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Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Clarisse wakes up naked on the floor, and slowly she begins to remember her night of drunken fun with Percy Jackson. (Percy/Clarisse)

Content Warnings/Themes: Aged-up characters, rough sex, drunk sex

Patreon Exclusive

Clarisse could not understand why her head was pounding. And she definitely didn’t understand why the ceiling and the floor had switched places! That wasn’t right. When did that change happen?

“What the fuck?” she mumbled, hoping that if she kept blinking eventually this would start to make sense. Ah. She was laying face-down on the floor. That explained the first part of the mystery at least. There was only one scenario in which she would have fallen asleep or more accurately passed out on the floor. Only when she was really hammered would she do something like that. That explained the throbbing in her head too.

But why was she naked? And why did her lips feel swollen when she ran her tongue across them? Come to think of it, her entire jaw was sore. The battle had been rough, sure, but she couldn’t remember taking any blow to the face that would leave her so sore. What could—


Her hand brushed against the hickey on the side of her neck, and everything started rushing back to her.


Clarisse should not be kissing Percy Jackson. On some level she still knew that, and there was still a part of her who realized that this was a mistake and it was going to have consequences. There were so many reasons why she shouldn’t be kissing him. She and Chris were no longer a thing, but that was still recent enough that it would probably be weird as hell for him to see her trying to suck Percy’s soul out through his lips. And Percy and Annabeth might not be dating and in fact hadn’t actually gotten around to even confessing their feelings to each other yet, but it wasn’t like it was any great mystery to anyone that they’d been crushing on each other for years now. Clarisse liked Annabeth, and even if she liked to tease her she certainly didn’t want to hurt her. This was bound to do exactly that, and if Clarisse had been thinking logically she surely would have refrained from getting involved in any of this.

But she wasn’t thinking logically. The alcohol she’d consumed during the victory celebration after the Battle of Manhattan played a part in that, but when she looked back later on her decision to pull Percy Jackson into the first room she found, slam his back against the door and attempt to kiss the life out of him she knew she wouldn’t be able to blame it all on inebriation.

Nothing turned Clarisse on like a good fight. Beating someone up was like an aphrodisiac to her, and the stronger the foe the greater the thrill she felt afterwards. Beating the Titans was enough to have her ready to hump the edge of a table, and she’d cursed her bad timing in her and Chris deciding to just be friends so soon beforehand. She’d almost been tempted to ask him for a night of fun anyway, but even after having several drinks she’d still had enough sense to realize that this would have been a disaster waiting to happen. Exes who decide to try and be friends after the end of the relationship were kidding themselves if they thought they could actually go back to being just friends if they slid back into the physical stuff. You had to make a clean break of it if you actually wanted to try and be friends, and Clarisse truly did want that. Trying to have a night of sexual relief with her ex would have been setting them both up for more pain, and she had enough sense to avoid it.

Bu apparently she did not have enough sense to avoid pulling an equally drunk Percy into the nearest room she could find and kissing him as fiercely as she was able. There’d been a rivalry between them in the past and at one time she would’ve called him an enemy, but they’d come a long way since that day he’d first doused her in toilet water. She did consider him a friend now and she knew he felt the same way, though they didn’t usually acknowledge it. A respect had developed between them.

Clarisse had also developed a respect for the man he’d grown into. As he’d aged, matured and trained he’d become a fit and attractive man, though that was something that until now she’d only noted from a distance, noticing it but not dwelling on it and certainly not entertaining any thoughts of sexual attraction towards him.

That flew straight out the window as soon as she moved from kissing him to undressing him. He’d packed a nice bit of muscle onto that lean frame of his, something Clarisse very much approved of. She loved a fit guy, and she showed her appreciation for the body he’d built by kissing along his bare chest and stroking his abs with her hands.

Percy eventually tired of merely being the subject of admiration. He pushed her back so he could tug at her clothes as well, and Clarisse saw no problem with that. She even helped him get her shirt up over her head and toss it aside, and giggled as he started kissing her chin right along her scar. Those giggles turned into moans when he kissed his way from her chin to the side of her neck, and she hurried to shove her hands into his pants so she could get them off.

He must have found that spot fascinating because he stayed right there, licking and sucking on the side of her neck while she scrambled to get his pants off. She was almost sure that nothing physical had happened between Percy and Annabeth, and as far as she knew he hadn’t done anything like this with anyone period. That didn’t seem to be stopping him though given how eagerly he’d attached his lips to her neck. Clarisse loved a bold guy, and she couldn’t wait to see how bold he would be once they were both naked.

Her dark eyes widened when she first got her hand around his shaft, and even in her inebriated state she couldn’t believe that what she was feeling was actually real. But then she shoved his underwear out of the way with her other hand and her eyes confirmed what her hand had told her.

