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Fandom: MCU

Summary: Supervillains never take a holiday, and neither does Maria Hill. As a newer addition to SHIELD you’re charged with assisting Agent Hill in her duties while everyone else enjoys their Christmas at home. Eventually she asks for your assistance in a different way. (Maria Hill/You)

Patreon Early Access

If not for Tony Stark's insistence at having a Christmas tree, you might not have even been able to tell that it was Christmas Eve from the inside of your work station. Director Fury wasn't one for decorations or festivity, but he had apparently decided that it wasn't worth arguing with Tony about. The tree stayed.

It didn't feel much like the day before Christmas for you, and with good reason. A skeleton crew of SHIELD agents had shown up for work today, and most of them had stayed just long enough to carry out whatever perfunctory duties they'd been assigned before heading straight back out as soon as they could.

Agent Maria Hill was not among that group. She had a hunch that the information that would lead to the capture of whoever was behind the recent theft of Captain America's shield was within her grasp if she could only unravel the threads, and she was staying in the office to look through every file and investigate every potential lead she could find until she did so. It didn't matter in the least to her that it was Christmas Eve; she hadn't even acknowledged it. You'd wished her a Merry Christmas when you arrived hours ago and found her already seated and looking through her files, and she'd just nodded curtly without taking her eyes off of the screen.

She'd barely moved from that spot all day other than the one time she got up to use the restroom, and long after the few others who had turned up were gone she still remained right where she was. It had been only the two of you in the office for close to three hours at this point but she seemed no closer to calling it quits and going home for the day than she had when you entered. You had worked with her long enough by now that you knew time would not factor into her decision to stop working. She would stay until she got the job done, or until she had convinced herself that there was nothing more that she could accomplish.

And you wouldn't be going anywhere until she did. Someone needed to be here with her in case she needed any assistance, and as one of the newer SHIELD recruits the responsibility fell to you. Not that you minded. You would do whatever Maria Hill asked of you. She was as sexy as she was capable, and doing work good enough to earn you an approving nod or simple compliment from her was as good as having another woman sing your praises and gush about how amazing you were.

If you needed to sacrifice your Christmas to help her, so be it. You'd stay here until the start of the New Year with Agent Hill if that's what it took to get the job done and earn her approval.


"I noticed you staring at my ass earlier."

You nearly spit out your coffee at the blunt remark Maria made shortly after you'd returned from the break room with freshly-brewed coffee for both you and her. You had both been in need of a jolt; the hours of the night had stretched on and the clock had struck midnight while the two of you worked, meaning it was now the early hours of Christmas morning. You suddenly felt far more awake now than even several cups of coffee would have managed to do.

"I--um--" you stammered, trying to figure out how you were supposed to respond to this.

"When I got up earlier to stretch my muscles," she said, still looking at the screen in front of her. "I could tell you were looking at my ass. What gave you away was that you were trying very hard to make it look like you weren't staring at my ass."

"I'm sorry," you said quietly. You knew there was no point even pretending that she was mistaken or this was all just some big mix-up. You'd never been a good liar to begin with, and Maria was far too perceptive for it to even be worth trying. Besides, she appreciated honesty. The best thing to do was own up to it and hope she wouldn't be too angry with you. "I know that was unprofessional of me. I just--"

"I wasn't looking for an apology," she said, cutting you off. "I was just confirming what I saw. And now that you're being honest with me, I'll be honest with you too. I was happy to catch you staring at my ass."

"You were?" you said, your eyes widening. You'd figured the best you could hope for was that she wouldn't be angry, but she was saying she was actually happy about it?

"I was," she said, nodding her head even as she continued to type away on her screen. "It meant that I could ask you for what I need without worrying that you'd feel like it was something you were being forced into. Seeing you staring at my ass, I assumed you'd probably be on board if I asked you to stop pulling up old files for a few minutes and give me a different kind of assistance instead."

"You want me to, uh, assist you?" you said, hoping your excitement over the idea wasn't so obvious that you sounded desperate. You weren't stupid; you knew what she was suggesting. It was just difficult to believe that it was something she would actually ask for.

