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Summary: Head Boy Harry and Head Girl Daphne are cursed to take care of each other every night--but is it really such a curse? (Harry/Daphne)

Someone must have had a very perverse sense of humor to enact this curse, Harry decided. There was no way it had been Voldemort; old snakeface hadn't exactly seemed like a sexual being even before he'd lost his first body. Whoever had done this had been a real pervert. He didn't know whether to thank them or hex them, whoever they were. At the moment he was strongly leaning towards the latter, because nothing about tonight was going the way he'd always imagined it would.

When Harry had been named Head Boy he'd naturally assumed that Hermione Granger would work alongside him as the Head Girl. She was the natural choice, after all. But McGonagall, perhaps in an effort to foster better relationships and trust between the four houses after the war, had named Daphne Greengrass as Head Girl instead. Harry had been less than enthused when he'd heard; even if she hadn't actively insulted him or his friends like Pansy Parkinson loved to do, she hadn't been above joining in on the laughter.

She didn't look any happier about being paired with him, but here they were. Harry would spend the next year serving alongside the admittedly beautiful Slytherin witch with the long blonde hair and the cold blue eyes, and he'd just have to make the most of it.

It was only once they made it to the shared suite for the Head Boy and Girl that they learned of the curse. A parchment had flared to life, and it explained to them that in order to 'foster closeness between the two heads', one of the previous members had put a curse over the position and kept it secret from everyone else. Every night before bed, they were required to get each other off with their mouths--or in other words, give each other head. The irony was not lost on Harry. Whoever had done this must have been quite a prankster.

They'd tried to ignore it at first, but the longer they went without fulfilling their obligations the harder it became to deal with the uncomfortable pull on their magic that refusing to obey brought about. It was obvious that if this was not relieved it would be impossible for them to perform basic human functions, which was why Harry had been wide awake when Daphne finally came into his room in the middle of the night, told him not to say a word and climbed into his bed.

He and Ginny hadn't lasted long enough to get to this point, so this was the first time Harry's cock had been in someone's mouth. But it was obvious to him that Daphne was just as inexperienced at giving head as he was at receiving it, and to be blunt she just wasn't any good. This was one case of reality not living up to his fantasies, because Daphne had no clue what she was doing. Between her slow descent, her teeth getting in the way, her failure to take more than a quarter of his cock into her mouth before having to pull back and the way her hand seemed to either squeeze him way too hard or so lightly he couldn't even feel it, she was doing nothing right. Harry would have cum ages ago if he'd just been having a wank, but Daphne's lack of skill or effort or both was dragging this on far longer than it needed to go.

Harry kept silent though. He wasn't going to complain, because he knew that his attempt at oral sex that had preceded this hadn't been any better. As he fumbled around and tried to figure out how he was supposed to move his tongue or his fingers and actually make it feel good for her, he'd realized his own ineptitude. He'd been so focused on surviving Voldemort that he hadn't put any time into more mundane and pleasurable activities like learning how to make a girl feel good, and his first attempt at licking Daphne showed him just how out of his element he was. He'd eventually succeeded in making her cum and fulfilling his obligation, but only when she'd swatted his hands away and rubbed at her little nub herself. She hadn't hid her less than satisfied look, but at least she hadn't spoken up to throw his lack of skill back in his face. That was the only reason he kept silent now and let her suffer her way through a less than stellar blowjob.

Harry resorted to closing his eyes and thinking about some of his fantasies with other girls to try and get himself off. He pictured Fleur Delacour making him a man after he saved her sister during the Triwizard tournament, and being in the middle of a Hufflepuff sandwich with Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, and Ginny riding him like her own personal broomstick.

Then, finally, whether because he was thinking about shagging both Parvati and Padma at the same time or because Daphne accidentally took him farther down than she'd meant to and her choking around him felt better than the actual blowjob had, Harry came. Daphne pulled back quickly, coughing up his cum onto his bedsheets, and Harry vanished it quickly.

She'd already put her knickers back on after he'd finished with her, so she was out of his bed and back to her room on the other side of their suite the moment she was done. Harry shook his head. He hadn't expected to feel worse after his first sexual experience, but here he was. And he doubted Daphne felt any better about it.

