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(If you saw the previous post about having trouble posting this that I've already deleted: problem solved! I just used an innocuous word that the algorithm didn't like. I changed it to a reference to Vegas and the warning was gone.)

Fandom: MCU

Summary: Natasha and Yelena, Widows no longer, have found a new purpose in life: servicing as many men as possible, whenever they want it. They both adjust to their new lives surprisingly well. (Natasha/OCs, Yelena/OCs)

Content Warnings/Themes: Gangbang, porn without plot

Patreon Exclusive

There had once been a time when Natasha Romanoff was one of the most capable and dangerous agents of SHIELD. She'd been trusted with the hardest missions and given the task of doing whatever dirty work was necessary to see to their success, and she had rewarded SHIELD's decision to turn her into an asset by doing those jobs that other agents just couldn't handle. Whether it required her agility, her assassination skills, stealth, deception or even flirtation, the Black Widow had never failed to deliver.

She had a new purpose now though, and it did not require her to use any stealth, carry out any assassinations or do any infiltration. Natasha was no longer an agent of SHIELD. She served in a different way now.

"Come on, red," the man sitting in front of her groaned as she sucked his cock. "Quit fucking around and suck it properly. Get that head moving. That's all you're good for." In the old days Natasha would have punched someone in the balls for suggesting that her only worth in life was sucking a cock, unless she was stringing them along until she got whatever information or evidence she was there for, at which point she would give them a far more painful and long-lasting blow.

That wasn't what the new Natasha did though. She wasn't the Black Widow anymore, and she wasn't down on her knees to lure this man into a false sense of security and use his arousal against him to get what she wanted. She was down on her knees because that was where she belonged, and she responded to his taunts by sucking harder. Up until now she had been lightly suckling, licking and kissing the head of his cock because that was often what the guys she sucked preferred. But she serviced so many men in her new role that it was impossible for her to keep the preferences of every single one straight in her head, and sometimes one of them would want something different from one session to the next.

Apparently this man wanted her to quit focusing on the tip and bob her head on him, so that's just what she did. Her lips tightened and she slurped around his cock, bobbing down and taking more of him in, giving him everything she could and stroking the base of his cock with both hands. The teasing was forgotten, and now she was sucking his cock with appropriate levels of desperation.

"Better," he said, running his hands through her red hair. "Keep going. I know you can go even lower. My cock's long and thick, and most girls wouldn't even think about trying to get it all the way down their throat. But you're different, red. You can get it all down. I know you can."

Natasha went even lower, swallowing more of him, taking him down inch by inch. He was right to suggest that the average woman would not be able to deepthroat him, because he was not falsely boasting about his size. His length and thickness were daunting, and just about anyone would have felt some level of hesitance about pushing too hard.

She felt nothing of the sort though. Maybe she would have previously, but the Natasha that remained on her knees now wasn't the type to let something like that thwart her. This was her purpose in life now, and she would not allow herself to fail. She now put the same kind of focus into being a good little breathing sex toy that she used to put into carrying out her missions, and obedient sex toys didn't shy away from deepthroating a cock no matter how long or thick it might be. He'd made a request of her, and it was her duty to carry it out.

It was not an easy thing for her to accomplish. No matter how many cocks she'd sucked, particularly in the months since she'd settled into her new life's mission, she'd never quite been able to rid herself of her gag reflex. She'd gotten better at throating most cocks without issue, but ones as large as this could still push her past her limits. Indeed, she felt herself gag around his cock with a couple of inches still to go.

"Almost there, red," he said, pushing on her head. "You've almost got it."

She closed her eyes and willed herself forward, taking his cock all the way down her throat. Natasha ignored the spasms this brought about and held him down, keeping her nose pressed into his pubic hair while she showed him her ability not just to deepthroat his cock but to keep him down there for as long as he wanted to stay there.

"Now that's a good cocksucker," her current partner praised her. "Hold that cock down your throat for me. That's right where it belongs." His hands were no longer pushing on her head now that she'd succeeded in her mission and taken his cock into her throat. Now they gave her head a pat instead, not unlike how an owner would give their pet a pat when they did what they were supposed to do. The thrill that Natasha felt at that acknowledgment was probably much the same as the pet would have felt, tail wagging at being called a good girl. This was what she lived for now.

