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Summary: Harry enjoys his final quidditch match at Hogwarts, but he enjoys what happens after the match even more. (Harry/Parvati, Harry/Padma)


“Congratulations, Harry!” Parvati Patil said, smiling at him as she sipped at a butterbeer. She had to talk loudly to be heard over the shouts, laughter and general party atmosphere that had invaded the Gryffindor common room.

“Thanks!” Harry said, smiling back at her. He was in quite a celebratory mood himself after the events of the day. The reason for the party was visible on the table in the center of the common room. No matter how wild the party got, no one dared to do anything that might damage the quidditch cup trophy.

In his final quidditch match as the seeker for Gryffindor, he had caught the snitch before Ravenclaw’s seeker could even start her dive for it. In so doing he had helped lead Gryffindor to the cup as its captain for the first time (he didn’t count their win in his sixth year since he’d been serving detention with Snape during the final match and Ginny had to take his place at seeker.)

“You’re everyone’s hero yet again,” she teased.

“Well, everyone in Gryffindor at least,” he said, shrugging. “The Ravenclaws might feel differently.”

Parvati chuckled. “I’m not so sure about that. I know of one Ravenclaw who has been singing your praises to me for months now.”

“Oh yeah?” Harry was intrigued.

“Yes,” Parvati said. “Padma has been talking about her time with you at that party all term. You made quite an impression on her.”

“She made quite an impression on me too,” he said with a smile. He hadn’t shagged Padma again since that memorable night where he’d convinced his fellow 7th and 8th years across the different houses to merge their individual parties into one big one in the Room of Requirement, but that was a night he would never forget. It would be one of many fond memories he took with him from this final year of fun when he left Hogwarts behind him, which was a day that was rapidly approaching now. The quidditch season was finished, and all that was really left now were the final exams.

“Listening to her go on and on about how good you are made me wonder why I’ve never had any fun with you myself,” Parvati said. “I was there when you fucked Pansy on the train, but that’s really it. Doesn’t that seem like such a shame?”

“With how often you and Lavender seem to shag Pansy, I kind of thought you might be more of a witch’s witch,” Harry said. Hermione was the only Gryffindor from his year that he’d shagged, and he’d expected it to stay that way. It wasn’t like he had anything to complain about with how well he’d done for himself this year throughout all four houses, the faculty and even one of the ghosts of the castle, not to mention his fun with Auror Tonks and not just Fleur but the Delacour family in general. But Parvati’s comment suggested that Hermione might not be the only Gryffindor in his year who wouldn’t mind hopping into bed with him, and he was understandably intrigued. She was bloody beautiful.

“I have fun with witches, sure,” Parvati said. “And Lavender and I have been spending loads of time together this year, with and without Parkinson. But I like wizards just fine too, and with how much Padma has been gushing about what you can do I decided it would be a huge waste if we didn’t shag at least once before we take our N.E.W.T.s and leave Hogwarts behind.”

“I agree,” Harry said quickly. “It would be a waste. A huge one.”

Parvati giggled, and Harry found that he liked the sound. He liked it in this context at least, since she was biting her lip and smiling at him in a fashion he’d become very familiar with over the last year.

“I’m so glad you agree,” Parvati said. “Of course Padma wanted in for another go with you as soon as I told her, so we decided that whether Gryffindor won or lost today I would make the offer.”

“So you’re saying it’ll be both of you,” Harry stated. This had started out as a great day when he caught the snitch and won the quidditch cup, and that day had gotten even better when Ginny jumped him in the showers afterwards and he’d picked her up by the arse and fucked her as the water washed over them. The thought of fitting in a celebratory shag with Parvati and hooking up with her for the first time had made it still better, but now she was saying it would be her and Padma. It seemed hard to think of any way for his final quidditch match at Hogwarts to turn out any better.

“Yeah, we figured it would be a great way to mark our final quidditch day at Hogwarts,” Parvati said. “She’s waiting for us halfway between Ravenclaw Tower and your suite, and we can pick her up on the way if you’re interested.”

“I’m interested,” he said. “I’m very, very, very interested.” Who the fuck wouldn’t be interested in shagging both Patil twins?

Parvati giggled again. “I’m glad to hear it. If we’d lost it could’ve been us consoling you with sex, but since you won, how about we call it a victory party?”

