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Since I can't find anything on their actual website, can any of you point me towards a method of contacting Hentai Foundry staff? Someone apparently hacked and instantly nuked my account there. Based on what I've seen from others I'm not optimistic on getting anything restored, but I'd at least like to touch base with the staff just to be sure.



Pretty sure there’s a Hentai Foundry Discord server. You might be able to get some help there.

Rampaging Crabs

https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/admin/profile/page/all I think this is the admin. Apparently it has happened to a couple of authors the past couple of days.


Wow - I hope you can get your stories back up.

John McCormick

Check out their forums side for assistance. http://forums.hentai-foundry.com


Yeah, I saw someone mention it had happened to them yesterday on Twitter, which was how I first realized what was happening. Apparently HF responded to tell them that everything that had been deleted was gone for good, so I'm not optimistic. Thanks for the link, but I can't post on that page since you have to be signed into your account to do it. I tried an email address someone sent me, so we'll see if I get any response to that I guess.

Rampaging Crabs

Thankfully you post in multiple sites but that still sucks if nothing can be done.


I can't use the forums for communication because you have to be signed in to your HF account, and my account itself was deleted.


Yeah, nothing will actually be lost altogether--everything I've posted there is also on QQ and AO3. It still sucks, but it could've been worse.


Would you consider re-uploading them on HF if the originals can't be recovered? Would probably take a while I imagine, mind.


Definitely not all of them. If it's that easy for them and my entire account to get permanently nuked I'm not about to invest the time to repost every single thing I've posted there. I definitely wouldn't put the Snapshots back up there; simply finding all of those in my folder would be a nightmare. But I would probably reupload a handful of the more popular stories at least.


You should definitely put Interactive Year back up as I don't think you post it publicly anywhere else.


Yeah, I was able to get a hold of someone using this method. I'm still not optimistic that my account will be recoverable, but at least I was able to pass my message along to someone from the staff.