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Where we left off: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50108799

Harry woke up in the early hours of the morning on December 19th, feeling rather more cramped than he was used to in the nice soft bed provided to him as Head Boy. Then he realized why there seemed to be so little room, and he smiled.

He was still in Daphne's bed, spooning her from behind, his arms around her waist and his groin pressed flush against her arse. No wonder his cock had woken up before he did. And Susan Bones hadn't gone back to the Hufflepuff dorm at the end of the night; he could feel her big breasts squashed against his back as she snuggled against him. Harry was in the middle of a very pleasant sandwich, and he would've been happy to remain there all day.

His eyes snapped open more fully, and full alertness began to come back quickly as he realized what the passage of time meant. Classes had ended the day of the Yule Ball, and after a very pleasant night, it was now the next morning.

Term was over, and all students interested in leaving the castle for the holiday break were free to do so. And as much as Harry would have loved to stay in Daphne's bed all day, he had plans to keep.


“I am so glad you came back to Francewith Fleur for Christmas break!” Gabrielle declared.

So was Harry. He’d had no shortage of opportunities on where he could spend his Christmas break, and who he could spend it with. Plenty of witches had offered to let him stay with them, and the lure of sex was there in pretty much every offer. Padma and Parvati had said they’d like to have him stay with them. That had been unexpected, as neither of the Patils had done anything sexual with him at any point. The hint of fun with the twins was there, but the way they’d phrased it made him wonder exactly how far they would go. It had still been a considerable temptation—twins, and especially twins as beautiful as Parvati and Padma? Agreeing to go had been on the tip of his tongue, but he just hadn’t been able to commit to the unknown when he had surer offers on the table.

He, Hermione and Ginny had discussed tentative plans to do some sightseeing around magical Europe. Seeing new surroundings, shagging his best friend and old flame and potentially meeting new people and having fun with them (and perhaps even having fun with them and Hermione and Ginny at the same time) had sounded like an incredible vacation to Harry.

But in the end, he’d decided not to venture out into the unknown and instead return to the familiar comforts of Delacour Manor. New adventures were nice, but who could resist a holiday with two beautiful veela offering him all of the sex he could want?

Gabrielle had clearly been waiting for another crack at him since the last time he’d paid a visit and taken her virginity. As soon as Fleur had led him through the floo, Gabrielle had tackled him in a tight hug, dragged him off to her room and spent the rest of the night stroking, sucking and fucking him.

She’d barely left him alone since, and had even insisted that he stay with her and sleep in her bed every night rather than in the guest room her mother had prepared for him. Harry had no complaints about having the youngest Delacour’s ravenous sexual appetite directed at him, but it was getting to the point that Fleur was clearly getting annoyed with her for monopolizing all of his time. There had barely been time for more than a couple of quickies with Fleur in between all of the sex he was having with her little sister.

He was currently in the familiar position of occupying Gabrielle’s bed and fucking her hard. They’d been at it for over an hour now, and he’d already fucked her to three orgasms. As was customary for her though, she was still not satisfied. She demanded more, and more was what he gave her.

Harry was on his knees and slamming his hips into Gabrielle, fucking her hard enough to make her soft bed shake beneath them. They had been putting this bed to the test every day since he’d arrived, but it continued to hold up even as he kept her legs pinned above her head and made her perfect veela arse shake every time his hips smacked against it.

“Oui, ‘Arry!” Gabrielle shouted. “Oui, yes, give eet to me! Fuck me ‘ard, make me cum!”

Harry grunted, drove himself down and put everything he had into those last few thrusts, wanting to satisfy Gabrielle. Even though they had come a long way from him taking her virginity and showing her the best first time he could manage, he was still committed to making every time live up to her expectations no matter how often she begged him to shag her.

Gabrielle’s voice sounded almost melodic to his ears as she screamed out in French, and he was well aware of what always accompanied those screams. Her pussy tightened around him, squeezing his cock as pleasantly as it always did when she came. Even though he’d fucked her too many times to count since arriving in Delacour Manor for Christmas holiday, she was as tight as she’d been when he took her virginity earlier in the year. As always, that tightness spelled his end. Her body demanded his seed, and he gave it to her. He shot his cum inside of her with a low groan, and it joined the three other loads he’d given her already this evening, as well as the others he’d deposited inside of her pussy, across her face and on her breasts throughout the day.

