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Summary: Harry gives all four women he's considering for a potential marriage a chance to demonstrate their skills. (Harry/Daphne, Harry/Susan, Harry/Padma, Harry/Hermione)

Content Warnings/Themes: Anal sex, harem

"With the war over and Voldemort behind me, I can finally focus on my future," Harry Potter said, looking back and forth between the four women he'd invited into Potter Manor. "I can think about my career plans, and how I can use my influence and fame to enact positive changes in our government. But more important than any of that, of course, is starting my family. I'm the last of the Potters, but I don't plan on that being the case for long. I want a family; a big one. But before I can get started on that, I need to choose a wife. That's why the four of you are here."

He looked down the line, from his best friend Hermione Granger, who he'd first recognized as a girl during the Yule Ball and had been very aware of her as such ever since. He hadn't made any attempt to turn their friendship into something more out of respect for Ron, who he'd known fancied her. But that relationship had fizzled out very quickly after the war, and once it did she had been the obvious choice to represent Gryffindor.

Parvati Patil likely would've been his Gryffindor choice if Hermione had been unavailable or uninterested, but the Patil family was still represented. Padma was just as beautiful as her twin, but was less flirty and outgoing and more reserved and thoughtful. Just as with Hermione, he knew that any child he might have with Padma would have a mother who worked hard to instill the value of a good education. (But Padma was here as much for her body as for her brain, let's be honest. There was a reason Dean Thomas had called the Patils the prettiest girls in their year before the Yule Ball, and Harry doubted Dean would change his opinion on that now four years later.)

Susan Bones blushed prettily when she felt Harry's eyes on her, and gave a nervous smile. She was shy, but she embodied the Hufflepuff values of loyalty and honesty, and she was a very friendly person once you got her out of her shell. Harry could imagine a very healthy and happy marriage with her as his wife. She also had the biggest breasts of any witch Harry's age, which was another point in her favor when it came to her suitability as a wife.

Daphne Greengrass met his look with an unblinking stare, as if daring him to keep looking. Many boys were intimidated by the aloof Slytherin with the ice blue eyes, but none denied her beauty. They might be afraid to approach her, but they certainly could appreciate her from afar. Harry didn't want to remain at a distance though. He wanted to get closer to her, both because of her cool beauty and because he thought that as a mother she might be able to teach his children (especially his daughters) how to take care of themselves and deal with any unwanted attention. And since Daphne had responded to his invitation and was currently sitting on his couch, he knew that his attention was not unwanted. Just like the other three, she was interested in becoming his wife.

"All of you are attractive candidates," he said. "In the interest of fairness I wanted to consider one witch of my age from each of the four Hogwarts houses, and in my opinion you all represent the best that your respective house had to offer. But I need to be sure that you'd be compatible with me as my wife in every way possible; magical marriage is forever, after all, so there's no second chances. If I'm to marry any of you, I need to make sure we're both going to be happy."

"Get on with it and tell us what you're scheming, Potter," Daphne said. Her voice sounded bored, but her blue eyes betrayed her interest.

"It's simple," Harry said, looking between all four women and smiling. "We're going to have a sex competition. If any of you want to prove you can handle being my wife, you need to show me what you can do."


A pureblood witch from the Sacred Twenty-Eight such as herself could never give their virginity away without first having a betrothal contract not just agreed to but signed and filed with the Ministry. As such, there were certain things Daphne would not be able to do to convince Potter that she was the ideal choice for him to take as his wife. But that didn't mean she couldn't do anything.

She'd never sucked a cock before now; she'd never even touched one prior to today. She was still well-versed in what a witch was supposed to do with one though. Her parents had paid for lessons, and even though she'd never touched a boy herself, she'd spent long hours observing, learning and being trained on how to please one. No direct contact with an actual penis was permitted, but she'd watched, listened and practiced on the toys she'd been provided. It was important that a proper witch come to her marriage bed knowing how to satisfy their husband, lest they disappoint him and dishonor her their maiden family.

Harry Potter wasn't her husband, not yet, but Daphne showed some of that knowledge to him now in an effort to persuade him that he should be. It took very little time for her to prove that her parents' gold had been well spent and the instruction had been top notch. This may have been her first time sucking a cock, but she was no fumbling amateur. She kept all of her lessons in mind and sucked him with plenty of skill. She remembered how responsive her male tutor had been when the female flicked her tongue along the tip of his penis at the start, so Daphne spent plenty of time doing that. She licked the crown of his cock, then pressed her lips against it with slow kisses, staring up at him while she did it.