“That sounds like even more fun than this,” Harry said, looking around him. Gryffindors from all eight years were crowded around the common room to celebrate the big win, but leaving the kids to their celebration and sneaking away.

“Then why don’t you finish that butterbeer and make a little speech for your fans so we can go and have a more private, adult party?” Parvati purred into his ear.


Harry had never downed a butterbeer as quickly as that one, and he knew that his speech before leaving the party in the Gryffindor common room had not exactly been an articulate one. He sort of felt like it was an achievement simply for him to avoid sporting an erection while he talked.

He definitely had one now though, and who wouldn’t? The Patil twins were absolutely gorgeous, and they were both standing naked in front of his bed.

“I hope you’re not expecting any, you know, girl on girl stuff tonight, Harry,” Padma said as she slowly crawled onto the bed. “We figured having a threesome with both of us would be exciting enough for you. But we’re only interested in playing with you, not each other. If it makes you feel any better, we wouldn't be sharing any bloke like this but you."

“Yeah, twincest won’t be happening,” Parvati agreed as she too climbed into bed with him. It wasn’t the first time he’d had more than one witch in this bed with him at the same time, though having a pair of gorgeous twins in his bed was new even for him. “You know I have fun playing with witches, just…not my sister. Sorry.”

“The last thing in the world you need to do right now is apologize,” Harry assured them. Being with either one of them would have been an amazing way to celebrate his final quidditch victory. Being with both Parvati and Padma was a treat that no other wizard had ever been fortunate enough to enjoy and Harry fully appreciated how lucky he was to be here. That they had no interest in doing anything sexual with each other was of little consequence. They both wanted to have sex with him, and that was what mattered.

“Great,” Parvati said, clapping her hands. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s see what we’re working with here.” The Patils worked together to undress him, Padma pulling his shirt off while Parvati took care of his trousers and then slid his underwear down his legs. She gasped when she took care of that and got her first look at his cock.

“I don’t get why you’re so surprised,” Harry said. “Like you said, you were there on the train when I fucked Pansy. You’ve seen me naked.” He wasn’t any less pleased about her gasp or about how she stared at his cock even as he spoke, whether he understood it or not.

“This is different,” she mumbled, shaking her head while still staring straight at his dick. “Now I know it’s about to go inside of me.”

“Not if it goes inside of me first,” Padma said. That was all the warning either Harry or Parvati got before Padma straddled him, held his cock steady and slid him inside of her. Harry groaned, pleased to be back inside of the Ravenclaw Patil for the first time since she’d climbed on top of him early on during the party at the beginning of the year.

Parvati was far less pleased. “Hey, no fair!” she snapped. “You’ve already shagged Harry before! I should get to go first!”

“You took too long staring at it," Padma said, sounding completely unapologetic about swooping in ahead of her. "I didn’t spend all that time waiting for you both to show up to spend even more time waiting while you gawked at him like some blushing virgin.”

Harry greatly enjoyed the feeling of Padma’s pussy around his cock, not to mention the view he had of the Ravenclaw twin’s glorious body as she straddled him. Both the feeling and the view got even better when she started to slowly rock back and forth on him, grinding on his dick and making her breasts sway with the motion. But even as he watched her and considered how easy it would be for him to get lost in the sensations of her taking him on another ride, he couldn’t help but remember what she’d said to him on the train on the way back to school to start their final term.

“So Padma, I don’t know if you remember, but on the train I said it would be my pleasure to spend an entire night making love to you,” he began. Padma smiled brightly.

“I definitely remember that,” she said. “I’ve pleasured myself more than once imagining it. I’d love to make it a reality.”

“Don’t you even dare,” Parvati hissed. “If you even think about keeping his cock to yourself all night long, I’ll—“

“Don’t worry, Parvati,” Harry said, looking beyond Padma so he could make eye contact with her Gryffindor twin. It was difficult for him to look anywhere but at the beautiful witch sitting on his cock but it was important for him to reassure Parvati and let her know that she would not go ignored. “I’m going to give you whatever you want. I remember you saying you wouldn’t mind something more like what Pansy got, and if you’re in the mood for that I’d be happy to fuck you until your eyes roll back in your head when it’s your turn.”

“That sounds fun,” Parvati said, grinning and blushing a little, apparently mollified by his promise to take care of her too. It wasn’t like Harry didn’t mean every word of it too. He knew from experience that he had the stamina to take care of both these beautiful women and make absolutely sure that they did not regret their decision to celebrate their last quidditch day at Hogwarts in his suite, and he would do whatever it took to make them both happy. If what Parvati wanted was a rough shag, Harry would oblige her.

