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Fandom: Iron Man 2/MCU

Summary: Natasha is ready to let Tony use her body if that's what it takes to maintain her cover as Natalie Rushman. What she isn't ready for is how good it feels, or how addicting it becomes. (Tony/Natasha)

Content Warnings/Themes: cheating, mindbreak

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“I knew you’d be wonderful at taking dictation, Miss Rushman,” Tony Stark said, and then he groaned as Natasha bobbed lower down and took his cock deeper into her mouth. “Ahh, but I have to say that you’re performing above expectations. And I have wild expectations, believe me. You had a lot to live up to.”

Natasha didn’t doubt it. It was no secret to her that the man she’d been assigned to keep an eye on was a playboy of the highest order. She’d known that something like this was a distinct possibility, and also that she would need to be prepared not just to do what was necessary to maintain her cover but to do it well enough that he wanted her around and didn’t lose interest in her. Infiltrating Stark Industries as ‘Natalie Rushman’ in order to keep an eye on the genius behind the Iron Man suit meant making herself indispensable to Tony Stark, and she had not been under any illusions about what that might entail.

She’d had a thought of trying to attach herself more to Pepper Potts, who seemed to be the one person in the world Tony actually listened to on occasion. If she’d been able to get on Pepper’s good side instead this might not have been necessary, but the blonde had clearly disliked her as soon as Tony had taken an interest in her, or more specifically once Natasha had used that interest to her advantage and got him to hire her rather than rebuffing him and risking being shown the door. Natasha allowing Tony’s comments to go unchecked had secured her the position as his personal secretary which would guarantee her an easy access point to him, but it had also earned her plenty of enmity from Pepper.

That made it all the more critical for Natasha to do whatever she had to do in order to stay in Tony’s good books, and while she had gotten by with flirting, suggestive comments and peeks down her blouse at her cleavage and up her skirt at her little black panties, eventually she hadn’t been able to put this off any longer. Tony Stark was a man used to having any woman that he wanted, with the possible exception of Pepper (maybe that had something to do with why he so obviously had a thing for his former assistant, come to think of it.) He’d been amused by the game for a bit, but this morning Natasha could sense that she risked losing his interest if she didn’t follow through on the teasing.

She definitely had Tony’s interest now though, because while he sat at his desk and did his work, or at least feigned doing it, she knelt between his legs under his desk and sucked his cock. She’d known that Tony would have a whole host of previous sexual conquests to mentally compare her to and match her up against, so Natasha had her work cut out for her if she wanted to impress him. A simple sucking wouldn’t be enough for her to stand out in comparison to every other slut who’d ever sucked this billionaire playboy’s cock. She had to go all out and use every trick that she knew in order to accomplish her objective and maintain her place as his personal secretary.

Natasha had no shortage of such tricks, and she called upon all of them now. She spiraled her tongue against the head of his cock for a bit and licked up and down the shaft, bathing every inch of him in her saliva. That had merely been the beginning, of course. She took him between her lips and bobbed her head, going slowly at first before increasing her speed and the amount of cock she stuffed inside of her mouth as she went along. Tony had been pleased with her performance at first, but he hadn’t really been surprised or blown away by it. As time passed and her mouth painted a more vivid picture of her full capabilities, however, Tony’s reactions had shifted.

“That’s good work you’re doing, Miss Rushman,” he said, and he reached beneath the desk to pat the top of her head. Natasha gave a noisy slurp of his cock and pushed down even lower, fitting almost the entirety of his cock in her mouth this time. She was rewarded with a groan and another pat. “Okay, now I know you’ve spent a lot of time on your knees. If I made a list of all of the women who have ever managed to swallow that much of me, I’d be able to count them on my hands and still have a few fingers left over.”

He might be a man prone to boasting and exaggeration, but Natasha didn’t have any trouble believing him. She’d seen and sucked quite a few cocks in her life, but his was exceptional. It may very well have been the longest she’d ever sucked and was definitely the thickest. Even for her it was something of a challenge to take care of such a large dick, and if she’d tried to bob her head like this and take him this deep from the beginning she may have come up short. But she’d warmed up now, and she’d built up to the point where she was ready to go still lower.

She pulled back for a moment of recovery, and then she dove back down to swallow him once again. This time she didn’t stop until she had taken him all the way into her throat. She’d gone so deep that her nose nestled in his pubic hair and his balls rested against her chin.

