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Where we left off: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harrys-8th-year-57440787

Harry had a whole day planned on what he was going to do with Hermione on Valentine's Day. Remembering his disastrous date with Cho three years earlier and how his mentioning Hermione had completely killed it (not that there'd been much life in it to begin with), he'd decided to actually ask his best friend to go to the village with him as his date this time around. It seemed like a great way to make sure he had a good time on his last chance to take a girl on a Valentine’s Day date in Hogsmeade.

He'd put considerable thought into what Hermione would consider the perfect date. First they were going to go Scrivenshaft's so she could stock up on quills and stationery, which she would surely appreciate. Then they would go to the Three Broomsticks for lunch and perhaps pick up some sweets from Honeydukes, after which he would accompany her to the new bookstore that had just opened up in the village.

They would have spent hours in there, but after she'd browsed, purchased and read to her heart's content she would've been energized and excited for an erotic trip to the Shrieking Shack, where Hermione's moans and screams would add to the legend and mystique of the building. It was the makings of a pretty solid Valentine's Day date in Harry's opinion, and best of all they would've gone nowhere near Madam Pudifoot's.

It hadn't taken long for Hermione to smash his plans to pieces, but Harry wasn't exactly upset about that. They hadn't even made it to the village itself, because shortly after they'd met up for the day Hermione had dragged him into the closest broom closet for a quick shag.

The other students were already filing into Hogsmeade by now, but Harry was too busy holding Hermione in his arms and fucking her against the door of the broom closet. Her arse thumped against the door with each thrust and she clung tightly to his neck, sobbing into his shoulder as he shagged her. Harry heard her muffled groans but decided he wanted to hear her much clearer. He’d thrown up a quick privacy charm after she’d dragged him in and was working his trousers down, and he wanted to make the most of it.

He pulled her head back so he could kiss and nibble at her neck while he fucked her, and she started moaning out loud just as he’d hoped for. Hermione held onto him harder, her legs went around his waist and the heels of her feet kicked at his arse as he did his best to fuck her so hard that they left a crack in the door to the broom closet.

While he wasn’t sure what had Hermione so worked up that she’d dragged him in here so they could get straight to fucking rather than going down to the village first, he wanted to give her the best Valentine’s Day date possible. If she wanted to skip Scrivenshaft’s and get hammered in this cramped broom closet instead, Harry would do whatever he had to do to make that decision worth it.

It seemed like he’d succeeded in that goal based on how loud her screaming got and how tightly she grabbed him. Clearly she was about to cum, and cum hard. Harry fucked her faster, intent on making it as memorable for her as it could be.

Harry!” she shouted, taking full advantage of the fact that no one outside of this broom closet would be able to hear her thanks to the charm he’d put up. He smiled at the sound of her screams and the feeling of her pussy squeezing around his cock, and he grunted, pushed his cock balls-deep inside of her one last time and began to cum.

Was it how he’d pictured their Valentine’s Day date starting? No. But as he put Hermione down on her feet and watched her lean back against the door for support while leaking his cum out of her, he decided that plans were made to be broken.


Harry thought Hermione might want to actually go out to the village now that they’d had their shag in the broom closet, but she pulled him into the library instead. She’d whispered into his ear that she’d always had a fantasy about having him shag her in the library, and simply hearing that had been enough for Harry to decide he didn’t give a damn if he ever bought anything from Honeydukes again.

There were no students in the library; anyone third year or above was surely down in the village, and even the first and second years apparently had better things to do on Valentine’s Day. But there was still Madam Pince to worry about. Fortunately Harry had his cloak with him though, and using that they’d been able to sneak around the stern librarian and make their way towards a table in the back. It was isolated enough that they would be able to hear her or anyone else approaching, giving them time to stop and avoid being caught.

That was the idea at least, but Hermione was putting that to the test. She had a hand over her mouth but was still moaning pretty loudly as Harry fucked her on top of the table. The table itself was creating some noise of its own thanks to Harry’s thrusts rocking Hermione’s body back and forth on it, but he didn’t dare slow down and take away any of the pleasure from either of them.

None of this would have been quite such a risk if he’d just put up a charm like he had when they fucked in the broom closet, but Hermione had been insistent on not using magic to conceal their presence for this. She wanted him to fuck her in the library while they were legitimately at risk of being caught, and Harry could understand why. It was tense to shag her with such concerns, and the rocking of the table and Hermione’s muffled moans sounded incredibly loud to him in the otherwise silent library.

