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November poll (Harry Potter):

This month's options:

(Daphne/Hermione): Hermione may be the Minister of Magic, but everyone knows that the reason she got to that position was due to Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass. While Harry is fine to get gratitude in private, Daphne is different. Everyone in the ministry knows that when Daphne wants to fuck Hermione, all she has to do is say the word and Hermione turns into her whore. No matter when or where.

(Draco/Ginny): Draco decides to get revenge on Harry, so seduces his wife Ginny into his bed. Harry walks in to see his wife leaking cum on their bed.

(Draco/Hermione): Malfoy catches Hermione in a compromising position, and uses that to take advantage of her, turning her into his personal toy.

(Harry/Astoria/Daphne): Instead of inviting Luna to the Slug Club Christmas Party, Harry bumps into Daphne Greengrass in a corridor and - noticing how attractive she is - invites her instead. Harry and Daphne have a great time at the party - so much so, Draco's suspicious behaviour goes to the back of his mind for once - and the two end up making out in a classroom. They are caught by a jealous Astoria, who also wants in on the action. Tags - threesome, loss of virginity (for all 3 involved).

(Harry/Daphne/Tracey): After Voldemort gets beaten, Daphne decides she is going to show those annoying Gryffindors sluts. She offers herself and Tracey as a package deal. Daphne may have taken on more than she expected.

(Harry/Fleur/Gabrielle/Other Veela): Fleur plays Harry’s tour guide in a Veela colony; it ends up in a Veela orgy with random Veelas and Fleur and Gabrielle as the epicenter. Fleur and Gabrielle compete against the others to get his attention. Fleur winds up just barely coming out on top, but as Gabrielle ends with Harry's balls in her mouth she's not exactly complaining.

(Harry/Bellatrix/Narcissa/Daphne): Twenty-year ritual part 2: After Harry and Bellatrix overthrow and kill Voldemort Harry marries Narcissa and Daphne and impregnates all 3 of his brides on the same night ensuring the continuation of the Potter Black and Greengrass lines.

(Harry/Various) (Familiar of Zero Crossover): Harry Potter gets summoned as a familiar to one Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière and as he does his job waiting and looking for a way back home he also goes through the ladies of the new world he's at.



I've started work on this fic, but something about the flow of the actual sex scene just isn't clicking right now. Rather than trying to brute force it and likely write a fic that I wouldn't be happy with, I'm going to set it aside for right now, work on something else and come back to it later. It WILL come out, don't worry. I'm just going to delay it for the moment so it can actually be of a quality I'm happy with and you who support me deserve when it does.