Doing a good job and being praised by those she served was as great a pleasure as existed for Natasha in her new life after leaving SHIELD active duty behind, and she would not do anything to ruin that no matter how much it took out of her. Her body twitched and her face went bright red as the seconds passed with his cock buried down her throat, but he had not given her permission to pull back and so she would not dare do so. Spit and drool spilled out of her lips to run down her face and spots appeared on her vision, but still Natasha kept his cock lodged in her throat. She would keep him right where she was until her body failed her.

That moment might very well have come sooner rather than later, but a third party interjected himself. "Hey, you've had her to yourself long enough," the new man said. "Let me in on this."

"We were just getting to the good part," the man with his cock in her throat said sourly.

"I don't fucking care," the newcomer responded. "She's not yours and yours alone. She serves all of us."

"Fine, fine," the first man said reluctantly, sighing. "Which hole do you want?"

"Her cunt, definitely," the second man said. This wasn’t a surprise to Natasha. Even with her head lolling thanks to how long she'd had a cock down her throat she still recognized this voice. He'd been one of her most frequent visitors over the last several months, and he almost never went for her mouth or her ass.

"Fine by me," the man in her throat said. "It means I can keep using her mouth. But we will need to change positions a bit."

He pulled his cock out of her mouth, and Natasha's body immediately coughed and heaved as it tried to recover from such an extended throating. She was still sucking in air when the newcomer wrapped his arms around her body and rolled her over so she was flat on her back on the carpeted floor. She looked down the length of her body and saw him pulling his underwear down his legs before he got into position between her thighs. He was a strong man with muscles to match, but the only part of his body that Natasha cared about was the cock that he wrapped his hand around and pressed against her pussy. He wasn't quite as thick as the man who she'd just had down her throat, but he was an inch or two longer. He would fill her pussy up wonderfully.

Her new partner pushed forward, and Natasha moaned as she always did at the penetration. There was nothing quite like a nice cock sliding into her pussy.

Her moans were cut off abruptly when her previous partner squatted down above her, straddled her head and shoved his cock into her open mouth. Natasha's lips closed around it automatically and she started sucking hard.

"Aww, did you have to gag her so quickly?" the man fucking her complained. "I love listening to the little slut moan while I fuck her."

"You can listen to her choke around my cock instead," the man in her mouth replied carelessly. He didn't give Natasha much chance to suck his cock this time. He put his hands on her head and rocked his hips, taking it upon himself to move his cock in her mouth. It quickly became a proper throatfucking, and Natasha choked around his cock just like he'd promised.

"Oh, have it your way, you selfish prick," the man fucking her grumbled. "You're always hogging her." He put his hands on Natasha's hips and started picking up speed in his hip thrusts while complaining.

"No one uses her more than you, you fucking hypocrite," the man in her mouth said, laughing even as he held his cock all the way down Natasha's throat for several seconds and made her choke. "Except for Smith, maybe. But he's out of the country for the next week, thankfully."

"Yeah, good for us," the man in Natasha's pussy agreed. They'd finally found something they were on the same page about. "Her ass would be stuffed full nonstop if he was here. Really cuts down on your options."

"Well we'll just have to make the most of him being gone, won't we?" The first man pulled his hips back at last, but Natasha was given no reprieve. He thrust right back in, and his balls smacked against her chin from the force of it.

"Now you're making sense."

That signaled that the two men were done arguing over who fucked her more and weren't going to complain about not having sole access to her. Instead they were going to enjoy Natasha together and help themselves to her body. The man fucking her pussy slammed his hips forward again and again, driving his cock as deep inside of her as he ever had. Since he was in competition for the longest cock she'd ever had this meant that he reached deeper into her than she usually received.

For some women this might have been a problem but for Natasha it was a pleasure. She loved feeling him hit so deep inside of her every time he thrust forward, and she loved how it felt when he dragged his cock back out of her for another push as well. Had her mouth been free he would have been able to hear all the moans he wanted from her, and he also would have heard her begging him to never, ever stop.