Eye contact was another critical element of a successful blowjob, and Daphne knew that it would mean even more coming from her in particular. It was a simple statement of fact that she had a pretty face, and she'd heard more than one boy whisper about how striking her blue eyes were when they weren't glaring a hole through them. But her eyes did not glare at Harry, and she did not look down on him as she had any of the boys who had tried to get close to her during her Hogwarts years, or in the months since she'd left the school. He was the first man to ever be able to see Daphne on her knees, her lips spread wide around his cock as she took him inside and bobbed her head down on him. Her eyes did not look down on him as if he was dirt beneath her shoe, but instead looked up at him from her knees as she serviced him. It was a view all other boys had only been able to dream about, but for Harry Potter dreams had become reality.

This wasn't just about eye contact or a feeling of power though. The physical pleasure was at the crux of it all, and Daphne did not falter there. She kept her lips tightly sealed around his cock just as she'd been taught, and bobbed her head on him with all of the skill and assurance as befit someone of her breeding and education. She did not forget to grip him by the base and stroke him in her smooth hand as she sucked, but she made sure to move her hand out of the way so it did not impede her progress when she went deeper down on his cock.

There was nothing Daphne was not prepared for, and that included deepthroating. Training her throat for this and ridding herself of her gag reflex had taken some work, but that work paid off now as she was able to take even Harry Potter's cock all the way down her throat and hold him there without issue. He was at least as long as the most well-endowed of the male tutors she'd seen, and notably thicker, but Daphne was still up for the challenge. She held Potter's dick down her throat and hummed, using the vibrations to elevate his pleasure even higher. He was close now; he had to be.

Sure enough, it didn't take much of that before Potter was groaning and shooting his seed down her throat. It took some poise for her to take it down without coughing or spilling any, but she managed it anyway. It would not do for her to make a mess of herself, or prove to be inadequate in any way. She was here to show Potter that there was no better choice than her, whether it be her bloodlines, her bearing, her connections or her skill in the bedroom, and so she made sure that she took every drop of his semen straight down her throat.

Her hands twitched when he grabbed onto her long blonde hair and tugged rather roughly, holding her head down on him. But she endured that too. She would have lashed out harshly at any other man who'd dared to touch her or yank her hair like this, but it was okay for this particular man to do so. He was her husband, or at least he would be once they got the formalities out of the way and he discovered that none of the others were any match for her.

She pulled her head back after he'd let go of her hair, and stared up at him expectantly. "Are we going to continue this farce, or are you going to name me as your wife now and help these other witches avoid wasting any more of their time?" Granger harrumphed at that, Patil shook her head and rolled her eyes, and even the normally meek Bones looked annoyed. Daphne didn't care. She wasn't here to make friends; she was here to win, and to secure her future.

"You've made a pretty strong case," Potter admitted with a smile. "But I think the others at least deserve a chance."


When Susan had received Harry's letter about a possible marriage, her heart had thudded inside of her chest. And why wouldn't it? Marriage? With Harry Potter? It had been every little girl's dream, and being around him for seven years at Hogwarts (well, six really, since he'd been kind of busy saving the world during the last one) had only made the dream sweeter for Susan. She hadn't been able to spend as much time around the Gryffindor boy as she would've liked, but the attraction only grew when she saw how humble and earnest he was.

Of course she'd written back to accept the invitation! And nothing about this meeting had gone the way it had in her dreams, but that didn't mean she was going to give up on it. It was intimidating knowing that three girls as capable as Daphne, Padma and Hermione were also in the running, and that was before she'd watched Daphne do such an incredible job of sucking Harry off. Susan had her work cut out for her if she wanted to be a serious contender.

Luckily for her, she had a secret weapon. She wasn't the bragging type, but she knew that not one of these girls could match her when it came to bust size. Truthfully her massive breasts were an annoyance a lot of the time, as they led to some back pain and often got in the way when she was trying to just go about her day and do normal things. But one thing they were useful at was drawing attention from horny boys. Generally that wasn't exactly something she was excited about, but she was happy to make the most of it now since it was Harry whose eyes were glued to her chest as she pulled her brand new shirt off and unsnapped her bra.

Susan frequently went back and forth on whether her big breasts were a blessing or a curse, but she was thanking Merlin for the size of her tits once she pushed her breasts together around Harry's cock and watched his utter fascination with what she was doing. This wasn't the first time she'd given a guy a titjob, but the previous attempts had been awkward to say the least. There was nothing awkward about this though, and Susan felt powerful and sexy as hell as she put her hands on her tits to push them together and slid them up and down Harry's cock.

