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Fandom: My Hero Academia

Summary: Monoma’s mouth writes a check. Mina makes sure that four girls from Class B use THEIR mouths to pay it. (Izuku/Itsuka Kendo/Reiko Yanagi/Ibara Shiozaki/Yui Kodai)

Content Warnings/Themes: Aged-up characters, group blowjob, ball sucking, rimming, facials

Mina Ashido watched with glee as Deku dealt with Kendo’s plot easily. It had been a clever attempt, Mina would give the Class 3B rep that much, but Deku had grown tremendously. He refused to allow himself to be trapped in the pincer attack, and once their subterfuge had failed Class B fell quickly. While others from Class A had made their own contributions to this training exercise, there was no question that Izuku had been the standout.

She turned her head and smirked at Monoma. “Looks like your mouth got you in trouble,” she said. “And now your class is going to have to pay for it.”

Monoma snarled and shook his head at her, but the returning Kendo gave him a chop to the back of the neck before he could speak. “Don’t even try it, Monoma,” the Class B rep said, irritated with him. “You’re the one who got us into this, you pest. You kept being weird with Class A until Mina couldn’t take any more, and you accepted a bet on behalf of our class when she got in your face.” He muttered under his breath, but as usual he did not stand up to the girl Class B viewed at their ‘big sister.’

Kendo looked at Mina and shook her head. “Sorry about him,” she said with a sigh. “I would’ve shut him up before it got to this point, but I was busy working on the plan for the training exercise. For all the good that it did me.” The last was said with a bit of resignation.

“Don’t beat yourself up too much, about Monoma or the training,” Mina said, trying to placate the girl. Monoma had gotten on her nerves and lit her competitive spirit, but in general she got along just fine with Class B. “Monoma is always going to run his mouth; nothing you can do about that. And your plan was good. Deku is just a force of nature. None of us can stop him either when he’s on, as much as it drives Bakugo crazy.”

“Yeah, I guess I can’t get too upset about losing if it’s to him,” Kendo said with a sigh. Then she straightened her shoulders and nodded. “But since Midoriya was obviously the difference-maker, according to the bet you made with the idiot behind me, my class has to do something nice for him.”

Out of the corner of her eye Mina saw Deku approaching them, and she knew that if she left this up to him he would let Class B off the hook and not make them pay up on the bet. She wasn’t going to let that happen though, so before he could reach them she stated her specific terms to Kendo.

“I think a hero like that deserves a nice reward, don’t you?” Mina said. “He’s so strong and yet so humble, and he never asks anything from anyone. It’s time to give him a little something special, and a few of you girls from Class B are going to do it. I think a little oral appreciation will do it.”

More than one pair of female eyes turned towards them at that, and they looked rather interested by what Mina was hinting at. That wasn’t a surprise to her; Izuku had no shortage of interested girls, and since Uraraka still hadn’t worked up the courage to actually confess her obvious feelings to him, it was still open season.

“Oh yeah?” Even Kendo looked intrigued. “Any way I can make sure I’m one of those few?”

Mina laughed. “I think that can be arranged.”


True to her word, Kendo had been one of the four Class 3B girls that Mina had chosen to come back with them to the abandoned training area. Standing next to her were Reiko Yanagi, Ibara Shiozaki and Yui Kodai, but right now Mina’s attention was on Izuku and Izuku alone. Kendo and her fellow classmates watched as Mina whispered to Midoriya. She was talking him into this and assuring him that he was not taking advantage of the foursome and in fact they wanted to be here. It was the absolute truth. Kendo nearly pumped her fist in the air when Mina chose her, and none of the other three had looked upset about it either. Why would they be? They were in their sexual prime, none of them had boyfriends and Midoriya was fucking hot.

“So Mina said she’d leave it up to us how we actually did it, so long as we actually go through with it,” Yui said. “What’s the plan?”

All three of them turned towards Kendo, looking to her to lead them as usual. She accepted the responsibility of leading. “I think it’s best if we go one at a time,” she said. “All four of us trying to suck him at the same time would just have us getting in each other’s way.”

There were nods of agreement, and Kendo was just about to discuss what order they might go in when a masculine moan broke her concentration. She looked over and saw Mina palming Izuku through his pants, getting him ready to be serviced by them. He moaned while she continued to rub his dick through his clothes, and his hands rested at his sides. He’d seemed a little unsure about all of this at first, but obviously he’d gotten over it by now if he wasn’t stopping Mina. Kendo licked her lips, feeling her heart race. It would happen soon now. They were about to get a good look at Izuku Midoriya’s cock.