He couldn't hear that since the first man was still busy fucking her mouth and forcing his cock down her throat again, but this was a worthwhile tradeoff where Natasha was concerned. She was happy to be available to him; happy that he was helping himself to her throat and using her for his own satisfaction. The only thing that could make her prouder than servicing one of her partners was servicing more than one of them simultaneously, Having this thick dick lodged in her throat at the same time that a nice long cock was filling her up had her feeling like she was on cloud nine.

She used to feel no greater satisfaction in life than in a job well done, a plot foiled, and a dangerous target neutralized. But these days there could be nothing that made Natasha feel as happy with herself as she did when she had a cock in multiple holes and more than one partner groaning in satisfaction. After several minutes of her being rocked on the carpet by her two partners she got her wish.

The man in her mouth finished first, which made sense as he was the one who had been using her first. It was more of a surprise when he pulled his cock out of her mouth just before he came, but this was only so he could spray his semen all over her face instead. Many men had likely fantasized about putting the Black Widow in her place and dirtying her face with their cum, and these days this group of men got to enjoy that pleasure whenever they wanted it. He made the most of his privilege, covering her from forehead to lips with his cum and adding a couple of drops to her chin at the end too.

Her mouth being free meant that Natasha was able to scream with ecstasy as the combination of her physical pleasure and the mental joy she got from making her partners happy caused her body to shake with orgasmic bliss. The man fucking her pussy roared with laughter when he heard her screams.

"That's right, scream, you little slut," he said, grunting. "Scream while you cum on my cock."

She did just that, and her screams seemed to be all that he needed to give him that last little push. On his next thrust he left his cock balls-deep inside of her and pumped his seed into her pussy. Her time in the Red Room ensured that he could do so with impunity, and that was something everyone appreciated, her most of all.

Natasha was devoted to her new lot in life, after all, and she wouldn't have been able to continue to serve as a fuck toy if her body wasn't ready to handle being fucked hard day and night.


"Look at her go," the man in Yelena's mouth said, chuckling. "I worried she would lose that fire after spending months here with us, but she's as energetic as ever."

"Yeah, she can never get enough, seems like," the man whose cock she currently gripped in her left hand agreed. "She's an insatiable little slut. Do you ever see her taking care of only one cock?"

"She's addicted to cock," said the man in her right hand. She'd moved from stroking his cock to playing with his balls, knowing that this was what he liked best.

"And that's just the way we like her," put in the man who stood behind her and was sawing his cock in and out of her ass.

"I'd just as soon have all you fuckers leave so I could keep her all to myself," said the man who had the pleasure of sticking his cock in her cunt. He was the only man of the group sitting down, and she was seated on his lap while he thrust his hips up into her from below. Normally she would have been riding him as aggressively as humanly possible. Her ass would be clapping against his thighs and her breasts would have been bouncing in his face, and she would have shown him that no one could ride a cock like she could. But with five cocks to deal with at once she did not have the freedom of movement to ride him as she wished, so he was handling the moving for her.

"Good luck with that," said the man in her mouth, chuckling. He'd grabbed hold of Yelena's blonde hair and started shoving his cock deeper into her mouth, which she welcomed and accepted readily.

"Yeah, you'd have a better chance at hitting it big in Vegas than you would at getting Yelena all to yourself," said the one getting his balls squeezed. "She'd probably get bored with only one cock to service."

He was more correct than he knew. Yelena had not had the years of freedom that Natasha got to enjoy after defecting from the Red Room and joining SHIELD. She hadn't had the chance to spread her wings and experiment sexually, and now that she had found that freedom she did not take it lightly. Maybe some women wouldn't view Yelena's current position as freedom, since it was always the guys who initiated everything and she was expected to just go along with it.