“Okay, now I don’t need any fingers at all to count this list off,” Tony said. “Or I guess I do need them now. One of them, at least. Congratulations on being the first woman who’s ever been able to deepthroat my cock, Miss Rushman. I didn’t think I’d ever find someone so qualified to work underneath me.”

It was a lot to take, even for Natasha, but she didn’t let it get the best of her. She held his cock down her throat, proving to him that she could not only take him down but keep him down. She wanted this moment permanently embedded in his mind, or at least embedded there until she’d done what she came here to do and she no longer needed to maintain her cover here. She didn’t know how long that would take, but until such time as ‘Natalie Rushman’ could leave her job and the Black Widow could return to duty, she needed Tony to be hooked on what she could offer him and do for him.

“Tony? Tony, are you in here?”

Natasha’s eyes widened when she heard Pepper’s voice just outside the door to Tony’s office, moments before her hand knocked on it. She was pretty sure Tony hadn’t locked the door before he sat down and she crawled underneath his desk to service him.

“Uh, yeah, Pepper,” Tony said slowly. “I’m in here. Just taking care of a few things here at my desk, so if you could just come back later, that would be…” The door opened amidst Tony’s request. “Or you can just come right in, sure. You obviously don’t need to listen to me. Not like I’m in charge around here or anything.”

“Tony, why the hell haven’t you answered your phone?” Pepper snapped, ignoring his attempt to assert his authority. “You were supposed to be at the meeting twenty minutes ago!”

“The meeting?” Tony mumbled, moments before Natasha heard something that sounded like him snapping his fingers. “Oh, right, the tech expo! Yeah, big meeting, big important meeting.”

“Yes, big important meeting,” Pepper said, and Natasha could picture her trying to make Tony burst into flames through the power of her glare. “So get your butt up out of that desk so you don’t keep our guests waiting any longer than you already have!”

“I gotta say, Pepper, I really don’t think it’s a good idea for me to get up from this desk right now,” he said. “There’s something important to take care of, and I feel like I’m just not going to be able to get anything else done until I’ve seen it through to the end.”

Natasha understood his challenge and she wouldn’t fail to meet it. The difficulty had just been increased considerably since she not only had to get him off but needed to do so without being loud enough for Pepper to hear her, but she was ready for it. She didn’t dare try and hold him down her throat lest she choke and give them both up to Pepper’s fury. Instead she carefully and quietly pulled his cock out of her throat before latching onto his balls and worshipping them with her mouth. She rubbed his cockhead with her hand as well, using both her mouth and her hand to try and finish him off quickly.

“You have twenty seconds to put that magazine you’re pretending to read down,” Pepper said coldly. “If you don’t’ I’m going to yank you out of that desk and drag you down to the meeting. Don’t think I won’t do it.”

“Oh, I know you will,” Tony said. “Your warning has been heard and taken in with all due seriousness, I promise.”

Natasha was on a strict time limit now, and she knew she could not afford to fail to meet it. It was clear that Tony believed Pepper would follow through on her threat, and Natasha saw no reason to doubt her either. It was a race against time now, because if she couldn’t make Tony cum in time she was going to be caught red-handed with his balls in her mouth by the one person on the planet that Tony might actually listen to if she told him to fire her.

She came through just in time, taking a blast of Tony’s cum across her face before she adjusted, removed his balls from her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock so she could swallow the rest of his load. Tony groaned, and Natasha dearly hoped that he was putting on a convincing face for Pepper. The last thing she needed was for her to check under the desk anyway and see his cum across her face.

“There we go,” Tony said, sighing after he’d finished filling Natasha’s mouth with cum. “All done now.” She heard the sound of him dropping the magazine down on top of his desk. “I’ll be right down, Pepper. Just give me three minutes to make myself look pretty.”

“You have two minutes,” she said flatly before walking out of the office and shutting the door behind her.

“Excellent work, Miss Rushman,” Tony said after she’d gone and Natasha had taken his cock out of her mouth. He stood up and walked around the desk, and by the time she came back out from underneath it he was wiping himself up with a tissue.

“Thank you, Mr. Stark,” she said. “I’m happy to have been of service.”

“And I’m happy to have you on the team,” he said. “I need to go deal with some idiots who think they know more about tech than Tony freakin’ Stark. But I’m looking forward to testing your capabilities even harder when I get back, Miss Rushman. I think we’re going to make a great team, you and I.”