"I do," she confirmed, nodding again. "I have needs like anyone else, and no one's here aside from us. So what do you say? Will you crawl under my desk and use your mouth to give me a little pick-me-up while I keep working?"

"Of course!" you said quickly. "I'd be happy to help, Agent Hill!"

"Good," she said. "Thank you." She slid back in her chair slightly to give you room to get in, and you immediately got down and crawled under the desk. She was already undoing her pants to make this easier on you, and you reached up eagerly to help her get them off. "By the way, I think we can drop the Agent Hill stuff, at least while your head is between my legs."

You didn't say anything in response, as it was damn near impossible to pay attention to what she was saying once her pants were down around her ankles and there was nothing but a pair of simple black cotton panties between your face and Maria's pussy. Her hands had already gone back above where you could see, and you could hear her beginning to type again. She was going back to work, and you were expected to take care of the rest.

Your thumbs hooked into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down around her ankles as well, and you couldn't contain the moan once you saw Maria fully bared in front of you. She kept her crotch neatly groomed, and you licked your lips as you thought about devouring her.

As much as you might have wanted to just dive straight in, that wasn't quite what you did. Being propositioned by Maria Hill was something you'd fantasized about even before joining SHIELD but never dreamed would actually happen, and you knew you couldn't afford to waste this incredible opportunity. If you wanted there to be any hope of a possible repeat performance, or even simply wanted to leave a good impression on her, you couldn't lose your head and turn into an idiot.

You needed to do your best to make this good, and going on the attack immediately was not the way to do that. While you weren't some kind of expert, you'd gotten enough praise and requests for more from the other girls you'd gone down on that you felt like you had a pretty good idea of what to do and what not to do. There was no guarantee that Maria would feel the same way, and for all you knew she might be disappointed if you didn't go straight for it. But she hadn't given you any specific instructions as to how exactly she wanted you to use your mouth, so you were going to stick with what had worked for you in the past.

That meant starting slow and beginning with light licks and gentle kisses along her inner thighs, as well as some very soft caresses with your fingers. Maria did not offer any sort of reaction one way or the other and just continued working, but knowing her personality you took her lack of complaint as a sort of approval in its own right. You stayed on the path you had chosen and continued to tease her with licks, kisses and rubs along her inner thighs, making it progressively closer to her outer pussy lips without actually touching them.

Maria's steadily building arousal became obvious as you went on, and it filled you with confidence. The next time your tongue licked around her, you allowed it to brush against her lips for the first time. Hearing the little gasp she let out as your tongue touched her pussy, quiet and brief though it might have been, pleased you more than the loudest and most enthusiastic screams you'd ever drawn from a lover in the past. This was Maria Hill whose pussy you were licking under the desk, and you didn't think you would ever really get tired of that simple fact.

But you couldn't stop to savor building her up to this point. What you were doing was working; now you needed to keep it up and keep the pleasure coming. Things had been taken to the next level now that you'd started licking her pussy, and you sought to use your fingers to add to that. While your tongue followed its initial licks up with more of the same, you used your digits to apply a tiny bit of pressure to her pubic bone. This was a little trick you'd picked up on with your last girlfriend, and it seemed to work just as well with Maria. She wasn't as demonstrative about her pleasure, but that just wasn't her personality from what you'd seen. The little hitch in her breathing and the occasional heavy pause between keystrokes as she worked seemed to be the equivalent of another girl screaming and pulling on your hair.

After licking her pussy lips for a bit, your tongue inched closer to her clitoris so you could give her a fresh bit of teasing. You grazed her clit with the tip of your tongue but always pulled back rather than staying there and giving her everything. In your experience, giving good head was about starting off slow, building the girl up and leading into a big crescendo, and everything seemed to be going as well as it could so far. You could hear her breathing picking up and saw her legs flexing and squirming in her chair as you lavished attention on her pussy with your tongue and used your fingers to supplement the pleasure, and you felt like she was ready for everything you had to give.

The only question was what would work best for her, and you knew from experience that this varied from girl to girl. You had an idea of what you would like to do, but you wanted to make sure that Maria would approve before you did anything hasty. That was why you stopped licking her temporarily, something she didn't seem too happy about based on the little grunt you heard from above.

