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Fandom: DC

Summary: A more ruthless Superman lays down the law with the unruly Gotham Sirens. (Superman/Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy/Catwoman)

Content Warnings/Themes: Rough sex, deepthroating, creampie, breeding, branding

“You seem to think that I’m going to be pushed around,” Superman said as he slowly walked in front of the trio of women tied up in front of him. “You are mistaken.”

With Batman missing in action, it had fallen to Superman to watch over Gotham City in his absence while his cousin Kara filled in for him in Metropolis, which frankly had seen its level of crime drop drastically in recent months ever since he had adopted some more brutal methods of fighting crime. He didn’t know why it had taken him so long to realize how much more effective a deterrent he would be if he stopped playing nice with those who thought to oppose him.

That this change in philosophy had come after a research session gone wrong with a new color of Kryptonite did not matter to him. Maybe it would have if the changes it had wrought ever loosened enough for his original thought processes to return even temporarily, but in his current frame of mind Superman saw his new and more ruthless nature as the logical course to keep law and order in Metropolis, and now Gotham City as well. The Daily Planet had written a few articles criticizing him at the outset, sure, but the villains of Metropolis knew to respect and even fear him now.

Apparently word of his change in attitude had not made it all the way to Gotham City yet, or else the three women known as the Gotham City Sirens simply didn’t buy it. They had been getting in his way from the moment he arrived in town, and even now that all three were defeated and bound in front of him, they were making no secret of their lack of fear for him.

“Ah, c’mon, Supes!” Harley Quinn cackled. “No one’s buyin’ this act! You’re too goody goody to pull it off! Even Bats has too much of a moral code to do it, and he’s way less boring than you!”

He’d been debating who he should start, but Harley Quinn had just made his decision much easier. “It seems like you’re volunteering to go first,” he said. He pulled her up onto her knees and loomed above her, but even now she just stared up at him and laughed.

“Ooh, nice try!” she said. “But you’ll hafta work a lot harder to scare me, Supes!”

“She’s right,” Catwoman said. “You’re strong, undeniably. But you’re too nice to do anything bad.

“Yup!” Harley Quinn agreed, nodding up at him. “So you might as well just send us off ta jail now. We’ll wait for a bit, break out like always, and then we can do the whole thing again!”

“That won’t be happening,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m going to teach you three to respect me.”

“Oh yeah? And how are you going to…do…th-that?

The reason that Harley Quinn had trailed off in mid-sentence and sudden became a lot less certain of what came next was that Superman had undone the belt of his hero costume, and then pulled the pants down around his ankles. This would have been a brazen enough act to shock her on its own, especially from someone like him. But the real source of her wide-eyed stare was that his cock was out. More specifically…

“That’s massive,” Poison Ivy whispered, sounding reluctantly impressed. Catwoman made a murmur of agreement.

Harley didn’t seem nearly as confident about where all of this was heading now. She stared at him in slack-jawed amazement, at a loss for words for what had to be the first time ever. He brushed the head of his cock across her lips, then smacked her across the cheek with it. She gasped, and he took that opportunity to slide it into her open mouth.

The last thing Harley Quinn had ever expected him to do was fuck her face, but that was exactly what the new Superman did. The old Superman would have done as she said and sent her off in handcuffs. She would have broken out eventually, and it would have been up to him to track her down again unless Batman happened to come back to Gothambefore then. But the new Superman wasn’t going to rely on the police to reform these villains. He was going to do it himself, and do it by making her choke on his cock.

His hands held her by the head, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make sure that she could go nowhere. He’d undone her bindings, but his hands were firm and didn’t allow her any quarter or reprieve as he drove his hips forward repeatedly and made her gag around him. In the past he’d been gentle any time a woman had his cock between her lips, knowing that he could very easily overwhelm them with his size and strength. But Harley was subjected to it all. His cock made its way down her throat again and again, making her gag every single time. She might actually be very good at sucking cock for all he knew, but he doubted any woman would have any choice but to gag when their throat took this much cock down so deep and at this kind of pace. None that he’d ever facefucked, at the very least.

He could hear Catwoman and Poison Ivy making shocked noises as they sat nearby and watched the spectacle, but he didn’t pay them any attention at the moment. Their turns would come, but right now he was putting his focus on teaching the rebellious Harley Quinn to respect him. And he could think of no better way to do that than by facefucking her so hard that his balls smacked against her chin and her clown makeup was smeared by her own saliva.