“Looks like he’s ready,” Mina said. “Wait until you get a look at this!

Kendo only had a moment to ponder the likelihood that Mina had seen Izuku’s cock before, but she could focus on nothing else as soon as Mina grabbed the waistband of the boy’s pants and yanked both them and his underwear down at once. Ibara gasped and brought her hands to her cheeks, and Reiko began muttering a string of words that Kendo couldn't make sense of. But it was the normally quiet Yui who put it best.

"Wow," she whispered, staring with what had to be awe at Izuku's cock despite her usual lack of expression.

Wow indeed. Kendo could only gawk at the obscene sight before her. She'd been expecting Midoriya to be on the bigger side, but this was ridiculous. He was massive, far longer and thicker than anything Kendo had ever seen. She didn't have much in the way of experience to compare him to; she'd only seen, touched, sucked and been fucked by one cock in her life. But Izuku not only towered over her only previous lover, he was bigger than anything she'd seen outside of clearly exaggerated hentai. He was so big that it was honestly intimidating for her to look at him. She was supposed to suck that?!

"He's got a real monster, doesn't he?" Mina asked, smirking at them as she held Izuku's hard cock in her hand and lightly stroked it.

"That's putting it mildly," Ibara said faintly, still trying to recover from her shock.

"What about you, 'big sister?" Mina asked, teasing Kendo with the title some of her classmates had bestowed on her. "What're you thinking right now?"

"I'm thinking that it's time for a new plan," she said, shaking her head as she discarded her initial thoughts on how they were going to go about this. "Going one by one would be foolish. This is going to go best if we work as a team and take him on together."

"Yes, that seems wise," Reiko said. "I don't think there's any risk of us getting in each others' way. There's more than enough there to be shared between the four of us."

"Interesting plan," Mina said. "How does that sound to you, Deku? Does a four-way blowjob from the girls I hand-picked from Class B sound like a proper reward for your amazing performance today?"

"It sounds amazing," he breathed, shaking his head in wonder as he looked between the four of them. "But seriously, you girls don't need to do this. I would never force you to do anything you didn't want to do. And it was Monoma who made the bet. You shouldn't have to do this just because he made Mina mad.

Mina's face soured and she shook her head, but Kendo spoke up before she could even protest. "What kind of class rep would I be if I failed to honor this agreement?" she said.

"She's right," Ibara said. "We have our reputation and pride as Class 3B to uphold, and it will not allow us to shirk out duties."

There were nods of agreement from the other two as well, and Kendo smiled. It was left unsaid that none of them were exactly upset about the way that Mina had chosen for them to uphold the bet. As daunting as Izuku's cock looked, Kendo was excited to try her best to please him and felt sure that her fellow classmates felt the same way. With the way Mina smirked at her, she had a feeling the Class A girl knew it too.

"Well get on with it then," Mina said, nodding at them. "Come over here and pay up."

Kendo and her classmates looked at each other, and she gave them a nod which they returned. "Let's do it, girls," she said. "Let's show Midoriya how good a team Class B makes!"

The others came over with her, but when they got down on their knees in front of him a bit of an awkward pause settled over them. It was as if none of them was quite sure how to even begin taking on such a massive cock, or how the four of them were all going to do it at once.

Kendo rolled her shoulders and licked her lips, taking it upon herself to lead the way and set an example for her classmates. She had plenty of choice in where to go, but settled on sticking her tongue out and licking up and down his shaft. She bathed him in her saliva, coating him, teasing him and getting him ready for what was to come once her classmates jumped in.


Yui wasn't the most talkative of people, nor was she overly expressive with her emotions. But that didn't mean she didn't feel them. Her eyes might not have gone wide when she stared at Izuku's cock and she might not have shouted out, but her heart still raced as she followed her class rep's lead and prepared to get involved. She wasn't a virgin; she'd sucked a boy off before. But this was beyond anything she'd ever even imagined. Could she really do this, even with the help of her class rep and two others?

As always, her feelings did not show on her face. She doubted that Izuku had any idea how impressed she was with the size of his cock. She would just have to hope that her performance could please him even if she couldn't properly express what was running through her head as she took the massive tip of his dick into her mouth and began to suck on it.