And we have to do this every night, he thought with a groan. This was going to be a long year.


Things did get better with time and experience, and even if the Head Boy and Girl were barely civil with each other most of the time, they'd at least gotten a little bit more efficient at getting each other off at night as their first two weeks came to a close. It still wasn't exactly fun, but they were wrapping up earlier if nothing else.

That had gotten old quickly for Harry though. If he was obligated to eat Daphne out every night, he figured he might as well get good at it. And since she'd offered no hints as to what he should do or what she might like, he'd done a little independent study. He'd owled away for a book that gave wizards pointers on how to please their witches (shipped in discrete packaging, thankfully), and after spending the afternoon studying it he was going to put the things he'd learned into practice tonight.

He'd already learned through experience that Daphne didn't enjoy having him thrust his fingers deep inside of her pussy, but now he tried out some of the gentle rubbing techniques he'd read about. It didn't exactly get her moaning, but he did notice her thighs relaxing somewhat and her body posture becoming less stiff as he rubbed her, and this was apparently a good sign.

His attempts to stimulate her clit after seeing what she'd done that first night hadn't been as well-received as he'd been expecting, but now he knew that it was better to work his way up to that rather than jumping straight to it. He moved his tongue in spirals like he'd read about, and there was just the faintest tease at her clit to begin with. When his tongue finally began to brush against her clit, he heard Daphne sigh in pleasure for what was possibly the very first time. Even if he'd gotten her off every night since the beginning of the year, he was pretty sure she'd felt more relieved than anything else. But he could sense that this was different. His study was working.

Hermione would be so proud of him. Unfortunately he couldn't tell her even if he'd wanted to. He couldn't tell ANYONE about the requirements of the Head position; that was one of the quirks of the curse, and probably the only reason a headmaster or professor hadn't dispelled it years before Harry and Daphne came along. But Harry could feel Daphne relaxing, he could hear her quiet little moans and he could sense her letting go of her reluctance and enjoying herself in his bed for the first time ever, and that was enough for him.

When she came, it was with a very real groan of pleasure. For the first time ever she squirted on his face, and while this would have surprised him if it had happened before, the book had mentioned this was possible if the wizard did his job well.

Maybe he would never like or get along with Daphne, but he'd just taken a step to make their obligations as Head Boy and Girl feel a little less like a curse, and that was something.


Hermione had been the one with more direct interaction with Daphne before the year had begun, so he'd asked her to describe the Slytherin once he learned he would have to work with her as the Head Girl. One of the first words out of his friend's mouth had been 'competitive', and now he understood why.

It had only been a couple of nights since Harry had brought his enhanced knowledge to their daily routine. Daphne had definitely tried harder the following night, and while it had been better than usual he'd still done a vastly better job at pleasing her than she had him.

But from the moment she entered his bed tonight, he could tell that something was different. Her entire demeanor was different tonight, to say nothing of her skill. Her grip was just right, and she hadn't tried and failed to drive her head down onto him like she had the previous night. This time she spent a lot of time just licking, kissing and sucking on the head of his cock, and it had felt better than anything she'd done for him before.

The pleasure had continued when she started moving down his cock too. When she'd first started doing this she'd been slow and timid, and last night she'd pushed herself harder than she was really capable of going, but this time her lips slid down his shaft at a far more measured pace. She kept up a consistent movement that felt really good, as did her hand slowly stroking at the base of his cock. Harry wondered if she'd consulted a book like he had, or maybe she'd gotten direct advice from someone she trusted. He wasn't going to ask, but he was very curious. (Eventually he would learn that she'd broken down and begged her friend Tracey to teach her all that she knew about how to effectively suck a cock, and had actually gotten in some practice with Tracey's sex toys, but that knowledge wouldn't come until much later.)

That tutelage from her friend was put to great use by the Head Girl, because the blowjob she gave Harry tonight was leagues better than anything she'd done for him before. She sucked, slurped and stroked like his pleasure was the only thing that mattered to her, and Harry loved all of it. There was no reason for him to need to rely on any fantasies about any other girls tonight, because Daphne's blowjob was more than enough.