While he could have kept doing this indefinitely if he really felt like it, he wanted to move on to the others quickly. That was why he did not fight against his orgasm when it came and instead he simply embraced it. He stopped fucking her face, but only so he could pull his cock out of her mouth and cum all over her face. Having her swallow or attempt to swallow it all would have been a perfectly fitting method of earning her respect in its own right, but he decided it would be more appropriate to give her a facial instead. He blasted her with a massive quantity of semen, covering her face from forehead to chin by the time he was finally done. His cum joined in with her spit and ruined her garish makeup even more. Now she’d gone from looking like some deranged jester to a prostitute playing dress-up, and it was a very appropriate look for her.

“I’ll deal with you more later,” he said while using her hair to clean off his cock. “But now it’s Ivy’s turn.”

The redhead’s eyes were as wide as saucers as he approached her. She’d just watched her frequent partner get used, and now he walked towards her, cock already returning to hardness. She knew what was coming, and she looked like she couldn’t make up her mind as to whether she feared it or anticipated it.

He ripped her green dress off of her body as easily as if it had been made of paper and scattered the remnants of it on the floor. She muttered about littering, but he paid no attention to that. Someone else could clean that up, and besides, he wasn’t here to discuss the finer points of environmental conversation with this eco terrorist. He was here to put her in her place and teach her to respect him.

He picked her up in his arms and tossed her down on top of the table in front of them, and Ivy grunted out as her body hit the wood. Then she grunted for a very different reason as he put a hand on her hip and used the other to guide his cock into position before thrusting forward. His entry was anything but gentle; he slid over halfway inside of her on that initial push.

Fuck, that’s big!” she hissed. But that initial push was only the beginning; it was merely a sign of things to come. Once he was inside of her he put both hands on her hips and focused fully on fucking her, and she gasped and cried out at the brutal tempo that he set. His hips slammed forward and smacked against her ass and thighs with enough force to jostle her body and bump her elbows against the table painfully, not that he cared. Her comfort was the last thing on her mind, and in fact it might be better if she wasn’t comfortable. Just in case, he pulled one of his hands off of her hip and gave her the occasional smack across the ass in between thrusts. They didn’t land all that often, but every single blow was delivered with enough force to make her groan, and by the time he’d had his fill of spanking her it was obvious that his handprints would remain on her otherwise pale skin long after he’d finished with her.

Just because the spanking stopped didn’t mean that things became any easier for Ivy. His thrusts continued, every bit as hard and deep as they had been at the start of this, and he wasn’t going to stop until he’d finished proving his point to her. He kept hammering her for several long, trying minutes. Trying for her, at least; but for him, this was all in a day’s work. If he needed to rough some people up to enforce the law around here, he would do it. And if he needed to fuck some respect into a villainess, he would do that too. He might not have done it before, but the new Superman knew how to make the most of his awe-inspiring strength.

He used that strength to give Poison Ivy the hardest fuck of her entire life, and in the process deliver a message that she would never forget. Until tonight she'd believed that Superman was too honorable to get his hands dirty and give a villain like her what she deserved, but now he was showing her how wrong she'd been. He showed her with every spank and every thrust that rocked her body on top of the table, and she acknowledged it with every grunt and gasp she let out throughout the rough pounding he gave her.

When he felt the pressure beginning to build in his balls again, he welcomed it just as he had the first time. It wasn't like he didn't have near limitless stamina anyway. He would be getting hard again plenty of times throughout the night, and he would fuck all three of these as many times as was necessary until he'd driven his point home beyond dispute. For now, he would treat this redheaded terrorist to her first load of many.

He squeezed Poison Ivy's hips hard enough to make her groan in something that wasn't only the overwhelmed pleasure she'd been feeling for the last several minutes, and then his cock pulsed inside of her. She gasped when she felt it, as he hadn't exactly given a clear signal that it was coming, but what was she going to do except take it all? He remained deep inside of her, pumping her full with just as much cum as he'd shot onto Harley's face minutes earlier.

"I'll be back for this later," he said, giving her ass one more slap as he pulled his cock out of her. She just groaned feebly with the side of her head pressed against the table, and his cum dribbled out of her pussy to make a mess of the wood beneath her. Cleaning it up was going to be someone else's problem though, because Superman had bigger concerns.

"Now it's down to you, kitten," he said, staring at Catwoman. The burglar had made her name in large part with her acrobatic feats and nimble escapes that had been so vital to her success in her field, but she didn't move a muscle or show the slightest sign of trying to escape him now. That was good for her. He would have just tracked her down wherever she went anyway.