But those women hadn't been through the Red Room, and they hadn't lived the life that Yelena had. Even Natasha couldn't understand because she'd had her years where her life was her own. Yelena had gone almost straight from the Red Room to this new situation where her entire life centered around getting fucked, and for her it was like an awakening. She felt like her new life as a glorified sex toy was her positive karma for all her years of being repressed and controlled. So yes, she was always happiest while taking as many cocks inside of her as she could. She lived for those nights where enough of her new friends were free that she could be at the center of a gangbang; preferably one where they lined up and a new cock was always waiting to take the place of one as soon as it had finished.

Today wasn't quite at that level, but she still had five cocks to play with so she wasn't complaining. This was all as easy as breathing now for Yelena after how often she'd been fucked by multiple partners. She had gone from a sexually repressed woman to one who could multitask and please five men at once with ease. Obviously the men in all three of her holes were doing most of the work themselves, but there was still a certain skill, toughness and determination required for her to be able to deal with it all at the same time. How many women would be able to take a cock thrusting up into their pussy from below, a second sliding in and out of her ass steadily and a third plunging into her throat repeatedly, all while they remembered to give proper attention to a cock in each hand?

Not many, that was for sure. But Yelena could do it. This was what she'd trained for. As far as she was concerned this was life's greatest pleasure, and she was thrilled to be able to handle all five cocks at once. This was what she lived for now, and she couldn't be happier about it.

One of the things that Yelena liked best about situations like this was finding out which of the cocks she was dealing with would go off first. That anticipation built as the gangbang continued, and Yelena moaned around the cock in her mouth with need, waiting impatiently to see in what order they would finish.

The man whose balls she had been playing with wound up going first, likely in no small part thanks to her exploiting what she knew to be his weak point. He groaned, and Yelena's lips smiled around her mouthful of cock when his cum splashed onto her cheek and ran down the side of her face.

His fellow ending and gracing her face with his cum seemed to set off the other man getting stroked, because it was inside of a minute later that his cock jerked in her hand. Yelena knew what was coming, and she made sure to point his cock right where she wanted it so he would cum across the other side of her face, giving her a healthy facial on either side.

The triple penetration continued for a few more minutes after that, with the two men who'd already finished taking a step back and watching the other three proceed towards their own finishes. Yelena could tell that all three weren't too far off. It was obvious not just in their groans, but in how the man beneath her brought his hands to her breasts and squeezed them. It was obvious in how the man fucking her ass started to squeeze her smooth butt cheeks, and it was obvious in how she got plenty of hair-pulling now from the one fucking her throat. None of them would make it much longer.

It was the one enjoying the tightness of her ass who got there slightly ahead of the others. He held himself deep inside and filled her bowels with his cum, giving her ass cheeks a strong squeeze while he came. There he remained until he'd finished cumming, and he gave her butt a little smack once he finally pulled out.

The man in her mouth came next, but he didn't actually cum inside of her mouth. He pulled his hips back at the same time that she received her spank, and he grabbed his cock and pointed it at her face. He'd been inspired by the twin facials she'd already received and decided to add to it, but in his case he didn't take aim at either side of her face and fired his load right in the center instead. His cum ran from the middle of her forehead all the way down to below her mouth, and it made the perfect complement to the cum already sticking to the sides of her face. Yelena couldn't wait to look at herself in the mirror later and admire how good a job they'd done of covering her.

For now there was still one final cock to service though, and with everyone else finished Yelena was able to show flashes of her skill at cockriding. She started to bounce on the cock in her pussy, slamming herself down onto it and rocking back and forth, riding him with everything that she had. She knew she would only get to do so for a few moments since he'd been so close to cumming already, but she wanted to make the most of that brief window and do her best to bring him as large and satisfying an orgasm as she possibly could.

She couldn't have managed more than a handful of bounces interspersed with her grinding before she broke him. He grunted, grabbed her by the hips and held her down on him while he came inside of her, and she squealed with delight. She'd already gotten a triple-shot facial and she had cum in her ass. The only thing that had been missing was a nice creampie to go along with it, until now.

This was what she'd been missing all these years, and now she'd finally found it. Was this every woman's idea of a perfect and free life? No. But it was Yelena's, and she wouldn't walk away from it no matter what.


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