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Poll to launch our new interactive story!

  • Game of Thrones: The Young Wolf's Journey 50
  • Mass Effect: A Spectre's Choices 27
  • My Hero Academia: Deku's Destiny 22
  • Persona 5: The Wild Card 9
  • The Witcher: Unchained 35
  • 2022-02-01
  • —2022-02-05
  • 143 votes
{'title': 'Poll to launch our new interactive story!', 'choices': [{'text': "Game of Thrones: The Young Wolf's Journey", 'votes': 50}, {'text': "Mass Effect: A Spectre's Choices", 'votes': 27}, {'text': "My Hero Academia: Deku's Destiny", 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Persona 5: The Wild Card', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'The Witcher: Unchained', 'votes': 35}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 5, 11, 0, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 1, 12, 48, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 143}


We’re putting the monthly themed polls on hold, at least for now, and in their place will be a new multichapter story releasing in monthly installments. This will differ from Interactive 8th Year in a few ways; it won’t be Harry Potter, for one. (A return to Harry Potter in a future interactive story is always possible, assuming the concept works. For now I'm ready to try something different though.)

I’ll also be aiming to mix a bit more of an actual plot into this one as opposed to 8th Year, and part of trying to do that is going to be me coming up with the different poll options each month.

I still expect there to be plenty of smut, but it’s possible there might be a chapter here or there where it’s absent; it’ll all depend on what seems to make sense in any given chapter. But I have no doubt that we’ll see plenty of sexy good times along the way! I’ll leave a choice with several different branches we might explore, and you guys will determine which one we go with through your votes.

I have no idea how long this might be. Maybe it'll go 10-20 chapters, or maybe we'll speed right along and end in 5 or 6. This is kind of an experiment that we're all running together, so we'll just have to see how it goes.

The first poll will actually decide which idea we try this out with, so it’s an important one! Here are the options:

Game of Thrones/ASOIAF: Robb Stark goes to treat with Renly and Stannis himself rather than sending his mother on his behalf, and his presence there presents him with a new set of choices once Renly is murdered. Will things go differently for the King in the North this time around, or is the Young Wolf always fated to remain forever young? Your choices will determine his fate.

Mass Effect: The story of Commander Shepard, first human Spectre, as he (or she? if this option wins, whether Shepard is male or female will be the first poll) deals with Saren, the reaper threat and a less than helpful council. Let's revisit the first game and see what happens (and if all goes well and there's sufficient interest, maybe we'll go further.) Maybe your choices will lead Shepard, humanity and the galaxy in a very different direction. Oh, and of course there's romance and sex. Plenty of sex.

My Hero Academia: The war is a memory at this point, and Deku and his classmates have officially graduated from UA and are entering the world as proper pro heroes. There is a mountain of expectations on Deku to shoot straight to the #1 spot and lead the way after what he accomplished while still in school, even if his body paid a price to defeat Shigaraki. Will he live up to those expectations or be crushed underneath them? What about the rest of the former members of Class A? And will Deku find love amidst it all?

Persona 5: A reimagining of Persona 5 Royal where you decide how Joker spends his time. Does he work out a lot and get super buff, or does he focus on studying and improving his knowledge? What confidants does he spend time with? Does he pursue a romantic relationship with one girl, or play the field (and risk being caught and labeled a two-timing dick)? Let's find out together!

The Witcher: Good news: Ciri is no longer being pursued by the Wild Hunt. Bad news: Triss and Yen found out he had been sleeping with them both and left him tied up in bed after getting his hopes up for a ménage à trois. But being denied the threesome of all threesomes isn't enough to keep a good witcher down; at least not once Dandelion stops taunting him and unties him from the bed. It's time to get back on the road, accept contracts, kill monsters, visit brothels, support Ciri as she tries to make it as a witcher, and…visit brothels. Did I already say that one?

I'm going to make this a 4-day poll rather than my usual 7, just in case I feel like I need to run an additional poll to determine how the winning story starts.



Female Shepard


If the Mass Effect option wins I will immediately follow this poll up with a second one to decide if we're doing MShep or FemShep. so you don't need to worry about commenting. I should have worded that better; sorry for the confusion! Going to edit the post now to clarify.


These are all good, but I would’ve added a reimagining of Spider-Man’s story.


I considered something with Spidey, but Marvel (and DC) stuff in general has been doing very well in the other prompt polls so I decided to leave them out. Maybe next time, assuming this works well enough that we keep going with the concept after finishing this story.

Ronnie R15

Would have preferred a”Kingdom Hearts” story.


I didn't really have any ideas for KH that I liked. Maybe that's in part because the plot of KH itself is so crazy and weird.

Ronnie R15

I would have just had Sora or some other keyboard master go to different worlds and get with the various women on them.