Harry's hands clenched into fists on the bed beneath him, and he had to fight not to thrust his hips up off of the bed as he came undone. He was thankful he'd gone beyond just reading about the art of going down on a girl and had studied the rest of the book as well, otherwise he might have committed the faux pas of tugging her hair without her permission as he came inside of her mouth.

Daphne usually spit his cum out and left him to vanish it, aside from last night where she'd gone too hard and it had wound up all over her face instead. But this time she kept her lips sealed tight around his cock as he came, and there was no spitting and no cleanup necessary after she pulled her mouth off of him. She'd swallowed it all, to his amazement and arousal.

She never lingered long in his bed after they were done, and she didn't do so now either. But she did give him a slight nod before she left, not that he took much notice of it. He was too busy breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling in wonder as his body slowly came down from the biggest orgasm he'd ever felt.


It was interesting how their improved sex life had also served to improve their relationship, such as it was, as Head Boy and Head Girl. Harry still wouldn't consider Daphne a friend and he didn't know if he ever would, but there was a calmer and more relaxed feeling to their interactions outside of their shared suite as Head Boy and Head Girl. Even McGonagall had noticed their more professional and courteous behavior, and had complimented them both on setting old house differences aside and setting a good example for the rest of the student body, though Harry wondered how she would react if they'd been able to tell her the reason why they'd gotten better at working together.

Their nightly activities had only become more enjoyable for both of them, especially when they reached a level of trust that they were comfortable in asking to be pleasured a certain way or indicating what they liked and what they didn't. They were no longer afraid to be open with each other in the bedroom, and though the competition was still there, the result now invariably left them both feeling like winners.

Tonight was a first for them though. Up until now they'd always done things in turns, but tonight they were trying out a new position, one that would allow them both to get their pleasure at the same time.

It had been obvious that Daphne, as the lighter of the two, should be the one to get on top. Harry had found it incredibly erotic to get down on his back and watch as Daphne sat down on his face, and the position had only gotten better when she stretched her body out and began to swirl her tongue around the head of his cock like she'd gotten so adept at doing.

He didn't let himself get distracted though. He knew better than to sit back and grow lax in his job. They were doing this so they'd both feel good together, and that meant he needed to keep his head in the game and focus on pleasing Daphne no matter how good she made him feel. He made sure to match her move for move. When she licked at his head, he ran his tongue along her slit. When she started to bob her head on his cock, he slid two fingers inside of her and stroked her inner walls with the come hither motion he'd learned, searching for and finding the spot they'd discovered together, the one that always made her moan.

And when she recovered from her momentary distraction brought on by that pleasure and took him down into her throat, a feat she'd recently mastered and was now a very effective tool in her arsenal, he brought out his own secret weapon and introduced the parseltongue assault on her clit. That was not something that you would find in any book ever written, unless long-dead Salazar had a kinkier side that had been lost to history.

It was a technique unique to Harry in all the world, and something he and Daphne had discovered together quite by accident a few weeks back while experimenting. He brought it out only rarely, and only towards the end, otherwise it all got to be too much for her, especially if he licked her first like he did more often than not and she still had to be able to function enough to suck him off afterwards. But there was no need to hold back now. They were both going at the same time, and she was just as close to finishing as he was. If she fell into uselessness after they were done, it was no problem.

Daphne came after what couldn't have been more than ten to twenty seconds of his tongue slithering like a snake against her clit. Her entire body spasmed on top of him as her body was assaulted by waves of pleasure that topped anything else his mouth or his fingers had ever brought her. That was no problem for him though, because her body shaking as it was meant that her throat hummed and vibrated around his cock. While Daphne shook her way through her climax Harry experienced a powerful end of his own. He couldn't completely hold back the bucking of his hips as he shot his cum down her throat, but Daphne was too busy with her own pleasure to worry about it. She might not have even been consciously aware of what she was doing, but she'd swallowed his cum and taken it down her throat often enough by now that she took it all automatically now.