“Zat was wonderful, ‘Arry,” Gabrielle sighed as he pulled out of her. Her body slowly unfolded, and her legs returned to their natural position. Her chest heaved as a result of their repeated fucking, and her skin shone with a sheen of sweat that somehow made her look even more attractive to his eyes. She was obviously tired, but that didn’t stop her from wanting more. “Give me just a minute or two to recover,” she said. “Zen I will suck your cock until you are ready to fuck me again, and zen—“

“You have done enough,” a third voice said. Harry looked towards the doorway of Gabrielle’s bedroom and saw Fleur standing there and looking less than pleased. She was also naked, and an angry naked Fleur looked hot indeed. She looked like someone who’d had enough and was going to take what she wanted. “You need to learn to share, little sister. I didn’t invite Harry to stay with us just for you. I have plans; plans he’s going to help me with.”

“Plans?” Harry asked, cocking his head at her. “What plans?” She hadn’t said much of anything beyond the obvious allure of being able to have plenty of sex with her and Gabriele.

“Later,” Fleur said, giving him a mysterious smile. “First I am going to have some fun with you.” She looked at Gabrielle sternly. “And you are just going to watch.”

Gabrielle pouted, but it seemed that she knew not to argue with her sister when she got serious. She scooted up on the bed to make room for Fleur as she marched towards it, stalking Harry like prey. There was no need for her to use any foreplay to get him ready, because watching and listening to her take charge already had him hard for her.

Fleur straddled his hips and dropped down onto him, and Harry hissed at returning to the familiar embrace of her pussy. She rode his cock forcefully, showing a lack of patience as she bounced and rocked on him. There hadn’t been much chance for them to fuck during the holiday since Gabrielle had taken up so much of his time, and Fleur seemed to be looking to make up for it by making him cum as quickly as possible.

Harry didn’t put up any more of a fight than Gabrielle did, nor was there any reason to. Fleur looked so sexy as she slammed her body down onto him and took her fill of the cock that her sister had been depriving her of for days, and Harry didn’t want to do anything to interrupt her. Her silver-blonde hair hung down and her breasts jiggled in time with her bouncing, but the sexiest part of all for Harry might have been the look in her eyes as she fucked him. There was a fire in those deep blue eyes that was as intimidating as it was arousing. If this was what a veela looked like when someone stood between her and what she wanted, he was very glad he’d never made an enemy of her.

He was not her enemy; he was her lover, and he enjoyed all of the benefits of that enviable position. Fleur fucked him hard on Gabrielle’s bed until she received the pleasure she’d been seeking. She groaned, leaned down and smashed her lips against his possessively, kissing him hard while she came and tightened around his cock. Harry was no more able to resist her veela tightness than he was Gabrielle’s. His hands squeezed her hips and he groaned into her mouth as he filled her with his cum.

“Much better,” she said, sighing as she pulled her lips off of his. “Now, I will explain what I want you to help me with, Harry.”

She did not remove herself from his cock. Gabrielle had taken up so much of his time that she’d been left wanting, and now that she had gotten fed up and claimed her time with him she wasn’t willing to give it up just yet. Even as she started to explain her plan she began to ride him again. Thankfully she moved her hips at a much more relaxed pace now that she’d cum once and taken that initial edge off. He could barely think straight even at this smoother ride, so he couldn’t imagine how he would be able to listen to her plan if she’d been riding him as hard as she had the first time.


“And what exactly is the meaning of this?” Apolline asked, arching one eyebrow as she stared at Harry.

“It’s your Christmas present, maman,” Fleur said. “For years now you have taken care of Gabby and I at the expense of yourself and your own happiness. Now it’s our turn to take care of you. Ours, and Harry’s.”

Harry smiled up at Apolline. Honestly he felt rather ridiculous sitting under the Delacour Christmas tree naked with a bow magically stuck to his chest, but Fleur had asked for it and he was powerless to deny her anything she wanted. Besides, if this worked he was about to have sex with the last member of the Delacour family he hadn’t shagged rotten a dozen times over.

“He is your man, not mine,” Apolline said, though Harry noticed her eyes lingering on his cock. “You two should enjoy your time with him before he has to return to Hogwarts. I had my fun in my youth, but those days are over.”

“They don’t need to be,” Gabrielle said. Once Fleur had told them what she wanted to do, her little sister had gotten on board very quickly. She was as eager to help her mother as Fleur was. “Just because papa left doesn’t mean you need to be alone. Harry is a wonderful lover; he will make you feel very good.”

“Yes, I’ve seen that,” Apolline said, smiling slightly. “But you two girls come first. I want you to be happy.”

