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I'm bringing back the 12(?) Days of Chrismut special that I did last year, though I'm going to leave the exact number of days open-ended right now until I can gauge what kind of interest there will be. I'm certainly hoping for at least 12 like we had last year, but if there is a market for more than that this year, I will adjust my plans accordingly. Might be cool to make it like an advent calendar thing that runs from December 1st to Christmas Day/Eve, or something like that. We'll see what kind of interest I get.

For those who didn't see this, last year I wrote 500-word short commissions ahead of time and posted one per day from December 14-25th. I'm bringing back the same format here in terms of the length of each entry, though as I said the posting schedule is still up in the air right now beyond that it will be starting at some point in December. These shorts are open to any fandom, with the only requirement (beyond my particular wont-write content) being that the prompt is Christmas themed in some way or fits the general tone at the very least.

Claiming one of these spots will cost a flat $5 for Americans, and $5.50 for those of you outside the US due to fees. I'm offering early access to my patrons for the next few days before I extend the offer to everyone else, so if you're interested, reach out to me privately (meaning not through the public replies to this post) and share your idea. I'm leaving it at one per person for now, but if you think you might want to grab more than one should multiples eventually be offered, you can mention that and I will make a note of it.

Let me know if you have any questions. Hopefully we'll have some more smutty fun this Christmas season!


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