“But you, Padma, seem pretty excited about doing something a little softer,” he said, rubbing the beautiful Ravenclaw’s nipples with his thumbs and listening to her moan. He’d learned how much she enjoyed that during their first time together and was happy to exploit that knowledge now. “Do you want me to roll you over onto your back so I can take over and make love to you?”

“I don’t think there’s a straight or bisexual witch in this castle who would say no to you right now, Harry,” Padma said. “Yes, you can take over. Please take over.”

Harry moved his hands from her breasts down to her hips, wrapped his arms around her and gently flipped them over so she was on her back and he was on top of her. He kissed her lips softly, and she moaned into his mouth and ran her hands through his hair.

“I bet there are witches in all four houses and the faculty who will rub themselves tonight while wishing they were here with you like this,” she said quietly. "But they can keep dreaming, because tonight you're all mine."

"For now," Parvati said. "And then he'll be mine."

Harry would be happy to be Parvati's in a bit, but for now he focused on giving Padma what she was looking for. Even if he couldn't legitimately spend all night with her like he'd mentioned on the train since he still had her sister to think about too, he would give her something slower, softer and more intimate than what she'd seen him do to Pansy or the time they'd shared together in the Room of Requirement during the party.

He moved his cock slowly and deliberately inside of Padma, focusing on dragging every push and pull out and angling his cock so he could find her g-spot. Once he found it he was able to stimulate it every time he slid his cock inside of her as well as every time he pulled back, ensuring that he gave her the most pleasure he possibly could with every stroke. This was something he'd gotten pretty good at doing even when thrusting rather quickly, but the slower pace he set inside of Padma made it that much easier for him to move inside of her at the perfect angle each time. It clearly worked. Padma's soft moans into his ear and her arms and legs embracing him and holding him closer were more than enough for him to know that she was getting exactly what she wanted out of this slower pace.

Harry eventually pried her arms apart and pulled back slightly, but not out of any desire to separate his body from hers. He merely wanted to continue giving her everything that she deserved, and as nice as it felt for them both when his body was on top of hers as he rocked his cock back and forth inside of her he knew that he could make her feel even better by pulling back onto his knees between his legs as he did now. Staying on top of her as he had been wouldn't have been a bad way to go if he really had been looking to spend all night making love to her and her alone, but he didn't have that kind of time. Parvati would probably start getting rather angry if he made her wait too long for her turn, so Harry needed to put a little more emphasis on bringing Padma to orgasm quickly even as he kept things gentle and slow.

Naturally he used what he already knew about how she liked to be touched to his advantage in order to speed things up. She'd encouraged him to play with her breasts and rub her nipples when she rode him at the party, and he remembered how effective it had been and how much she enjoyed it. No matter how many women he'd been with over this year or how many more whose company he might enjoy once he left Hogwarts, Harry felt confident that he would never forget any lover's particular likes and dislikes once he'd discovered them. Sex wasn't just about getting off for him. Getting his partner off and leaving her satisfied with the experience was every bit as important to him, and part of doing that was learning what they liked and what they wanted and giving it to them.

In Padma's case this involved cupping her breasts in his hands and brushing his fingers across her nipples as his cock slid back and forth inside of her, hitting against her g-spot every single time with deliberate intent. She sighed and moaned as she smiled up at him, and her eyes closed as she focused on how he was making her body feel.

"Okay, I'm not going to lie: that looks pretty fucking hot," Parvati murmured. She crawled over so she was kneeling behind Harry on the bed and snuggled into him, and he felt her perky breasts press into his back. "I've never really gotten that much out of slow sex like this. But I have a feeling I'd be moaning too if you were making love to me like that."

"You would be," Padma said, still not opening her eyes. "It feels so good. Oh, it's perfect, Harry! Keep moving just like that! It's wonderful!" Her hands squeezed Harry's wrists as his fingers continued to dance across her nipples just the way she wanted them to, adding that extra stimulation to go along with his cock moving inside of her and hitting her g-spot at every turn. The pace he'd gone for and the approach he'd chosen with Padma's full approval called for technique rather than force, and Harry aimed to make the most out of every action.

"Damn," Parvati whispered from beside him as she rested her chin on his shoulder and watched him in action with her sister. "Yeah, I definitely see the appeal, Pad."