“I’m sure we will, Mr. Stark.” If it was for the good of the mission and the necessity of maintaining her cover, she would give him whatever he wanted. He wanted Natalie Rushman to be his slutty assistant, and Natasha Romanoff would play that role. It was strictly her doing her job. That’s what she told herself adamantly as she ignored the way her nipples had hardened at the thought of having that big cock inside of her. But who said your job couldn’t offer some fun perks from time to time?

“Oh, and you might want to wipe your face off,” he said, tossing a fresh tissue at her. “We got lucky enough that Pepper didn’t look underneath the desk, but I’d hate to waste all that luck by having her see you walking around with cum all over your face. She’d jump to conclusions and pin the blame on me even if she didn’t have any proof. Really unfair if you ask me, even though she’d technically be right.”


The Black Widow was failing.

No, she wasn’t failing to be the devoted and slutty plaything that Tony wanted ‘Natalie Rushman’ to be. She was succeeding perfectly well at that. The problem was that she was doing a little too well, and more critically, she was enjoying her new position a little too much. More than a little, actually.

There had been a period where she managed to maintain the proper balance between pleasing Tony and remembering her true purpose here. She’d even been able to let the genuine pleasure that she got from having him fuck her work in her favor and increase his desire for her. But the more time that passed with her using her body to maintain her cover, the less she cared about why she was here. In more recent times she had actually felt an anxious pit form in her stomach when she allowed herself to consider the possibility that she might fulfill her objective and be called back out of the role of Natalie Rushman in the near future. Thinking about a day where she no longer got bent over Tony’s desk so he could rail her or she wasn’t able to bounce on his cock while he tinkered with his Iron Man tech made her question whether it was worth going back to being the Black Widow if it meant losing out on the pleasure that Natalie Rushman got to feel on a daily basis.

Holding onto her true identity became more of a losing battle with each passing day, and she swore that at this very moment Tony was chipping away at whatever of the resistance of Natasha Romanoff still remained inside of her. She was naked on his desk, her bare ass rubbing against the cool metal beneath her as his thrusts rocked her back and forth. Natalie (Natasha, her name was Natasha, she needed to remember that, it was very important that she remember that) moaned as her boss drilled her.

“Yeah, let me hear you moan, Natalie,” Tony said, smirking down at her while his hands lazily groped her bare breasts. “Pepper’s out of town for the next three days, and we don’t need to worry about anyone else coming in and interrupting us. You can be as loud as you want.”

Natalie (Natasha, Natasha) moaned loudly as his thumbs brushed across her sensitive nipples. She never needed any encouragement to be loud for him, nor did she have to put on any sort of act to do so. This pleasure was very real and impossible to ignore. The only reason there had been to hold back had been the presence of Pepper and the consequences for them both if the woman caught them while Tony was balls-deep inside of his personal secretary/office slut. It was a minor miracle that they hadn’t been caught already, really, but there was nothing to worry about today.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Natal—Natasha did have something to worry about, but it had nothing to do with the risk of discovery. It was her own ability to pull out of this role and ignore how right it felt to have Tony slamming his cock so deep inside of her that was the real worry. She groaned, both from the massive orgasm building up inside of her and from the effort she expended to try and hold onto her control of her situation and her identity. The former was going to arrive very soon, but she was afraid the latter was about to slip through her fingers and get lost for good.

She wanted to fight against that, or at least feel regret about it, but it was getting harder and harder to hold onto any of her old self. Natasha had done many rather unsavory things in the name of carrying out her missions in the past, but she'd always been able to remain within herself. Even when she allowed her targets to think they were in control of the situation, Natasha always had them dancing to her tune and doing what she wanted in the end. But she knew that was not the case here.

Like plenty of men before him, Tony Stark believed that he was bending her to his will, even if in his case he thought she was just a model turned office whore rather than knowing she was the deadly Black Widow. But while all of the men who had believed it previously had been manipulated into feeling a false sense of dominance over a woman who could have snapped them like a twig and brought them to their knees at a moment's notice, Tony was not mistaken to feel the way that he did. He really was fucking her into submission, even if he didn't know how unlikely and impressive a feat that actually was. He was under the impression that she was just some skank like all of the other skanks who'd hopped into his bed, or into his limo, or onto the desk in his office in this case. To be fair, while that wasn't who she'd been when this started, it was what she was becoming.