"How do you feel about fingers inside?" you asked, knowing from experience that if a girl didn't want any penetration while you were giving her head, giving her that unwelcome surprise could ruin the mood rather quickly.

"That all depends on how you use those fingers," she responded, sounding remarkably composed for someone who'd had a tongue on her clit less than twenty seconds earlier. "But you've done a damn good job down there so far without any direction from me. Show me what you have in mind."

It was a bit nerve-wracking to have it put like that, but on the other hand she was showing real confidence in you by giving you this chance. You went for it, slowly sliding one finger inside of her and wiggling it around carefully. That got a nice response from her so you added a second finger to the mix, using both not to fingerbang her but to stroke her insides. It was about pleasure, not dominance, and trying to find that perfect spot to stimulate had a far greater chance of making Maria feel good than jamming your fingers deep into her.

"Yeah, I'd say you've got things figured out down there," Maria said. Grinning, you went for the second stage of your plan and started flicking your tongue against her clit. Instantly Maria let out her loudest groan yet. "Oh, you've really got things figured out."

You knew your instincts had been right; you'd started off slow and built Maria up to this point, and now it was time for the payoff. Repeating those same licks back and forth across her clit while curling your fingers inwards and brushing against her g-spot, you delivered on all of the teasing and brought Maria all the pleasure and the relief that she'd needed. She'd continued typing and doing her work even as you went down on her, but the absence of fingers on keys was noticeable as she approached her peak. Yes, you were doing such a good job that you'd made Agent Hill neglect her work. If there was a greater compliment, you hadn't seen it.

And then she gave it to you, because she reached both hands back underneath the desk, grabbed onto the back of your head and pushed your face forward against her pussy as her hips humped against you. She still didn't scream, but you found the moans she did let out when she broke as exciting as any moan could've been. Maria Hill was moaning, grabbing your head and humping your face as she squirted all over you. You were down on your knees under a desk in the office at 3 am on Christmas morning, and you wouldn't have traded places with anyone in the world.

"Thank you," she said, clearing her throat once the moans and the squirting had stopped. "That was just what I needed." She let go of your head and gave you a pat on the hair before her hands went back above the desk again, and after just a few seconds the typing resumed. Her climax had only just passed, you were still underneath the desk and her pants and underwear remained down around her ankles and she was already back to business. As expected of Maria Hill. If possible, you might be even more turned on.

You were so hard it almost hurt, but you crawled back out from under the desk and did your best to ignore it. How you were supposed to give a flying fuck about who stole Captain America's shield when your face was still coated from Maria's orgasm, you had no idea. But she was back to work, and you would do your best to follow her lead.

You'd do anything to please her. And if you helped her crack this case, maybe she'd ask you to get back between her thighs.


"Now it's my turn to help you."

That was all that Maria said before she stretched her arm out so it reached you in your seat next to hers, unzipped your pants and pulled your dick out into the open. It had stubbornly refused to calm down after that memorable under-the-desk licking, so it was at full mast before Maria's fingers even touched it. She pulled her hand back, brought it to her mouth and licked it before returning it to your lap.

"Sorry, I probably should've taken care of this right away, but I had a hunch that needed following," she said as she started stroking you. "You really were a big help; you cleared my head and helped me refocus. I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track now, but it's going to be mostly sending out feelers and tugging on lines until I get a bite. I can manage that with one hand."

And so she did. Maria kept her eyes on her screen and you heard the occasional tapping of her either sending out an inquiry or responding to a new piece of information, but it was hard for you to really appreciate what she was doing or why the two of you were still working at about 4 in the morning on Christmas. The only thing that really seemed to compute in your head was that Maria's free hand was sliding up and down your cock, pleasing you effortlessly.