"I can do this to you too when it's your turn, if that's what you want," Harry offered. Parvati hummed, seemingly giving it some serious thought, but her hair tickled the side of his face as she shook her head after a moment.

"No," she said. "Not this time at least. Maybe I'll ask you to make love to me some other time, or later on tonight if we have enough time." She kissed him just underneath his haw, and Harry groaned. The idea of more than one round with Parvati tonight could be eclipsed only by the possibility of having her in his bed again in the future. "But first I want you to make me bite your pillow while you fuck the shite out of me, so hurry up and make my sister cum already."

Harry chuckled. The image her words put into his head was completely at odds with her affectionate tone as well as the tender coupling he was enjoying with her twin. But after entertaining so many women over the last year, many of them one after another or even simultaneously, he felt like he'd gotten good at shifting what he was doing to match their needs. He was sure he'd be able to do so for Parvati once he'd gotten her underneath him.

The time for that shift wouldn't come until after he'd taken care of Padma though, and slamming his hips into her and fucking her hard because of Parvati's wishes would have spoiled the mood they'd established. He was going to stick with what he was doing until Padma had gotten what she wanted. But that wouldn't stop him from also giving Parvati what she wanted by getting to her soon. He would just need to think of something else that might add still more pleasure for Padma and bring her to climax that much faster.

There was still another trick he had up his sleeve, one that he remembered well from his previous time with Padma and had been holding in reserve, knowing that he shouldn't introduce it until it was time to push her towards the end. Now was the time. He took his right hand off of Padma's breast and brought it between her legs instead, gently stroking her clit with one finger and adding that to his cock brushing against her g-spot. Padma moaned louder than she had all night, just as Harry had known she would. But he still wasn't done.

Harry leaned his upper body over her and brought his face to the breast that his right hand had just been on so he could replace his fingers with his lips and tongue. He licked and kissed at her nipple before taking it into his mouth and gently sucking on it. Knowing how much she loved attention being paid to her nipples during sex, he'd felt like this was going to be a winner with Padma. He was right. She cried out and her hips bucked slightly from the pleasure that Harry's lips sucking on her nipple brought her, and he knew that he'd chosen well.

What he had been doing likely would have brought her to the peak sooner rather than later, but adding the sucking of her nipple on top of the gentle pressure on her clit, his cock inside of her and his rubbing of her other nipple did precisely what he expected it to. He'd introduced the clit rubbing and the nipple sucking in the hopes that it would be enough to finish Padma off, and so it did.

"Yes!" she sobbed. "Yes, oh, yes, Harry! Harry!" With his name on her lips, Padma's body trembled in orgasmic pleasure. She'd looked sexy as hell when she came while riding him in the Room of Requirement and she looked every bit as sexy now as she came underneath him. Her eyes remained closed and she panted and moaned her way through an orgasm that seemed to be everything she'd hoped it would be and everything Harry had been striving for.

It also presented a bit of a challenge for Harry. Seeing Padma's face and hearing her moan as she came would have been erotic enough that Harry could have easily followed her right over the edge if he wasn't careful, but feeling her pelvic muscles flex and her pussy squeeze tighter around him mad this a much more potent threat. It would have been so easy for him to give in and fill her with his cum, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. But he had another beautiful Indian witch to satisfy, and he couldn't neglect her.

Parvati was kissing his back and squeezing his arse as he finished up with Padma, clearly needing something to do while she impatiently waited for her first time with him. Even if Harry had lost his battle and came inside of Padma he knew he would have been able to get hard again pretty quickly for Parvati, but he didn't want to make her wait even a minute or two longer. She'd waited long enough and frankly so had he. He'd shagged his way through all four houses, the faculty and beyond the walls of the castle, but now it was time for him to finally fuck one of the girls who had been right alongside him in classes and in the common room for seven of the last eight years.

He bit his lip as he pulled his cock out of Padma's tight pussy slowly, careful not to lose his concentration and spill his load accidentally. She whined quietly as he left her, but he glanced down at her one final time before turning away and saw that she still had a smile on her face as she relaxed on the bed with her eyes closed.

Confident that he had lived up to Padma's expectations and taken care of her, at least for the moment, he turned around to face Parvati. The Gryffindor twin had a smile of her own on her face, but it wasn't the soft, relaxed smile of her sister. Parvati's smile was one of anticipation. She knew what was about to come, and she couldn't wait for it.