And yet that risk brought with it a sense of excitement and daring that only made the sex hotter for Harry. He was shagging Hermione in what was likely her favorite place in Hogwarts, and that they could be caught in the middle at any time was legitimately thrilling for him. He didn’t need her to say a word for him to tell that she felt the same way. He knew his best friend well, and he would’ve been able to see the excitement on her face even if she hadn’t been moaning into her hand.

As if he needed any more indication of how excited she was, Hermione suddenly whimpered into her hand. Her pussy squeezed him once again as she came on his cock for the second time that day, and now it was Harry’s turn to clap his hand over his mouth so he didn’t moan and send Madam Pince running to investigate. He kept himself as quiet as he could and focused on giving Hermione the same big thrusts that had worked so well in the broom closet.

They must have failed at keeping themselves quiet because Madam Pince’s footsteps and tutting soon brought her towards them. Harry pulled out of her hurriedly, picked her up off of the table and crouched down on the floor with an arm around her waist while throwing his cloak over them both.

He succeeded in hiding them before they were discovered, though it was incredibly difficult for them both to remain quiet once Harry’s orgasm hit. He’d been past the point of no return even as he pulled out, and with his cock trapped between their bodies like this his cum had nowhere to go but all over her body.


It had taken more than five minutes before Pince finally gave up on her search and they were able to escape from the library, but that period of time that they’d spent huddled together with his cum seeping into her skin didn’t do any more to calm Hermione’s hormones than the orgasm in the broom closet had.

As Hermione took him by the hand and led him back to Gryffindor Tower rather than to Hogsmeade, he realized that they would not be making it to the village at all. This wasn’t a problem. Who needed to go to the Shrieking Shack when he could just listen to Hermione’s moans from the comfort of her bed in the girl’s dorms?

She had him on his back in the middle of her bed and was riding his cock, and after taking charge in both the broom closet and the library he was perfectly content to let her run things now. She rocked her hips back and forth on him, moaning as she ground on his cock.

Harry held her by the hips and smiled up at her, loving seeing this side of his best friend like he always did. He’d asked her to be his date because he’d known they would have a great time together and he had been right. Sure, it hadn’t been anything like he’d planned. He’d expected to show her around the village, revisit some of their favorite spots, maybe meet up with some friends and have a nice time before eventually having sex. His understanding was that most dates required some effort before they got to this point, and he’d been ready and willing to put in that effort for his best friend.

Hermione didn’t need that effort, and she evidently didn’t care about walking around the village with him or meeting up with friends. While everyone else in the 7th and 8th years were taking this opportunity for one last romantic date in Hogsmeade, they were spending every moment they could locked together and enjoying each other’s bodies.

It was a more than worthy tradeoff from Harry’s perspective. He didn’t need to see his friends or walk around Hogsmeade when he could spend all day fucking his beautiful best friend instead.

In a change of pace it was actually Harry who hit the end first this time, grunting and thrusting up into her slightly as he came inside of her tight pussy. Hermione grinned down at him and rocked harder, panting and moaning as she raced to catch up to him. Before he’d even finished emptying his balls inside of her Hermione shouted and clenched around his cock.

Harry’s first clue about how long they’d actually been fucking came when he heard footsteps walking up the stairs. He knew that Hermione’s dorm mates Lavender and Parvati had both gone to the village, so if they were both back already many hours had passed. Hermione scrambled to close the curtains around her four-poster bed, succeeding just in the nick of time.

“Fucking Parkinson in the Shrieking Shack was fun,” Parvati said, giggling.

“It definitely was,” Lavender said, laughing. “She’s gotten very good at taking toys from both ends, hasn’t she?”

Harry’s cock twitched against Hermione’s belly at the thought of Lavender and Parvati double-teaming Pansy, and also that they’d done so in the very same place he’d planned on fucking Hermione. Had they actually made it to the village it was possible things would’ve gotten very interesting.

Hermione felt his cock twitch against her, and her eyes lit up. She picked up her wand from the floor and cast a silencing charm so no sound would make it beyond her four-poster, and then she straddled his lap and started rubbing her arse against his cock.

Harry smiled back, grabbed her hips and prepared to slide his cock inside of her. Running into the three other witches in the Shrieking Shack would have been interesting, but he had no complaints about how things had ultimately turned out. His final Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts had been spent shagging Hermione all over the otherwise abandoned castle, and who could ask for a better date than that?


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