As poorly as this had gone in the past, Harry's groans as she pleased him with her breasts spoke to him having a much better time of it. Maybe the first couple of failed attempts at this had allowed her to get over her initial hesitation and learn what not to do. But Susan suspected that a very big part of her improved performance was because it was Harry's cock between her breasts. This was the boy she'd had a crush on since before she even knew what a crush was. This was the boy she'd imagined saving her from the bad wizard in the castle when she'd been a preteen, and the boy she'd crossed her fingers and wished would notice her and ask her to be his date for the Yule Ball.

That hadn't happened; she hadn't gone with him to the Yule Ball, and until recently she'd believed she would never have a chance to actually get close enough to him to even be considered for this. But now she was here. She was in the running to be Harry's wife, for real, and his mouth gasped and moaned in pleasure as she used her breasts on him. When you really thought about it, it was no surprise that Susan was able to give him an incredible titfuck. What girl wouldn't be motivated to do their best when their crush was enjoying themselves so much?

She turned her head and saw Daphne reluctantly watching on, and Hermione and Padma observing with more open interest. By the way the other two looked down at their own bodies, she could picture them considering what they might be able to do to make their own positive showing when it was their turn to go. But one thing Susan knew was that none of them would be able to replicate this. No other girl in this room had breasts as big as hers, and no other girl would be able to make Harry moan quite like this with his cock between her cleavage.

Susan kept going, excited to bring Harry even more pleasure. She listened to his moans get louder, and she watched the excitement on his handsome face as he enjoyed being between her boobs. Seeing how good she could make him feel filled her with pride, and it made all the years of leering and lewd comments from other boys worth it. Who cared whether other boys stared at her cleavage, or jealous girls accused her of 'flaunting' her chest? Harry enjoyed the feeling of her sliding her boobs up, down and around his cock, so she would be proud of them, and she would use them to her advantage. If she did it well enough, maybe she'd even be doing it for years to come as his wife. Susan Potter had a pretty nice ring to it!

Another thing that had a pleasant sound for her was Harry grunting as he came. Most of his cum wound up covering her breasts and cleavage but a bit of it shot up higher and got her more around the chest and neck. Susan wiped at her sticky upper body and giggled. Normally she didn't like the feeling of cum on her skin, but for some reason it was different when it was Harry's.

"Did you enjoy that, Harry?" she asked, smiling up at him, blushing but pleased. "Did you like me using my boobs on you?"

"I more than liked it," he said, nodding and returning her smile. "I'm sure every boy in Hogwarts thought about what that would be like with you. I know I did, But it was somehow even better than I'd thought it would be."

Susan's smile widened at his praise. She'd known he'd enjoyed it; her sticky breasts were proof enough of that. But hearing him say it still did wonders to improve her confidence and make her feel good about her body and her sexual talent.

"If we get married, I could do that for you all the time," she pointed out. "That'd be pretty fun."

"It definitely would be," Harry agreed. He wandlessly and nonverbally summoned a towel and tossed it to her to wipe herself off with, but she was more impressed with his casual display of high-level magic power than she was with his consideration. "But there are still two other fine witches who deserve a chance to prove themselves before anything becomes finalized."


Padma Patil was not as sexually adventurous as her twin sister. Parvati was the one who'd not only had numerous sexual partners, but had allegedly taken on three in a single night. Padma hadn't even had three lovers in her life. She was pickier about her choice of partner, and willing to go without companionship for a time while she waited for a wizard who truly was worthy.

Harry Potter fit the bill in every way she could think of. He was handsome, he was kind, he was brave and heroic, he was magically powerful, he had money and power and showed great intelligence when he set his mind to it. And as had already been demonstrated during Daphne's and Susan's performances, he was blessed with other physical endowments. There was plenty of stamina to go along with it too since he was already getting hard again as she bared her lithe body to him, and was fully hard and poking against her arse after only a couple of minutes of her grinding on top of him. In short, he was everything Padma could ask for in a partner.

While Padma wouldn't have done this with just anyone, she had no problem whatsoever with a commitment-free shag with Harry Potter. If he decided to choose her as his wife, that would be wonderful. She would have an ideal partner, and they could do this as often as they liked. But even if he didn't, she would never regret taking a ride on his broomstick. She happily sat down on his cock and began to grind, showing him that she was capable of showing any wizard lucky enough to catch her fancy a wonderful time.

He was definitely enjoying it too. His eyes drank her body in as she writhed on top of him, and his hands explored that body. He held her by her slim hips, squeezed her arse, stroked her flat belly and played with her perky breasts, and Padma could see that he was enthralled by all of it.

