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Where we left off: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47553761

“We are nearing the end of the fall term, and many of you will be leaving the castle for the holidays,” Headmistress McGonagall said, her voice cutting through all chatter in this early December morning. “But before you leave, you will have an opportunity to relax amongst your friends. As you may be aware, December 18th will be the final day of classes. While you may leave as soon as your classes end if you wish, I hope many of you will stay through the evening to join us for the return of the Yule Ball.”

There were excited whispers from the students at that, mainly the girls. Some of the boys looked less excited, but unlike four years earlier Harry did not share in their nervousness. He was a different person now, a more confident person, and he’d gotten far more comfortable with girls. Spending the evening dancing with a beautiful witch in his arms didn’t sound so bad to him, and he caught more than one set of female eyes glancing in his direction after McGonagall’s announcement. He did not expect to have to scramble for a date this time around.

“I encourage you not to wait too long to ask your preferred partner,” McGonagall continued. “Act quickly.” She seemed to look at Harry briefly. “And if you have trouble narrowing your choices down or making the right one, perhaps the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend would be a good chance to spend some time with a member of the opposite sex outside of class and see if they’re someone you might have a pleasant evening with.”


"Thanks for asking me to Hogsmeade, Harry."

"Thanks for saying yes," Harry said, smiling at his date from across the table for two at the Three Broomsticks. "We haven't spent much time together this term. I'm surprised another wizard didn't snap you up."

"I had some offers," Susan Bones said with a giggle. "But I have high standards, thanks to you. After the time we have spent together, I'm not going to settle for just anyone."

"Well I'm glad you're so picky," he said. "Hopefully today will be worth the wait."

"It already has been," Susan said, putting her butterbeer down on the table. "Walking around the village on your arm and telling stories has been the most fun I've had in Hogsmeade in years." She smirked at him. "And snogging behind the back shelf at Tomes and Scrolls was pretty fun too!"

"Yes it was," he agreed. He'd had plenty of sex with plenty of beautiful witches this term, Susan included, but ducking out of sight to kiss her lips which tasted of peppermint after their trip to Honeydukes and squeeze her breasts through the low-cut top she'd worn to the village had been a different kind of fun. "Is there anywhere else you'd really like to go today?"

Susan chewed her lip. "Well, I'd like to pick up a music box from Dominic Maestro's music shop for my mum, as a Christmas present. But only if we have time."

"We can definitely do that," he said. "Anything else?"

For the first time all day she seemed slightly nervous, which made Harry very curious. "Hannah was talking about maybe meeting up at the new Hogsmeade branch of Twilfitt and Tattings to look at new dress robes for the Yule Ball. But I don't want to make you go there."

Harry smiled. Now he was pretty sure he knew why she was nervous. "Speaking of the ball, do you plan on going?"

"Only if the right wizard asks me," she said, taking a quick swallow of her butterbeer.

"What about if I ask you?" he said. Her eyes widened and she flushed slightly.

"Of course I'd go with you!" she blurted out, drawing several looks from the tables around them. She blushed in embarrassment, making him chuckle.

"Is it really that big a surprise that I'd ask you?" he said. "I asked you to come with me to Hogsmeade, didn't I?" He leaned closer to whisper so only she would hear. "And we've already had a good time together this term."

"I certainly hoped you were going to ask me," she said. "But with how many witches are around you I wasn't going to assume."

"Well, assume away," he said. "We haven't spent enough time together this term. Please be my date to the ball, Susan."

"Yes!" she shouted, and this time she didn't even care about the looks she drew. She gasped, and then stood up from her chair abruptly. "Sorry Harry, but Hannah and the girls are meeting up in ten minutes! Let's meet up again in an hour, okay?"

"Sure you don't want me to come with you?" Walking around with her while she and her friends looked at dress robes didn't sound very interesting to him, but he figured he should at least offer.

"Nope!" she shook her head. "Thanks, but you don't get to see my dress robes until the night of the ball! I'll be sure to blow your mind, Harry!"