Her previous lover had said he found it creepy when she stared up at him with her emotionless face while she sucked him off, and asked her to close her eyes or not look at him while she did it. Instead she had simply never sucked his cock again, or done anything sexual with him at all for that matter. Thankfully, Izuku did not react in the same way. She knew he was seeing no more emotion on her face now, but he didn't ask her to close her eyes, nor did he look away. He met her eyes readily, and if her face was expressionless while she sucked his tip, his was anything but as she suckled him. He stared at her with his green eyes wide as he moaned, and the pleasure he felt was written all over his face. It made her suck the head of his cock that much harder. Seeing that wonderful pleasure on his face made her want more of it.

If she'd been alone she would've felt compelled to try and take more of him in, and it likely would have been a slow struggle. But with Kendo's lips and tongue taking care of his shaft, she stayed right where she was and put her all into licking, sucking and kissing his head. Maybe he couldn't tell how she was feeling by reading her face, but she felt certain that at least some of her happiness had to be getting through to him as she sucked.


Reiko knew that she had a tendency to get overly wordy on the occasions when she did decide to speak, and it often led to confusion amongst even her classmates who knew her better than most. But no words were really necessary now. She’d watched Kendo start off by licking his shaft and observed Yui claim the sensitive head. That only really left one viable option that Reiko could see, and she wasn’t going to let Ibara get it before she could.

She brushed her pale hair out of her eyes as she lowered her head and brought her mouth to Midoriya’s balls. This actually wasn’t something she’d ever done before in her admittedly limited experience of giving blowjobs, but she didn’t let that hold her back. She knew enough to know that a boy’s testicles were generally quite sensitive, and there was plenty of pleasure to be had from them if she did her job right.

This wasn’t something she’d planned or thought ahead about; she just followed her instincts and did her best to please him. Licking and kissing his balls seemed to excite him, so she kept slithering her tongue across his sack and pressing her lips against them in what were by far the most obscene smooches she had ever given in her life. Reiko had never really thought of herself as an overly sexual being, but listening to Midoriya groan and knowing that she was playing at least some part in it left her reevaluating that.

Then she took one of his balls into her mouth, wrapped her full lips around him and sucked, and the timing of his extended groan was too perfect for it to have been caused by anyone but her. Maybe the girl with the Poltergeist quirk was better at dealing with the living than even she had realized.


With Yui at the head, Itsuka at the shaft and Reiko down and working on the balls, Ibara did not see any room left for her to get involved. Perhaps that was for the best. She wouldn’t deny that her breath had quickened when Ashido had chosen her to take part in the repayment of Class B’s bet, but something like this was probably better left to those less pious than her.

“What’re you waiting for, Shiozaki?” Ashido asked her.

Ibara shook her head. “As you can see, there is no room left for me,” she said. “I do not wish to impose on my classmates, so I believe it’s best for me to—“

Her explanation cut off and ended in a shocked gasp as Ashido grabbed her by her vinelike green hair and began to tug. “Yeah, you’re right,” Mina said. “There’s no room for you on his cock. Well, you could probably take one of his balls and leave Yanagi to deal with the other, but I think we’ll all have more fun this way.” She dragged her around to Izuku’s back, and Ibara gasped as she put her hand on the back of her head and started to push her face forward.

“Surely you cannot expect me to put my mouth there?!” Ibara said.

“You bet your ass I do,” Mina said. “Well, I guess I should’ve said you bet Izuku’s ass.” She chuckled at her own joke. “Like you said, there’s no room for you on the other side. This is what you’re gonna do instead. You’re not going to sit there and do nothing. Little Miss Faith’s Shield is going to get dirty.”

Saying she was going to get dirty was an understatement. What Ashido was pushing her towards was positively sinful! Using her mouth on the penis of a man who she was not dating would have been morally ambiguous enough, but using it in his rear? She never would have dreamed of doing such a thing!

And yet, she could not deny the warmth that spread through her body as she allowed Ashido to push her face right up against Midoriya’s cheeks. She released her hair after that, and Ibara realized that she was ultimately leaving the choice up to her as to whether or not she was going to do what she had pushed her towards.

While knowing full well that she was going to question her own purity later, Ibara made her choice and began to lick. It was so beyond anything she had ever done or thought she would ever do, and yet pushing her tongue inside of Midoriya’s ass and listening to his shocked gasp that turned into a groan made it hard to care about her own purity at the moment.