"You're sure you want me to fuck you hard, right?" he said. She'd been clear enough about how she wanted this, but he didn't want her to have any regrets. "I can be pretty rough, as you saw on the train. It's not too late to ask for something softer, more like what your sister just got."

"Not happening," Parvati said, shaking her head. "Do your worst, Potter. If it gets to be too much for me I'll let you know, but unless that happens I want you to fuck me, got it?"

"You asked for it," Harry said, nodding slowly. That was all he said before he flipped Parvati over onto her belly and pulled her hips up so her arse was sticking up in the air. He had to say that Parvati Patil looked damn sexy face-down, arse-up in his bed. He didn't know how many other wizards had been lucky enough to admire this view like he did now, running his hand along her hip and arse. But it didn't matter. If she wanted to be fucked, Harry would fuck her like no one else ever had.

"You have a great arse, Parvati," he said, pausing in his rubbing to give her bum cheek a squeeze.

"Why thank you," she said, giggling. "I've always been proud of my a--ahhh!"

He cut Parvati off with a sudden slap on the arse that made her yelp in surprise. She gave a little wiggle of her hips immediately afterwards though so he knew she didn't have any problem with him smacking her bum. He would hope not, because he could and would do far more to her unless she asked him not to.

Harry teased Parvati by rubbing the head of his cock against her outer lips for a few seconds, but dragging this out seemed like it would be contrary to what she wanted. She wanted him to fuck her, not tease her. With that in mind he grabbed her hips, steadied himself and slid forward, shoving his cock into her.

The penetration was not as rough or deep as it could have been, but it wasn't exactly gentle either. He stuck his cock into Parvati and started fucking her without much in the way of build-up. Usually he would have started off slowly so he could both let her adjust and figure out what worked for her, but Parvati had already let him know what she wanted. She wanted him to fuck her, and Harry took her at her word and gave her what she'd asked for. He held her by the hips and built up a quick tempo very early on; pulling his hips back and slamming into her with enough force to make that lovely arse of hers shake from the impact every time he drove home and sheathed his cock inside of her.

Those moments came frequently and without much in the way of a break in between them too, because Harry's thrusts came hard and they came often. He gave into a more dominant side of his personality here, shutting off the part that was usually concerned with his lover's enjoyment and embracing a wilder and more aggressive rutting. Parvati's snug pussy called for him to slam his cock deep inside of it, and he didn't ignore that call.

Of course he would have stopped what he was doing and come back down to Earth quickly if Parvati hadn't enjoyed the forceful shag or decided it was too much for her after all, but the opposite was true. He could hear Parvati's squeals even over the sound of flesh slamming against flesh and the bed rocking beneath them, and he was experienced enough now to easily be able to recognize how his partner was feeling even if she didn't use words to express herself. These weren't squeals of a woman who had bitten off more than she could chew and regretted encouraging Harry to do his worst. Parvati sounded like she'd been waiting for a partner who could fuck her like this and was delighted to have finally found him.

Knowing that she not only could take the kind of pounding she'd asked for but was enjoying it only made Harry hornier. It made him want to fuck her even harder and push her buttons even more to see how far he could take this and how rough he could get with her without crossing over into territory that she found to be a step too far. He decided to do just that; he tested her.

It started off simply enough. He smacked her arse hard, giving each cheek plenty of hard swats. Sometimes he would move between them after every other spank, and other times he would linger and focus his attention on one side of her bum for as many as a dozen smacks consecutively before finally switching. Parvati's squeals got louder as the spanks were mixed in with the fucking, and it was no surprise to him that she enjoyed them. He'd already seen how she reacted to a nice spanking, after all, so this was almost too safe to even be counted.

Grabbing her by the hair and yanking her head back while he fucked her was a different story, but it didn't take long to learn that this too was welcomed by Parvati. She gasped as he tugged on her hair and pulled her head back, but the breathless grunts that came out of her with every continued thrust said all that needed to be said about how she felt.

Harry would later find out that only one other boy had ever tried pulling her hair during sex, and it had taken Parvati right out of the mood and guaranteed that the poor bloke would never be invited back into her bed. But when Harry pulled on her hair now it was met with breathless enthusiasm from Parvati. The difference, as Parvati would explain in her post-coital conversation with Harry, was that the sex itself had been less than satisfying to begin with before the other boy pulled on her hair. It had felt to her like a feeble attempt at dominance while he failed to make an impression with the actual fucking. But she had no complaints whatsoever on that account with Harry, so the tugging of her hair was just a happy addition to the way he was already dominating her with his cock that made her feel the delight of being fucked hard even more keenly.