"You were right," Harry said as he turned with Susan in his arms.

"Hmm?" She had been smiling at Hannah as they passed her on the dance floor, but she tilted her head up to look at him now. "Right about what?"

"You're blowing my mind," he said. He was rewarded as her face lit up, but it was the truth. Susan was wearing pink dress robes that had been custom-fitted for her body, and it showed. They struck the perfect balance between showing off her figure and accentuating her big breasts and arse without crossing the line into something trashy. She showed enough to catch plenty of attention, but still left things to the imagination.

She leaned in close to press her body against his more fully and rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled at having her in his arms. Then he shivered as she put her lips right next to his ear.

"That's not the only thing I'm going to blow," she whispered. Harry groaned, wondering how the hell he was supposed to make it through the rest of the ball without his cock tenting his dress robes and making it impossible to dance with Susan, or anyone else.


"Thank you so much for asking me to the ball, Harry," Susan said as they sat down on the couch in the common room of the head suite. "It was even better than I'd dreamed."

"For me too," he said. He waved his wand at the fireplace along the wall, and a fire roared to life. "It was much better than the last ball." He'd been clueless around girls back then, but he still regretted how poor a date he'd been for Parvati back in 4th year. Things had gone much better with Susan though. He had a better idea of how to behave around women now, and he hadn't had anything to be envious of like last time when Cedric asked Cho to the ball before Harry could summon the courage. There had been plenty of beautiful women at the ball, and several of them had asked Harry for a dance. He'd indulged them, but he'd never lost sight of who his date was tonight. Susan was his top priority, and he never let her forget it.

"I bet it's going to end a lot better than the last ball did for you too," Susan said suggestively. She scooted over on the couch and straddled his lap, and Harry wrapped his arms around her body. They kissed on the lips, and she moaned into his mouth. They'd kissed several times throughout the night, but it had always been rather tame and restrained since they'd been at the ball and surrounded by others. There was no one else here now though; it was just the two of them in the privacy of Harry's suite, so they were free to kiss as long as they wanted. They didn't need to pull back; they continued to kiss, and rather than keeping themselves from giving in to their urges, they embraced them.

She was still wearing her dress robes, but tasteful wasn't exactly a word he would use to describe her behavior now. Not that this was a problem. They were in private now, and if Susan wanted to wiggle her hips and rub her arse against his crotch, that was just fine by him. Likewise, he didn't need to worry about the erection that quickly rose up to poke her in the bum, and while down at the ball he'd only admired her breasts with his eyes, now he openly groped them through her dress robes. Even a cursory squeeze confirmed that his eyes had not deceived him; she was not wearing a bra.

They continued to snog on the couch until Susan pulled her lips off of his and wriggled out of his arms. While Harry ordinarily would have lamented losing the feeling of her sexy body pressed against his, considering she only did so in order to drop down to her knees in front of the couch and begin to tub his dress robes up, he would allow it just this once.

"I told you I was going to blow more than your mind," she said as she pulled his underwear down and freed his already fully erect cock. She wrapped her hand around his cock lightly, but the feel of her soft hand touching his cock still made Harry groan happily. "I've been thinking about this a lot, you know. You've used your mouth on me, and I sucked on the tip of your dick a little bit when I was using my boobs on you, but I've never actually sucked you for real. But I haven't wasted my time this term. I've been studying, just in case I ever got the chance to do this."

"Hey, you won't hear me argue," he assured her. "Show me what you've learned."

Susan started by licking around the head of his cock, and then she took it between her lips and suckled on it a bit. This was similar to what she'd done while giving him a titfuck onboard the Hogwarts Express, and if this was all she'd done it would have been perfectly fine with him. But Susan wanted to suck his cock, so it wasn't long before she explored new territory with him.