Maybe turning away from the light and engaging in a bit of forbidden sin wouldn’t be so bad, just this once.


Izuku stood there in a daze as all four girls from Class B used their mouths on him in their own ways. He’d been lucky enough to enjoy quite a few blowjobs in his life, and great blowjobs at that. The girl standing next to him who had set all of this up had in fact been the first to ever get down on her knees for him, and though he didn’t keep count he would assume she’d sucked him more often than any other. Getting a blowjob in general was an amazing experience, but having four beautiful girls all using their mouths on him at the same time was more than Izuku knew what to do with. Part of him felt like this couldn’t possibly be real. Maybe Midnight had used her quirk and put him to sleep, and this was the sweet dream he'd settled into.

It certainly felt real though. Kendo had acted first, taking the lead as she so often did as the rep of Class B. Her tongue ran up and down his shaft, slathering him in her spit. He had no doubt that she could have excelled however she’d chosen to tackle him. She probably could have even taken care of him all by herself and it would have been amazing, but she’d stuck with the shaft and left plenty of room for her classmates to join her.

It made a wonderful complement to Kodai sucking on the head. Even if he couldn’t tell a thing about what she was thinking or how she was feeling by looking down at her and seeing her blank face staring back up at him, she was definitely sucking on the tip like there was nothing in the world she would rather be doing.

Yanagi was working just as hard on his balls, much to his intense pleasure. He’d had girls play with his balls before, but usually it was just a temporary thing being done in addition to whatever else they were doing, and it never lasted long. This was the first time he’d ever had a girl focus solely on slurping on his balls, and it felt even better than he might have thought it would.

Speaking of first times, no one, not even the very forward and kinky Mina, had ever licked his ass before now. He’d never expected anyone to, and even if he had, Shiozaki would have been just about the last person he’d have thought would do so. He’d thought she would shy away when Mina pushed her there, and in fact it had been on the tip of his tongue to tell her she didn’t need to worry about it when she’d started to lick. Any thought of encouraging her to back away had fallen by the wayside once he felt her tongue push inside of him. This wasn’t an act he’d put much thought into, but he knew he would forever remember the feeling of pure-hearted Ibara’s tongue wiggling around inside of his ass.

Any one of these acts of oral worship on their own would have been plenty to get Izuku off. Combining all four of them into one continuous all-out assault had him fighting against his orgasm faster than he had since Mina had given him his very first blowjob. He fought against the rising tide for as long as he could, wanting to keep this going despite knowing it was futile.

“Stop fighting it, Deku,” Mina said. She put her hands on his cheeks and smiled at him. “You did all the fighting you need to do today, and you were amazing. Accept your reward from Class B.” He tried to shake his head in denial, but her grip and her stare were both firm. “Cum, Deku. Claim your reward.”

He did. He gave up his battle and allowed the pleasure to take him. His first spurt of cum shot out into Yui’s mouth, and she jerked back quickly in surprise. This left his cock free to splatter the faces of all three of the girls kneeling in front of him with the remainder of his orgasm. By the end of it Yui was staring up at him blankly with his cum dripping down her forehead, and Reiko was covered with a thick line from one cheek to the other. Itsuka had taken the brunt of it though. Quite a bit of cum had landed in her long orange hair, and her nose, mouth and chin were painted white as well.

She didn’t seem too bothered by being covered in his cum though. The Class B rep smiled up at him from her knees, ignoring the cum that stuck to her lips. “What do you think?” she asked. “Have we upheld the honor of Class 3B?” She brushed some of her sticky hair away from her forehead.

Izuku could only nod, dazed, so Mina took over just as she’d taken over, shut Monoma up and made all of this happen for him. “Honor restored, class rep!” she said, giving her a thumbs up. “I think we solved the Monoma problem too. Next time that creep starts getting really annoying, I’m just going to picture your face covered in Deku’s cum. That’ll calm me right down for sure.”



Thanks for participating in the poll, everyone! For $5+ patrons, nominations open up on June 1st for the next chapter of Harry's Interactive 8th Year. For everyone else, I'll see you on June 8th when the poll opens for voting.

James Trammell

This was a great story. I’m glad it won the poll. I can’t wait for the next chapter for Harry’s Interactive 8th Year. Keep up the great work!