They'd both hit each other with the best that they had, and it had been everything they could have hoped for. This was a draw as far as Harry was concerned, and that was fine. This was one contest he didn't need to win, and he would be happy to compete with Daphne again tomorrow night, and the next night, and the one after that. If the progress they'd made so far was anything to go by, it was only going to keep getting better. It was hard to imagine it being better than this, but if that was actually possible he couldn't wait to see what they might be able to do to each other by the end of the year.

Daphne was too spent to move, and she didn't bother to try. For the first time, she did not go back to her own room and her own bed when they were done. Harry did not spare any thought to the implications of that; he was too exhausted to do so. He just pulled the sheets back, helped her crawl underneath them and closed his eyes.


When had cooperation and a general friendliness turned into genuine romantic feelings? That wasn't a question with an obvious answer. There hadn't been any big moment or any dramatic declarations of love that Harry could point to. It had been a much more gradual progression. He and Daphne had continued to please each other with their mouths every single night as required, and amazingly enough it really had continued to get better and better. Both of them were well past the point of even pretending that this was something they were reluctant about anymore.

Their nightly oral sessions had started as an obligation, but for months now they had become an increasingly anticipated part of Harry's day, and Daphne didn't need to outright tell him that to know that she felt the same way. Those blue eyes that had previously looked at him with such icy disdain now lit up any time his head was between her legs. And just about every time she sucked his cock nowadays she would make direct eye contact the entire time and show him that she enjoyed blowing him and watching his enjoyment just as much as he relished being able to make her writhe and scream and squirt all over his face.

Their cooperation outside of his bedroom had continued to rise in parallel, and for well over a month now it had extended well beyond just working together in their required capacity as Head Boy and Head Girl to oversee prefect patrols and things of that nature. They'd started taking most of their meals together, and even though the rest of the school had watched with interest the first time she sat down beside him in the Great Hall for lunch instead of at the Slytherin table with Tracey as always, Harry had just given her a nod and made room for her. It had felt so natural that it wasn't even worth discussing.

Rumors about them had started to spread when people noticed just how much time they spent studying together in the library, and how often they would partner up during classes. Harry was used to dealing with rumors and so he'd been able to largely ignore them, but he could tell it had unnerved Daphne a bit at first. She'd gotten over it quickly though, and nowadays she didn't even spare the whisperers a second glance. That was good, because there were plenty of whispers.

Harry wasn't sure when they'd crossed from friendship mixed with their nightly duties to a deeper connection, but he knew that he welcomed it. The more he'd gotten to know Daphne and the closer he'd gotten to see the intelligent, driven and somewhat socially awkward woman that lurked beneath the icy exterior she presented to the world, the more he liked her. Her coldness had developed largely as a defense mechanism and means of survival in the pit of snakes that Slytherin was, or at least had been in the past, but Harry was privileged enough to get to see a side of Daphne that no one outside of her immediate family and her best friend Tracey ever had. He hadn't told her so yet, but he'd recently realized that he was falling for this woman.

She clearly felt the same, because tonight when they'd retired to their suite she hadn't followed him into his bedroom like she had every other night. Instead she'd taken him by the hand and led him into her room for the first time ever. He didn't know what to expect, but as soon as he crossed that threshold and stepped into her bedroom (much tidier and more organized than his own), he felt in his bones that it was going to be special.

He watched her undress, and his eyes drank her in. Though she didn't have to take off her top for their usual routine, she went fully nude more often than not these days. But he appreciated the view now every bit as much as he had the first time she'd bared herself fully in front of him. She gave him a small, knowing smile, and then took his hand again.

"I want you to make love to me, Harry," she said. Harry felt his heart skip a beat, but he nodded as calmly as he was able, licked his lips and cleared his throat. He didn't bother asking her if she was sure. He knew her well enough by now to know that she wouldn't have said it if hadn't already thought about it and decided it was what she wanted. And even if they hadn't had any romantic declarations of love, he knew that he felt something for this witch, something that he hoped would continue well beyond the end of term and the end of their required nightly oral sessions. If she wanted this, it would be his honor to give it to her.

Harry undressed quickly, took her into his arms and kissed her. She returned his kiss and moaned into his mouth, and they just stood there slowly kissing for several minutes. Even though they were about to go farther than either of them had gone before, with each other or with anyone else, they weren't in any hurry.