She began to move her head lower and take more of his cock into her mouth, and even though this was the first time she'd done this she seemed fairly up for the challenge. She didn't swallow his cock as effortlessly as a more experienced witch like Fleur or Tonks, but she didn't suck him like a woman who didn't know what she was doing. She'd clearly done her homework, so to speak, and it showed in her performance. Susan moved at her own pace, bobbing her head on him relatively slowly and not pushing herself so hard that she took on more than she could handle and choked. And she got her hands involved as well, stroking the base of his shaft and lightly squeezing his balls while she sucked him.

"All that studying paid off," he groaned as she stared up at him with her lips around his cock. Her green eyes shone with mirth and she pulled back.

"I measure up well then?" she asked, smiling at him and lightly rubbing her cheek against his cock. "Even with all the girls you've been with?"

He couldn't sense any jealousy or anger on her part as she asked the question, which was fortunate. She might not know everything that he'd gotten up to, but her best friend Hannah was part of the Advanced Sexual Education club with him. It stood to reason that she'd heard some of the stories about what they got up to.

"Susan, believe me," he said. Since she knew at least some of the things he'd been up to and didn't seem to have any problem with it, he decided to lean into it. "It wouldn't matter how many witches have sucked my cock; what you're doing would still feel amazing."

That praise seemed to ignite a fire in Susan that matched the real fire he’d just created, because when she took his cock back into her mouth moments later she sucked it even harder than before. She slurped wetly on his cock as she bobbed her head on him, and saliva ran down her chin thanks to how fully she committed to sucking him now. Susan could seem like a shy girl at times, but she wasn’t the least bit shy about sucking Harry’s cock.

Before she’d been relying on the things she’d learned as she prepared for this moment, but now she was going off of feel and pushing herself harder. She hadn’t tried to take him all the way down before, but now she pushed well beyond her previous limit. Susan was determined to take him all the way down her throat, and after a few stops and starts she actually pulled it off. Harry could tell that it wasn’t easy on her. She was fighting against her gag reflex every step of the way, and she choked around his cock once she managed to deepthroat it. The convulsions of her throat actually felt pretty damn good around his cock, but Susan had no choice but to pull back.

“That is a lot harder than it looks,” she said breathlessly, still coughing as she tried to recover. “Sorry. I know I’m not as good at it as some of the other girls you’ve brought back here, or Hannah and the other girls from your club.”

”It’s not a competition, Susan,” he said gently, stroking her cheek. She smiled, closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. He had been involved in sexual competitions before; Daphne, Fleur and Tonks trying to top each other during one memorable Hogsmeade outing came to mind quickly. But that wasn’t what this was. “You have nothing to prove to me. I asked you to come to the ball with me because I wanted to spend the evening with you, and it was amazing. And anything you want to do tonight will be amazing too.”

“Anything I want, huh?” she said, tucking her red hair back behind her ear.

“Anything,” he said. “If you want to keep sucking my cock, you can do that as long as you want to—and you don’t need to make yourself gag if you want to take it slow. If you want to use your boobs on me like you did on the train, that’d be amazing too. Hell, we could snog on the couch like horny clueless virgins for the rest of the night and I’d still enjoy myself.”

Susan giggled. “Kissing you is fun, but I would never waste an evening with you like that. I was planning to keep sucking you until I finished you off, and then I would swallow all of it.” She chewed on her lip once again. “But honestly? After how long it’s been, I think I’d like to jump straight to shagging. Our first time was so good, and I’ve thought about it a lot ever since. I’m kind of hoping my brain hasn’t been playing tricks on me, and it really was as good as I remember it being.”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” Harry said, smiling. Getting a blowjob from Susan had been nice, but if she wanted to cut it short and jump straight to sex he would have to be a true dunderhead to have any problem with it.

“Would you mind letting me get on top this time?” she asked as she stood up off of her knees.

“However you want it, Susan,” he said, nodding. He’d handled everything the first time around, which was how he felt it should have been. It had been his responsibility to break her in the right way and make her first time as enjoyable an experience as he could make it. But if she would prefer to be the one in charge this time, Harry would be happy to indulge her. Why wouldn’t he be? Plenty of wizards would kill to be able to watch Susan’s delicious body bounce on top of them while she rode them.