It didn't seem like it should be possible for her to do such a good job of stroking you while not even looking in your direction, but she wouldn't have gotten to such a trusted position in SHIELD without being able to multitask. She did her work and jerked your cock at the same time, and if she was doing even half as good a job in her searching as she was with her stroking the shield would likely be recovered before Santa had even made it all the way back to the North Pole after completing his rounds. Everything she did with her hand felt amazing, whether she was rubbing her thumb against the head of your cock, pumping up and down the shaft or lightly tickling the underside of your balls. It was amazing, and you had already been incredibly turned on after licking her earlier. In what had to be record time, your cock pulsed in Maria's hand and you started spurting. You just groaned, helpless to resist the pleasure of Agent Hill's handjob.

Maria kept typing and stroking until you were done. The typing obviously continued, but after you'd stopped cumming she pulled her hand off of your cock and brought it to her face. You were just starting to think that maybe you should offer to get her a tissue or something when she started licking her hand, cleaning all of the cum off with her tongue.

She never looked away from her screen once. Maria Hill was a pro.


"Yes sir," Maria said into her phone as she walked into the dining area where you were sitting. A Christmas movie was playing at low volume on the TV but you looked up as Agent Hill stopped right in front of you. "I'll let him know." She clicked a button, and that seemed to be the end of the call. "Director Fury says to let you know you did good work. You can expect a very generous bonus by the beginning of the year."

"Oh, I didn’t do much," you said, shaking your head and smiling awkwardly. "You're the one who actually tracked the shield down in Madripoor. I just looked things up and made coffee." And licked you under the desk until you came all over my face, you added, though only inside of your head.

"Don't sell yourself short," she said. "You were very helpful in helping me investigate multiple threads at the same time. And yes, you helped me in other ways too." Your eyes locked, and you knew she was remembering the same things you were. "I think I appreciated the head more than the coffee though."

"Me too," you said, grinning at the memory. You almost wished you hadn't gone into the restroom and washed your face afterwards. "I'm just happy I could help you however I could. It was definitely worth staying here until quarter to 6 on Christmas morning."

"Yeah, I guess you want to get home and get some rest, huh?" she said. You paused, trying to figure out how to answer that question. While you could use some rest, the truth was that you didn't really want this night/morning to end. It was just you and Maria here alone in the early Christmas morning, and working this overtime assignment had brought you closer to her than you'd ever dreamed. You'd happily stay up until your body passed out as long as she was here too.

"Eh, I mean it's not like I have anything waiting for me but an empty apartment and a tiny, fake Christmas tree," you said eventually. "And I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep any time soon anyway after all the excitement."

"I see." She nodded, and you got the feeling that you'd given her an answer that she liked. "Maybe we can have a little celebration for a job well done then." Her hands went to her shirt and started fiddling with the buttons. "I don't know about you, but I could use a good fuck."

You were already getting up from her chair before she'd undone the first button on her shirt. "Yes!!" you said. "I'm in."

"Good," Maria said, smiling slightly while making quick work of the buttons and pulling the shirt off. "I can't wait for you to be in."

You followed her lead, almost tearing the buttons off of your own shirt as you pulled it off. Regrettably she'd pulled her underwear and pants back up after you'd gone down on her, but once your shirt was over your head you saw that she already had the pants off and was sliding the panties down as well. Her back was to you as she did so, meaning that you got your first good look at her bare ass. It was her catching you staring at that same ass that helped lead to all of this, and as good as it had looked in her pants it looked far better now.

She gave it a little wiggle while bending over to take her shoes off, and tempting as it was to just keep staring at her ass you realized that you would be wasting valuable time if you weren't already naked yourself by the time she turned back around. You yanked your own shoes off and tugged your pants and underwear down, and were just kicking them off of your feet when Maria advanced on you. You watched this strong, dangerous, sexy woman, wondering what she might do next.

What she did was wrap her arms around your body, pull you to her and kiss you on the lips hard. You were maybe an inch taller than her at the most, so there was no stretching or standing on tiptoes required. She just pushed forward and kissed you, and kept pushing. You wound up sitting in the same chair you'd been in when she entered, but where before you'd sat down to idly watch a Christmas movie alone now you had Maria in your lap and wiggling around, rubbing her ass against your cock. It was surely a much greater Christmas miracle than whatever was happening on the TV.

Maria rolled her hips rocked back and forth, rubbing her pussy lips against your cock and making you groan. She didn't make you beg though, and she didn't keep you waiting for long. She reached down to grab your cock while she lifted her hips up off of you, and after a bit of wiggling she dropped back down and took you inside of her.