"Bloody hell, you're gorgeous," he groaned. Padma smirked at him and gave her hips a little wiggle. "And you feel fucking incredible too."

"Most boys went after Parvati when we were in school," she commented while picking her hips up and slowly sinking back down onto him. "She had the reputation of being more readily available--and deservedly so. But I'm just as good a fuck as she is. I just take more care in only choosing partners who I'm sure are worth my time and attention."

"And I pass the test, I take it?" Harry teased. Padma chuckled while rolling her eyes and also rolling her hips and dragging her pussy lips along the tip of his cock.

"I think you know the answer to that," she said. As if he hadn't known the answer to that when she came here to meet with him instead of owling back to politely decline his invitation, or if she hadn't confirmed it by mounting him and riding his cock. "The real question is whether or not I pass your test."

"You're off to a brilliant start, I'll say that much," he said.

"Oh, I'm so glad you think so," she said, smiling. She rocked back and forth on him while pressing his cock up, dragging her pussy lips along the underside. "But we're only just beginning. I'm going to earn an Outstanding, even if it takes me all night to do it."

She meant it, and in fact she would consider it a positive if it turned out that way. Many women viewed making a man cum as quickly as possible as a sign of a good performance on their part, but Padma took a completely different view. She wanted things to stretch on for as long as they possibly could; she wanted to make love for hours and have her lover enjoy every second of it. She wanted them to feel the exquisite pleasure offered by her body for as long as they could, and to allow them release only when the time was right.

Padma operated with that same philosophy now in Harry's sitting room. If he wanted a quick suck or a few minutes between a massive pair of breasts, she wasn't the witch for him. But if he could appreciate the art of a long, slow, satisfying and sensual ride from a woman who knew how to make the most of every muscle in her body, he could find no better woman to make his wife than her. She watched his face closely as she continued her gradual, unhurried gyrations, and she could see that he was appreciating it all. He never once tried to pull her down, hurry her along or order her to ride him faster. He just sat back in his chair, let her do her thing and enjoyed the ride.

She did not know how long she rode him; she wasn't watching any clock. She could see Hermione fidgeting as she waited her turn, but Padma did not allow herself to be rushed. She continued to ride him at her own pace, and whether it lasted for thirty minutes, an hour or several hours, the end would come only at the appropriate and natural time.

Padma felt the pleasure start from low in her belly and begin to spread, overtaking her body with that delicious slow thrum that was always the ideal payoff for all this work. She gasped and moaned atop Harry as it took her fully, and her body shook. She made sure to tighten her pelvic muscles and squeeze her pussy around Harry's cock, knowing that she'd brought him right to the edge with her and ensuring that he would join her in this blissful feeling.

"Holy fucking hell," Harry groaned as his hips jerked and his cock twitched inside of her. He gave Padma's hips a little squeeze, and she smiled at him while he pumped plenty of cum inside of her. With the rate he was going she didn't know if he'd have anything left for Hermione, but that wasn't her concern. She was here to make her impression and show how fun a night with her could be, and she'd done that.


"You're serious about this?" Harry asked. He couldn't see her face, but Hermione pursed her lips and nodded firmly.

"Do it, Harry," she said. Then her breath caught in her throat as he pushed forward and the head of his penis (of any penis, for that matter) entered her arse for the first time.

She'd never had any complaints about her oral skills, but she doubted she'd be able to suck his cock as well as Daphne had. Her breasts were bigger than average and the second biggest in this room, but she still couldn't measure up to Susan. And she had no hope of moving her body as sensually as Padma had. That left just one option for her. She would go where none of the others had dared, and let him do what no other wizard had ever done before. It felt fitting that she should give her anal virginity to the man she trusted above all others.

Harry seemed to appreciate the gift he was being given, and also understood that he needed to give her time to adjust to this. He moved his hips slowly, easing his cock inside of her arse and being careful not to push too deep or move faster than she was ready for. Even though she'd cast the cleaning and lubrication spell to prepare herself for this, she still smiled fondly at the care he was showing her. So many other wizards would have been unable to control themselves in this situation, but Harry was no normal wizard. That was why she wanted to be his wife, and why she'd trusted him to be the first inside of her arse.

But after a few minutes of this careful back and forth, she was ready for more. "You can move faster, Harry," she said, nodding her head to encourage him.

