not to lose control."

"All men go quickly during zeir first time," Fleur said as she started slowly rocking back and forth on top of him. "And I am veela. Even an experienced man would struggle when zey first felt what it's like to be inside of me. We are not like human witches, you know. Our bodies are meant to finish our lovers off very quickly."

"You don't say," Harry mumbled. Fleur started rocking a bit harder, grinding her perfect body on him, and the feeling of his cock moving around inside of her as she did so made him hiss. She laughed and patted his cheek.

"Zis was useful in ze old days, when our ancestors needed to breed quickly and zen escape before zey could be captured," Fleur explained, but Harry barely heard her. Not much in the world seemed to matter except for her veela cunt squeezing his cock and her breasts jiggling as she moved. "It is more of a negative now zough. It makes it 'ard to find a mate who can satisfy our needs. I will do my best to 'old back, but I still do not expect you to last long. Just enjoy yourself for as long as you can, and 'opefully afterwards you might be able to go again and try to make me climax."

Harry didn't say anything; he couldn't say anything. It took far too much out of him just to hold on and not release inside of her as she rocked her body back and forth on his. If this was what it felt like when she was holding back, he knew he was in for a real struggle if she ever actually lost control and fucked him hard.

This slow grinding felt incredible, and Harry had to resist the strong temptation to let go and cum inside of her. Every slight movement of her body felt like it was a direct challenge to his endurance and his willpower, but Harry didn't want to lose. Fleur might have said she didn't expect him to last long, but he wanted to shatter her expectations. He wanted this to be good for her, and for her to experience the satisfaction she was apparently missing out on. And of course he wanted to enjoy the unreal pleasure of Fleur grinding on his cock for as long as he possibly could. He wasn't entirely selfless here.

His efforts were paying off, because there were tangible signs of Fleur enjoying herself. He could hear Fleur's breathing get heavier and he could see her cheeks flush with growing excitement, but the far greater evidence of how she was feeling came with how she moved her body. Her grinding became faster and rougher, and he could tell that her restraint was slipping as her pleasure rose. The more forceful rocking made it that much harder for Harry to withstand the pressure being put on him, but he dug in deep.

His hands more literally dug into her hips, squeezing them as he held on for dear life, but Fleur didn't react to that. She seemed to be slipping into something of a trance as she went along, closing her eyes and groaning while her pace continued to pick up. All bets seemed to now be off as far as holding back was concerned, because his veela lover was not riding him gently any longer. She was outright fucking him now, and it was up to Harry to hang on.

Hang on he did, even when her hands moved from his bare chest to his shoulders and her grinding became rougher still. Fleur was actually growling softly now as she humped him, and it didn't quite sound human. Maybe this was what the mate of a full-blooded veela heard all the time.

He could feel the veela trying to finish him off, to break him and claim his seed, but Harry held off. It was feeble and he didn't know how long he would be able to resist, but it was important to him that he do whatever he could for her. Maybe the veela genes inside of her wanted to make him cum, but Fleur had made it clear that she was doing this in large part because she was not getting the sexual satisfaction that she needed in her married life. He didn't give a fuck if she had fully expected him to cum long before she got what she wanted and was just hoping that he might be able to get hard again and possibly help her climax before he was spent. Harry wanted to do everything in his power to bring her over the edge with him when he went.

Unfortunately it would soon no longer be up to him, because he could feel himself teetering precariously as the quarter-veela rocked on his cock with ever-increasing speed and friction. Her body was facing the sea as they fucked, but his surroundings were of no concern to Harry now. It was only Fleur who mattered.

Harry grunted helplessly as it all became too much for him. He said a silent apology to Fleur in his head as he surrendered to the demands of her perfect veela pussy and came inside of her. His hands squeezed her hips, and her already tight pussy somehow got even tighter around him during his orgasm. He didn't understand how that was possible, but there it was.

Fleur's eyes suddenly shot open, and she stared down at him with a look of shock on her face. "'ARRY!" she shouted, and then he realized that she was tightening like that on him because she had reached climax. He'd done it. He'd held on long enough to bring Fleur to climax, even if only just. His reward, aside from being able to pump her full of his cum, was watching the face of the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen awash with orgasmic bliss. It had been more than worth the effort.