“I really want to just rip these dress robes off in a hurry, but they were pretty expensive,” she said. “Give me a sec to get them off, okay?”

“With pleasure,” Harry said. He sat back patiently while Susan undressed, and while the view he got when they advanced to the actual sex was sure to be even better, this was a pretty appealing one in its own right. Susan carefully peeled her dress robes off of her, and Harry watched as attentively as a diehard quidditch fan might watch Viktor Krum soar through the air. He licked his lips as her lovely body was gradually revealed to his greedy eyes. He’d already seen this redheaded beauty in all her glory, but it had been a while.

He’d already known that she hadn’t worn a bra under her fancy dress robes today, so he was unsurprised (but still very pleased) to have an immediate look at her chest, which remained among the most sizeable out of all the witches he’d been lucky enough to shag. But the pleasant surprise for him was that she hadn’t been wearing knickers either. As soon as the robes slid down her legs, he could look straight between her thighs at the not so hidden treasure. Since she’d already kicked off her shoes as soon as they were inside the suite, she was completely naked.

Susan turned away from him while she carefully folded her dress robes, and Harry groaned as she bent over to pick them up, unintentionally (or perhaps not so unintentionally) giving him a magnificent view of her full bum as she did so. Harry, not nearly as concerned with the state of his clothing as she was, kicked his underwear the rest of the way off, pulled the robes themselves off and tossed them over his shoulder, not caring where they landed. When Susan had placed her dress robes where she wanted them and turned back around to face him, Harry was naked, unencumbered and waiting for her.

She returned to the couch and straddled his lap once again, only this time there were no clothes in the way and nothing to stop them from doing what they'd both wanted to do from the moment they'd seen each other in their dress robes and walked arm in arm to the Great Hall. Susan stumbled at first in trying to get him inside of her, so great was her haste.

"Easy," Harry said soothingly. He held her by the hips. "Take your time. It's not going anywhere."

"Yes it is," Susan said, giggling and rocking against him. "It's going inside of me." She wiggled around again, and this time she took her time and made sure he was lined up properly and didn't slip as she sank down on him. Susan's playful expression immediately changed into something much different once his cock was inside of her. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a gasp.

"Alright there, Susan?" he asked, keeping his hands on her hips and giving them a little squeeze.

"More than alright," she said, nodding quickly. "Just forgot about how fucking good this feels!"

Harry chuckled. "It feels even better for me. And just imagine how it's going to feel when you actually start moving."

Susan nodded, and she took him up on his suggestion quickly. She started to move on him, slowly at first but quickly picking up speed as she got more comfortable. If he hadn't known otherwise he could have easily been convinced that Susan was an old pro at this, because she rode his cock with confidence. She kept switching things up on him, one moment bouncing up and down on his cock and treating him to the enticing view of her breasts jiggling, and another moment rocking or gyrating playfully. She leaned back and spread her legs one moment to give herself more room to work, and then she leaned as close to him as she could get, pressing her breasts against his chest and allowing him to hold her tight as she rocked in his lap. Susan Bones was in control of sex for the first time, and she was damn good at it.

"How am I doing?" she asked while swiveling her hips and moving his cock around inside of her. Harry had to pull his lips away from her nipple to answer her, which was regrettable but necessary.

"Like I said, it's not a competition," he reminded her. "But you're doing fucking amazing, just for the record."

Susan smiled. "Feels pretty amazing for me too." She went back to riding his cock, and after gyrating for a couple of minutes she began to bounce on him harder than ever. The Hufflepuff put her hands on the back of the couch behind him and drove her hips down onto him with a considerable amount of force. Her hips and arse smacked down against his thighs as she claimed her fill of his cock. Harry was completely absorbed in this sexy redhead who was riding him so well, which went a long way towards explaining why he was so surprised by what happened next.

"I know I told you that you were welcome to come back to our suite any time you wanted, Bones, but shagging in the common area of our suite is a bit much, don't you think?" said a familiar voice. "What if I'd brought my date back with me?"