“Damn, that’s a big cock!” she said. Or at least she tried to say it. She couldn’t be sure that it actually came out as it was intended to or was understood by him at all, but the sentiment was there if nothing else. She had a better way to show him how pleased she was with what she’d found waiting for her inside of his pants though. Clarisse was a big believer in going straight for what she wanted, and even if she’d never spent much time wondering what Percy Jackson’s cock might taste like before tonight it was now the only thought in her head. The reasons why they shouldn’t be doing this didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting down on her knees in front of him, getting that big beautiful cock between her lips and showing him rather than telling him what she thought of it.

Clarisse, as always, was a woman of action. She saw what she wanted and she went for it, bobbing her head swiftly and sucking Percy’s cock as aggressively as she could. There was honestly a bit of a struggle there; he was the biggest she’d ever seen let alone sucked, so of course it wasn’t effortless. But the alcohol gave her a bit more courage to go on top of the pride and bravery that was core to her personality, and she wouldn’t let a little thing like a gag reflex get in her way. She just pushed right past it and took him even deeper.

Percy wasn’t saying much but she could see that he was enjoying her sucking. She looked up at him from her knees and saw the lust in those sea-green eyes of his as he watched her suck his cock. Even when she’d actively disliked him she’d noticed those eyes, and seeing them staring down at her with pleasure made her want to work even harder. She forced herself to suck harder and bob her head to take him deeper in, and he groaned.

So often Clarisse had seen Percy wear that shit-eating smirk on his face, but watching his mouth part as he groaned from the pleasure of her oral assault was a new side for her to see. She wanted to see more of it, and she wanted to hear him groan even louder as she left him helpless and writhing. And what she wanted above all was for him to fill her mouth with cum. Clarisse had found that she quite liked swallowing a guy’s load at the end. It wasn’t that she enjoyed the taste of semen per se, but she did love the feeling of power she got when she made a guy break and lose control. And after what they’d been through over the years, what they’d just done and the battle they’d just survived, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever been more invested in making a guy lose control and cum down her throat than she was with Percy right now.

She wouldn’t simply sit back and wait for it to come, of course. She wasn’t even going to continue on at her current pace which would surely give her what she wanted soon enough. No, that was not Clarisse’s way. As ever, she went straight for her target. Not content to keep doing what she was doing, she pushed herself even harder. Even in her highly aroused state she hadn’t tried taking this big dick all the way into her throat up until now, but it was time to change that. She closed her eyes and ignored everything but her determination to get every last inch of Percy’s cock into her throat, and with all of the will of a child of Ares she accomplished it.

This feat was rewarded by Percy’s lips parting wider as he groaned louder than before, and while this was a nice treat it was not the end of what she wanted. She wanted—no, she needed Percy to cum in her mouth as quickly as humanly possible.

As proud as she was that she’d been able to throat this big dick, Clarisse realized that this wasn’t going to be the most effective way to finish him off. She pulled back slightly so she could return to a more consistent sucking which still saw her taking well over half of his cock into her mouth every time she pushed her head down, only she could repeat it much faster. She also got her hands in on the action, grabbing his cock and stroking whatever wasn’t in her mouth. She had the strength to make this very unpleasant, but Clarisse wasn’t a mindless idiot who didn’t know how to temper her physical strength and use it to her advantage. She held his cock firmly, but she didn’t squeeze him so hard that it would be uncomfortable or take him out of the moment. This was all about getting him to cum quickly, after all, so stroking him with all her considerable might would have been rather stupid of her.

Clarisse might be drunk but she was not stupid. She sucked and stroked at just the right speed and with an appropriate amount of strength, and she kept her eyes on Percy’s face to make sure she was in the proper zone. She saw only pleasure behind his eyes (okay, and maybe a little intoxication too) and heard nothing but groans of excitement from him, so she pushed ahead on her chosen course.

His hands flew to the top of her head as he groaned, and Clarisse realized she was about to get what she wanted. His cock twitched on her tongue and her mouth began to fill with semen, and Clarisse moaned at the taste but more importantly at having achieved her goal. She sealed her lips tightly around the tip and stroked him quickly while he came, making sure that she milked him of everything he had. He had quite a lot of it too, so she was sucking, stroking and swallowing for quite some time before he finally ran dry.


That explained the sore jaw then. She’d pushed herself hard there, and Percy’s dick really had not been an easy one to swallow.

She didn’t need to think long about what came next, or why her body remained so sore now that she was awake. Percy wasn’t around; he must’ve come to before she did and left quietly. But he’d definitely left his mark on her. She’d left her mark on him as well of course. She’d pulled him into the room and initiated the kissing and the stripping before she dropped to her knees and sucked him off, and she’d initiated the actual penis in vagina sex too.