"Yeah, it's a good thing Pepper's not here," he said, continuing to talk to her while he fucked her as usual. His mouth never seemed to stop running, but since his hips never stopped either she would forgive him for it. "She'd definitely hear this, and I'd never hear the end of it." He paused. "But maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing. Maybe you'd like it if everyone knew how hard you work underneath me, Natalie."

Natalie whimpered, struggling to remember why that wasn't supposed to be a good thing and why she was meant to fight against it. But she had no more success remembering that than she did at holding back her screams when he brought his right hand off of her breast and slid it down to dance across her clit as well. Tony was considered a selfish man, and for valid reasons generally speaking, but it couldn't be truthfully said that he failed to understand how to please a woman. Even if his own satisfaction was his primary purpose, he seemed to like making her get as loud as he possibly could.

He was good at it too. He'd definitely had plenty of practice at toying with a woman's clit while he fucked her, and it was one of the strongest weapons he'd employed to unknowingly make Natalie forget about…well, about whatever it was that she'd forgotten. Her existence had been twisted from its original purpose, and now all that mattered was the big dick pushing back and forth inside of her as her body got rocked on the desk, the fingers playing her clit masterfully, and the man who both belonged to.

This man had shown her more sexual pleasure than she'd ever known in her life, and its impact on her had been immeasurable. Over time she had come to crave him and this, and even if she suddenly remembered whatever it was that had seemed so important to her it would not have mattered. She had gone too far and was in too deep to ever find her way back out now, nor would she want to. Natalie was addicted to the fucking that only Tony Stark could give her, and she would devote herself fully to him for as long as he would have her so long as he kept spreading her legs and using her body just like this.

Natalie screamed and her back arched up off of the desk as Tony's cock and fingers got her off, giving her a climax worthy of her devotion to him. She could feel herself squirting powerfully and losing control of her body, and while she had a feeling that such a loss of power would have been a source of major concern to her in her previous existence, the Natalie Rushman that existed now couldn't have cared less. She had been fucked to a mind-breaking, earth-shattering orgasm that made her body quiver on the desk, and nothing could be more important than that.

Nothing could be more important than that other than Tony's own satisfaction, that is. The one thing that remained of the woman who had first spread her legs for him in this office was her focus on making sure that he was happy with her performance and valued her above all others, though she had a feeling that the reasons behind that being such a priority in her life had changed somewhere along the way. It was so important to her now because she knew that Tony could have his pick of the most beautiful women from all over the world. He could have just about any supermodel or A-list actress on this desk if he wanted, so if Natalie wanted to stay in this spot it was vital that she fulfilled his every last desire.

That was why it was so thrilling to her to hear him grunt and groan with pleasure as he fucked her on his desk. Regardless of how many times he'd fucked her like this now, he still drove his cock into her just as hard as he always had and played with her bouncing breasts just as eagerly as ever. He still found pleasure in her body. She could feel that in the power of his thrusts and see it written all over his face as he hovered above her. He moved his hands to rest on the desk on either side of her head, which was something he did when he was very close to the end and wanted to put everything he had into the back and forth of his hips. Any moment now he was going to cum, and Natalie couldn't wait for the moment to arrive. However and wherever he wanted to finish, he was welcome to do so. Her body belonged to him now.

He chose not to cum inside of her this time. Instead he pulled out before he reached the end, and he snapped his fingers and pointed at the ground in front of him. Natalie understood exactly what he was telling her and hurried to obey. She scrambled off of the desk and onto her knees in front of him, took his cock between her lips and greedily swallowed every drop of cum he gave her. There was quite a bit of it to swallow, but she was prepared and had done it often enough that not a single drop escaped.

"Good girl," he said, patting her cheek. "You're the best secretary I've ever had, Miss Rushman. I look forward to many years of you working underneath me."

Natalie glowed with happiness at the thought. She couldn't imagine anywhere else she would rather be.


Nick Fury shook his head and closed the file on Tony Stark. He'd already soured on the idea of Stark or his Iron Man suit being part of the Avengers Initiative, but now he'd gone and compromised one of Fury's finest agents. There was no end to the trouble he caused Nick and SHIELD.

Losing the Black Widow was regrettable, but he didn't have time to dwell on it. His work as the Director of SHIELD never ended. Stark was out of the picture and Romanoff was off the board, but there were always new situations to deal with. Like this incident in New Mexico. That one required an immediate response. At least he still had Barton on hand. And with him being a family man, Nick didn't even have to worry about some woman getting Hawkeye so addicted to sex that he forgot to do his job.


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