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February 2022 prompt poll: Harry Potter

  • (Harry/Angelina/Katie): Harry's female teammates give him an incentive to ignore Umbridge and focus on winning on the pitch 28
  • (Harry/Fleur): Fleur offers Harry the ultimate reward for saving Gabrielle: her first time. He consults Sirius to make sure he's prepared 15
  • (Harry/Fleur/Ginny): Veela breeding methods result in Fleur developing an addiction to Harry and becoming a mistress to the Potters 37
  • (Harry/Romilda): Romilda's potion works well. Too well for her body to handle. 6
  • (Harry/Rosmerta, Hermione): Rosmerta catches Harry and Hermione at play, then requests a closer look at his skills. 13
  • (Harry/Various): Harry explores the world and ladies of Familiar of Zero while trying to get home 5
  • (Harry/Various): Harry's the only magical male born in 20 years, so naturally he has women of all ages after him. 65
  • 2022-02-08
  • —2022-02-12
  • 169 votes
{'title': 'February 2022 prompt poll: Harry Potter', 'choices': [{'text': "(Harry/Angelina/Katie): Harry's female teammates give him an incentive to ignore Umbridge and focus on winning on the pitch", 'votes': 28}, {'text': "(Harry/Fleur): Fleur offers Harry the ultimate reward for saving Gabrielle: her first time. He consults Sirius to make sure he's prepared", 'votes': 15}, {'text': '(Harry/Fleur/Ginny): Veela breeding methods result in Fleur developing an addiction to Harry and becoming a mistress to the Potters', 'votes': 37}, {'text': "(Harry/Romilda): Romilda's potion works well. Too well for her body to handle.", 'votes': 6}, {'text': '(Harry/Rosmerta, Hermione): Rosmerta catches Harry and Hermione at play, then requests a closer look at his skills.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': '(Harry/Various): Harry explores the world and ladies of Familiar of Zero while trying to get home', 'votes': 5}, {'text': "(Harry/Various): Harry's the only magical male born in 20 years, so naturally he has women of all ages after him.", 'votes': 65}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 12, 11, 0, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 8, 12, 14, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 169}


(You might note that this poll is set for four days rather than seven. This seemed to work fine with the interactive poll so I'm going to try it here too.)

February poll (HP General Prompt):

This month's options:

(Harry/Angelina/Katie): In order to keep Harry's temper in check during Umbridge's tenure at Hogwarts they offered him threesomes after each game they won.

(Harry/Fleur): After saving her sister during the Second Task, Fleur wants to reward Harry by offering him her virginity. Initially shocked at the offer, Harry decides to take the 'reward' but asks for some advice from Sirius on how to please his new veela lover. His godfather's advice massively pays off.

(Harry/Fleur/Ginny): Veelas can get pregnant in two ways. Regular sex will give birth to a human child. Fleur doesn’t want that; she wants a Veela child like her and Gabrielle. But not many men can manage to meet the requirement of having to fuck a veela for 24 hours, ejaculate every hour and make her climax every half hour. Unfortunately Bill has not been able to a achieve that as of yet. Potions, magic, and allure have helped but he’s only achieved up to 12 hours.

Fleur, desperate and feeling her biological clock ticking, approaches the most powerful man she knows, Harry. She begs Ginny and Harry to help her. Unfortunately Fleur's mother did not tell her that such an experience is addicting. She leaves Bill to become Harry and Ginny’s mistress; she would have preferred wife but Harry and Ginny were already married and she was too addicted to his cock to fight it.

(Harry/Romilda): Romilda succeeds in her potion scheme, much to her slowly realizing horror when a potioned Harry has too much stamina for her and her obsession leaves her unable to say not every time he is ready to go.

(Harry/Rosmerta, w/Hermione): Harry had been finger-banging Hermione as they "studied" together at the Three Broomsticks. Unfortunately, Madame Rosmerta catches them when Hermione forgets to hold in a moan... or maybe it *is* fortunate, because Rosmerta brings him into the backroom and demands he show her what else he can do [pussy-eating, deepthroating, titjob, rough sex, pregnancy risk, creampie. At some point Hermione comes in and, after getting over her surprise, summons a dildo to ride while she watches.

(Harry/Various): Harry Potter gets summoned as a familiar to one Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière and as he does his job waiting and looking for a way back home he also goes through the ladies of the new world he's at.

(Harry/Fleur/Tonks/Angelina/Daphne/Narcissa/Amelia/Bellatrix/Rita): As the only magical male born in the last two decades Harry Potter is openly chased and lusted after by the sexiest and most beautiful women in the magical world. Some were Hogwarts age women who wanted to ride him in a broom closet and others were old enough to be his mother and need him to impregnate them to keep their family lines from going out. Harry Potter certainly has his work cut out for him.


Michał W

And once again the choice is extremely tough. Damn you and your good ideas!!