He didn't know any of this in the moment though. All Harry knew was that tugging her hair had gotten a good response out of her so he kept hold of it while his hips continued to drive forward and smack against her arse with every thrust. Parvati had started grunting while he fucked her, and it seemed like the sound of it wasn't arousing only to him.

Padma was no longer flat on her back and recovering from her climax. Now she was sitting up and leaning her back against the headboard while slowly squeezing a breast and rubbing a nipple. Harry wondered whether she was imagining herself in her identical twin's place and picturing him fucking her like this. Parvati had expressed interest in trying out the tender lovemaking she'd seen her sibling enjoy with him at some point, so maybe Padma was having similar thoughts about exploring what it would be like to have him shag her rotten.

Whatever might be compelling Padma to touch herself, seeing her squeezing her breast while she watched made Harry want to do even more to Parvati. Briefly he considered trying some biting or breath play, but these both felt like too big a risk to him. He hadn't lost all sense of control here; he was still paying attention and striving to keep whatever he did within the realm that Parvati would find enjoyable. Biting or choking her might very well have turned her on even more but both really felt like things that they'd be better off discussing and making sure she was okay with them before he actually did them.

Having that chat while he was in the middle of roughly shagging her seemed like it might almost defeat the purpose of doing them in the first place, so he decided he should go for something else instead. He needed something that he felt confident wouldn't ruin the mood while also being exciting enough to kick things up a notch. And as he thought about it, her words from earlier came rushing back to him. Harry smiled as a plan quickly formed inside his head. He knew how he was going to finish her now.

"Padma, pass me that pillow," he said. He smiled at her as he said it, but he kept enough steel in his voice that it wouldn't take Parvati out of the moment. Padma rushed to obey. She grabbed the pillow next to her and held it out towards Harry, who took it with one hand. He promptly shoved it underneath Parvati's head, and then he pulled her body down so she left her knees and was prone on her belly on the bed with her face pressed into the pillow.

"You said you wanted me to make you bite my pillow while I fucked the shite out of you," he reminded her. "Now you're going to get what you asked for. Open your mouth and bite down."

He already knew that what he was doing was exactly what Parvati had wanted, but if he'd needed any proof that he'd chosen correctly it came in how quickly she bit down on the pillow as ordered. Parvati was right where she wanted to be, and the harder Harry could fuck her, the happier she would be.

Harry wasn’t going to let her down. Even if he didn’t feel the legitimate need to humble her like he had with Pansy, he found it easy to tap into this more aggressive side in order to fuck Parvati just the way she wanted to be fucked. He slammed his hips down into her, fucking her body into the bed hard as he shagged her prone body roughly. As promised, Parvati was made to scream into the pillow from the force of his larger body claiming hers.

He wasn’t a particularly large man and never would be, even if he was no longer the skinny child he’d been while living with the Dursleys. But with Parvati’s slender body beneath him he felt large and powerful, and his thrusts backed that up. Each deep thrust rocked her and made her scream into the pillow between her teeth. He felt like he could easily grow addicted to watching Parvati’s body tremble beneath him and hearing the sounds she made around the pillow, and he didn’t know if he’d have been able to stop now even if she’d suddenly asked him to.

No such request came though. Parvati didn’t want him to stop; she was enjoying this as much as he was, or close to it at least. Before he actually reached the point of needing to debate whether he should keep pushing ahead or ease up so he could avoid cumming, he heard Parvati let out a truly desperate scream around the pillow. He swore he could feel the vibrations from the sound directly in his balls, and he groaned with the need to release.

That was just the beginning because not even Parvati’s scream, sexy though it was, could test his will as much as feeling her pussy tighten around his cock as she came. As soon as Harry felt that he knew he was crossing the point of no return. He was going to cum, and soon.

“Harry, don’t do it inside of her,” Padma said. Harry’s first reaction was that Parvati wasn’t using protection of any sort and Padma was warning him that there was a risk there. She dispelled this idea almost immediately. “We both earned this. We should share it.”