"I'm glad you seem to be accepting things," he said, nodding as she unzipped and pulled off her cat suit herself. "I won't say I'll be easy on you. But it'll be easier, at least."

Surprisingly, she chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, I don't mind it a little rough," she said. "Neither do those two. They probably would have resisted if they did, as pointless as that would have been."

He didn't respond to what she was saying, as he wasn't concerned with Ivy's or Harley's enjoyment. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it. He wrapped his powerful arms around Catwoman's slim body and lifted her up off of the ground as easily as a normal man would have picked up a piece of flimsy cardboard.

Catwoman gasped, and she smiled at him as she felt the head of his cock press against the outer lips of her pussy. "Gotta say, I didn't think you had it in you," she said. "I was sure the reports out of Metropolis were exaggerated. But I guess you're the real deal, huh? You've finally figured out how to use all that strength as a weapon instead of a shield, and it's--oh!"

Superman wasn't interested in listening to her sing his praises or express her admiration for his newfound attitude, which was why he'd unceremoniously shoved his cock inside of her and interrupted her. He kept his strong arms around her body and held her by the ass, bouncing her aggressively on his cock. Her entire body shook and was thrown around by the turbulent ride he was taking her on, but this was never destined to be a smooth ride. It was intended to be a bumpy one, for all three of them. That was the only way the Gotham Sirens would be sure not to forget that things were different now that he was here in Gotham, and for as long as he remained, they would show him the respect he was entitled to.

He drilled that respect deeper into Catwoman's brain with each bumpy bounce she took on his mighty cock. Her lithe body was no match for his; he treated her like his own personal ragdoll, fucking her as roughly as he desired and watching as her limbs flailed and her firm breasts bounced and shook along with her.

"Holy fuck!" she gasped as he continued to abuse her. She'd seen what he'd done to Harley and Ivy, and had even seemed more than a little aroused by it, but seeing was one thing and experiencing it for yourself was another. The burglar tried her best to hang onto him with her arms for some semblance of balance, but it was impossible for her to maintain her grip with how wildly he was fucking her. He was a bucking bronco, and the only reason she hadn't fallen to the ground was that his arms wouldn't allow her to do so. The cat was in his clutches, and she would not be free of them until he decided she'd had enough, at least for the time being.

She let out a high-pitched scream that sounded to him suspiciously like a meow, and her pussy muscled squeezed him tight as his rough pounding drove her to an orgasm. Most men would have considered it a highlight of their lives to hear Catwoman scream so loudly and writhe in their arms as they fucked her to a massive climax, but Superman watched her explosion impassively. Her pleasure was of no concern to him; he only cared about sending his message.

In this case the message came a few minutes later, after her screams of pleasure had died down and turned into more of a mewling whimper. He stared directly into her eyes as he squeezed her ass, held her down fully impaled on his cock and came inside of her. Her eyes widened and she gasped as she met his look.

"Yes!" she whimpered. "Yes! Breed me!"

For the first time all night, Superman was at least mildly surprised. He hadn't been expecting that sort of plea from her. But if that was her fetish, so be it. There would be plenty more cum for her tonight, in all three of her holes and all over her body, just as there would be for Ivy and Harley.

He pulled her off of his cock once he was done, and was already turning away as she fell to her knees on the floor. He was finished with her for now, and was returning to deal with Harley once again.

All three of them had been through their first rotation, but that wouldn't be nearly enough to make his mark and leave it there for good. There was still plenty left to do tonight, and he got started on it by ripping Harley Quinn's clothes clean off of her body, picking up and pinning her against the wall.

He slammed his cock inside of her with one almighty thrust, and she shrieked in surprise and also undeniable pleasure.


Superman examined the scene critically, nodding to himself. This would do.

All three of the Gotham Sirens were passed out in various corners of the room, covered in his cum and with it dripping out of them. That wasn't even the most visible way in which he'd left his mark on them though. He had also marked all three of the Sirens in a far more literal, and permanent, fashion.

Each one of them had been branded. Their asses were now emblazoned with the signature 'S', and it would forever serve as a reminder as to what would happen to any of them if they ran afoul of him again. Not that he expected that to be a problem. He doubted any of them would do anything that might hurt their standing in his eyes again, not after what he'd shown them tonight.

They'd seen the new Superman, and they now knew the same thing the villains of Metropolis had already learned. The new Superman was not to be fucked with.


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