Clarisse had led Percy over to the bed in the center of the room and pushed him down onto it, intent on playing with him until he was hard again and she could fuck him. To her delight it had only taken a bit more kissing and some brief wandering of hands before she’d felt him stiffen against her thigh, and Clarisse had pounced as soon as he was ready for her.

Percy didn’t seem to have any problem with it though. She knew she was a strong woman; she was the physically strongest and most muscular of all the girls at Camp Half-Blood for sure. But Percy wasn’t exactly a weakling himself, and he wasn’t so drunk that he couldn’t figure out how to respond. If he’d been against her pushing him down onto his back, straddling his cock and dropping down onto him he definitely could have stopped her if he wanted to. It’s not like she would’ve kept going if he’d shown any resistance to the idea to begin with. She liked a good hard fuck and she loved being on top of a guy, but she had no interest in fucking a guy who wasn’t just as eager to fuck.

Poseidon’s son was plenty eager though. His hands went on her hips as she dropped down on him, but not to hold her back or slow her down. He actually seemed keen to help her bounce even harder on him, not that she needed any help there. Clarisse knew her business here, and not even a cock the size of Percy’s was going to slow her down for long. It actually helped her in this instance, because dropping down onto him and feeling that long dick hit deeper inside of her than she’d ever felt before was an incredible sensation that she instantly wanted more of. She wanted to keep feeling his dick as deep inside of her as she could get it, and she put her hands on his chest and started really slamming her hips down onto him in order to get it.

There was really nothing that beat climbing on top of a guy and taking his cock for a ride after prevailing in a grueling battle, and with this being the biggest battle of her life and the biggest cock she’d ever ridden it was more than Clarisse could have ever asked for. She felt feverish and possessed as she impaled herself on his cock, descending with enough force to make her ass cheeks clap against his thighs. They both grunted each time she hit bottom, and with how quickly she always pulled back up so she could do it again that meant the grunts came quick and never stopped for longer than a few seconds at the most.

Clarisse knew that not every guy would be able to take her like this. There definitely would have been guys even among those at Camp Half-Bloodwho would not have been able to keep up with the intensity and strength she put behind every drop of her hips, but Percy didn’t beg for mercy or ask her to slow down. He didn’t even try to roll them over so he could exert some force of his own, though she was sure he would’ve been able to impress. He just let her go, let her have her fun and enjoyed the pleasure as it came to them.

And what pleasure it was! Even with Clarisse’s fondness for this position and this pace she had never been able to take a ride like this one, and not just because Percy’s dick was the biggest she’d ever had. She would’ve expected even the most capable of guys to break well before now with how hard she was riding him, but not Percy. He held up remarkably well under the pressure, and as a result she got to keep bouncing on him longer than she’d ever bounced on anyone at this pace. Certainly she’d never fucked anyone this hard for this long before, and she was thrilled to be able to find someone who could finally withstand her at her most aggressive for an extended period of time.

The longer she fucked herself on his cock the closer Clarisse got to what was sure to be an absolutely massive climax, and looking down into Percy’s gorgeous eyes and seeing the pleasure on his face she could tell he was right there with her. It felt as good for him as it did for her, and they were both not just hanging on but thriving under the frenetic pace and the rough slapping of her ass against his legs as she relentlessly fucked him. Whatever differences in personality they might have that had caused them to clash many times over the years, they were turning out to be extremely compatible sexually.

She screamed as she came, not caring in the least about how loud it was or how far it might travel beyond this closed door. Who cared about that when she felt pleasure like this? She stared into Percy’s eyes throughout her orgasm, barely daring to blink. A girl could get lost in those eyes, and thinking that in all likelihood she was the first girl to ever see them so awash with desire filled Clarisse with a strange warmth in her chest that had nothing to do with the alcohol or the pleasure of her orgasm. At least she was pretty sure it didn’t.

That said, the climax was intense enough to make her grunt like a beast and dig her fingernails into his chest. Clarisse had learned through experience that the bigger the fight won and the harder the sex afterwards, the greater her climax would be. Never had this conclusion been validated as undeniably as it was now, because this was an orgasm that had Clarisse’s body singing with pleasure. Simply put, it was the biggest climax and the most satisfying fuck of her entire life.

She was still screaming her way through her orgasm when those gorgeous sea green eyes widened and Percy moaned as he squeezed her hips and went over the edge. Clarisse took preventative measures and thus didn’t have reason for serious concern, but she doubted she would have given a damn even if there’d been no protection in place. She was far too horny to be concerned about any consequences, as she was already making clear with how loud she was screaming, and having him cum inside of her made it even more exciting. A big creampie was a perfect way to end a hard fuck as far as she was concerned, and Percy gave her a very big one to finish their fun off.