“And we want you to be happy,” Fleur insisted. “I have fucked Harry plenty of times, and will be able to continue doing so on occasion when we return to Hogwarts. Gabby has slept with him often enough over the last few days to last her for many months.” Gabrielle chuckled and did not argue. “Let him take care of you now. If you let him, he will reignite your sexual passion and remind you of what it feels like to be with a man.” She smiled at Harry. “You could choose just about any man and get them into your bed with little effort, but we both know that finding a man capable of satisfying a veela is not easy. But Harry can do it. Like you said, you’ve seen it.”

“Oui, I have,” Apolline said. She stared at Harry for several moments, and he could practically see her mind turning the situation over in her head and deciding how she wanted to answer. “What do you say, Harry Potter? After being with my two gorgeous young daughters, are you willing to settle for an older woman?”

“Feels more like you’re settling for me,” Harry murmured, grinning up at her. “But to answer your question, no one had to twist my arm to get me to do this. I’m wearing this silly bow of my own free will, and I would be honored to be your Christmas present.” She was older than most of the women he’d shagged, yes. But she was also a veela. She remained one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen in his life, and would likely stay that way for many years to come. Harry wouldn’t be settling for anything, and even though he was doing this because Fleur had asked him to, this was going to make for a pretty nice Christmas present for him too.

She laughed. “Then I suppose it’s time for me to unwrap my present.”

Harry crawled out from underneath the tree, and she pulled his silly bow off of him. She got down on all fours on the floor and wrapped her hand around his cock. “I know I have already sucked you before, back when I was demonstrating for Gabrielle,” she said as she slowly stroked him. “But hopefully a second blowjob will be enough to entice you to use your mouth on me as well?”

“I would have used my mouth on you for absolutely nothing in return,” he assured her. “You sucking me too would just be an amazing bonus.”

“Then let us begin,” she said. “I hope you do not mind lying on the floor. We can move to the couch if you would be more comfortable.”

“The floor’s fine,” he told her. It was carpeted and actually pretty comfortable when he got down on his back, but he would have pressed his bare arse against a rock hard floor if it meant having sex with the matriarch of the Delacour family.

Apolline straddled his head and leaned her body down, and she quickly reminded Harry of her skill. The first time she’d done this he had seen for himself that Fleur’s oral talent actually ran in the family, and her mother showed him that same level of sucking now. She took him into her mouth and bobbed her head just as well as she did before, and Harry realized that if he didn’t get started quickly she was going to leave him in the dust. He couldn’t allow that; he was supposed to be the one taking care of her long unfulfilled sexual desires, and he wouldn’t be able to do that if he was too wrapped up in enjoying her mouth on his cock to return the favor.

He showed her what he was capable of, licking and rubbing at her pussy with skill and focus despite how hard her bobbing head tried to tempt him into losing focus. It was actually Apolline who faltered briefly when his tongue touched her clit. As if he hadn’t already been motivated enough to go down on her and make it memorable, feeling this confident woman’s practiced and skillful blowjob come to a pause even for a moment because he was doing such a good job made him want to work even harder. Apolline Delacour had always seemed so put together and in control, and he wanted to try and make her lose that control.

He licked and sucked at her clit while rubbing her pussy lips with his fingers, and Apolline’s hips wiggled and she rubbed her pussy against his face. She wasn’t to be outshone though, because even as Harry obviously pleased her with the first cunnilingus she’d enjoyed in many years, she more than kept up with her blowjob. If anything she seemed to show a renewed focus once he got really into licking her, because her head bobbed faster and she took more of him into her mouth and down her throat as she went along. She also got her hands involved, stroking the base of his cock and rubbing his balls on occasion to enhance the pleasure he was already receiving from her mouth.

It turned into a race to see who would make the other cum first, and in the end they both lost, or won depending on your perspective. Harry certainly didn’t feel like a loser when he felt Apolline Delacour’s throat bobbing while she swallowed his cum, or when her legs tightened around his head and she squirted all over his face. He doubted anyone could be having a better Christmas morning than he was at that moment.

And the morning was only going to get better from there, because when Apolline pulled her hips back and got up off of his face she promptly rolled over onto her back and spread her legs wide for him. “I have seen your youthful stamina for myself,” she said. “Now please, as soon as you are able, give it to me, Harry. Make love to me. Make up for all of the years I’ve spent alone.”

It was a solemn request, and Harry took it extremely seriously. As important as it had been to take care of the likes of Gabrielle, Susan and Daphne when he claimed their virginities, it was equally vital that he give Apolline something that would hopefully go at least part of the way towards making up for her years of solitude while she focused on her daughters and their happiness. It was her turn to enjoy herself now, and he was the one who Fleur had picked to make it happen.