He looked up when he heard Padma moan. He looked over to see that her touching had gotten a little more involved now. She was still playing with a breast in one hand, but her other hand was between her legs and moving quite quickly. Padma was openly masturbating while she watched him hammer her prone sister, and she was pleading with him to make sure that he didn’t cum before he’d pulled out and let them share his load.

This felt like a far bigger test than beating the Ravenclaw seeker to the snitch had been. He was perilously close to losing it at that very moment, but he felt like he needed to remain inside of Parvati until she’d finished cumming. He couldn’t pull out yet, but he also couldn’t cum. He had to keep moving inside of Parvati; he had to keep giving her this same bed-rattling shag that had gotten her to this point to begin with. But he couldn’t give in to his own desire to fill her with his seed.

In what he personally felt was a display of skill that he would never match on a broomstick, he managed to keep fucking Parvati until her muffled screams died down and her shaking stopped. He pulled out as soon as she was done, though he had to move even more carefully than he had when he had finished with Padma. He was even closer now, and it felt like one wrong move might ruin everything he’d set out to do. But he made it free and clear, and his cock was still erect and ready to give both girls their reward should they want it.

That Padma would be there was obvious since she had made the request, so he was unsurprised to see her get down on her back next to Parvati and motion for him to straddle her. “On my face, Harry,” she begged. Harry was happy to oblige, and he hurried into position.

The only real question was whether Parvati would be interested in joining in, or maybe more to the point the question was whether she had the energy to roll over or move her body at all so soon after her climax. But it seemed that she wanted her own facial badly enough that she forced her body to move. She rolled onto her back beside her sister, and though she was breathing heavily and seemed slightly out of it she managed to make eye contact with him and lick her lips.

Harry knew a signal when he saw one. If both Patils wanted a facial, they could have it. He squatted above them both and stroked his cock quickly, crossing the short distance to the finish. The first spurt landed directly on Padma’s forehead, but Harry moved over quickly to give Parvati her share as well. He moved back and forth between them both, spraying the Patil twins with his seed.

Dean and Seamus had called Parvati and Padma the prettiest girls in their year back before the Yule Ball, and while Harry wasn’t sure if he would call that an indisputable fact it was certainly a valid opinion to have. They’d only gotten more striking as they went from pretty teenagers to beautiful adults.

And Harry had given them both a facial at the same time. He had both Parvati and Padma naked in his bed, he’d made them both very happy with his cock and now he’d marked them both. Parvati was dripping from her cheek across to her mouth and on her chin, and Padma’s forehead and nose were covered.

Harry had been through more erotic fantasies in his last year at Hogwarts than he would’ve ever expected to experience in a lifetime. But even after everything he’d been lucky enough to do, from deflowering Daphne Greengrass, joining an Advanced Sexual Education club, bedding the entire Delacour family and everything in between, celebrating victory in his final quidditch match at Hogwarts with a fuck and facial with both of the Patils was definitely memorable enough to give him one more reason to be thankful he’d decided to return to school for one final year.


“So I never did say congratulations on catching the snitch, Harry,” Padma said afterwards. They’d cleaned up and showered and now were back in bed. Harry was in the center with Padma curled into his left side and resting her head on his chest while Parvati was on his right and nuzzling into the side of his neck.

“Thanks,” he said. “Sorry it came against your house.”

Padma chuckled into his chest. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “I’ve never been very interested in quidditch anyway. I was really just waiting for the match to end so we could do this.”

“It was a great catch though,” Parvati said. “Not that it was a surprise. You’re a great seeker. You could probably play professionally if you want to, and not just because you’re famous.”

“Hmm.” Harry was flattered she felt that way. He wasn’t completely set on what he wanted to do after Hogwarts yet, but trying for quidditch was one of several options that did interest him. He had always loved the freedom of flying; getting paid to do it professionally sounded fun.

Winning was fun too, but personally Harry felt far more pride in having been with both Patil twins than he did in catching the snitch that afternoon. Someone caught the snitch in every single quidditch game, and one of the four houses won the cup every year; hell, this was the fourth time Gryffindor had won it since Harry had been on the team. But no one had ever shagged both Patil twins, let alone both on the same night. Surely this was the far greater accomplishment.

“If you went pro, we could surprise you in the locker room after a big win,” Parvati continued. “You could make love to me slowly in the shower.”

“Or you could pick me up and bounce me on your cock until I scream your name,” Padma added.

“I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet,” he said. “But you two are making a pro quidditch career sound very attractive.”


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