That hadn’t been the end of their fun though. Clarisse had expected it to be, and was even okay with it turning out that way. She’d already had a more satisfying fuck and a bigger orgasm than she’d ever had before, so who was she to complain about how he’d performed?

But it hadn’t been the end. It had only been the beginning. She’d cuddled up to him afterwards and made some remark about how good he looked beneath her and how she’d always known she was stronger and could last longer. She couldn’t remember exactly what she’d said or how she’d said it, though it had been intended as playful and not at all serious, but Percy had taken it as a challenge. And he’d responded to that challenge by taking over and showing her his own strength by fucking her hard for the rest of the night until they finally both passed out

Clarisse still felt sore as she put her clothes back on and slowly left the room. She felt eyes following her and heard the whispers from everyone as she walked by, but Clarisse did not give them the satisfaction of acknowledging them in any way. Besides, she was pretty lost in recalling everything that she and Percy had done the night before.

She’d been surprised when his eyes flashed and he moved her onto her hands and knees, but surprise had been replaced by ecstasy more or less immediately once Percy slid his cock in and started pounding her from behind. Clarisse generally didn’t like getting fucked doggy style; it felt far more submissive than she was comfortable with. But it was strength that spoke to her above all, and getting railed by Percy hard enough to make her claw at the bed sheets felt so good that she couldn’t bring herself to care about being fucked like a bitch.

Then he’d pulled her onto his lap and bounced her on his cock, and after that he’d taken her on her back while her legs stuck up straight in the air. They’d moved off of the bed next, and if anyone hadn’t been able to hear the bed rocking beneath them or had somehow not heard her scream every time that she came they had to hear her back and ass thumping against the wall every time Percy’s cock hit home inside of her. It was no wonder there were people following her every movement as she reappeared before them, because she’d given them plenty to listen to the night before.

She stopped walking when she saw Percy for the first time since they’d both passed out the previous night. After slamming her against the wall he fucked her on the floor, taking her in a prone position until they both came one last time and passed out together. His cock had still been inside of her when she faded, and they hadn’t had the time or the sense to talk about what had happened or what would happen next. The consequences of their fuck had been the last thing on Clarisse’s mind last night, and they couldn’t have mattered much to Percy either with how active he’d been throughout.

The consequences had to be faced now that the sun was up and reality was returning though, and it seemed that Percy was dealing with one of those consequences now. She could see him talking to Annabeth, though Annabeth seemed to be doing about 95% of the talking. It wasn’t difficult for Clarisse to imagine what they might be talking about or what the daughter of Athena was saying. They’d never gotten together or even shared their feelings with each other, but most of Camp Half-Blood realized that there was a mutual attraction between Percy and Annabeth.

That mutual attraction might never amount to anything now, because when Annabeth was done speaking she walked off in the opposite direction, leaving Percy behind without looking back. He watched her go, and Clarisse could just make out the frown on his face as he folded his arms across his chest.

Normally it wouldn’t have been in Clarisse’s nature to go and comfort anyone, let alone Percy, but she found her feet moving towards him automatically. He looked up when her footsteps brought her closer to him, and the way his frown lightened and the tension seemed to leave his shoulders convinced Clarisse that she’d been right to approach him. It wasn’t like everyone they knew hadn’t heard them fucking last night already. What difference did it make if they saw her walking up to him now?

“Hi,” she said, rather lamely.

“Hi,” he said back, nodding at her. “So how many people stared at you when you walked out today?”

“Probably however many just watched you and Annabeth chatting,” she said, casually bringing up what she’d just observed.

He chuckled slightly. “That many, huh?”

“Can’t say I blame them,” she said. “We weren’t exactly quiet. Me especially.”

“Yeah, I seem to remember my ears ringing with how loud you were screaming,” he replied. Then he put his hand over his chest and rubbed it through his shirt. “And I’m sure I got loud too when you scratched my chest. I still have the marks.”

Clarisse winced. “Sorry about that,” she said. “Guess I got a little carried away.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Percy said. “It was fun. I never really pictured sex being like that. Now I can’t imagine it being anything but that.”

“Maybe we should try it again then,” she said impulsively. She didn’t know where this was leading, how long it would last or how it might affect their various friendships, and she doubted he had any better idea about that than she did. But she knew she wanted more. She wanted to feel the way she felt last night again. And maybe again, and again after that.

“Maybe we should,” he said, giving her that mischievous smirk she’d always used to loathe. It felt different now though, because after last night she knew she was going to love the mischief that he had in mind. “You can claw my chest up even more. And I can add to that hickey everyone was staring at when you walked out today.”


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