He got into position between Apolline's legs, pressed his cock against her and slid forward, entering her and giving her what was apparently the first dick she'd had inside of her since her husband had decided he could not handle being married to a veela and left. Initially he had the thought of taking it slowly at first and giving her a bit of time to adjust to having sex again after a lengthy period without, but one look at her face told him that she would not approve of that. She'd waited for years, and it was abundantly clear that she didn't want to wait for another second. She was ready for him to move, and if he held back she would likely lose her patience with him very quickly. Harry moved away from his initial strategy and began to thrust into Apolline firmly mere moments after penetrating her.

"How does it feel, maman?" Fleur asked her. "Are you regretting going without for so long?" Her mother shook her head while moaning as Harry put his hands on her hips and pulled her sexy body into his thrusts.

"No," Apolline said, which seemed to surprise her eldest daughter. "I do not regret it. As you said, finding a man capable of pleasing a veela is not easy. Having unsatisfying sex with a man who would not be able to last more than a minute inside of me would have been worse than not having sex at all. But a man like Harry, a man who can not just last inside of me but can fuck like this?" She smiled up at Harry, took his hands in hers and pulled them up to rest on her breasts. He took the obvious invitation and squeezed them, and she moaned again. "A man like this is worth the wait."

With such a serious statement like that coming from a woman of Apolline's caliber, how else could harry respond but to give his all and try even harder to impress her? He continued to squeeze her breasts while pulling his hips back and thrusting into her with everything that he had. It worked, because she moaned and bit her lip as she enjoyed her Christmas present.

"But how about you, Harry?" the mature veela asked. "How does it feel for you?"

"Perfect," he said with complete sincerity. "Your body is perfect." And it was. It did not matter that she was more than two decades his senior, nor did it seem to matter that she'd given birth to two children. Her body was beautiful enough to make even the most stunning women half her age feel self-conscious, and she was tighter than the majority of the women he'd slept with.

He felt a very similar pull from her that he'd gotten used to with Fleur and experienced more of with Gabrielle. It seemed that no matter the age, a veela's body was designed to push a man to his limits and see what he was made of. With every thrust he made, he had to fight back the urge to pump every last drop of semen he had inside of her as her veela pussy squeezed him and did its best to break him. He could understand why they seemed so choosy and particular about their lovers, because if this was such a constant struggle (albeit the most exquisite kind of struggle possible) for him even with his experience with fucking veela, what hope could the average man have?

Harry felt blessed that Fleur had introduced him to the joys of fucking a veela, and that Gabrielle had trusted him with her precious first time (and her second, and tenth, and likely 20th by now.) Now he felt equally blessed that this sexy older veela was opening up and letting him in after so long. She was trusting him to take care of her and offering her body up to him to be enjoyed, and Harry would not rest until he had repaid her for all of that pleasure. He fought the battle against his own body, refusing to give in no matter how tightly her veela cunt squeezed him with every movement.

His determination was rewarded, because he eventually became the first man in many years privileged enough to witness Apolline's gorgeous face screw up in ecstasy. She did not lose all control of herself and scream out in French as she came like Gabrielle so often did. Her response was more reserved, but no less rewarding for Harry to see. He didn't need to hear her scream at the top of her lungs or grab onto him desperately as she came. Just seeing the pleasure in her eyes and seeing her mouth open in a soft moan was enough for him to know that his present had been very well received.

There was also no reason why she would need to make any noise in order for him to know she was cumming, because when she came her pussy tightened on him just like both of her daughters always did. Even if he'd had it in his mind to try and keep going, her body wouldn't have allowed him to do so. It demanded his seed, and it got it. Harry grunted and gave Apolline the gift of his cum pumping inside of her. It was a gift her daughters had enjoyed many times, and now she had joined them. She smiled up at him lazily, looking more relaxed than he'd ever seen her, and Harry knew she'd enjoyed receiving his gift as much as he'd enjoyed giving it to her.

"Did you like your gift, maman?" Fleur asked.

"I did indeed, flower," her mother said. "I will have to find some way to thank you for it." She scooted back and sat up off to the side, and Gabrielle quickly slid into her vacated spot and took one of Harry's balls into her mouth to suck on. Apolline laughed softly. "Perhaps we can discuss it in the kitchen over tea while your sister plays with the gift."

June 2021 poll question:

With the Yule Ball behind him, Christmas break has now arrived. How/where/with whom does Harry spend his break? (Winner:  Fleur and Gabrielle share Harry with their mother to reignite her sexual passion for the first time since their father left, 37%)


Eric Dettenrieder

Wonderful chapter! I also like how you referenced the other poll options!