"Holy fuck!" you groaned, eyes widening at the unbelievable feeling of having your cock slide into Maria's tightness.

She smiled. "I don't think that's what they mean when they talk about this being a holy night," she said. "I know what you mean though." She shook her hips slightly, wiggling around with your cock inside of her and groaning at how it felt for her. "With a cock this nice, not to mention how willing and able you were to crawl under my desk and eat me, I don't really get how you don't have someone waiting for you to come home for Christmas. But I'm not complaining. It means I have you here all to myself."

You felt the exact same way. It had been a bit of a dry spell for you lately, and it had been pretty depressing to spend the Christmas season without a girlfriend. The months without sex and the empty apartment were a very small price to pay for this though, because having Agent Hill rocking in your lap was the greatest Christmas gift you'd ever received.

She felt incredible riding your cock, whether sitting down and rocking her hips on you or bouncing up and down, and she looked just as sexy doing it. You would've been happy to remain in this chair until the early hours of December 26th with Maria riding you like this.

It seemed like she didn't feel the same way though, because even though she was moaning as she rode your cock you could tell she wasn't wholly satisfied. Was it your fault?

"I can't ride you like I want to in this cheap chair," she said. The chair felt pretty comfortable to you and the ride felt even better, but if she was unsatisfied you weren't going to argue. "You wouldn't mind taking over and fucking me instead, would you?"

Maria was inviting you to take control. You didn't even need to think about your answer. Your hands went to her ass, taking firm hold of her cheeks as you stood up from the chair and picked her up with you. After looking around at your surroundings for a suitable place to fuck her, there really only seemed to be two options unless they switched rooms.

"Table or wall?" you asked. Maria chuckled into your ear.

"You pick," she said.

"Table it is then." You put her down on her back on top of the table you'd just been sitting at, and immediately you started to thrust into her. Unlike your cunnilingus, which had been measured and controlled, you didn't put any great thought into fucking her. There was no technique here; you just slammed your hips forward and drove your cock deep into Maria's pussy over and over again, making the table rock beneath her as you fucked her. It was hard, it was fast and it was aggressive.

Maria loved it as much as you did. A wild fuck on the table was what you were both in the mood for after the night and early morning you'd had, and you could hear the occasional moan from her in between thrusts that had your hips smacking against her ass as it hung over the edge of the table.

Much like when she'd jerked you off earlier, you felt your orgasm building very quickly. How could it not when you were driving your cock balls-deep inside of Maria Hill? Thankfully you didn't have to worry about disappointing her though, because you hadn't quite reached the end yet by the time she groaned, her legs hooked around your back and her pussy squeezed around you even tighter. You'd already experienced Maria's orgasm all over your face, and now you experienced it on your cock.

No Christmas miracle would have been able to hold you back. You didn't have time to pull out, and Maria's legs were still around you and wouldn't have let you go anywhere anyway. You just grunted and came inside of her pussy until your balls were drained. There was so much that some of it ran out of her and dripped onto the table beneath her, and more was sure to join it once you pulled out of her.

You didn't envy whoever had to clean that up, but you couldn't bring yourself to care too much. You'd put in long hours today, and you'd earned this.

Maria's eyes had closed during her climax, but they blinked back open now. She gave you a lazy grin, looking tired for the first time thanks to the combination of the hours she'd just put in and the fuck you'd just given her. "Merry Christmas," she mumbled.

You grinned down at her. "Merry Christmas, Agent Hill."



Obviously feedback is always welcome on any story, but I'd be particularly interested in hearing how people enjoyed my first attempt at second person POV. Did you like it? Is it something you'd like to see more of from me in the future?


I thought it was pretty good with the exploration and descriptions. I think the transitory parts didn't convey the time skips as well, but after re reading it, I got into the groove. As is, its a decent start into POV shorts!

Rampaging Crabs

The POV is something I would like to see again. I haven’t seen that many stories around written like this.


Yeah it’s pretty good. I would definitely like to see this type of story again, especially a sequel to this story as well.