"Mon Dieu," Fleur whispered once her body started coming back down the other side. "Zat…incroyable! Tu es incroyable!" Harry only knew a couple of French words, but the way she stared down at him in wonder left little doubt as to their meaning.

"I can still go again, if you want to try for another one," he offered hopefully. Fleur gasped, and her blue eyes seemed to glimmer in a way he was pretty sure human eyes simply didn't.

"Oui," she said firmly. She licked her lips. "Baise-moi! Fuck me, 'Arry!" Taking her words to heart and deciding that she wouldn't mind a change of position, Harry rolled her off of him.

"Get up on your hands and knees," he said roughly. It was a stark change from his attitude at the start of this, but Fleur seemed quite happy to go along with it given how quickly she got up onto all fours on their towel and wiggled her round bum at him invitingly. Harry quickly got into position behind her and put his left hand on her hip while his right guided his cock into position. He wasn't really sure how he was hard again so quickly, but he was going to make the most of it. He hurriedly pushed forward and slid his cock inside of Fleur's pussy, making her moan.

She felt every bit as wonderful on his cock as before, but Harry did not feel overwhelmed by this impossible tightness this time. His previous success gave him a confidence that had not been there before. He knew that he could please this gorgeous quarter-veela; he knew it because he had already done it.

Maybe it was arrogance that caused him to push his cock into her with such reckless abandon when the tiniest gyrations from her had been a challenge the first time, but Harry was still riding the high of having made her cum. And Fleur's reactions only fueled his haste.

"Oui, 'Arry!" she moaned as he pulled his hips back only to thrust his cock right back into her, harder and deeper than the first time. "Oui, yes, zat's it! Fuck me! Fuck me, my 'ero!"

She'd asked him not to be the hero before, back when she'd held her hand out to him so she could lead him down the cliff and onto the sand near the sea. Maybe he was behaving the opposite of heroically right now in the eyes of most, considering on his third thrust he went balls-deep into a married woman, and the wife of a man who was far from a stranger at that. But it didn't much matter to Harry what anyone else thought, at least right now. If he was Fleur's hero, that was good enough for him. And if what she wanted was for him to fuck her hard, who was he to deny her?

He didn't. He fucked Fleur hard and fast down on the sand with the towel beneath them, slamming his hips into her from behind, unconcerned with the effort it took to drive his cock into her repeatedly like this. There was no thought given to enduring or conserving anything here, because Harry shagged Fleur with everything he had.

There was a gentle breeze in the air and the sound of the sea ebbing and flowing, but if there were any animals about they could not be heard over the sound of his hips smacking against Fleur's round bubble arse every time he drove back deep inside of her. In time even that sound of flesh on flesh became harder to hear over Fleur's moans and her cries for more.

”Plus, donnez-m'en plus!" she shouted at one point. "Plus dur, plus dur, plus dur!" came next, and there was also "Ne vous arrêtez pas!" Harry didn't need to speak French to understand what she wanted, and if there had been any doubt, having her start to push her hips backwards to meet his thrusts would have cleared up any confusion. Fleur wanted him to fuck her as hard as he possibly could, and Harry gave that to her. He'd only lost his virginity minutes earlier on this very same towel, but that didn't stop him from fucking the quarter-veela hard enough and well enough to make her scream at the top of her lungs. That didn't seem to matter though, because there was no one to disturb in the cottage other than Griphook who never left his room anyway, and not an animal in sight around them. It was just Harry, Fleur, the wind and the sea, and he found that he rather liked it that way.

He wouldn't be able to last long like this, but that was of no consequence. This wasn't about endurance; it was about strength. He'd already shown her that he could last long enough to bring her pleasure even when it was all brand-new to him, and now he wanted to show her that he could also fuck her harder than anyone else ever had or ever would. He made his point not through words but through actions.

Harry showed it through the smack of his hips against her arse as he fucked her hard enough to make her cheeks shake, and later when he became aroused enough by that shaking that he gave her bum a handful of hard spanks too, to enthusiastic shouts from her. He proved it with the deep thrusts that brought sounds of such pleasure and arousal from her lungs, and he also proved it when he pulled his hand off of her hip, grabbing a handful of silky-smooth hair and yanked her head back while he fucked her. He didn't know if any lover had ever dared to do such a thing to her, or if any had been permitted to do so or had lasted long enough with her to even consider it, but her growl and the way she tightened around his cock told him how she felt about it.