Harry took her up on her invitation. He put his hands on her hips and began to move harder, gradually building up speed as he buggered her. She could tell that he was still somewhat cautious about doing more than she was prepared for, but he needn't have worried. This was Hermione's first anal experience, but she quickly found it to be not only more tolerable but more enjoyable than she'd been expecting it to be. She moaned quietly, which encouraged him to keep pushing things a little bit harder ash he went along. And no matter what he did, no matter how hard he buggered her, Hermione did more than just accept it. She liked it.

Even when Harry's cock fucked her quickly enough for his hips to smack against her bum from behind, her only response was to moan. Hermione, well-read and inquisitive as she was, had always been interested to try anal sex out, but she'd never expected it to feel so good.

"Listen to her moan with his cock in her arse," Daphne said. "That's no proper way for a witch to behave."

Padma said something in Hermione's defense. At least Hermione was pretty sure it was in her defense. She couldn't be positive though, because it was hard to focus on anything else while she had her best friend slamming into her, buggering her hard and showing her how good anal sex could feel with the right person. Hermione didn't let Daphne's words get to her, and she didn't try to run or hide from what she was feeling. If she was enjoying it, that could only be a good thing. It could only mean that she'd chosen wisely in doing this with him, and chosen wisely in accepting his invitation.

This was where she belonged, and who she belonged with. As she felt the pleasure of Harry's cock pounding her arse, she was even more sure that this was how they were meant to be. Harry had been her best friend since she was twelve years old, and the person she trusted most in the entire world. She was ready for him to be even more than that. She was ready for him to be her husband, to start a family with him, and learn even more about the joys of sex with him. Now she just had to hope that he saw things the same way she did.

"Fuck, Hermione," Harry whispered as he slammed into her arse from behind. "Your arse is so good. You have no idea how many times I stared at your arse when you walked in front of me."

"Oh?" That was interesting. "You watched my bum?"

"I did," he said. "One time in the tent I accidentally saw you bending over in just your knickers. I jerked off while reliving it in my head for weeks. I wanted to pull those knickers down and feel your arse so bad."

"Feel it now," she said. "Feel it. Enjoy it. It's yours. All of me is yours, Harry. Forever."

And that's what this was all about. It was about forever. The two of them shared a connection that the other three witches just could not match with him no matter what sexual skills they might have. They were meant to be together; Harry was meant to love her, be with her, and even bugger her for the rest of her days.

All restraint was long forgotten for Harry, but Hermione needed no restraint or care from him. She needed him to do exactly what he was doing, which was slamming his perfect cock as deep into her arse as he could. She needed to hear him groan like a beast, reach around her body and squeeze her breasts as he came inside of her bum. And she needed to feel the sudden pleasure that ripped through her body as it all happened. She needed this, exactly this, for the rest of her life.

She stayed on her belly for a bit after Harry had pulled out of her, and when she finally summoned the energy to sit up and turn around she saw the other three witches all staring at Harry expectantly.

"Let's hear it," Daphne said. "Who are you picking?"

"Let's not be hasty," Harry said. He held his hand out, and a vial of something flew into his hand. "We're not done just yet." He swallowed the contents of the vial, which to Hermione seemed to have a strong resemblance to a pepper-up potion. His dick, which should have been beyond exhausted after four successive orgasms, sprang back to life instantly. "Let's see how much more you girls can handle."


Several Hours Later

Harry cleared his throat and waited for all four witches to look up at him. Daphne had to wipe some cum away from her eyes, Susan rolled over gingerly on her sore arse, and Hermione and Padma literally were helping each other stand, but all four of them eventually looked his way.

"All four of you have proven yourselves worthy of being my wives," he said. "Making a decision would be impossible. And happily, no decision will be necessary. You see, I'm the head of not just House Potter, but also House Black through the will of my godfather, and two other houses through bloodlines. I'll be needing wives for all four of them; wives who will give birth to the children who will inherit the wealth, properties and Wizengamot seats of those families."

There were varying degrees of shock on the faces of the women, but they were too tired to put up even a token argument. That was good, because Harry still had more to reveal.

"I also am expected to take consorts for each house," he said. "If you're willing, I could use your help in finding suitable witches to consider."

Hermione shrugged, and he was pretty sure he heard Padma mumble Parvati's name. Susan seemed to be lost in thought as she considered possible options.

It was Daphne who spoke up. "Perhaps that's a discussion that can be saved for tomorrow," she said quietly. "I believe my body is about to give me no choice but to sleep." There were nods from the other three girls at that. For the first time all day, they were all in total agreement on something.

Harry chuckled. "That's fine. Tomorrow then. You've earned your rest, my beautiful brides to be."


James Trammell

This was great! I’m so happy my choice actually won! Keep up the great work.