He guided her down gently onto her bed, bigger and softer than his own, and reached between her legs to touch her. He wasn't surprised to find her wet, but he rubbed and licked her for several minutes anyway. He wanted her to enjoy herself, and since this was to be his first time having sex he didn't expect to last long, so he hoped that a little bit of prep work would ensure she got off regardless.

She was moaning and squirming on the bed by the time he finally guided his cock inside of her, and Harry groaned at the tightness that greeted him. Her mouth was amazing, but being inside of Daphne Greengrass was like nothing he'd ever felt. He had to close his eyes and focus to make sure he didn't cum right away. First time or not, he wanted to impress her.

Her heels rubbed against his arse, a silent plea for him to move, and he responded. Harry slowly pushed deeper inside of her, and carefully pulled his hips back so he could do it again. Unlike their first night in this suite, he'd come prepared this time. Even if they'd never discussed this, he'd wanted to make sure that if a moment like this ever came he would have a better idea on how to handle it than the first time he'd gone down on her.

It went without saying that he was the first man she'd had inside of her just as she was his first, so he took care not to move too roughly within her. He wanted to take care of her, to make her first time everything she'd probably built it up to be in her head and to show her that he could take care of her. Judging by the bright smile on her face as she stared up at him, and the soft little moans she let out as he settled into a slow and steady rocking inside of her, he could only assume he was doing a good job.

"Yes, Harry," she whispered. "Yes, just like that, please. Keep going just like that." She wasn't shy about telling him what she wanted now, and what she wanted from him was more of the same. She guided his head down between her cleavage, and he licked and kissed at her perfect breasts while continuing to carefully push his cock into her.

It took every sliver of willpower Harry possessed not to give in to his body's urges to thrust his hips against her wildly, to fuck this beautiful creature hard, cum inside of her as quickly as possible and mark her as his. But that wasn't what she wanted, and it wasn't what he wanted either. He wanted to hear her moan; he wanted to feel her cum and know that she'd enjoyed this just as much as he had. That was why he closed his eyes, ignored the caveman inside of him and continued to adhere to this steady and gradual pace that she seemed to be enjoying so much.

He could see Daphne's orgasm approaching before it actually hit. He'd gotten good enough at reading her face that he could recognize it easily, and it filled him with hope. He'd been so close to losing control so many times now, but the end was at hand. He'd almost fulfilled his duty to her.

"I took a contraceptive potion this morning," she whispered in between her moans. Harry was still reacting to that when she pulled his head out of her cleavage and slammed her lips against his, kissing him with more passion than ever before. Harry moaned into her mouth, and after a few final thrusts he gave up on his struggle and allowed himself to cum inside of her. He quickly decided that as much as he enjoyed having Daphne swallow his cum, shooting it inside of her was even better.

He remained inside of her long after he'd finished cumming, and Daphne didn't seem to mind. He was in no hurry to be apart from her, and she wasn't pushing him away either. Even when he finally did pull out of her, it was only so he could roll onto his side, wrap his arms around her and pulled her into his side. She returned his embrace and buried her head against his chest.

As he rested his chin on top of Daphne's blonde head, Harry knew how he felt about the devious bastard who had put this curse in place. If he ever met him (it had to be a him, he was convinced), he would shake his hand.


Harry never did learn the truth behind the 'curse', but that was probably a good thing. That would have meant he'd learned that it had been cast by Head Girl Lily Evans as a way to strengthen the bonds between Head Boy and Head Girl as well as let them work off their stress (provided they were both single, heterosexual and open to the relief it would offer, whether they consciously realized it or not.) Then he would've had to consider the sorts of things she and his father had gotten up to when this was their suite, and that was not the kind of thing Harry wanted on his mind when he thought about his mother.


James Trammell

Lily is so devious. Lol. Excellent job! As usual.


The entire time I was writing this, I intended the reveal to be that James was behind it. Then I got to the very end and it just seemed more amusing for it to be Lily instead. Glad you liked it!

James Trammell

I did indeed! Keep up the great work! 👍