Susan had gasped in surprise at the interruption from the Head Girl and hopped up off of Harry's cock. She couldn't seem to decide whether she should cover herself up or not, probably since Daphne had joined them in a threesome the only other time Susan had been here, but she was still obviously feeling flustered and didn't respond. Harry decided to pick up the slack.

"You went to the ball with Theodore Nott," he said, looking at Daphne and not bothering to cover himself up at all. Why should he? He'd shagged her more often than anyone else in his life, so she was very familiar with his naked body by this point. "I don’t think Susan would have anything to worry about. Unless I'm mistaken, Theo would probably be more interested in checking me out."

"I will not confirm or deny that," Daphne said calmly. "Regardless, I was glad that you had the sense to invite Susan to the ball, since you never even welcomed her back to our suite a single time since claiming her virginity." Harry winced, but he couldn't really argue. Daphne ignored him and looked at Susan. "You could have stopped by anytime, you know. I gave you the password for a reason."

"I didn't want to show up uninvited," Susan stammered, which made Daphne tsk.

"Allow me to say very clearly that even if our Head Boy is busy, you are always welcome in my bed with or without Harry," Daphne said matter-of-factly.

"Thanks," Susan breathed, nodding. "I'll keep that in mind." Harry, having glimpsed some of the things she and Hannah had gotten up to, thought that it was legitimately possible that he might return to the suite one day and find Susan and Daphne going at it. The thought was exciting.

"Please do," Daphne said. "But as for now, I will retire to my bedroom and allow you to use the rest of the suite however you like for the rest of the night."

"Or you could stay and join us," Susan said quickly.

Daphne raised one eyebrow. "You're sure? I wouldn't want to intrude on your date."

"If last time was anything to go by, you'd only make it better," Susan said. She was standing in a more relaxed pose now, and wasn't bothered by standing there naked.

"Yes, it was quite fun, wasn't it?" Daphne said with a smile. Then she looked at Harry. "What about you, Harry? You won't mind me interrupting your special night, will you?"

Harry snorted and shook his head. As if he would ever say no to a threesome with two women this beautiful. "You already know the answer to that, Daphne. The real question is why you're still wearing that gaudy thing."

"These robes are the height of fashion, I'll have you know," Daphne said, but she removed her shimmering silver dress robes all the same. Unlike Susan she'd actually worn underwear, but the black bra and knickers were gone quickly enough. Daphne stood in the center of their common area, hands on her hips and unabashedly naked. "So how are we going to do this?"

Harry looked towards Susan. As far as he was concerned this was her night, and, he would do whatever she wanted to do. "What's it going to be, Susan?" he asked.

"Well, I was having a lot of fun riding your cock," she said. "I'd like to go back to that."

"Say no more," Daphne said, nodding decisively. "I know what we can do. That couch probably isn't going to offer enough room though. Let's go to my bedroom."


Harry hadn't really expected to share Daphne's bed tonight, at the end of an evening spent in Susan's company. But this was a true case of reality surpassing expectations.

Daphne had guided them into position, with Harry flat on his back in the center of her bed. She'd encouraged Susan to climb back onto his cock, and the redhead had happily followed that suggestion. Harry wouldn't be able to watch Susan's beautiful body jiggle and bounce as she rode him anymore, which was a shame. But considering he instead had Daphne's pussy obstructing his view as she sat on his face, it was a tradeoff he could live with.

He'd been planning to give his all to make Susan's night as wonderful as it could be (the polar opposite of what he'd done for Parvati in 4th year), but now he had two women to satisfy. Daphne got to share his bed far more often than Susan did, but he still was just as determined to show her a good time. It was a point of pride for him to please his lovers every single time, and that need was only intensified with it being the night of the Yule Ball. Theodore had taken Daphne to the ball as friends, but it was up to Harry to show her a good time.