Most of all, he proved it in how he fucked another orgasm out of her while he had her on her hands and knees. She'd been hopeful that he could endure the pleasures of her body long enough to bring her to a single climax before he was spent, but he'd defied her expectations and gotten her off not once but twice. If her life had been lacking pleasure recently, he doubted she would have any such complaints now.

His point thoroughly proven, Harry buried his cock balls-deep inside of her one final time and staked his claim in the veela for a second time that afternoon. She growled in approval.


"Thank you for helping me relax," Harry said quietly. The two of them were still on the towel down on the sand, and her naked body was curled into his side as she rested her head on his chest. The wind had picked up and made the air feel cooler, which seemed to disagree with Fleur. She was as loath to get up, put clothes on or return to the cottage as he was though, so she'd transfigured his trousers into a warm blanket big enough for them to snuggle under.

Fleur giggled into his chest. "Zank you for taking such good care of me. I should 'ave known that you would be even better zan I hoped for."

"I'm glad it was good for you, because it was bloody incredible for me," he said earnestly. "You've ruined me for all other women; I hope you know that."

"Good," she said, sounding quite smug about it. "No ozer women deserve you anyway. A man like you would 'ave been wasted on Ginevra."

Harry's smile froze on his face as he was reminded that, however it might have felt this afternoon, there was a world that existed beyond the sea in front of him and the woman snuggled into his side. It wasn't so much the mention of Ginny herself that got to him. She'd surely be far from happy if she ever heard about this, but it wasn't like they were still dating. No, it was thinking of Ginny's eldest brother that threatened to break Harry's relaxed mood.

He knew that it was guilt he should feel above all after having sex with Bill's wife, and there was some guilt there, but that wasn't his predominant emotion. It might have been a shameful thing to admit, but what he felt most of all was fear. Not fear that what they'd just done would be discovered, or that it would ruin his close relationship with the entire Weasley family. The fear that this might be the one and only day that he got to spend with Fleur like this was a far more terrifying thing to him than anything else.

"Fleur," he said, trying not to let his anxiety show. But it must have been more obvious than he would have liked, because Fleur pulled her head off of his chest and looked at him seriously.

"Yes, 'Arry?" she gently prompted, stroking his chest with a fingertip while she looked into his eyes. "What is it that 'as you looking like zat after ze wonderful afternoon we just shared?"

"I, uh," he cleared his throat. "Y-you haven't mentioned what you wanted to happen after today. I know you're married, and I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to do or wreck your life or anything, but today was so amazing. It was honestly the best day of my life, and--"

"Shh," Fleur said, putting a finger to his lips to quiet him. "You are rambling." She smiled at him, and then she shifted up onto her knees. For a terrifying moment he thought she was about to get up, put her robe back on (once she restored it from its current state as the towel underneath them, anyway) and never speak of this again, but then she scooted up on her knees so her face was right above his, and she slowly lowered her head and kissed him on the lips. He closed his eyes and kissed her back, letting her lead the slow, tender kiss. Her eyes were bright when she pulled back and smiled down at him.

"You are going to go stop zat monster and win zis war," she said, and she started running a hand through his hair and massaging his scalp. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her touch, swearing to himself that he could feel her massaging his worries and doubts right out of him. "I know you will do it, because you can do anyzing. You 'ave proven zat many times over, including today. And after zat…"

She paused, and he opened his eyes to look up at her. "After that?" he parroted, prompting her hopefully. Fleur smiled, brought her lips to his forehead and planted a gentle kiss right over his famous scar.

"After zat, you will be mine and I will be yours," she said, giving him another dazzling smile, perfect white teeth on display. "All yours. Only yours."



That was incredible. Love this version of Fleur and the ending was genuinely heart-warming. Great smut too.


I was honestly surprised at how romantic it wound up becoming at the end, considering the prompt was based on cheating. I was very happy with the way that this particular story came out though, so I'm glad you as the one who submitted it liked it too. I enjoy writing Fleur, and there was something about this take on her character that really worked well in my head.