Daphne wasn't rocking her hips against his face very much; she was largely staying still and allowing Harry to lick her. Harry knew just how she liked it by this point, so he wasted little time in moving his tongue nimbly and getting his fingers involved as well. She was starting from a lesser point since she hadn't been in the middle of a shag like Susan, so Harry did his best to catch her up as quickly as possible. Given how she moaned in satisfaction and reached behind her body to caress his hair, he would say he was doing a good job of it.

With Susan he didn’t need to do much other than stay hard and let her do as she pleased, because she was handling all of the work. She picked up where she had left off out on the couch, bouncing away on his cock at her leisure. Sharing the moment with Daphne had not made her meek or self-conscious. If anything fucking him in the Head Girl’s bed while he ate out said Head Girl only seemed to encourage Susan to ride him harder. She bounced and rocked on his cock and moaned in enjoyment, and Harry was pleased to hear it. He was sure she looked sexy as hell right now; he could close his eyes and imagine those tits bouncing as she smiled and drove herself down onto him.

He didn’t actually do it though, and he didn’t try to cop a feel of those breasts either. Since Daphne had sat down on his face with her back to him, she was in the enviable position of being able to take Susan’s breasts into her hands and play with them, and she’d made very good use of that spot from the sound of it.

Susan could take care of herself now; his job was to take care of Daphne. He kept his eyes wide open and refused to allow himself to get distracted by Susan’s rocking as he licked, sucked and fingered the beautiful blonde sitting on his face. Daphne was groaning, and he could tell he was getting her close to the edge now.

But Susan, who was in charge of her own pleasure and seeing to it extremely well, beat her to it. She started to let out this gasping groan as she got close, and her hips slapped down against his flesh faster than ever before. “Oh yes! Yes, yes, yes!” Susan chanted as she neared the end of her ride.

She suddenly squealed, and her muscles tightened around him as she came on his cock. Harry twitched, and it took all he had to remind himself to not let up on Daphne, who sounded pretty close herself judging by her groans. Her voice got lower as she shot over the edge, and then her groans and Susan’s scream of pleasure were both muffled at the same time. Though he couldn’t see it, Harry understood what was happening. The two witches were orgasming, obviously; Susan’s pussy was squeezing his cock, and Daphne was squirting on his face. And as they shared this climax, they also shared a kiss, and a pretty heated one from the sound of it.

That was more than Harry could take. He joined them in pushing straight over the edge, moaning with his face pressed into Daphne’s pussy while his seed rushed out of his cock to fill his redheaded date. He would have screamed with pleasure and perhaps squeezed her breasts or her arse as he came if it had been just the two of them, but between feeling him cum inside of her and enjoying a nice snog with Daphne he trusted that Susan felt plenty appreciated.

It had been a far better Yule Ball than Harry had had in his fourth year, and the end of the night had been even better. His feelings on the night, and his decision to ask Susan Bones to be his date, were summed up perfectly by Daphne once her kiss with Susan finally ended.

“You can come back any time, Bones,” the Head Girl said.

“I will,” Susan said, and Harry got the feeling that this time she really would come to them rather than waiting for him to seek her out. “But I don’t think the Yule Ball needs to end just yet, do you?”

Harry’s lips formed into a grin against Daphne’s pussy.

April 2021 poll question:

The Yule Ball approaches, and the school is in an uproar during Hogsmeade weekend as students try to pair off. How does Harry's Hogsmeade weekend go, and what decision does he wind up making about the Ball? (Winner: Harry takes Susan to Hogsmeade and the Yule Ball, and ends the night in a threesome with her and Daphne, 54%)


James Trammell

Very nice chapter. I’m glad this chapter had multiple choices this time. Can’t wait to see what happens next. I guess will see in June for the next part.


Yep, back to this in June. In May that spot will be filled by a general Harry Potter prompt poll.

James Trammell

I’m trying to remember, besides the general HP prompt in May, is there another prompt as well? Or is that the only one?


Yes, there are two prompt polls every month. The other will be a non-Potter general poll, just like this month.